mill.main.RootModule.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package mill.main
import mill.api.internal
import mill.define.{BaseModule, Ctx, Caller, Discover, Module, Segments}
import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly
* Used to mark a module in your `build.mill` as a top-level module, so it's
* targets and commands can be run directly e.g. via `mill run` rather than
* prefixed by the module name `mill`.
* Only one top-level module may be defined in your `build.mill`, and it must be
* defined at the top level of the `build.mill` and not nested in any other
* modules.
abstract class RootModule()(implicit
baseModuleInfo: RootModule.Info,
millModuleEnclosing0: sourcecode.Enclosing,
millModuleLine0: sourcecode.Line,
millFile0: sourcecode.File
) extends mill.define.BaseModule(baseModuleInfo.millSourcePath0)(
) with mill.main.MainModule {
// Dummy `millDiscover` defined but never actually used and overriden by codegen.
// Provided for IDEs to think that one is available and not show errors in
// build.mill/package.mill even though they can't see the codegen
def millDiscover: Discover = sys.error("RootModule#millDiscover must be overriden")
object RootModule {
case class Info(millSourcePath0: os.Path, discover: Discover)
object Info {
// Dummy `RootModule.Info` available in implicit scope but never actually used.
// as it is provided by the codegen. Defined for IDEs to think that one is available
// and not show errors in build.mill/package.mill even though they can't see the codegen
@compileTimeOnly("RootModule can only be instantiated in a build.mill or package.mill file")
implicit def dummyInfo: Info = sys.error("implicit RootModule.Info must be provided")
case class SubFolderInfo(value: Seq[String])
abstract class Subfolder()(implicit
baseModuleInfo: RootModule.Info,
millModuleLine0: sourcecode.Line,
millFile0: sourcecode.File,
subFolderInfo: SubFolderInfo
) extends Module.BaseClass()(
millModuleEnclosing0 = subFolderInfo.value.mkString("."),
millModuleLine0 = millModuleLine0,
millModuleBasePath0 = Ctx.BasePath(baseModuleInfo.millSourcePath0 / os.up),
segments0 = Segments.labels(subFolderInfo.value.init: _*),
external0 = Ctx.External(false),
foreign0 = Ctx.Foreign(None),
fileName = millFile0,
enclosing = Caller(null)
) with Module {
def millDiscover: Discover
abstract class Foreign(foreign0: Option[Segments])(implicit
baseModuleInfo: RootModule.Info,
millModuleEnclosing0: sourcecode.Enclosing,
millModuleLine0: sourcecode.Line,
millFile0: sourcecode.File
) extends BaseModule(baseModuleInfo.millSourcePath0, foreign0 = foreign0)(
) with mill.main.MainModule