pipez.PipeDerivation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pipez
/** Allows derivation macro to glue Pipes for `Pipe[in.field, out.field]` for each case class field/Java Bean accessor
* or `Pipe[In.Subtype, Out.Subtype]` for each subtype together.
* Assumes that `Pipe[In, Out]` is interchangeable to `(in: In, ctx: Context) => Result[Out]` where:
* - `Context` is anything we want to thread through our calls (like in `ReaderT`)
* - `Result[Out]` is any effect we need: `Either[Error, Out]`, `IO[Out]`
* If there is no need to thread anything you might define your `Context` to `Unit` and if you don't need an effect on
* returned value you might define `Result[Out] = Out`.
* @tparam Pipe
* type class with two type parameters, used like `Pipe[In, Out]`, which is most likely a Single Abstract Method
* interface, implementing some `(In, Context) => Result[Out]` function, which could be automatically generated for
* `InProduct => OutProduct` or `InSumType => OutSumType` by piping the corresponding fields or sum type elements by
* their name and combining the result together
trait PipeDerivation[Pipe[_, _]] {
/** Type of value you want to thread through all calls */
type Context
/** Type of value you want to return after the call */
type Result[Out]
/** Turns a function into your `Pipe` type class */
def lift[In, Out](f: (In, Context) => Result[Out]): Pipe[In, Out]
/** Calls `Pipe` as if it was a function */
def unlift[In, Out](pipe: Pipe[In, Out], in: In, ctx: Context): Result[Out]
/** Let you inject int information about current Path (extracted field, matched subtypes) into `Context` */
def updateContext(context: Context, path: => Path): Context
/** Wraps raw value into `Result` that `Pipe` should return */
def pureResult[A](a: A): Result[A]
/** Combines 2 `Results` into 1 */
def mergeResults[A, B, C](context: Context, ra: Result[A], rb: => Result[B], f: (A, B) => C): Result[C]
object PipeDerivation extends PipeDerivationPlatform {
/** Specialization for `Pipe`s which are interchangeable to `In => Result[Out]` */
trait NoContext[Pipe[_, _]] extends PipeDerivation[Pipe] {
final type Context = Unit
/** Turns a function without `Context` into `Pipe` */
def simpleLift[In, Out](f: In => Result[Out]): Pipe[In, Out]
final def lift[In, Out](f: (In, Context) => Result[Out]): Pipe[In, Out] = simpleLift(in => f(in, ()))
/** Calls `Pipe` as if it was a function without `Context` */
def simpleUnlift[In, Out](pipe: Pipe[In, Out], in: In): Result[Out]
final def unlift[In, Out](pipe: Pipe[In, Out], in: In, ctx: Context): Result[Out] = simpleUnlift(pipe, in)
final def updateContext(context: Context, path: => Path): Context = context
/** Merges `Result`s as if `Context` was not passed around */
def simpleMergeResults[A, B, C](ra: Result[A], rb: => Result[B], f: (A, B) => C): Result[C]
override def mergeResults[A, B, C](context: Context, ra: Result[A], rb: => Result[B], f: (A, B) => C): Result[C] =
simpleMergeResults(ra, rb, f)
/** Specialization for `Pipe`s which are interchangeable to `(In, Context) => Out` */
trait NoParsing[Pipe[_, _]] extends PipeDerivation[Pipe] {
final type Result[Out] = Out
final def pureResult[A](a: A): Result[A] = a
override def mergeResults[A, B, C](context: Context, ra: Result[A], rb: => Result[B], f: (A, B) => C): Result[C] =
f(ra, rb)
/** Specialization for `Pipe`s which are interchangeable to `In => Out` */
trait Simple[Pipe[_, _]] extends NoContext[Pipe] with NoParsing[Pipe] {
final def simpleMergeResults[A, B, C](ra: A, rb: => B, f: (A, B) => C): C = f(ra, rb)
type Aux[Pipe[_, _], Context0, Result0[_]] = PipeDerivation[Pipe] {
type Context = Context0
type Result[A] = Result0[A]
/** Default instance for `In => Out` derivation */
implicit val simpleFunction: PipeDerivation[_ => _] = new Simple[_ => _] {
override def simpleLift[In, Out](f: In => Out): In => Out = f
override def simpleUnlift[In, Out](pipe: In => Out, in: In): Out = pipe(in)
/** Instance for `(In, Ctx) => Out` with customized `Ctx` update */
def contextFunction[Ctx](
contextUpdate: (Ctx, Path) => Ctx = (ctx: Ctx, _: Path) => ctx
): PipeDerivation[(_, Ctx) => _] = new NoParsing[(_, Ctx) => _] {
final type Context = Ctx
override def lift[In, Out](f: (In, Context) => Out): (In, Ctx) => Out = f
override def unlift[In, Out](pipe: (In, Ctx) => Out, in: In, ctx: Context): Out = pipe(in, ctx)
override def updateContext(context: Context, path: => Path): Context = contextUpdate(context, path)
/** Default instance for `(In, Ctx) => Out` with `Ctx` passed around without updating */
implicit def contextFunction[Ctx]: PipeDerivation[(_, Ctx) => _] = contextFunction[Ctx]()