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com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfPage Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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    This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2019 iText Group NV
    Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
    as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
    following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program; if not, see or write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:

    The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
    of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
    Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.

    In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
    a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
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    You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
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package com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf;

import com.itextpdf.kernel.PdfException;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.geom.PageSize;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.geom.Rectangle;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.action.PdfAction;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.annot.PdfAnnotation;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.annot.PdfLinkAnnotation;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.filespec.PdfFileSpec;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.PdfStructTreeRoot;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.StandardRoles;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagutils.TagTreePointer;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.xobject.PdfFormXObject;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.xobject.PdfImageXObject;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.xmp.XMPException;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.xmp.XMPMeta;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.xmp.XMPMetaFactory;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.xmp.options.SerializeOptions;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class PdfPage extends PdfObjectWrapper {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -952395541908379500L;
    private PdfResources resources = null;
    private int mcid = -1;
    PdfPages parentPages;
    private List excludedKeys = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
            // This key contains reference to all articles, while this articles could reference to lots of pages.
            // See DEVSIX-191

     * Automatically rotate new content if the page has a rotation ( is disabled by default )
    private boolean ignorePageRotationForContent = false;
     * See {@link #isPageRotationInverseMatrixWritten()}.
    private boolean pageRotationInverseMatrixWritten = false;

    protected PdfPage(PdfDictionary pdfObject) {

    protected PdfPage(PdfDocument pdfDocument, PageSize pageSize) {
        this((PdfDictionary) new PdfDictionary().makeIndirect(pdfDocument));
        PdfStream contentStream = (PdfStream) new PdfStream().makeIndirect(pdfDocument);
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Contents, contentStream);
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Type, PdfName.Page);
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.MediaBox, new PdfArray(pageSize));
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.TrimBox, new PdfArray(pageSize));
        if (pdfDocument.isTagged()) {

    protected PdfPage(PdfDocument pdfDocument) {
        this(pdfDocument, pdfDocument.getDefaultPageSize());

     * Gets page size, defined by media box object. This method doesn't take page rotation into account.
     * @return {@link Rectangle} that specify page size.
    public Rectangle getPageSize() {
        return getMediaBox();

     * Gets page size, considering page rotation.
     * @return {@link Rectangle} that specify size of rotated page.
    public Rectangle getPageSizeWithRotation() {
        PageSize rect = new PageSize(getPageSize());
        int rotation = getRotation();
        while (rotation > 0) {
            rect = rect.rotate();
            rotation -= 90;
        return rect;

     * Gets the number of degrees by which the page shall be rotated clockwise when displayed or printed.
     * Shall be a multiple of 90.
     * @return {@code int} number of degrees. Default value: 0
    public int getRotation() {
        PdfNumber rotate = getPdfObject().getAsNumber(PdfName.Rotate);
        int rotateValue = 0;
        if (rotate == null) {
            rotate = (PdfNumber) getInheritedValue(PdfName.Rotate, PdfObject.NUMBER);
        if (rotate != null) {
            rotateValue = rotate.intValue();
        rotateValue %= 360;
        return rotateValue < 0 ? rotateValue + 360 : rotateValue;

     * Sets the page rotation.
     * @param degAngle the {@code int}  number of degrees by which the page shall be rotated clockwise
     *                 when displayed or printed. Shall be a multiple of 90.
     * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance.
    public PdfPage setRotation(int degAngle) {
        put(PdfName.Rotate, new PdfNumber(degAngle));
        return this;

     * Gets the content stream at specified 0-based index in the Contents object {@link PdfArray}.
     * The situation when Contents object is a {@link PdfStream} is treated like a one element array.
     * @param index the {@code int} index of returned {@link PdfStream}.
     * @return {@link PdfStream} object at specified index.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range
    public PdfStream getContentStream(int index) {
        int count = getContentStreamCount();
        if (index >= count || index < 0)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(MessageFormatUtil.format("Index: {0}, Size: {1}", index, count));
        PdfObject contents = getPdfObject().get(PdfName.Contents);
        if (contents instanceof PdfStream)
            return (PdfStream) contents;
        else if (contents instanceof PdfArray) {
            PdfArray a = (PdfArray) contents;
            return (PdfStream) a.get(index);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Gets the size of Contents object {@link PdfArray}.
     * The situation when Contents object is a {@link PdfStream} is treated like a one element array.
     * @return the {@code int} size of Contents object, or 1 if Contents object is a {@link PdfStream}.
    public int getContentStreamCount() {
        PdfObject contents = getPdfObject().get(PdfName.Contents);
        if (contents instanceof PdfStream)
            return 1;
        else if (contents instanceof PdfArray) {
            return ((PdfArray) contents).size();
        } else {
            return 0;

     * Returns the Contents object if it is {@link PdfStream}, or first stream in the array if it is {@link PdfArray}.
     * @return first {@link PdfStream} in Contents object, or {@code null} if Contents is empty.
    public PdfStream getFirstContentStream() {
        if (getContentStreamCount() > 0)
            return getContentStream(0);
        return null;

     * Returns the Contents object if it is {@link PdfStream}, or last stream in the array if it is {@link PdfArray}.
     * @return first {@link PdfStream} in Contents object, or {@code null} if Contents is empty.
    public PdfStream getLastContentStream() {
        int count = getContentStreamCount();
        if (count > 0)
            return getContentStream(count - 1);
        return null;

     * Creates new {@link PdfStream} object and puts it at the beginning of Contents array
     * (if Contents object is {@link PdfStream} it will be replaced with one-element array).
     * @return Created {@link PdfStream} object.
    public PdfStream newContentStreamBefore() {
        return newContentStream(true);

     * Creates new {@link PdfStream} object and puts it at the end of Contents array
     * (if Contents object is {@link PdfStream} it will be replaced with one-element array).
     * @return Created {@link PdfStream} object.
    public PdfStream newContentStreamAfter() {
        return newContentStream(false);

     * Gets the {@link PdfResources} wrapper object for this page resources.
     * If page doesn't have resource object, then it will be inherited from page's parents.
     * If neither parents nor page has the resource object, then the new one is created and added to page dictionary.

* NOTE: If you'll try to modify the inherited resources, then the new resources object will be created, * so you won't change the parent's resources. * This new object under the wrapper will be added to page dictionary on {@link PdfPage#flush()}, * or you can add it manually with this line, if needed:
* {@code getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Resources, getResources().getPdfObject());} * * @return {@link PdfResources} wrapper of the page. */ public PdfResources getResources() { if (this.resources == null) { boolean readOnly = false; PdfDictionary resources = getPdfObject().getAsDictionary(PdfName.Resources); if (resources == null) { resources = (PdfDictionary) getInheritedValue(PdfName.Resources, PdfObject.DICTIONARY); if (resources != null) { readOnly = true; } } if (resources == null) { resources = new PdfDictionary(); put(PdfName.Resources, resources); } this.resources = new PdfResources(resources); this.resources.setReadOnly(readOnly); } return this.resources; } /** * Sets {@link PdfResources} object. * * @param pdfResources {@link PdfResources} to set. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setResources(PdfResources pdfResources) { put(PdfName.Resources, pdfResources.getPdfObject()); this.resources = pdfResources; return this; } /** * Sets the XMP Metadata. * * @param xmpMetadata the {@code byte[]} of XMP Metadata to set. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. * @throws IOException in case of writing error. */ public PdfPage setXmpMetadata(byte[] xmpMetadata) throws IOException { PdfStream xmp = (PdfStream) new PdfStream().makeIndirect(getDocument()); xmp.getOutputStream().write(xmpMetadata); xmp.put(PdfName.Type, PdfName.Metadata); xmp.put(PdfName.Subtype, PdfName.XML); put(PdfName.Metadata, xmp); return this; } /** * Serializes XMP Metadata to byte array and sets it. * * @param xmpMeta the {@link XMPMeta} object to set. * @param serializeOptions the {@link SerializeOptions} used while serialization. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. * @throws XMPException in case of XMP Metadata serialization error. * @throws IOException in case of writing error. */ public PdfPage setXmpMetadata(XMPMeta xmpMeta, SerializeOptions serializeOptions) throws XMPException, IOException { return setXmpMetadata(XMPMetaFactory.serializeToBuffer(xmpMeta, serializeOptions)); } /** * Serializes XMP Metadata to byte array and sets it. Uses padding equals to 2000. * * @param xmpMeta the {@link XMPMeta} object to set. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. * @throws XMPException in case of XMP Metadata serialization error. * @throws IOException in case of writing error. */ public PdfPage setXmpMetadata(XMPMeta xmpMeta) throws XMPException, IOException { SerializeOptions serializeOptions = new SerializeOptions(); serializeOptions.setPadding(2000); return setXmpMetadata(xmpMeta, serializeOptions); } /** * Gets the XMP Metadata object. * * @return {@link PdfStream} object, that represent XMP Metadata. */ public PdfStream getXmpMetadata() { return getPdfObject().getAsStream(PdfName.Metadata); } /** * Copies page to the specified document. *

* NOTE: Works only for pages from the document opened in reading mode, otherwise an exception is thrown. * * @param toDocument a document to copy page to. * @return copied {@link PdfPage}. */ public PdfPage copyTo(PdfDocument toDocument) { return copyTo(toDocument, null); } /** * Copies page to the specified document. *

* NOTE: Works only for pages from the document opened in reading mode, otherwise an exception is thrown. * * @param toDocument a document to copy page to. * @param copier a copier which bears a special copy logic. May be null. * It is recommended to use the same instance of {@link IPdfPageExtraCopier} * for the same output document. * @return copied {@link PdfPage}. */ public PdfPage copyTo(PdfDocument toDocument, IPdfPageExtraCopier copier) { PdfDictionary dictionary = getPdfObject().copyTo(toDocument, excludedKeys, true); PdfPage page = new PdfPage(dictionary); copyInheritedProperties(page, toDocument); for (PdfAnnotation annot : getAnnotations()) { if (annot.getSubtype().equals(PdfName.Link)) { getDocument().storeLinkAnnotation(page, (PdfLinkAnnotation) annot); } else { PdfAnnotation newAnnot = PdfAnnotation.makeAnnotation( annot.getPdfObject().copyTo(toDocument, Arrays.asList(PdfName.P, PdfName.Parent), true) ); if (PdfName.Widget.equals(annot.getSubtype())) { rebuildFormFieldParent(annot.getPdfObject(), newAnnot.getPdfObject(), toDocument); } // P will be set in PdfPage#addAnnotation; Parent will be regenerated in PdfPageExtraCopier. page.addAnnotation(-1, newAnnot, false); } } if (copier != null) { copier.copy(this, page); } else { if (!toDocument.getWriter().isUserWarnedAboutAcroFormCopying && getDocument().getCatalog().getPdfObject().containsKey(PdfName.AcroForm)) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PdfPage.class); logger.warn(LogMessageConstant.SOURCE_DOCUMENT_HAS_ACROFORM_DICTIONARY); toDocument.getWriter().isUserWarnedAboutAcroFormCopying = true; } } return page; } /** * Copies page as FormXObject to the specified document. * * @param toDocument a document to copy to. * @return copied {@link PdfFormXObject} object. */ public PdfFormXObject copyAsFormXObject(PdfDocument toDocument) throws IOException { PdfFormXObject xObject = new PdfFormXObject(getCropBox()); List excludedKeys = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(PdfName.MediaBox, PdfName.CropBox, PdfName.Contents) ); excludedKeys.addAll(this.excludedKeys); PdfDictionary dictionary = getPdfObject().copyTo(toDocument, excludedKeys, true); xObject.getPdfObject().getOutputStream().write(getContentBytes()); xObject.getPdfObject().mergeDifferent(dictionary); //Copy inherited resources if (!xObject.getPdfObject().containsKey(PdfName.Resources)) { PdfObject copyResource = getResources().getPdfObject().copyTo(toDocument, true); xObject.getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Resources, copyResource); } return xObject; } /** * Gets the {@link PdfDocument} that owns that page, or {@code null} if such document isn't exist. * * @return {@link PdfDocument} that owns that page, or {@code null} if such document isn't exist. */ public PdfDocument getDocument() { if (getPdfObject().getIndirectReference() != null) return getPdfObject().getIndirectReference().getDocument(); return null; } /** * Flushes page and it's content stream. *
* If the page belongs to the document which is tagged, page flushing also triggers flushing of the tags, * which are considered to belong to the page. The logic that defines if the given tag (structure element) belongs * to the page is the following: if all the marked content references (dictionary or number references), that are the * descendants of the given structure element, belong to the current page - the tag is considered * to belong to the page. If tag has descendants from several pages - it is flushed, if all other pages except the * current one are flushed. */ @Override public void flush() { flush(false); } /** * Flushes page and its content stream. If flushResourcesContentStreams is true, all content streams that are * rendered on this page (like FormXObjects, annotation appearance streams, patterns) and also all images associated * with this page will also be flushed. *
* For notes about tag structure flushing see {@link PdfPage#flush() PdfPage#flush() method}. *
* If PdfADocument is used, flushing will be applied only if flushResourcesContentStreams is true. * * @param flushResourcesContentStreams if true all content streams that are rendered on this page (like form xObjects, * annotation appearance streams, patterns) and also all images associated with this page * will be flushed. */ public void flush(boolean flushResourcesContentStreams) { // TODO log warning in case of failed flush in pdfa document case if (isFlushed()) { return; } getDocument().dispatchEvent(new PdfDocumentEvent(PdfDocumentEvent.END_PAGE, this)); if (getDocument().isTagged() && !getDocument().getStructTreeRoot().isFlushed()) { tryFlushPageTags(); } getResources(); if (resources != null && resources.isModified() && !resources.isReadOnly()) { getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Resources, resources.getPdfObject()); } if (flushResourcesContentStreams) { getDocument().checkIsoConformance(this, IsoKey.PAGE); flushResourcesContentStreams(); } int contentStreamCount = getContentStreamCount(); for (int i = 0; i < contentStreamCount; i++) { getContentStream(i).flush(false); } resources = null; super.flush(); } /** * Gets {@link Rectangle} object specified by page's Media Box, that defines the boundaries of the physical medium * on which the page shall be displayed or printed * * @return {@link Rectangle} object specified by page Media Box, expressed in default user space units. * @throws PdfException in case of any error while reading MediaBox object. */ public Rectangle getMediaBox() { PdfArray mediaBox = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.MediaBox); if (mediaBox == null) { mediaBox = (PdfArray) getInheritedValue(PdfName.MediaBox, PdfObject.ARRAY); } if (mediaBox == null) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.CannotRetrieveMediaBoxAttribute); } if (mediaBox.size() != 4) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.WrongMediaBoxSize1).setMessageParams(mediaBox.size()); } PdfNumber llx = mediaBox.getAsNumber(0); PdfNumber lly = mediaBox.getAsNumber(1); PdfNumber urx = mediaBox.getAsNumber(2); PdfNumber ury = mediaBox.getAsNumber(3); if (llx == null || lly == null || urx == null || ury == null) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.InvalidMediaBoxValue); } return new Rectangle(Math.min(llx.floatValue(), urx.floatValue()), Math.min(lly.floatValue(), ury.floatValue()), Math.abs(urx.floatValue() - llx.floatValue()), Math.abs(ury.floatValue() - lly.floatValue())); } /** * Sets the Media Box object, that defines the boundaries of the physical medium * on which the page shall be displayed or printed. * * @param rectangle the {@link Rectangle} object to set, expressed in default user space units. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setMediaBox(Rectangle rectangle) { put(PdfName.MediaBox, new PdfArray(rectangle)); return this; } /** * Gets the {@link Rectangle} specified by page's CropBox, that defines the visible region of default user space. * When the page is displayed or printed, its contents shall be clipped (cropped) to this rectangle * and then shall be imposed on the output medium in some implementation-defined manner. * * @return the {@link Rectangle} object specified by pages's CropBox, expressed in default user space units. * MediaBox by default. */ public Rectangle getCropBox() { PdfArray cropBox = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.CropBox); if (cropBox == null) { cropBox = (PdfArray) getInheritedValue(PdfName.CropBox, PdfObject.ARRAY); if (cropBox == null) { return getMediaBox(); } } return cropBox.toRectangle(); } /** * Sets the CropBox object, that defines the visible region of default user space. * When the page is displayed or printed, its contents shall be clipped (cropped) to this rectangle * and then shall be imposed on the output medium in some implementation-defined manner. * * @param rectangle the {@link Rectangle} object to set, expressed in default user space units. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setCropBox(Rectangle rectangle) { put(PdfName.CropBox, new PdfArray(rectangle)); return this; } /** * Sets the BleedBox object, that defines the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped * when output in a production environment. * * @param rectangle the {@link Rectangle} object to set, expressed in default user space units. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setBleedBox(Rectangle rectangle) { put(PdfName.BleedBox, new PdfArray(rectangle)); return this; } /** * Gets the {@link Rectangle} object specified by page's BleedBox, that define the region to which the * contents of the page shall be clipped when output in a production environment. * * @return the {@link Rectangle} object specified by page's BleedBox, expressed in default user space units. * CropBox by default. */ public Rectangle getBleedBox() { Rectangle bleedBox = getPdfObject().getAsRectangle(PdfName.BleedBox); return bleedBox == null ? getCropBox() : bleedBox; } /** * Sets the ArtBox object, that define the extent of the page’s meaningful content * (including potential white space) as intended by the page’s creator. * * @param rectangle the {@link Rectangle} object to set, expressed in default user space units. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setArtBox(Rectangle rectangle) { if (getPdfObject().getAsRectangle(PdfName.TrimBox) != null) { getPdfObject().remove(PdfName.TrimBox); Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PdfPage.class); logger.warn(LogMessageConstant.ONLY_ONE_OF_ARTBOX_OR_TRIMBOX_CAN_EXIST_IN_THE_PAGE); } put(PdfName.ArtBox, new PdfArray(rectangle)); return this; } /** * Gets the {@link Rectangle} object specified by page's ArtBox, that define the extent of the page’s * meaningful content (including potential white space) as intended by the page’s creator. * * @return the {@link Rectangle} object specified by page's ArtBox, expressed in default user space units. * CropBox by default. */ public Rectangle getArtBox() { Rectangle artBox = getPdfObject().getAsRectangle(PdfName.ArtBox); return artBox == null ? getCropBox() : artBox; } /** * Sets the TrimBox object, that define the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming. * * @param rectangle the {@link Rectangle} object to set, expressed in default user space units. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setTrimBox(Rectangle rectangle) { if (getPdfObject().getAsRectangle(PdfName.ArtBox) != null) { getPdfObject().remove(PdfName.ArtBox); Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PdfPage.class); logger.warn(LogMessageConstant.ONLY_ONE_OF_ARTBOX_OR_TRIMBOX_CAN_EXIST_IN_THE_PAGE); } put(PdfName.TrimBox, new PdfArray(rectangle)); return this; } /** * Gets the {@link Rectangle} object specified by page's TrimBox object, * that define the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming. * * @return the {@link Rectangle} object specified by page's TrimBox, expressed in default user space units. * CropBox by default. */ public Rectangle getTrimBox() { Rectangle trimBox = getPdfObject().getAsRectangle(PdfName.TrimBox); return trimBox == null ? getCropBox() : trimBox; } /** * Get decoded bytes for the whole page content. * * @return byte array. * @throws PdfException in case of any {@link IOException}. */ public byte[] getContentBytes() { try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int streamCount = getContentStreamCount(); byte[] streamBytes; for (int i = 0; i < streamCount; i++) { streamBytes = getStreamBytes(i); baos.write(streamBytes); if (0 != streamBytes.length && !Character.isWhitespace((char) streamBytes[streamBytes.length - 1])) { baos.write('\n'); } } return baos.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.CannotGetContentBytes, ioe, this); } } /** * Gets decoded bytes of a certain stream of a page content. * * @param index index of stream inside Content. * @return byte array. * @throws PdfException in case of any {@link IOException}. */ public byte[] getStreamBytes(int index) { return getContentStream(index).getBytes(); } /** * Calculates and returns next available MCID reference. * * @return calculated MCID reference. * @throws PdfException in case of not tagged document. */ public int getNextMcid() { if (!getDocument().isTagged()) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.MustBeATaggedDocument); } if (mcid == -1) { PdfStructTreeRoot structTreeRoot = getDocument().getStructTreeRoot(); mcid = structTreeRoot.getNextMcidForPage(this); } return mcid++; } /** * Gets the key of the page’s entry in the structural parent tree. * * @return the key of the page’s entry in the structural parent tree. * If page has no entry in the structural parent tree, returned value is -1. */ public int getStructParentIndex() { return getPdfObject().getAsNumber(PdfName.StructParents) != null ? getPdfObject().getAsNumber(PdfName.StructParents).intValue() : -1; } /** * Helper method to add an additional action to this page. * May be used in chain. * * @param key a {@link PdfName} specifying the name of an additional action * @param action the {@link PdfAction} to add as an additional action * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setAdditionalAction(PdfName key, PdfAction action) { PdfAction.setAdditionalAction(this, key, action); return this; } /** * Gets array of annotation dictionaries that shall contain indirect references * to all annotations associated with the page. * * @return the {@link List}<{@link PdfAnnotation}> containing all page's annotations. */ public List getAnnotations() { List annotations = new ArrayList<>(); PdfArray annots = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Annots); if (annots != null) { for (int i = 0; i < annots.size(); i++) { PdfDictionary annot = annots.getAsDictionary(i); PdfAnnotation annotation = PdfAnnotation.makeAnnotation(annot); // PdfAnnotation.makeAnnotation returns null if annotation SubType is not recognized or not present at all // (although SubType is required according to the spec) if (annotation != null) { annotations.add(annotation.setPage(this)); } } } return annotations; } /** * Checks if page contains the specified annotation. * * @param annotation the {@link PdfAnnotation} to check. * @return {@code true} if page contains specified annotation and {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean containsAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annotation) { for (PdfAnnotation a : getAnnotations()) { if (a.getPdfObject().equals(annotation.getPdfObject())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds specified annotation to the end of annotations array and tagged it. * May be used in chain. * * @param annotation the {@link PdfAnnotation} to add. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annotation) { return addAnnotation(-1, annotation, true); } /** * Adds specified {@link PdfAnnotation} to specified index in annotations array with or without autotagging. * May be used in chain. * * @param index the index at which specified annotation will be added. If {@code -1} then annotation will be added * to the end of array. * @param annotation the {@link PdfAnnotation} to add. * @param tagAnnotation if {@code true} the added annotation will be autotagged.
* (see {@link com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagutils.TagStructureContext#getAutoTaggingPointer()}) * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage addAnnotation(int index, PdfAnnotation annotation, boolean tagAnnotation) { if (getDocument().isTagged()) { if (tagAnnotation) { TagTreePointer tagPointer = getDocument().getTagStructureContext().getAutoTaggingPointer(); PdfPage prevPage = tagPointer.getCurrentPage(); tagPointer.setPageForTagging(this).addAnnotationTag(annotation); if (prevPage != null) { tagPointer.setPageForTagging(prevPage); } } if (getTabOrder() == null) { setTabOrder(PdfName.S); } } PdfArray annots = getAnnots(true); if (index == -1) { annots.add(annotation.setPage(this).getPdfObject()); } else { annots.add(index, annotation.setPage(this).getPdfObject()); } if (annots.getIndirectReference() == null) { //Annots are not indirect so page needs to be marked as modified setModified(); } else { //Annots are indirect so need to be marked as modified annots.setModified(); } return this; } /** * Removes an annotation from the page. *

* NOTE: If document is tagged, PdfDocument's PdfTagStructure instance will point at annotation tag parent after method call. * * @param annotation an annotation to be removed. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage removeAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annotation) { PdfArray annots = getAnnots(false); if (annots != null) { annots.remove(annotation.getPdfObject()); if (annots.isEmpty()) { getPdfObject().remove(PdfName.Annots); setModified(); } else if (annots.getIndirectReference() == null) { setModified(); } } if (getDocument().isTagged()) { TagTreePointer tagPointer = getDocument().getTagStructureContext().removeAnnotationTag(annotation); if (tagPointer != null) { boolean standardAnnotTagRole = tagPointer.getRole().equals(StandardRoles.ANNOT) || tagPointer.getRole().equals(StandardRoles.FORM); if (tagPointer.getKidsRoles().size() == 0 && standardAnnotTagRole) { tagPointer.removeTag(); } } } return this; } /** * Gets the number of {@link PdfAnnotation} associated with this page. * * @return the {@code int} number of {@link PdfAnnotation} associated with this page. */ public int getAnnotsSize() { PdfArray annots = getAnnots(false); if (annots == null) return 0; return annots.size(); } /** * This method gets outlines of a current page * * @return return all outlines of a current page */ public List getOutlines(boolean updateOutlines) { getDocument().getOutlines(updateOutlines); return getDocument().getCatalog().getPagesWithOutlines().get(getPdfObject()); } /** * @return true - if in case the page has a rotation, then new content will be automatically rotated in the * opposite direction. On the rotated page this would look like if new content ignores page rotation. */ public boolean isIgnorePageRotationForContent() { return ignorePageRotationForContent; } /** * If true - defines that in case the page has a rotation, then new content will be automatically rotated in the * opposite direction. On the rotated page this would look like if new content ignores page rotation. * Default value - {@code false}. * * @param ignorePageRotationForContent - true to ignore rotation of the new content on the rotated page. */ public PdfPage setIgnorePageRotationForContent(boolean ignorePageRotationForContent) { this.ignorePageRotationForContent = ignorePageRotationForContent; return this; } /** * This method adds or replaces a page label. * * @param numberingStyle The numbering style that shall be used for the numeric portion of each page label. * May be NULL * @param labelPrefix The label prefix for page labels in this range. May be NULL * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setPageLabel(PageLabelNumberingStyle numberingStyle, String labelPrefix) { return setPageLabel(numberingStyle, labelPrefix, 1); } /** * This method adds or replaces a page label. * * @param numberingStyle The numbering style that shall be used for the numeric portion of each page label. * May be NULL * @param labelPrefix The label prefix for page labels in this range. May be NULL * @param firstPage The value of the numeric portion for the first page label in the range. Must be greater or * equal 1. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setPageLabel(PageLabelNumberingStyle numberingStyle, String labelPrefix, int firstPage) { if (firstPage < 1) throw new PdfException(PdfException.InAPageLabelThePageNumbersMustBeGreaterOrEqualTo1); PdfDictionary pageLabel = new PdfDictionary(); if (numberingStyle != null) { switch (numberingStyle) { case DECIMAL_ARABIC_NUMERALS: pageLabel.put(PdfName.S, PdfName.D); break; case UPPERCASE_ROMAN_NUMERALS: pageLabel.put(PdfName.S, PdfName.R); break; case LOWERCASE_ROMAN_NUMERALS: pageLabel.put(PdfName.S, PdfName.r); break; case UPPERCASE_LETTERS: pageLabel.put(PdfName.S, PdfName.A); break; case LOWERCASE_LETTERS: pageLabel.put(PdfName.S, PdfName.a); break; default: } } if (labelPrefix != null) { pageLabel.put(PdfName.P, new PdfString(labelPrefix)); } if (firstPage != 1) { pageLabel.put(PdfName.St, new PdfNumber(firstPage)); } getDocument().getCatalog().getPageLabelsTree(true).addEntry(getDocument().getPageNumber(this) - 1, pageLabel); return this; } /** * Sets a name specifying the tab order that shall be used for annotations on the page. * The possible values are {@link PdfName#R} (row order), {@link PdfName#C} (column order), and {@link PdfName#S} (structure order). * Beginning with PDF 2.0, the possible values also include {@link PdfName#A} (annotations array order) and {@link PdfName#W} (widget order). * See ISO 32000 12.5, "Annotations" for details. * * @param tabOrder a {@link PdfName} specifying the annotations tab order. See method description for the allowed values. * @return this {@link PdfPage} instance. */ public PdfPage setTabOrder(PdfName tabOrder) { put(PdfName.Tabs, tabOrder); return this; } /** * Gets a name specifying the tab order that shall be used for annotations on the page. * The possible values are {@link PdfName#R} (row order), {@link PdfName#C} (column order), and {@link PdfName#S} (structure order). * Beginning with PDF 2.0, the possible values also include {@link PdfName#A} (annotations array order) and {@link PdfName#W} (widget order). * See ISO 32000 12.5, "Annotations" for details. * * @return a {@link PdfName} specifying the annotations tab order or null if tab order is not defined. */ public PdfName getTabOrder() { return getPdfObject().getAsName(PdfName.Tabs); } /** * Sets a stream object that shall define the page’s thumbnail image. Thumbnail images represent the contents of * its pages in miniature form * * @param thumb the thumbnail image * @return this {@link PdfPage} object */ public PdfPage setThumbnailImage(PdfImageXObject thumb) { return put(PdfName.Thumb, thumb.getPdfObject()); } /** * Sets a stream object that shall define the page’s thumbnail image. Thumbnail images represent the contents of * its pages in miniature form * * @return the thumbnail image, or null if it is not present */ public PdfImageXObject getThumbnailImage() { PdfStream thumbStream = getPdfObject().getAsStream(PdfName.Thumb); return thumbStream != null ? new PdfImageXObject(thumbStream) : null; } /** * Adds {@link PdfOutputIntent} that shall specify the colour characteristics of output devices * on which the page might be rendered. * * @param outputIntent {@link PdfOutputIntent} to add. * @return this {@link PdfPage} object * @see PdfOutputIntent */ public PdfPage addOutputIntent(PdfOutputIntent outputIntent) { if (outputIntent == null) return this; PdfArray outputIntents = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.OutputIntents); if (outputIntents == null) { outputIntents = new PdfArray(); put(PdfName.OutputIntents, outputIntents); } outputIntents.add(outputIntent.getPdfObject()); return this; } /** * Helper method that associate specified value with specified key in the underlined {@link PdfDictionary}. * May be used in chain. * * @param key the {@link PdfName} key with which the specified value is to be associated. * @param value the {@link PdfObject} value to be associated with the specified key. * @return this {@link PdfPage} object. */ public PdfPage put(PdfName key, PdfObject value) { getPdfObject().put(key, value); setModified(); return this; } /** * This flag is meaningful for the case, when page rotation is applied and ignorePageRotationForContent * is set to true. NOTE: It is needed for the internal usage. *

* This flag defines if inverse matrix (which rotates content into the opposite direction from page rotation * direction in order to give the impression of the not rotated text) is already applied to the page content stream. * See {@link #setIgnorePageRotationForContent(boolean)} * * @return true, if inverse matrix is already applied, false otherwise. */ public boolean isPageRotationInverseMatrixWritten() { return pageRotationInverseMatrixWritten; } /** * NOTE: For internal usage! Use this method only if you know what you are doing. *

* This method is called when inverse matrix (which rotates content into the opposite direction from page rotation * direction in order to give the impression of the not rotated text) is applied to the page content stream. * See {@link #setIgnorePageRotationForContent(boolean)} */ public void setPageRotationInverseMatrixWritten() { // this method specifically return void to discourage it's unintended usage pageRotationInverseMatrixWritten = true; } /** *

* Adds file associated with PDF page and identifies the relationship between them. *


* Associated files may be used in Pdf/A-3 and Pdf 2.0 documents. * The method adds file to array value of the AF key in the page dictionary. * If description is provided, it also will add file description to catalog Names tree. *


* For associated files their associated file specification dictionaries shall include the AFRelationship key *

* * @param description the file description * @param fs file specification dictionary of associated file */ public void addAssociatedFile(String description, PdfFileSpec fs) { if (null == ((PdfDictionary) fs.getPdfObject()).get(PdfName.AFRelationship)) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PdfPage.class); logger.error(LogMessageConstant.ASSOCIATED_FILE_SPEC_SHALL_INCLUDE_AFRELATIONSHIP); } if (null != description) { getDocument().getCatalog().addNameToNameTree(description, fs.getPdfObject(), PdfName.EmbeddedFiles); } PdfArray afArray = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.AF); if (afArray == null) { afArray = new PdfArray(); put(PdfName.AF, afArray); } afArray.add(fs.getPdfObject()); } /** *

* Adds file associated with PDF page and identifies the relationship between them. *


* Associated files may be used in Pdf/A-3 and Pdf 2.0 documents. * The method adds file to array value of the AF key in the page dictionary. *


* For associated files their associated file specification dictionaries shall include the AFRelationship key *

* * @param fs file specification dictionary of associated file */ public void addAssociatedFile(PdfFileSpec fs) { addAssociatedFile(null, fs); } /** * Returns files associated with PDF page. * * @param create iText will create AF array if it doesn't exist and create value is true * @return associated files array. */ public PdfArray getAssociatedFiles(boolean create) { PdfArray afArray = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.AF); if (afArray == null && create) { afArray = new PdfArray(); put(PdfName.AF, afArray); } return afArray; } @Override protected boolean isWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect() { return true; } private PdfArray getAnnots(boolean create) { PdfArray annots = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Annots); if (annots == null && create) { annots = new PdfArray(); put(PdfName.Annots, annots); } return annots; } private PdfObject getInheritedValue(PdfName pdfName, int type) { if (this.parentPages == null) { this.parentPages = getDocument().getCatalog().getPageTree().findPageParent(this); } PdfObject val = getInheritedValue(this.parentPages, pdfName); return val != null && val.getType() == type ? val : null; } private static PdfObject getInheritedValue(PdfPages parentPages, PdfName pdfName) { if (parentPages != null) { PdfDictionary parentDictionary = parentPages.getPdfObject(); PdfObject value = parentDictionary.get(pdfName); if (value != null) { return value; } else { return getInheritedValue(parentPages.getParent(), pdfName); } } return null; } private PdfStream newContentStream(boolean before) { PdfObject contents = getPdfObject().get(PdfName.Contents); PdfArray array; if (contents instanceof PdfStream) { array = new PdfArray(); array.add(contents); put(PdfName.Contents, array); } else if (contents instanceof PdfArray) { array = (PdfArray) contents; } else { array = null; } PdfStream contentStream = (PdfStream) new PdfStream().makeIndirect(getDocument()); if (array != null) { if (before) { array.add(0, contentStream); } else { array.add(contentStream); } if (array.getIndirectReference() != null) { array.setModified(); } else { setModified(); } } else { put(PdfName.Contents, contentStream); } return contentStream; } private void tryFlushPageTags() { try { if (!getDocument().isClosing) { getDocument().getTagStructureContext().flushPageTags(this); } getDocument().getStructTreeRoot().savePageStructParentIndexIfNeeded(this); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.TagStructureFlushingFailedItMightBeCorrupted, ex); } } private void flushResourcesContentStreams() { flushResourcesContentStreams(getResources().getPdfObject()); PdfArray annots = getAnnots(false); if (annots != null) { for (int i = 0; i < annots.size(); ++i) { PdfDictionary apDict = annots.getAsDictionary(i).getAsDictionary(PdfName.AP); if (apDict != null) { flushAppearanceStreams(apDict); } } } } private void flushResourcesContentStreams(PdfDictionary resources) { if (resources != null) { flushWithResources(resources.getAsDictionary(PdfName.XObject)); flushWithResources(resources.getAsDictionary(PdfName.Pattern)); flushWithResources(resources.getAsDictionary(PdfName.Shading)); } } private void flushWithResources(PdfDictionary objsCollection) { if (objsCollection == null) { return; } for (PdfObject obj : objsCollection.values()) { if (obj.isFlushed()) continue; flushResourcesContentStreams(((PdfDictionary) obj).getAsDictionary(PdfName.Resources)); flushMustBeIndirectObject(obj); } } private void flushAppearanceStreams(PdfDictionary appearanceStreamsDict) { for (PdfObject val : appearanceStreamsDict.values()) { if (val instanceof PdfDictionary) { PdfDictionary ap = (PdfDictionary) val; if (ap.isDictionary()) { flushAppearanceStreams(ap); } else if (ap.isStream()) { flushMustBeIndirectObject(ap); } } } } private void flushMustBeIndirectObject(PdfObject obj) { // TODO DEVSIX-744 obj.makeIndirect(getDocument()).flush(); } private void copyInheritedProperties(PdfPage copyPdfPage, PdfDocument pdfDocument) { if (copyPdfPage.getPdfObject().get(PdfName.Resources) == null) { PdfObject copyResource = pdfDocument.getWriter().copyObject(getResources().getPdfObject(), pdfDocument, false); copyPdfPage.getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Resources, copyResource); } if (copyPdfPage.getPdfObject().get(PdfName.MediaBox) == null) { //media box shall be in any case copyPdfPage.setMediaBox(getMediaBox()); } if (copyPdfPage.getPdfObject().get(PdfName.CropBox) == null) { //original pdfObject don't have CropBox, otherwise copyPdfPage will contain it PdfArray cropBox = (PdfArray) getInheritedValue(PdfName.CropBox, PdfObject.ARRAY); //crop box is optional, we shall not set default value. if (cropBox != null) { copyPdfPage.put(PdfName.CropBox, cropBox.copyTo(pdfDocument)); } } if (copyPdfPage.getPdfObject().get(PdfName.Rotate) == null) { //original pdfObject don't have Rotate, otherwise copyPdfPage will contain it PdfNumber rotate = (PdfNumber) getInheritedValue(PdfName.Rotate, PdfObject.NUMBER); //rotate is optional, we shall not set default value. if (rotate != null) { copyPdfPage.put(PdfName.Rotate, rotate.copyTo(pdfDocument)); } } } private void rebuildFormFieldParent(PdfDictionary field, PdfDictionary newField, PdfDocument toDocument) { if (newField.containsKey(PdfName.Parent)) { return; } PdfDictionary oldParent = field.getAsDictionary(PdfName.Parent); if (oldParent != null) { PdfDictionary newParent = oldParent.copyTo(toDocument, Arrays.asList(PdfName.P, PdfName.Kids, PdfName.Parent), false); if (newParent.isFlushed()) { newParent = oldParent.copyTo(toDocument, Arrays.asList(PdfName.P, PdfName.Kids, PdfName.Parent), true); } rebuildFormFieldParent(oldParent, newParent, toDocument); PdfArray kids = newParent.getAsArray(PdfName.Kids); if (kids == null) { newParent.put(PdfName.Kids, new PdfArray()); } newField.put(PdfName.Parent, newParent); } } }

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