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com.itextpdf.kernel.PdfException Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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  This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2019 iText Group NV
  Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
  as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
  following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
  along with this program; if not, see or write to
  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
  Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:

  The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
  of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
  Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.

  In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
  a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
  or manipulated using iText.

  You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
  a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
  develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
  disclosing the source code of your own applications.
  These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
  serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed
  source product.

  For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
  address: [email protected]
package com.itextpdf.kernel;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * Exception class for exceptions in kernel module.
public class PdfException extends RuntimeException {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4348832109324449091L;

    public static final String _1IsAnUnknownGraphicsStateDictionary = "{0} is an unknown graphics state dictionary.";
    public static final String _1IsNotAnAcceptableValueForTheField2 = "{0} is not an acceptable value for the field {1}.";
    public static final String _1IsNotAValidPlaceableWindowsMetafile = "{0} is not a valid placeable windows metafile.";

    public static final String AnnotationShallHaveReferenceToPage = "Annotation shall have reference to page.";
    public static final String AppendModeRequiresADocumentWithoutErrorsEvenIfRecoveryWasPossible = "Append mode requires a document without errors, even if recovery is possible.";
    public static final String AuthenticatedAttributeIsMissingTheDigest = "Authenticated attribute is missing the digest.";
    public static final String AvailableSpaceIsNotEnoughForSignature = "Available space is not enough for signature.";
    public static final String BadCertificateAndKey = "Bad public key certificate and/or private key.";
    public static final String BadUserPassword = "Bad user password. Password is not provided or wrong password provided. Correct password should be passed to PdfReader constructor with properties. See ReaderProperties#setPassword() method.";

    public static final String CannotAddCellToCompletedLargeTable = "The large table was completed. It's prohibited to use it anymore. Created different Table instance instead.";
    public static final String CannotAddKidToTheFlushedElement = "Cannot add kid to the flushed element.";
    public static final String CannotAddNonDictionaryExtGStateToResources1 = "Cannot add graphic state to resources. The PdfObject type is {0}, but should be PdfDictionary.";
    public static final String CannotAddNonDictionaryPatternToResources1 = "Cannot add pattern to resources. The PdfObject type is {0}, but should be PdfDictionary or PdfStream.";
    public static final String CannotAddNonDictionaryPropertiesToResources1 = "Cannot add properties to resources. The PdfObject type is {0}, but should be PdfDictionary.";
    public static final String CannotAddNonDictionaryShadingToResources1 = "Cannot add shading to resources. The PdfObject type is {0}, but should be PdfDictionary or PdfStream.";
    public static final String CannotAddNonStreamFormToResources1 = "Cannot add form to resources. The PdfObject type is {0}, but should be PdfStream.";
    public static final String CannotAddNonStreamImageToResources1 = "Cannot add image to resources. The PdfObject type is {0}, but should be PdfStream.";
    public static final String CannotBeEmbeddedDueToLicensingRestrictions = "{0} cannot be embedded due to licensing restrictions.";
    public static final String CannotCloseDocument = "Cannot close document.";
    public static final String CannotCloseDocumentWithAlreadyFlushedPdfCatalog = "Cannot close document with already flushed PDF Catalog.";
    public static final String CannotConvertPdfArrayToBooleanArray = "Cannot convert PdfArray to an array of booleans";
    public static final String CannotConvertPdfArrayToDoubleArray = "Cannot convert PdfArray to an array of doubles.";
    public static final String CannotConvertPdfArrayToIntArray = "Cannot convert PdfArray to an array of integers.";
    public static final String CannotConvertPdfArrayToFloatArray = "Cannot convert PdfArray to an array of floats.";
    public static final String CannotConvertPdfArrayToLongArray = "Cannot convert PdfArray to an array of longs.";
    public static final String CannotConvertPdfArrayToRectanle = "Cannot convert PdfArray to Rectangle.";
    public static final String CannotCopyFlushedObject = "Cannot copy flushed object.";
    public static final String CannotCopyFlushedTag = "Cannot copy flushed tag.";
    public static final String CannotCopyObjectContent = "Cannot copy object content.";
    public static final String CannotCopyIndirectObjectFromTheDocumentThatIsBeingWritten = "Cannot copy indirect object from the document that is being written.";
    public static final String CannotCopyToDocumentOpenedInReadingMode = "Cannot copy to document opened in reading mode.";
    public static final String CannotCreateLayoutImageByWmfImage = "Cannot create layout image by WmfImage instance. First convert the image into FormXObject and then use the corresponding layout image constructor.";
    public static final String CannotCreatePdfImageXObjectByWmfImage = "Cannot create PdfImageXObject instance by WmfImage. Use PdfFormXObject constructor instead.";
    public static final String CannotCreatePdfStreamByInputStreamWithoutPdfDocument = "Cannot create pdfstream by InputStream without PdfDocument.";
    public static final String CannotDrawElementsOnAlreadyFlushedPages = "Cannot draw elements on already flushed pages.";
    public static final String CannotGetContentBytes = "Cannot get content bytes.";
    public static final String CannotGetPdfStreamBytes = "Cannot get PdfStream bytes.";
    public static final String CannotOperateWithFlushedPdfStream = "Cannot operate with the flushed PdfStream.";
    public static final String CannotRetrieveMediaBoxAttribute = "Invalid PDF. There is no media box attribute for page or its parents.";
    public static final String CannotFindImageDataOrEI = "Cannot find image data or EI.";
    public static final String CannotFlushDocumentRootTagBeforeDocumentIsClosed = "Cannot flush document root tag before document is closed.";
    public static final String CannotFlushObject = "Cannot flush object.";
    public static final String CannotMoveFlushedTag = "Cannot move flushed tag";
    public static final String CannotMoveToFlushedKid = "Cannot move to flushed kid.";
    public static final String CannotMoveToMarkedContentReference = "Cannot move to marked content reference.";
    public static final String CannotMoveToParentCurrentElementIsRoot = "Cannot move to parent current element is root.";
    public static final String CannotMovePagesInPartlyFlushedDocument = "Cannot move pages in partly flushed document. Page number {0} is already flushed.";
    public static final String CannotOpenDocument = "Cannot open document.";
    public static final String CannotParseContentStream = "Cannot parse content stream.";
    public static final String CannotReadAStreamInOrderToAppendNewBytes = "Cannot read a stream in order to append new bytes.";
    public static final String CannotReadPdfObject = "Cannot read PdfObject.";
    public static final String CannotRecogniseDocumentFontWithEncoding = "Cannot recognise document font {0} with {1} encoding";
    public static final String CannotRelocateRootTag = "Cannot relocate root tag.";
    public static final String CannotRelocateTagWhichIsAlreadyFlushed = "Cannot relocate tag which is already flushed.";
    public static final String CannotRelocateTagWhichParentIsAlreadyFlushed = "Cannot relocate tag which parent is already flushed.";
    public static final String CannotRemoveDocumentRootTag = "Cannot remove document root tag.";
    public static final String CannotRemoveMarkedContentReferenceBecauseItsPageWasAlreadyFlushed = "Cannot remove marked content reference, because its page has been already flushed.";
    public static final String CannotRemoveTagBecauseItsParentIsFlushed = "Cannot remove tag, because its parent is flushed.";
    public static final String CannotSetDataToPdfstreamWhichWasCreatedByInputStream = "Cannot set data to PdfStream which was created by InputStream.";
    public static final String CannotSetDataToPdfStreamWhichWasCreatedByInputStream = "Cannot set data to PdfStream which was created by InputStream.";
    public static final String CannotSetEncryptedPayloadToDocumentOpenedInReadingMode = "Cannot set encrypted payload to a document opened in read only mode.";
    public static final String CannotSetEncryptedPayloadToEncryptedDocument = "Cannot set encrypted payload to an encrypted document.";
    public static final String CannotSplitDocumentThatIsBeingWritten = "Cannot split document that is being written.";
    public static final String CannotWriteToPdfStream = "Cannot write to PdfStream.";
    public static final String CannotWriteObjectAfterItWasReleased = "Cannot write object after it was released. In normal situation the object must be read once again before being written.";
    public static final String CannotDecodePkcs7SigneddataObject = "Cannot decode PKCS#7 SignedData object.";
    public static final String CannotFindSigningCertificateWithSerial1 = "Cannot find signing certificate with serial {0}.";
    public static final String CertificateIsNotProvidedDocumentIsEncryptedWithPublicKeyCertificate = "Certificate is not provided. Document is encrypted with public key certificate, it should be passed to PdfReader constructor with properties. See ReaderProperties#setPublicKeySecurityParams() method.";
    public static final String CertificationSignatureCreationFailedDocShallNotContainSigs = "Certification signature creation failed. Document shall not contain any certification or approval signatures before signing with certification signature.";
    public static final String CfNotFoundEncryption = "/CF not found (encryption)";
    public static final String CodabarMustHaveAtLeastStartAndStopCharacter = "Codabar must have at least start and stop character.";
    public static final String CodabarMustHaveOneAbcdAsStartStopCharacter = "Codabar must have one of 'ABCD' as start/stop character.";
    public static final String ColorSpaceNotFound = "ColorSpace not found.";
    public static final String ContentStreamMustNotInvokeOperatorsThatSpecifyColorsOrOtherColorRelatedParameters = "Content stream must not invoke operators that specify colors or other color related parameters in the graphics state.";
    public static final String DecodeParameterType1IsNotSupported = "Decode parameter type {0} is not supported.";
    public static final String DefaultAppearanceNotFound = "DefaultAppearance is required but not found";
    public static final String DefaultcryptfilterNotFoundEncryption = "/DefaultCryptFilter not found (encryption).";
    public static final String DictionaryKey1IsNotAName = "Dictionary key {0} is not a name.";
    public static final String DictionaryDoesntHave1FontData = "Dictionary doesn't have {0} font data.";
    public static final String DictionaryDoesntHaveSupportedFontData = "Dictionary doesn't have supported font data.";
    public static final String DocumentAlreadyPreClosed = "Document has been already pre closed.";
    public static final String DocumentClosedItIsImpossibleToExecuteAction = "Document was closed. It is impossible to execute action.";
    public static final String DocumentDoesntContainStructTreeRoot = "Document doesn't contain StructTreeRoot.";
    public static final String DocumentHasNoPages = "Document has no pages.";
    public static final String DocumentHasNoPdfCatalogObject = "Document has no PDF Catalog object.";
    public static final String DocumentMustBePreClosed = "Document must be preClosed.";
    public static final String DocumentForCopyToCannotBeNull = "Document for copyTo cannot be null.";
    public static final String EndOfContentStreamReachedBeforeEndOfImageData = "End of content stream reached before end of image data.";
    public static final String ErrorWhileReadingObjectStream = "Error while reading Object Stream.";
    public static final String EncryptedPayloadFileSpecDoesntHaveEncryptedPayloadDictionary = "Encrypted payload file spec shall have encrypted payload dictionary.";
    public static final String EncryptedPayloadFileSpecShallBeIndirect = "Encrypted payload file spec shall be indirect.";
    public static final String EncryptedPayloadFileSpecShallHaveEFDictionary = "Encrypted payload file spec shall have 'EF' key. The value of such key shall be a dictionary that contains embedded file stream.";
    public static final String EncryptedPayloadFileSpecShallHaveTypeEqualToFilespec = "Encrypted payload file spec shall have 'Type' key. The value of such key shall be 'Filespec'.";
    public static final String EncryptedPayloadShallHaveTypeEqualsToEncryptedPayloadIfPresent = "Encrypted payload dictionary shall have field 'Type' equal to 'EncryptedPayload' if present";
    public static final String EncryptedPayloadShallHaveSubtype = "Encrypted payload shall have 'Subtype' field specifying crypto filter";

    public static final String FailedToGetTsaResponseFrom1 = "Failed to get TSA response from {0}.";
    public static final String FieldFlatteningIsNotSupportedInAppendMode = "Field flattening is not supported in append mode.";
    public static final String FieldAlreadySigned = "Field has been already signed.";

    public static final String FieldNamesCannotContainADot = "Field names cannot contain a dot.";
    public static final String FieldTypeIsNotASignatureFieldType = "Field type is not a signature field type.";
    public static final String Filter1IsNotSupported = "Filter {0} is not supported.";
    public static final String FilePosition1CrossReferenceEntryInThisXrefSubsection = "file position {0} cross reference entry in this xref subsection.";
    public static final String FilterCcittfaxdecodeIsOnlySupportedForImages = "Filter CCITTFaxDecode is only supported for images";
    public static final String FilterIsNotANameOrArray = "filter is not a name or array.";
    public static final String FlushedPageCannotBeAddedOrInserted = "Flushed page cannot be added or inserted.";
    public static final String FontAndSizeMustBeSetBeforeWritingAnyText = "Font and size must be set before writing any text.";
    public static final String FontEmbeddingIssue = "Font embedding issue.";
    public static final String FontProviderNotSetFontFamilyNotResolved = "FontProvider and FontSet are empty. Cannot resolve font family name (see ElementPropertyContainer#setFontFamily) without initialized FontProvider (see RootElement#setFontProvider).";
    public static final String FontSizeIsTooSmall = "Font size is too small.";
    public static final String FormXObjectMustHaveBbox = "Form XObject must have BBox.";
    public static final String FunctionIsNotCompatibleWitColorSpace = "Function is not compatible with ColorSpace.";
    public static final String GivenAccessibleElementIsNotConnectedToAnyTag = "Given accessible element is not connected to any tag.";
    public static final String IllegalCharacterInAsciihexdecode = "illegal character in ASCIIHexDecode.";
    public static final String IllegalCharacterInAscii85decode = "Illegal character in ASCII85Decode.";
    public static final String IllegalCharacterInCodabarBarcode = "Illegal character in Codabar Barcode.";
    public static final String IllegalLengthValue = "Illegal length value.";
    public static final String IllegalRValue = "Illegal R value.";
    public static final String IllegalVValue = "Illegal V value.";
    public static final String InAPageLabelThePageNumbersMustBeGreaterOrEqualTo1 = "In a page label the page numbers must be greater or equal to 1.";
    public static final String InCodabarStartStopCharactersAreOnlyAllowedAtTheExtremes = "In Codabar, start/stop characters are only allowed at the extremes.";
    public static final String InvalidHttpResponse1 = "Invalid http response {0}.";
    public static final String InvalidTsa1ResponseCode2 = "Invalid TSA {0} response code {1}.";
    public static final String IncorrectNumberOfComponents = "Incorrect number of components.";
    public static final String InvalidCodewordSize = "Invalid codeword size.";
    public static final String InvalidCrossReferenceEntryInThisXrefSubsection = "Invalid cross reference entry in this xref subsection.";
    public static final String InvalidIndirectReference1 = "Invalid indirect reference {0}.";
    public static final String InvalidMediaBoxValue = "Tne media box object has incorrect values.";
    public static final String InvalidPageStructure1 = "Invalid page structure {0}.";
    public static final String InvalidPageStructurePagesPagesMustBePdfDictionary = "Invalid page structure. /Pages must be PdfDictionary.";
    public static final String InvalidRangeArray = "Invalid range array.";
    public static final String InvalidOffsetForObject1 = "Invalid offset for object {0}.";
    public static final String InvalidXrefStream = "Invalid xref stream.";
    public static final String InvalidXrefTable = "Invalid xref table.";
    public static final String IoException = "I/O exception.";
    public static final String IoExceptionWhileCreatingFont = "I/O exception while creating Font";
    public static final String LzwDecoderException = "LZW decoder exception.";
    public static final String LzwFlavourNotSupported = "LZW flavour not supported.";
    public static final String MacroSegmentIdMustBeGtOrEqZero = "macroSegmentId must be >= 0";
    public static final String MacroSegmentIdMustBeGtZero = "macroSegmentId must be > 0";
    public static final String MacroSegmentIdMustBeLtMacroSegmentCount = "macroSegmentId must be < macroSemgentCount";
    public static final String MustBeATaggedDocument = "Must be a tagged document.";
    public static final String NumberOfEntriesInThisXrefSubsectionNotFound = "Number of entries in this xref subsection not found.";
    public static final String NoCompatibleEncryptionFound = "No compatible encryption found.";
    public static final String NoCryptoDictionaryDefined = "No crypto dictionary defined.";
    public static final String NoKidWithSuchRole = "No kid with such role.";
    public static final String NoMaxLenPresent = "No /MaxLen has been set even though the Comb flag has been set.";
    public static final String NotAPlaceableWindowsMetafile = "Not a placeable windows metafile.";
    public static final String NotAValidPkcs7ObjectNotASequence = "Not a valid PKCS#7 object - not a sequence";
    public static final String NotAValidPkcs7ObjectNotSignedData = "Not a valid PKCS#7 object - not signed data.";
    public static final String NotAWmfImage = "Not a WMF image.";
    public static final String NoValidEncryptionMode = "No valid encryption mode.";
    public static final String NumberOfBooleansInTheArrayDoesntCorrespondWithTheNumberOfFields = "The number of booleans in the array doesn't correspond with the number of fields.";
    public static final String ObjectMustBeIndirectToWorkWithThisWrapper = "Object must be indirect to work with this wrapper.";
    public static final String ObjectNumberOfTheFirstObjectInThisXrefSubsectionNotFound = "Object number of the first object in this xref subsection not found.";
    public static final String OnlyIdentityCMapsSupportsWithTrueType = "Only Identity CMaps supports with truetype";
    public static final String OnlyBmpCanBeWrappedInWmf = "Only BMP can be wrapped in WMF.";
    public static final String OperatorEINotFoundAfterEndOfImageData = "Operator EI not found after the end of image data.";
    public static final String Page1CannotBeAddedToDocument2BecauseItBelongsToDocument3 = "Page {0} cannot be added to document {1}, because it belongs to document {2}.";
    public static final String PageIsNotSetForThePdfTagStructure = "Page is not set for the pdf tag structure.";
    public static final String PageAlreadyFlushed = "The page has been already flushed.";
    public static final String PageAlreadyFlushedUseAddFieldAppearanceToPageMethodBeforePageFlushing = "The page has been already flushed. Use PdfAcroForm#addFieldAppearanceToPage() method before page flushing.";
    public static final String PdfEncodings = "PdfEncodings exception.";
    public static final String PdfEncryption = "PdfEncryption exception.";
    public static final String PdfDecryption = "Exception occurred with PDF document decryption. One of the possible reasons is wrong password or wrong public key certificate and private key.";
    public static final String PdfDocumentMustBeOpenedInStampingMode = "PdfDocument must be opened in stamping mode.";
    public static final String PdfFormXobjectHasInvalidBbox = "PdfFormXObject has invalid BBox.";
    public static final String PdfObjectStreamReachMaxSize = "PdfObjectStream reach max size.";
    public static final String PdfPagesTreeCouldBeGeneratedOnlyOnce = "PdfPages tree could be generated only once.";
    public static final String PdfStartxrefIsNotFollowedByANumber = "PDF startxref is not followed by a number.";
    public static final String PdfStartxrefNotFound = "PDF startxref not found.";
    public static final String PdfIndirectObjectBelongsToOtherPdfDocument = "Pdf indirect object belongs to other PDF document. Copy object to current pdf document.";
    public static final String PdfVersionNotValid = "PDF version is not valid.";
    public static final String RefArrayItemsInStructureElementDictionaryShallBeIndirectObjects = "Ref array items in structure element dictionary shall be indirect objects.";
    public static final String RequestedPageNumberIsOutOfBounds = "Requested page number {0} is out of bounds.";
    public static final String PngFilterUnknown = "PNG filter unknown.";
    public static final String PrintScalingEnforceEntryInvalid = "/PrintScaling shall may appear in the Enforce array only if the corresponding entry in the viewer preferences dictionary specifies a valid value other than AppDefault";
    public static final String ResourcesCannotBeNull = "Resources cannot be null.";
    public static final String ResourcesDoNotContainExtgstateEntryUnableToProcessOperator1 = "Resources do not contain ExtGState entry. Unable to process operator {0}.";
    public static final String RoleIsNotMappedToAnyStandardRole = "Role \"{0}\" is not mapped to any standard role.";
    public static final String RoleInNamespaceIsNotMappedToAnyStandardRole = "Role \"{0}\" in namespace {1} is not mapped to any standard role.";
    public static final String ShadingTypeNotFound = "Shading type not found.";
    public static final String SignatureWithName1IsNotTheLastItDoesntCoverWholeDocument = "Signature with name {0} is not the last. It doesn't cover the whole document.";
    public static final String StdcfNotFoundEncryption = "/StdCF not found (encryption)";
    public static final String StructParentIndexNotFoundInTaggedObject = "StructParent index not found in tagged object.";
    public static final String StructureElementInStructureDestinationShallBeAnIndirectObject = "Structure element referenced by a structure destination shall be an indirect object.";
    public static final String StructureElementShallContainParentObject = "StructureElement shall contain parent object.";
    public static final String StructureElementDictionaryShallBeAnIndirectObjectInOrderToHaveChildren = "Structure element dictionary shall be an indirect object in order to have children.";
    public static final String TagCannotBeMovedToTheAnotherDocumentsTagStructure = "Tag cannot be moved to the another document's tag structure.";
    public static final String TagFromTheExistingTagStructureIsFlushedCannotAddCopiedPageTags = "Tag from the existing tag structure is flushed. Cannot add copied page tags.";
    public static final String TagStructureCopyingFailedItMightBeCorruptedInOneOfTheDocuments = "Tag structure copying failed: it might be corrupted in one of the documents.";
    public static final String TagStructureFlushingFailedItMightBeCorrupted = "Tag structure flushing failed: it might be corrupted.";
    public static final String TagTreePointerIsInInvalidStateItPointsAtFlushedElementUseMoveToRoot = "TagTreePointer is in invalid state: it points at flushed element. Use TagTreePointer#moveToRoot.";
    public static final String TagTreePointerIsInInvalidStateItPointsAtRemovedElementUseMoveToRoot = "TagTreePointer is in invalid state: it points at removed element use TagTreePointer#moveToRoot.";
    public static final String TextCannotBeNull = "Text cannot be null.";
    public static final String TextIsTooBig = "Text is too big.";
    public static final String TextMustBeEven = "The text length must be even.";
    public static final String TwoBarcodeMustBeExternally = "The two barcodes must be composed externally.";
    public static final String ThereAreIllegalCharactersForBarcode128In1 = "There are illegal characters for barcode 128 in {0}.";
    public static final String ThereIsNoAssociatePdfWriterForMakingIndirects = "There is no associate PdfWriter for making indirects.";
    public static final String ThereIsNoFieldInTheDocumentWithSuchName1 = "There is no field in the document with such name: {0}.";
    public static final String ThisPkcs7ObjectHasMultipleSignerinfosOnlyOneIsSupportedAtThisTime = "This PKCS#7 object has multiple SignerInfos. Only one is supported at this time.";
    public static final String ThisInstanceOfPdfSignerAlreadyClosed = "This instance of PdfSigner has been already closed.";
    public static final String ToFlushThisWrapperUnderlyingObjectMustBeAddedToDocument = "To manually flush this wrapper, you have to ensure that the object behind this wrapper is added to the document, i.e. it has an indirect reference.";
    public static final String Tsa1FailedToReturnTimeStampToken2 = "TSA {0} failed to return time stamp token: {1}.";
    public static final String TrailerNotFound = "Trailer not found.";
    public static final String TrailerPrevEntryPointsToItsOwnCrossReferenceSection = "Trailer prev entry points to its own cross reference section.";
    public static final String UnbalancedBeginEndMarkedContentOperators = "Unbalanced begin/end marked content operators.";
    public static final String UnbalancedLayerOperators = "Unbalanced layer operators.";
    public static final String UnbalancedSaveRestoreStateOperators = "Unbalanced save restore state operators.";
    public static final String UnexpectedCharacter1FoundAfterIDInInlineImage = "Unexpected character {0} found after ID in inline image.";
    public static final String UnexpectedCloseBracket = "Unexpected close bracket.";
    public static final String UnexpectedColorSpace1 = "Unexpected ColorSpace: {0}.";
    public static final String UnexpectedEndOfFile = "Unexpected end of file.";
    public static final String UnexpectedGtGt = "unexpected >>.";
    public static final String UnexpectedShadingType = "Unexpected shading type.";
    public static final String UnknownEncryptionTypeREq1 = "Unknown encryption type R == {0}.";
    public static final String UnknownEncryptionTypeVEq1 = "Unknown encryption type V == {0}.";
    public static final String UnknownPdfException = "Unknown PdfException.";
    public static final String UnknownHashAlgorithm1 = "Unknown hash algorithm: {0}.";
    public static final String UnknownKeyAlgorithm1 = "Unknown key algorithm: {0}.";
    public static final String UnsupportedDefaultColorSpaceName1 = "Unsupported default color space name. Was {0}, but should be DefaultCMYK, DefaultGray or DefaultRGB";
    public static final String UnsupportedXObjectType = "Unsupported XObject type.";
    public static final String VerificationAlreadyOutput = "Verification already output.";
    public static final String WhenAddingObjectReferenceToTheTagTreeItMustBeConnectedToNotFlushedObject = "When adding object reference to the tag tree, it must be connected to not flushed object.";
    public static final String WhitePointIsIncorrectlySpecified = "White point is incorrectly specified.";
    public static final String WmfImageException = "WMF image exception.";
    public static final String WrongFormFieldAddAnnotationToTheField = "Wrong form field. Add annotation to the field.";
    public static final String WrongMediaBoxSize1 = "Wrong media box size: {0}.";
    public static final String XrefSubsectionNotFound = "xref subsection not found.";
    public static final String YouHaveToDefineABooleanArrayForThisCollectionSortDictionary = "You have to define a boolean array for this collection sort dictionary.";
    public static final String YouMustSetAValueBeforeAddingAPrefix = "You must set a value before adding a prefix.";
    public static final String YouNeedASingleBooleanForThisCollectionSortDictionary = "You need a single boolean for this collection sort dictionary.";
    public static final String QuadPointArrayLengthIsNotAMultipleOfEight = "The QuadPoint Array length is not a multiple of 8.";

     * Object for more details
    protected Object object;

    private List messageParams;

     * Creates a new instance of PdfException.
     * @param message the detail message.
    public PdfException(String message) {

     * Creates a new instance of PdfException.
     * @param cause the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by {@link #getCause()} method).
    public PdfException(Throwable cause) {
        this(UnknownPdfException, cause);

     * Creates a new instance of PdfException.
     * @param message the detail message.
     * @param obj     an object for more details.
    public PdfException(String message, Object obj) {
        this.object = obj;

     * Creates a new instance of PdfException.
     * @param message the detail message.
     * @param cause   the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by {@link #getCause()} method).
    public PdfException(String message, Throwable cause) {
        super(message, cause);

     * Creates a new instance of PdfException.
     * @param message the detail message.
     * @param cause   the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by {@link #getCause()} method).
     * @param obj     an object for more details.
    public PdfException(String message, Throwable cause, Object obj) {
        this(message, cause);
        this.object = obj;

    public String getMessage() {
        if (messageParams == null || messageParams.size() == 0) {
            return super.getMessage();
        } else {
            return MessageFormatUtil.format(super.getMessage(), getMessageParams());

     * Sets additional params for Exception message.
     * @param messageParams additional params.
     * @return object itself.
    public PdfException setMessageParams(Object... messageParams) {
        this.messageParams = new ArrayList<>();
        Collections.addAll(this.messageParams, messageParams);
        return this;

     * Gets additional params for Exception message.
    protected Object[] getMessageParams() {
        Object[] parameters = new Object[messageParams.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < messageParams.size(); i++) {
            parameters[i] = messageParams.get(i);
        return parameters;