Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ionic.sdk.addon.dpapi.keyvault;
import com.ionic.sdk.addon.dpapi.cipher.DpapiCipher;
import com.ionic.sdk.cipher.CipherAbstract;
import com.ionic.sdk.core.value.Value;
import com.ionic.sdk.core.vm.VM;
import com.ionic.sdk.error.IonicException;
import com.ionic.sdk.error.SdkError;
import com.ionic.sdk.keyvault.KeyVaultBase;
import com.ionic.sdk.keyvault.KeyVaultEncryptedFile;
import com.ionic.sdk.keyvault.KeyVaultFileModTracker;
import com.ionic.sdk.keyvault.KeyVaultKeyRecord;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Platform specific Encrypted Key Vault for Windows - using DP API.
public final class KeyVaultWindowsDpapi extends KeyVaultBase {
* Private const for security level of DPAPI.
private static final int DPAPI_VAULT_SECURITY_LEVEL = 100;
* Private const for DPAPI ID.
private static final String DPAPI_VAULT_ID = "dpapi";
* Private const for DPAPI Label.
private static final String DPAPI_VAULT_LABEL = "Windows DPAPI Key Vault";
* The folder, relative to USER PROFILE DIR, in which default Ionic files are stored.
private static final String KEYVAULT_USER_FOLDER_IONIC = "AppData/LocalLow/IonicSecurity/KeyVaults";
* The name of the file in USER_FOLDER_IONIC, in which the default Ionic Key Vault is stored.
private static final String DEFAULT_KEYVAULT_FILENAME = "KeyVaultDpapi.dat";
* The cipher used to encrypt and decrypt the key vault file.
private final CipherAbstract cipher;
* The user-specified filesystem path to which the KeyVault file should be saved. If null, use
* the default location.
private String overrideFilePath;
* File modification tracker lets us know if the file has been updated since the last time we accessed it.
private KeyVaultFileModTracker fileModTracker = null;
* Class scoped logger.
private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
* Get the filesystem path used for persistence of the serialized form of this KeyVault instance.
* For the DPAPI (Windows Platform) KeyVault implementation, a default path is used when left unspecified by
* the user:
- '[UserHome]\AppData\LocalLow\IonicSecurity\KeyVaults\KeyVaultDpapi.dat'
* @return the filesystem path used for persistence of the serialized form of this KeyVault instance
private String getDefaultFilePath() {
// determine IonicSecurity folder path
final File folderUserHome = new File(System.getProperty(VM.Sys.USER_HOME));
// determine KeyVaults folder path
final File folderIonic = new File(folderUserHome, KEYVAULT_USER_FOLDER_IONIC);
final File fileIonic = new File(folderIonic, DEFAULT_KEYVAULT_FILENAME);
return fileIonic.getPath();
* default constructor.
* @throws IonicException on failure of the underlying JRE cipher to initialize
public KeyVaultWindowsDpapi() throws IonicException {
this.cipher = new DpapiCipher(null);
this.overrideFilePath = null;
* Constructor with specific filename.
* @param filePath File path to store the encrypted key vault.
* @throws IonicException on failure of the underlying JRE cipher to initialize
public KeyVaultWindowsDpapi(final String filePath) throws IonicException {
this.cipher = new DpapiCipher(null);
this.overrideFilePath = filePath;
* ID accessor.
* @return Vault ID constant
public String getId() {
* Label accessor.
* @return Vault label constant
public String getLabel() {
* Return the security level of this class.
* @return 100 (constant)
public int getSecurityLevel() {
* Get the file path used for key vault data storage.
* @return Returns the file path used for key vault data storage.
* If a file path has not yet been set into the key vault, then the default
* file path will be returned.
private String getFilePathInternal() {
return (Value.isEmpty(overrideFilePath) ? getDefaultFilePath() : overrideFilePath);
* Get the file path used for key vault data storage.
* @return Returns the file path used for key vault data storage.
* If a file path has not yet been set into the key vault, then the default
* file path will be returned.
public String getFilePath() {
return getFilePathInternal();
* Set the file path used for key vault data storage.
* Sets the file path used for key vault data storage. If no file path
* is ever set, or if it is set to empty string, then the default file path
* will be used.
* @param filePath The file path to use for key vault data storage.
public void setFilePath(final String filePath) {
overrideFilePath = filePath;
* Clears the internal storage.
public void cleanVaultStore() {
try {
final String filePath = getFilePathInternal();
final File outputFile = new File(filePath);
if (!outputFile.delete()) {"Failed to delete the vault store file - may not exist yet.");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.severe(String.format("Exception attempting to delete the vault store file: %s.", e.toString()));
* Function takes a map of key records and should move them from encrypted file persistent storage
* into this map.
* @return mapKeyRecordsOut map of key id to key records where saved records should be stored
* @throws IonicException If the load runs into IO errors.
protected Map loadAllKeyRecords() throws IonicException {
// check to see if the input file exists
final String filePath = getFilePathInternal();
final File inputCipherFile = new File(filePath);
if (!inputCipherFile.exists()) {
throw new IonicException(SdkError.ISKEYVAULT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND,
String.format("No key vault storage file exists at '%s'.",
// record file information. if the file has not changed since our last
// load or save operation, then we can skip this load operation
if (fileModificationPoint(filePath) == KeyVaultFileModTracker.Result.FILE_UNCHANGED) {
throw new IonicException(SdkError.ISKEYVAULT_LOAD_NOT_NEEDED,
"File has not changed since last load.");
// read encrypted file.
final KeyVaultEncryptedFile file = new KeyVaultEncryptedFile(DPAPI_VAULT_ID);
return file.loadAllKeyRecordsFromFile(inputCipherFile.getAbsolutePath(), cipher);
* Function takes a map of key records and should move them into encrypted file persistent storage.
* @param mapKeyRecords map of key id to key records that should be saved
* @return ISKEYVAULT_OK on success, or some other non-zero error code.
* @throws IonicException If the load runs into I/O errors.
protected int saveAllKeyRecords(final Map mapKeyRecords) throws IonicException {
// write encrypted file
final String filePath = getFilePathInternal();
final KeyVaultEncryptedFile file = new KeyVaultEncryptedFile(DPAPI_VAULT_ID);
file.saveAllKeyRecordsToFile(cipher, mapKeyRecords, filePath);
// record file information
return SdkError.ISKEYVAULT_OK;
* Function that uses the KeyVaultFileModTracker to determine whether the key vault has changed
* outside the context of this instance of the vault.
* @param filePath the filesystem path associated with the KeyVault file
* @return A {@link KeyVaultFileModTracker.Result}
private KeyVaultFileModTracker.Result fileModificationPoint(final String filePath) {
// if we don't have a file tracker object, or we have changed the file we are tracking, then
// create a new one here
if ((fileModTracker == null) || !fileModTracker.getFilePath().equals(filePath)) {
fileModTracker = new KeyVaultFileModTracker(filePath);
return fileModTracker.recordFileInfo();