com.jamonapi.aop.spring.SystemAopPointcutDefinitions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.jamonapi.aop.spring;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
* It is good to have a class that has common aop pointcuts for your application. These can be reused and built
* upon elsewhere. Note cglib requires a noarg constructor. It can be private. You would also have to
* have setters for any of the values that the actual constructor (say a 2 arg constructor takes).
* These can also be private.
* Created by stevesouza on 5/26/14.
public class SystemAopPointcutDefinitions {
/** Pointcut that would monitor any public methods */
@Pointcut("execution(public * *(..))")
public void anyPublicMethod() {}
/** Some useful pointcut tips...
* com.stevesouza..* - .. means stevesouza and any of its subpackages.
* com.stevesouza.* - means only in com.stevesouza and none of its subpackages
* combining them expression="execution(* package1.*.*(..)) || execution(* package2.*.*(..))"
/** The pointcut below will find all methods in all types marked with @MonitorAnnotation */
@Pointcut("within(@com.jamonapi.aop.spring.MonitorAnnotation *)")
public void monitorAnnotatedClass() {}
/** The pointcut below will find all methods marked with @MonitorAnnotation
@Pointcut("anyPublicMethod() && @annotation(com.jamonapi.aop.spring.MonitorAnnotation)")
public void monitorAnnotatedMethod() {}