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template.js.base.jquery.ui.effect.min.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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/*! jQuery UI - v1.10.4 - 2014-04-02
 * Copyright 2014 jQuery Foundation and other contributors; Licensed MIT */

(function (t, e) {
    var i = "ui-effects-";
    t.effects = {effect: {}}, function (t, e) {
        function i(t, e, i) {
            var s = u[e.type] || {};
            return null == t ? i || !e.def ? null : e.def : (t = s.floor ? ~~t : parseFloat(t), isNaN(t) ? e.def : s.mod ? (t + s.mod) % s.mod : 0 > t ? 0 : t > s.max ? s.max : t)

        function s(i) {
            var s = h(), n = s._rgba = [];
            return i = i.toLowerCase(), f(l, function (t, a) {
                var o, r =, l = r && a.parse(r), h = || "rgba";
                return l ? (o = s[h](l), s[c[h].cache] = o[c[h].cache], n = s._rgba = o._rgba, !1) : e
            }), n.length ? ("0,0,0,0" === n.join() && t.extend(n, a.transparent), s) : a[i]

        function n(t, e, i) {
            return i = (i + 1) % 1, 1 > 6 * i ? t + 6 * (e - t) * i : 1 > 2 * i ? e : 2 > 3 * i ? t + 6 * (e - t) * (2 / 3 - i) : t

        var a, o = "backgroundColor borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderRightColor borderTopColor color columnRuleColor outlineColor textDecorationColor textEmphasisColor", r = /^([\-+])=\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/, l = [
            {re: /rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/, parse: function (t) {
                return[t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]]
            {re: /rgba?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/, parse: function (t) {
                return[2.55 * t[1], 2.55 * t[2], 2.55 * t[3], t[4]]
            {re: /#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})/, parse: function (t) {
                return[parseInt(t[1], 16), parseInt(t[2], 16), parseInt(t[3], 16)]
            {re: /#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])/, parse: function (t) {
                return[parseInt(t[1] + t[1], 16), parseInt(t[2] + t[2], 16), parseInt(t[3] + t[3], 16)]
            {re: /hsla?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/, space: "hsla", parse: function (t) {
                return[t[1], t[2] / 100, t[3] / 100, t[4]]
        ], h = t.Color = function (e, i, s, n) {
            return new t.Color.fn.parse(e, i, s, n)
        }, c = {rgba: {props: {red: {idx: 0, type: "byte"}, green: {idx: 1, type: "byte"}, blue: {idx: 2, type: "byte"}}}, hsla: {props: {hue: {idx: 0, type: "degrees"}, saturation: {idx: 1, type: "percent"}, lightness: {idx: 2, type: "percent"}}}}, u = {"byte": {floor: !0, max: 255}, percent: {max: 1}, degrees: {mod: 360, floor: !0}}, d = = {}, p = t("

")[0], f = t.each; = "background-color:rgba(1,1,1,.5)", d.rgba ="rgba") > -1, f(c, function (t, e) { e.cache = "_" + t, e.props.alpha = {idx: 3, type: "percent", def: 1} }), h.fn = t.extend(h.prototype, {parse: function (n, o, r, l) { if (n === e)return this._rgba = [null, null, null, null], this; (n.jquery || n.nodeType) && (n = t(n).css(o), o = e); var u = this, d = t.type(n), p = this._rgba = []; return o !== e && (n = [n, o, r, l], d = "array"), "string" === d ? this.parse(s(n) || a._default) : "array" === d ? (f(c.rgba.props, function (t, e) { p[e.idx] = i(n[e.idx], e) }), this) : "object" === d ? (n instanceof h ? f(c, function (t, e) { n[e.cache] && (u[e.cache] = n[e.cache].slice()) }) : f(c, function (e, s) { var a = s.cache; f(s.props, function (t, e) { if (!u[a] && { if ("alpha" === t || null == n[t])return; u[a] = } u[a][e.idx] = i(n[t], e, !0) }), u[a] && 0 > t.inArray(null, u[a].slice(0, 3)) && (u[a][3] = 1, s.from && (u._rgba = s.from(u[a]))) }), this) : e }, is: function (t) { var i = h(t), s = !0, n = this; return f(c, function (t, a) { var o, r = i[a.cache]; return r && (o = n[a.cache] || && || [], f(a.props, function (t, i) { return null != r[i.idx] ? s = r[i.idx] === o[i.idx] : e })), s }), s }, _space: function () { var t = [], e = this; return f(c, function (i, s) { e[s.cache] && t.push(i) }), t.pop() }, transition: function (t, e) { var s = h(t), n = s._space(), a = c[n], o = 0 === this.alpha() ? h("transparent") : this, r = o[a.cache] ||, l = r.slice(); return s = s[a.cache], f(a.props, function (t, n) { var a = n.idx, o = r[a], h = s[a], c = u[n.type] || {}; null !== h && (null === o ? l[a] = h : (c.mod && (h - o > c.mod / 2 ? o += c.mod : o - h > c.mod / 2 && (o -= c.mod)), l[a] = i((h - o) * e + o, n))) }), this[n](l) }, blend: function (e) { if (1 === this._rgba[3])return this; var i = this._rgba.slice(), s = i.pop(), n = h(e)._rgba; return h(, function (t, e) { return(1 - s) * n[e] + s * t })) }, toRgbaString: function () { var e = "rgba(", i =, function (t, e) { return null == t ? e > 2 ? 1 : 0 : t }); return 1 === i[3] && (i.pop(), e = "rgb("), e + i.join() + ")" }, toHslaString: function () { var e = "hsla(", i =, function (t, e) { return null == t && (t = e > 2 ? 1 : 0), e && 3 > e && (t = Math.round(100 * t) + "%"), t }); return 1 === i[3] && (i.pop(), e = "hsl("), e + i.join() + ")" }, toHexString: function (e) { var i = this._rgba.slice(), s = i.pop(); return e && i.push(~~(255 * s)), "#" +, function (t) { return t = (t || 0).toString(16), 1 === t.length ? "0" + t : t }).join("") }, toString: function () { return 0 === this._rgba[3] ? "transparent" : this.toRgbaString() }}), h.fn.parse.prototype = h.fn, = function (t) { if (null == t[0] || null == t[1] || null == t[2])return[null, null, null, t[3]]; var e, i, s = t[0] / 255, n = t[1] / 255, a = t[2] / 255, o = t[3], r = Math.max(s, n, a), l = Math.min(s, n, a), h = r - l, c = r + l, u = .5 * c; return e = l === r ? 0 : s === r ? 60 * (n - a) / h + 360 : n === r ? 60 * (a - s) / h + 120 : 60 * (s - n) / h + 240, i = 0 === h ? 0 : .5 >= u ? h / c : h / (2 - c), [Math.round(e) % 360, i, u, null == o ? 1 : o] }, c.hsla.from = function (t) { if (null == t[0] || null == t[1] || null == t[2])return[null, null, null, t[3]]; var e = t[0] / 360, i = t[1], s = t[2], a = t[3], o = .5 >= s ? s * (1 + i) : s + i - s * i, r = 2 * s - o; return[Math.round(255 * n(r, o, e + 1 / 3)), Math.round(255 * n(r, o, e)), Math.round(255 * n(r, o, e - 1 / 3)), a] }, f(c, function (s, n) { var a = n.props, o = n.cache, l =, c = n.from; h.fn[s] = function (s) { if (l && !this[o] && (this[o] = l(this._rgba)), s === e)return this[o].slice(); var n, r = t.type(s), u = "array" === r || "object" === r ? s : arguments, d = this[o].slice(); return f(a, function (t, e) { var s = u["object" === r ? t : e.idx]; null == s && (s = d[e.idx]), d[e.idx] = i(s, e) }), c ? (n = h(c(d)), n[o] = d, n) : h(d) }, f(a, function (e, i) { h.fn[e] || (h.fn[e] = function (n) { var a, o = t.type(n), l = "alpha" === e ? this._hsla ? "hsla" : "rgba" : s, h = this[l](), c = h[i.idx]; return"undefined" === o ? c : ("function" === o && (n =, c), o = t.type(n)), null == n && i.empty ? this : ("string" === o && (a = r.exec(n), a && (n = c + parseFloat(a[2]) * ("+" === a[1] ? 1 : -1))), h[i.idx] = n, this[l](h))) }) }) }), h.hook = function (e) { var i = e.split(" "); f(i, function (e, i) { t.cssHooks[i] = {set: function (e, n) { var a, o, r = ""; if ("transparent" !== n && ("string" !== t.type(n) || (a = s(n)))) { if (n = h(a || n), !d.rgba && 1 !== n._rgba[3]) { for (o = "backgroundColor" === i ? e.parentNode : e; ("" === r || "transparent" === r) && o &&;)try { r = t.css(o, "backgroundColor"), o = o.parentNode } catch (l) { } n = n.blend(r && "transparent" !== r ? r : "_default") } n = n.toRgbaString() } try {[i] = n } catch (l) { } }}, t.fx.step[i] = function (e) { e.colorInit || (e.start = h(e.elem, i), e.end = h(e.end), e.colorInit = !0), t.cssHooks[i].set(e.elem, e.start.transition(e.end, e.pos)) } }) }, h.hook(o), t.cssHooks.borderColor = {expand: function (t) { var e = {}; return f(["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], function (i, s) { e["border" + s + "Color"] = t }), e }}, a = t.Color.names = {aqua: "#00ffff", black: "#000000", blue: "#0000ff", fuchsia: "#ff00ff", gray: "#808080", green: "#008000", lime: "#00ff00", maroon: "#800000", navy: "#000080", olive: "#808000", purple: "#800080", red: "#ff0000", silver: "#c0c0c0", teal: "#008080", white: "#ffffff", yellow: "#ffff00", transparent: [null, null, null, 0], _default: "#ffffff"} }(jQuery), function () { function i(e) { var i, s, n = e.ownerDocument.defaultView ? e.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e, null) : e.currentStyle, a = {}; if (n && n.length && n[0] && n[n[0]])for (s = n.length; s--;)i = n[s], "string" == typeof n[i] && (a[t.camelCase(i)] = n[i]); else for (i in n)"string" == typeof n[i] && (a[i] = n[i]); return a } function s(e, i) { var s, n, o = {}; for (s in i)n = i[s], e[s] !== n && (a[s] || (t.fx.step[s] || !isNaN(parseFloat(n))) && (o[s] = n)); return o } var n = ["add", "remove", "toggle"], a = {border: 1, borderBottom: 1, borderColor: 1, borderLeft: 1, borderRight: 1, borderTop: 1, borderWidth: 1, margin: 1, padding: 1}; t.each(["borderLeftStyle", "borderRightStyle", "borderBottomStyle", "borderTopStyle"], function (e, i) { t.fx.step[i] = function (t) { ("none" !== t.end && !t.setAttr || 1 === t.pos && !t.setAttr) && (, i, t.end), t.setAttr = !0) } }), t.fn.addBack || (t.fn.addBack = function (t) { return this.add(null == t ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(t)) }), t.effects.animateClass = function (e, a, o, r) { var l = t.speed(a, o, r); return this.queue(function () { var a, o = t(this), r = o.attr("class") || "", h = l.children ? o.find("*").addBack() : o; h = () { var e = t(this); return{el: e, start: i(this)} }), a = function () { t.each(n, function (t, i) { e[i] && o[i + "Class"](e[i]) }) }, a(), h = () { return this.end = i(this.el[0]), this.diff = s(this.start, this.end), this }), o.attr("class", r), h = () { var e = this, i = t.Deferred(), s = t.extend({}, l, {queue: !1, complete: function () { i.resolve(e) }}); return this.el.animate(this.diff, s), i.promise() }), t.when.apply(t, h.get()).done(function () { a(), t.each(arguments, function () { var e = this.el; t.each(this.diff, function (t) { e.css(t, "") }) }),[0]) }) }) }, t.fn.extend({addClass: function (e) { return function (i, s, n, a) { return s ?, {add: i}, s, n, a) : e.apply(this, arguments) } }(t.fn.addClass), removeClass: function (e) { return function (i, s, n, a) { return arguments.length > 1 ?, {remove: i}, s, n, a) : e.apply(this, arguments) } }(t.fn.removeClass), toggleClass: function (i) { return function (s, n, a, o, r) { return"boolean" == typeof n || n === e ? a ?, n ? {add: s} : {remove: s}, a, o, r) : i.apply(this, arguments) :, {toggle: s}, n, a, o) } }(t.fn.toggleClass), switchClass: function (e, i, s, n, a) { return, {add: i, remove: e}, s, n, a) }}) }(), function () { function s(e, i, s, n) { return t.isPlainObject(e) && (i = e, e = e.effect), e = {effect: e}, null == i && (i = {}), t.isFunction(i) && (n = i, s = null, i = {}), ("number" == typeof i || t.fx.speeds[i]) && (n = s, s = i, i = {}), t.isFunction(s) && (n = s, s = null), i && t.extend(e, i), s = s || i.duration, e.duration = ? 0 : "number" == typeof s ? s : s in t.fx.speeds ? t.fx.speeds[s] : t.fx.speeds._default, e.complete = n || i.complete, e } function n(e) { return!e || "number" == typeof e || t.fx.speeds[e] ? !0 : "string" != typeof e || t.effects.effect[e] ? t.isFunction(e) ? !0 : "object" != typeof e || e.effect ? !1 : !0 : !0 } t.extend(t.effects, {version: "1.10.4", save: function (t, e) { for (var s = 0; e.length > s; s++)null !== e[s] && + e[s], t[0].style[e[s]]) }, restore: function (t, s) { var n, a; for (a = 0; s.length > a; a++)null !== s[a] && (n = + s[a]), n === e && (n = ""), t.css(s[a], n)) }, setMode: function (t, e) { return"toggle" === e && (e =":hidden") ? "show" : "hide"), e }, getBaseline: function (t, e) { var i, s; switch (t[0]) { case"top": i = 0; break; case"middle": i = .5; break; case"bottom": i = 1; break; default: i = t[0] / e.height } switch (t[1]) { case"left": s = 0; break; case"center": s = .5; break; case"right": s = 1; break; default: s = t[1] / e.width } return{x: s, y: i} }, createWrapper: function (e) { if (e.parent().is(".ui-effects-wrapper"))return e.parent(); var i = {width: e.outerWidth(!0), height: e.outerHeight(!0), "float": e.css("float")}, s = t("

").addClass("ui-effects-wrapper").css({fontSize: "100%", background: "transparent", border: "none", margin: 0, padding: 0}), n = {width: e.width(), height: e.height()}, a = document.activeElement; try { } catch (o) { a = document.body } return e.wrap(s), (e[0] === a || t.contains(e[0], a)) && t(a).focus(), s = e.parent(), "static" === e.css("position") ? (s.css({position: "relative"}), e.css({position: "relative"})) : (t.extend(i, {position: e.css("position"), zIndex: e.css("z-index")}), t.each(["top", "left", "bottom", "right"], function (t, s) { i[s] = e.css(s), isNaN(parseInt(i[s], 10)) && (i[s] = "auto") }), e.css({position: "relative", top: 0, left: 0, right: "auto", bottom: "auto"})), e.css(n), s.css(i).show() }, removeWrapper: function (e) { var i = document.activeElement; return e.parent().is(".ui-effects-wrapper") && (e.parent().replaceWith(e), (e[0] === i || t.contains(e[0], i)) && t(i).focus()), e }, setTransition: function (e, i, s, n) { return n = n || {}, t.each(i, function (t, i) { var a = e.cssUnit(i); a[0] > 0 && (n[i] = a[0] * s + a[1]) }), n }}), t.fn.extend({effect: function () { function e(e) { function s() { t.isFunction(a) &&[0]), t.isFunction(e) && e() } var n = t(this), a = i.complete, r = i.mode; (":hidden") ? "hide" === r : "show" === r) ? (n[r](), s()) :[0], i, s) } var i = s.apply(this, arguments), n = i.mode, a = i.queue, o = t.effects.effect[i.effect]; return || !o ? n ? this[n](i.duration, i.complete) : this.each(function () { i.complete && }) : a === !1 ? this.each(e) : this.queue(a || "fx", e) }, show: function (t) { return function (e) { if (n(e))return t.apply(this, arguments); var i = s.apply(this, arguments); return i.mode = "show",, i) } }(, hide: function (t) { return function (e) { if (n(e))return t.apply(this, arguments); var i = s.apply(this, arguments); return i.mode = "hide",, i) } }(t.fn.hide), toggle: function (t) { return function (e) { if (n(e) || "boolean" == typeof e)return t.apply(this, arguments); var i = s.apply(this, arguments); return i.mode = "toggle",, i) } }(t.fn.toggle), cssUnit: function (e) { var i = this.css(e), s = []; return t.each(["em", "px", "%", "pt"], function (t, e) { i.indexOf(e) > 0 && (s = [parseFloat(i), e]) }), s }}) }(), function () { var e = {}; t.each(["Quad", "Cubic", "Quart", "Quint", "Expo"], function (t, i) { e[i] = function (e) { return Math.pow(e, t + 2) } }), t.extend(e, {Sine: function (t) { return 1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI / 2) }, Circ: function (t) { return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) }, Elastic: function (t) { return 0 === t || 1 === t ? t : -Math.pow(2, 8 * (t - 1)) * Math.sin((80 * (t - 1) - 7.5) * Math.PI / 15) }, Back: function (t) { return t * t * (3 * t - 2) }, Bounce: function (t) { for (var e, i = 4; ((e = Math.pow(2, --i)) - 1) / 11 > t;); return 1 / Math.pow(4, 3 - i) - 7.5625 * Math.pow((3 * e - 2) / 22 - t, 2) }}), t.each(e, function (e, i) { t.easing["easeIn" + e] = i, t.easing["easeOut" + e] = function (t) { return 1 - i(1 - t) }, t.easing["easeInOut" + e] = function (t) { return.5 > t ? i(2 * t) / 2 : 1 - i(-2 * t + 2) / 2 } }) }() })(jQuery);

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