validation.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package ltbs.uniform
import cats.implicits._
import cats.Monoid
/** Validation and data transformation capabilities used in
* uniform.
package object validation
extends validation.Compat
with Quantifiable.ToQuantifiableOps
with QuantifiableInstances
with Empty.ToEmptyOps
with EmptyInstances
type Transformation[A, B] = A => Validated[ErrorTree, B]
/** A validation rule used to check input data. */
type Rule[A] = Transformation[A,A]
implicit def ruleMonoidInstance[A] = new Monoid[Rule[A]] {
def empty: Rule[A] = Rule.alwaysPass[A]
def combine(x: Rule[A],y: Rule[A]): Rule[A] = new Rule[A] {
import Validated.{Valid, Invalid}
def apply(in: A) = (x.apply(in),y.apply(in)) match {
case (Valid(_), Valid(_)) => Valid(in)
case (Invalid(e), Valid(_)) => Invalid(e)
case (Valid(_), Invalid(e)) => Invalid(e)
case (Invalid(e1), Invalid(e2)) => Invalid(e1 |+| e2)
implicit class RichTransformation[A,B](transformation: Transformation[A,B]) {
/** check the input and return a Left(ErrorTree) if there is an
* error or a Right(a) if the data is valid
def either(in: A): Either[ErrorTree, B] = transformation.apply(in).toEither
/** compose a new validation transformation by chaining two together in
* sequence. The second Transformation will not be executed unless the
* first passes.
def followedBy[C](transformationB: Transformation[B,C]): Transformation[A,C] =
transformation(_) andThen transformationB
implicit class RichRule[A](rule: Rule[A]) {
def either(in: A): Either[ErrorTree, A] = rule.apply(in).toEither
/** compose a new validation rule by chaining two together in
* sequence. The second Rule will not be executed unless the
* first passes.
def followedBy(ruleB: Rule[A]): Rule[A] = FollowedByRule(rule, ruleB)
/** compose a new validation rule by running two together in
* parallel. The second Rule will be executed regardless of
* if the first passes and any errors aggregated.
def alongWith(ruleB: Rule[A]): Rule[A] = AlongWithRule(rule, ruleB)
/** In the event that the validation is some form of aggregation
* (such as [[FollowedByRule]] or [[AlongWithRule]]) split it out into all of
* its non-aggregate components.
* If the rule is a normal rule return a singleton list with that rule.
def subRules: List[Rule[A]] = {
def inner(normal: List[Rule[A]], unsorted: List[Rule[A]]): List[Rule[A]] = {
unsorted match {
case (FollowedByRule(a,b)::xs) => inner(normal, a :: b :: xs)
case (AlongWithRule(a,b)::xs) => inner(normal, a :: b :: xs)
case x::xs => inner(x::normal, xs)
case Nil => normal
inner(Nil, List(rule))