com.klaytn.caver.transaction.AbstractTransaction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020 The caver-java Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.klaytn.caver.transaction;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.klaytn.caver.methods.response.BlockHeader;
import com.klaytn.caver.rpc.Klay;
import com.klaytn.caver.account.AccountKeyRoleBased;
import com.klaytn.caver.transaction.type.TransactionType;
import com.klaytn.caver.utils.Utils;
import com.klaytn.caver.wallet.keyring.AbstractKeyring;
import com.klaytn.caver.wallet.keyring.KeyringFactory;
import com.klaytn.caver.wallet.keyring.SignatureData;
import org.web3j.crypto.Hash;
import org.web3j.protocol.core.DefaultBlockParameterName;
import org.web3j.rlp.RlpEncoder;
import org.web3j.rlp.RlpList;
import org.web3j.rlp.RlpString;
import org.web3j.rlp.RlpType;
import org.web3j.utils.Numeric;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
abstract public class AbstractTransaction {
* Klay RPC instance
private Klay klaytnCall = null;
* Transaction's type string
private String type;
* The address of the sender.
private String from;
* A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction.
* If two transactions with the same nonce are generated by a sender, only one is executed.
private String nonce = "0x";
* The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
private String gas;
* Network ID
private String chainId = "0x";
* A Signature list
private List signatures = new ArrayList<>();
* Represents a AbstractTransaction class builder.
* @param An generic extends to AbstractTransaction.Builder
public static class Builder {
private String type;
private String gas;
private String from;
private String nonce = "0x";
private String chainId = "0x";
private Klay klaytnCall = null;
private List signatures = new ArrayList<>();
public Builder(String type) {
this.type = type;
public B setFrom(String from) {
this.from = from;
return (B) this;
public B setNonce(String nonce) {
this.nonce = nonce;
return (B) this;
public B setNonce(BigInteger nonce) {
return (B) this;
public B setGas(String gas) {
this.gas = gas;
return (B) this;
public B setGas(BigInteger gas) {
return (B) this;
public B setChainId(String chainId) {
this.chainId = chainId;
return (B) this;
public B setChainId(BigInteger chainId) {
return (B) this;
public B setKlaytnCall(Klay klaytnCall) {
this.klaytnCall = klaytnCall;
return (B) this;
public B setSignatures(List signatures) {
return (B) this;
public B setSignatures(SignatureData sign) {
if(sign == null) {
sign = SignatureData.getEmptySignature();
return (B) this;
* Create AbstractTransaction instance
* @param builder AbstractTransaction.builder
public AbstractTransaction(AbstractTransaction.Builder builder) {
* Create AbstractTransaction instance
* @param klaytnCall Klay RPC instance
* @param type Transaction's type string
* @param from The address of the sender.
* @param nonce A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction.
* @param gas The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
* @param chainId Network ID
* @param signatures A Signature list
public AbstractTransaction(Klay klaytnCall, String type, String from, String nonce, String gas, String chainId, List signatures) {
* Returns the RLP-encoded string of this transaction (i.e., rawTransaction).
* @return String
public abstract String getRLPEncoding();
* Returns the RLP-encoded string to make the signature of this transaction.
* @return String
public abstract String getCommonRLPEncodingForSignature();
* Signs to the transaction with a single private key.
* It sets Hasher default value.
* - signer : TransactionHasher.getHashForSignature()
* @param keyString The private key string.
* @return AbstractTransaction
* @throws IOException
public AbstractTransaction sign(String keyString) throws IOException {
AbstractKeyring keyring = KeyringFactory.createFromPrivateKey(keyString);
return this.sign(keyring, TransactionHasher::getHashForSignature);
* Signs to the transaction with a single private key.
* @param keyString The private key string
* @param signer The function to get hash of transaction.
* @return AbstractTransaction
* @throws IOException
public AbstractTransaction sign(String keyString, Function signer) throws IOException {
AbstractKeyring keyring = KeyringFactory.createFromPrivateKey(keyString);
return this.sign(keyring, signer);
* Signs using all private keys used in the role defined in the Keyring instance.
* It sets index and Hasher default value.
* - signer : TransactionHasher.getHashForSignature()
* @param keyring The Keyring instance.
* @return AbstractTransaction
* @throws IOException
public AbstractTransaction sign(AbstractKeyring keyring) throws IOException {
return this.sign(keyring, TransactionHasher::getHashForSignature);
* Signs using all private keys used in the role defined in the Keyring instance.
* @param keyring The Keyring instance.
* @param signer The function to get hash of transaction.
* @return AbstractTransaction
* @throws IOException
public AbstractTransaction sign(AbstractKeyring keyring, Function signer) throws IOException {
if(TransactionHelper.isEthereumTransaction(this.getType()) && keyring.isDecoupled()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.getType() + " cannot be signed with a decoupled keyring.");
if(this.from.equals("0x") || this.from.equals(Utils.DEFAULT_ZERO_ADDRESS)){
this.from = keyring.getAddress();
if(!this.from.toLowerCase().equals(keyring.getAddress().toLowerCase())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The from address of the transaction is different with the address of the keyring to use");
int role = this.type.contains("AccountUpdate") ? AccountKeyRoleBased.RoleGroup.ACCOUNT_UPDATE.getIndex() : AccountKeyRoleBased.RoleGroup.TRANSACTION.getIndex();
String hash = signer.apply(this);
List sigList = keyring.sign(hash, Numeric.toBigInt(this.chainId).intValue(), role);
return this;
* Signs to the transaction with a private key in the Keyring instance.
* It sets signer to TransactionHasher.getHashForSignature()
* @param keyring The Keyring instance.
* @param index The index of private key to use in Keyring instance.
* @return AbstractTransaction
* @throws IOException
public AbstractTransaction sign(AbstractKeyring keyring, int index) throws IOException {
return this.sign(keyring, index, TransactionHasher::getHashForSignature);
* Signs to the transaction with a private key in the Keyring instance.
* @param keyring The Keyring instance.
* @param index The index of private key to use in Keyring instance.
* @param signer The function to get hash of transaction.
* @return AbstractTransaction
* @throws IOException
public AbstractTransaction sign(AbstractKeyring keyring, int index, Function signer) throws IOException {
if(TransactionHelper.isEthereumTransaction(this.getType()) && keyring.isDecoupled()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.getType() + " cannot be signed with a decoupled keyring.");
if(this.from.equals("0x") || this.from.equals(Utils.DEFAULT_ZERO_ADDRESS)){
this.from = keyring.getAddress();
if(!this.from.toLowerCase().equals(keyring.getAddress().toLowerCase())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The from address of the transaction is different with the address of the keyring to use");
int role = this.type.contains("AccountUpdate") ? AccountKeyRoleBased.RoleGroup.ACCOUNT_UPDATE.getIndex() : AccountKeyRoleBased.RoleGroup.TRANSACTION.getIndex();
String hash = signer.apply(this);
SignatureData sig = keyring.sign(hash, Numeric.toBigInt(this.chainId).intValue(), role, index);
return this;
* Appends signatures to the transaction.
* @param signatureData SignatureData instance contains ECDSA signature data
public void appendSignatures(SignatureData signatureData) {
List signList = new ArrayList<>();
* Appends signatures to the transaction.
* @param signatureData List of SignatureData contains ECDSA signature data
public void appendSignatures(List signatureData) {
this.signatures = refineSignature(this.getSignatures());
* Combines signatures to the transaction from RLP-encoded transaction strings and returns a single transaction with all signatures combined.
* When combining the signatures into a transaction instance,
* an error is thrown if the decoded transaction contains different value except signatures.
* @param rlpEncoded A List of RLP-encoded transaction strings.
* @return String
public abstract String combineSignedRawTransactions(List rlpEncoded);
* Returns a RawTransaction(RLP-encoded transaction string)
* @return String
public String getRawTransaction() {
return this.getRLPEncoding();
* Returns a hash string of transaction
* @return String
public String getTransactionHash() {
return Hash.sha3(this.getRLPEncoding());
* Returns a senderTxHash of transaction
* @return String
public String getSenderTxHash() {
return this.getTransactionHash();
* Returns an RLP-encoded transaction string for making signature.
* @return String
public String getRLPEncodingForSignature() {
byte[] txRLP = Numeric.hexStringToByteArray(getCommonRLPEncodingForSignature());
List rlpTypeList = new ArrayList<>();
byte[] encoded = RlpEncoder.encode(new RlpList(rlpTypeList));
return Numeric.toHexString(encoded);
* Fills empty optional transaction field.(nonce, gasPrice, chainId)
* @throws IOException
public void fillTransaction() throws IOException{
if(klaytnCall != null) {
if(this.nonce.equals("0x")) {
this.nonce = klaytnCall.getTransactionCount(this.from, DefaultBlockParameterName.PENDING).send().getResult();
if(this.chainId.equals("0x")) {
this.chainId = klaytnCall.getChainID().send().getResult();
if(this.nonce.equals("0x") || this.chainId.equals("0x")) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot fill transaction data.(nonce, chainId). `klaytnCall` must be set in Transaction instance to automatically fill the nonce, chainId or gasPrice. Please call the `setKlaytnCall` to set `klaytnCall` in the Transaction instance.");
* Suggests a gas price to use in the transaction.
* Calls `klay_gasPrice` to return unit price of the gas.
* @return BigInteger
* @throws IOException
public BigInteger suggestGasPrice() throws IOException {
if(this.klaytnCall == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot suggest gas price. To get suggested gas price, `klaytnCall` must be set in Transaction instance. Please call the `setKlaytnCall` to set `klaytnCall` in the Transaction instance.");
// Before Magma hard fork set gasPrice (or maxFeePerGas) with gas unit price
// After Magma hard fork, set gasPrice (or maxFeePerGas) with baseFee * 2
// klay_gasPrice will return a suggestion gas price, so use klay_gasPrice API
return this.klaytnCall.getGasPrice().send().getValue();
* Check equals txObj passed parameter and Current instance.
* @param txObj The AbstractTransaction Object to compare
* @param checkSig Check whether signatures field is equal.
* @return boolean
public boolean compareTxField(AbstractTransaction txObj, boolean checkSig) {
if(!this.getType().equals(txObj.getType())) return false;
if(!this.getFrom().toLowerCase().equals(txObj.getFrom().toLowerCase())) return false;
if(!Numeric.toBigInt(this.getNonce()).equals(Numeric.toBigInt(txObj.getNonce()))) return false;
if(!Numeric.toBigInt(this.getGas()).equals(Numeric.toBigInt(txObj.getGas()))) return false;
if(checkSig) {
List dataList = this.getSignatures();
if(dataList.size() != txObj.getSignatures().size()) return false;
for(int i=0; i< dataList.size(); i++) {
if(!dataList.get(i).equals(txObj.getSignatures().get(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks that member variables that can be defined by the user are defined.
* If there is an undefined variable, an error occurs.
public void validateOptionalValues(boolean checkChainID) {
if(this.getNonce() == null || this.getNonce().isEmpty() || this.getNonce().equals("0x")) {
throw new RuntimeException("nonce is undefined. Define nonce in transaction or use 'transaction.fillTransaction' to fill values.");
if(checkChainID) {
if(this.getChainId() == null || this.getChainId().isEmpty() || this.getChainId().equals("0x")) {
throw new RuntimeException("chainId is undefined. Define chainId in transaction or use 'transaction.fillTransaction' to fill values.");
* Refines the array containing signatures
* - Removes duplicate signatures
* - Removes the default empty signature("0x01", "0x", "0x")
* - For an empty signature array, return an array containing the default empty signature("0x01", "0x", "0x")
* @param signatureDataList The list of {@link SignatureData}
* @return List<String>
public List refineSignature(List signatureDataList) {
boolean isEthereumTransaction = TransactionHelper.isEthereumTransaction(this.getType());
List refinedList = SignatureData.refineSignature(signatureDataList);
if(isEthereumTransaction && refinedList.size() > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException(this.getType() + " cannot have multiple signature.");
return refinedList;
* Recovers the public key strings from "signatures" field in transaction object.
* If you want to derive an address from public key, please use {@link Utils#publicKeyToAddress(String)}.
Example :
* {@code
* List publicKeys = tx.recoverPublicKeys();
* }
* @return List<String>
public List recoverPublicKeys() {
try {
// If it is EthereumTyped transaction(EthereumAccessList, EthereumDynamicFee), call recoverPublicKeysWithEthereumTypedTransaction.
if(TransactionHelper.isEthereumTypedTransaction(this.getType())) {
return recoverPublicKeysWithEthereumTypedTransaction();
if(Utils.isEmptySig(this.getSignatures())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to recover public keys from signatures: signatures is empty.");
// For recover signature. We need to find chainId from signatures' v field.
// The V value in Tx signatures is set by [parity value {0,1} + chainId * 2 + 35]
if(this.getChainId().equals("0x")) {
BigInteger chainId = this.getSignatures().get(0).getChainId();
String sigHash = TransactionHasher.getHashForSignature(this);
List publicKeyList = new ArrayList<>();
for(SignatureData signatureData : this.getSignatures()) {
if(Numeric.toBigInt(this.getChainId()).compareTo(signatureData.getChainId()) != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Signature data : chain id is not matched.");
publicKeyList.add(Utils.recoverPublicKey(sigHash, signatureData, true));
return publicKeyList;
} catch(SignatureException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private List recoverPublicKeysWithEthereumTypedTransaction() throws SignatureException{
if(Utils.isEmptySig(this.getSignatures())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to recover public keys from signatures: signatures is empty.");
String sigHash = TransactionHasher.getHashForSignature(this);
List publicKeyList = new ArrayList<>();
for(SignatureData signatureData : this.getSignatures()) {
if(Numeric.toBigInt(signatureData.getV()).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) != 0 && Numeric.toBigInt(signatureData.getV()).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Signature data : the v value must have 0 or 1.");
publicKeyList.add(Utils.recoverPublicKey(sigHash, signatureData, true));
return publicKeyList;
* Getter function for klaytnRPC
* @return Klay
public Klay getKlaytnCall() {
return klaytnCall;
* Setter function for klaytnRPC
* @param klaytnCall Klay RPC Instance.
public void setKlaytnCall(Klay klaytnCall) {
this.klaytnCall = klaytnCall;
* Getter function for type.
* @return String
public String getType() {
return type;
* Getter function for from
* @return String
public String getFrom() {
return from;
* Getter function for nonce
* @return String
public String getNonce() {
return nonce;
* Getter function for gas
* @return String
public String getGas() {
return gas;
* Getter function for chain id
* @return String
public String getChainId() {
return chainId;
* Getter function for signatures
* @return String
public List getSignatures() {
return signatures;
* Setter function for type.
* @param type The Transaction type.
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public void setFrom(String from) {
//"From" field in EthereumTransaction allows null
if(TransactionHelper.isEthereumTransaction(this.getType())) {
if(from == null || from.isEmpty() || from.equals("0x") || from.equals(Utils.DEFAULT_ZERO_ADDRESS)) from = Utils.DEFAULT_ZERO_ADDRESS;
} else {
if(from == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("from is missing.");
if(!Utils.isAddress(from)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid address. : " + from);
this.from = from;
* Setter function for gas
* @param gas The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
public void setGas(String gas) {
//Gas value must be set.
if(gas == null || gas.isEmpty() || gas.equals("0x")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("gas is missing.");
if(!Utils.isNumber(gas)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid gas. : " + gas);
this.gas = gas;
* Setter function for gas
* @param gas The maximum amount of gas the transaction is allowed to use.
public void setGas(BigInteger gas) {
* Setter function for nonce.
* @param nonce A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction.
public void setNonce(String nonce) {
if(nonce == null || nonce.isEmpty() || nonce.equals("0x")) {
nonce = "0x";
if(!nonce.equals("0x") && !Utils.isNumber(nonce)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid nonce. : " + nonce);
this.nonce = nonce;
* Setter function for nonce.
* @param nonce A value used to uniquely identify a sender’s transaction.
public void setNonce(BigInteger nonce) {
* Setter function for chain id.
* @param chainId A network id.
public void setChainId(String chainId) {
if(chainId == null || chainId.isEmpty() || chainId.equals("0x")) {
chainId = "0x";
if(!chainId.equals("0x") && !Utils.isNumber(chainId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid chainId. : " + chainId);
this.chainId = chainId;
* Setter function for chain id.
* @param chainId A network id.
public void setChainId(BigInteger chainId) {
public void setSignatures(List signatures) {
if(signatures == null || signatures.size() == 0) {
signatures = Arrays.asList(SignatureData.getEmptySignature());
public int getKeyType() {
return TransactionType.valueOf(this.getType()).getType();