sample.Sample1.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sample
import kvstore.Arbiter
import kvstore.Replica
import kvstore.Persistence
import kvstore.Replica._
import akka.event.LoggingReceive
* In this example:
* 1) We create a Primary Node
* 2) Add 5000 key value pairs as (i,i) with i from 0 to 4999
* 3) Add 4 Secondary Replicas
* 4) Send a call to all 5 nodes to get pair of key "500"
* 5) Send a call to all 5 nodes to get pair of key "4999"
* Above after step-3, automatically all the existing key-value pairs are added in the Secondary Replica's.
* Later doing step-3, eventually all the replica's should return the same value.
object Sample1 {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val system = ActorSystem("Main")
val arbiter = system.actorOf(Props[Arbiter])
val diff = 5000
var set = Set[ActorRef]()
val main = system.actorOf(Props(new Main(arbiter, 0, diff)))
Thread.sleep(500) //wait for main to become PrimaryNode before adding other replicas
main ! "insert" //send a call to Primary Node to insert some key-value pairs
set += main //add 4 Secondary Replicas
for (i <- 1 to 4) {
set += system.actorOf(Props(new Main(arbiter, i, 0)))
//Eventually all the replicas will hold the same value, lets wait for some-time till it gets consistent.
//Though the below sleep is not required, but some replica might remain in in-consistent state
println("sleep over") => x ! Get(400 + "", Int.MaxValue))//check if all the replica contain key "400" => x ! Get(4999 + "", Int.MaxValue))//check if all the replica contain key "4999"
class Main(arbiter: ActorRef, start: Long = 0, end: Long = 0) extends Actor {
import kvstore.Arbiter._
val replica = context.actorOf(Replica.props(arbiter, Persistence.props(flaky = false)), "start" + start)
def receive = LoggingReceive {
case g @ Get(key, id) => replica ! g
case GetResult(key, opt, id) => println(s"$self GetResult: ($key, $opt)")
case i: Insert =>
replica ! i
case "insert" =>
for (i <- start until end) {
replica ! Insert(i + "", i + "", i)
println("Sending done: " + (end - start))
case x @ _ => println(x)