Download elements JAR file with all dependencies
elements from group com.manydesigns (version 4.1.3)
Artifact elements
Group com.manydesigns
Version 4.1.3
Last update 22. May 2015
Tags: using tool distributed used open languages tools features applications working generation systems structure groovy extensible mainly automatic under enterprise intended create content that management administration dynamic creation generate connect development existing wizard through analysis includes typical interactive driven written customization license sites scripting application portofino interface framework rapid developers database manual lgpl process source java configuration based combines
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 15
Dependencies commons-lang, commons-io, commons-codec, commons-fileupload, commons-collections, commons-configuration2, commons-beanutils, guava, ognl, javassist, joda-time, slf4j-api, annotations, json, commons-vfs2,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.manydesigns
Version 4.1.3
Last update 22. May 2015
Tags: using tool distributed used open languages tools features applications working generation systems structure groovy extensible mainly automatic under enterprise intended create content that management administration dynamic creation generate connect development existing wizard through analysis includes typical interactive driven written customization license sites scripting application portofino interface framework rapid developers database manual lgpl process source java configuration based combines
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 15
Dependencies commons-lang, commons-io, commons-codec, commons-fileupload, commons-collections, commons-configuration2, commons-beanutils, guava, ognl, javassist, joda-time, slf4j-api, annotations, json, commons-vfs2,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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