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* Copyright (c) 2014 mgm technology partners GmbH
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package com.mgmtp.perfload.supervisor
import ch.ethz.ssh2.ChannelCondition
import ch.ethz.ssh2.Connection
import ch.ethz.ssh2.SCPClient
import ch.ethz.ssh2.Session
* Utility class for executing SSH commands.
* @author rnaegele
class SshUtils {
* Creates an SSH connection, which may be used concurrently by multiple threads.
* @param host the host
* @param user the user
* @param password the password
* @return the connection
public static Connection createConnection(String host, String user, String password) {
Connection conn = connect(host)
if (conn.authenticateWithPassword(user, password)) {
println "Successfully authenticated SSH connection to '$host'."
return conn
throw new IllegalStateException("SSH connection to '$host' could not be established.")
* Creates an SSH connection using public key authentication, which may be used concurrently
* by multiple threads.
* @param host the host
* @param user the user
* @param pemfile a file containing a DSA or RSA private key of the user in OpenSSH key format
* @param password the password (only used if the PEM structure is encrypted)
* @return the connection
public static Connection createConnection(String host, String user, File pemFile, String password) {
Connection conn = connect(host)
if (conn.authenticateWithPublicKey(user, pemFile, password)) {
println "Successfully authenticated SSH connection to '$host' using PEM file: $pemFile"
return conn
throw new IllegalStateException("SSH connection to '$host' could not be established.")
private static Connection connect(String host) {
try {
Connection conn = new Connection(host)
println "Trying to establish SSH connection to '$host'..."
conn.connect(null, 60000, 60000)
println "Successfully established SSH connection to '$host'."
return conn
} catch (SocketTimeoutException ex) {
String msg = "Timeout connecting to host '$host'"
println msg
throw new RuntimeException(msg, ex)
} catch (IOException ex) {
String msg = "Error connecting to host '$host'"
println msg
throw new RuntimeException(msg, ex)
* Executes an SSH command using the given connection.
* @param conn the SSH connection
* @param command the SSH command
* @param an optional timeout, default is no timeout
* @return the exit code of the remote command
public static Integer executeCommand(Connection conn, String command, long timeout = 0L) {
Session sess = conn.openSession()
try {
InputStream stdout = sess.getStdout()
InputStream stderr = sess.getStderr()
while (true) {
if ((stdout.available() == 0) && (stderr.available() == 0)) {
// Even though currently there is no data available, it may be that new data arrives and the session's
// underlying channel is closed before we call waitForCondition(). This means that EOF and
// STDOUT_DATA (or STDERR_DATA, or both) may be set together.
int conditions = sess.waitForCondition(ChannelCondition.STDOUT_DATA | ChannelCondition.STDERR_DATA | ChannelCondition.EOF, timeout)
if ((conditions & ChannelCondition.TIMEOUT) != 0) {
println "SSH connection timed out after $timeout ms."
// Here we do not need to check separately for CLOSED, since CLOSED implies EOF
if ((conditions & ChannelCondition.EOF) != 0) {
// The remote side won't send us further data...
if ((conditions & (ChannelCondition.STDOUT_DATA | ChannelCondition.STDERR_DATA)) == 0) {
// ... and we have consumed all data in the local arrival window.
Thread th = Thread.start {
boolean stdoutAvailable = stdout.available() > 0
boolean stderrAvailable = stderr.available() > 0
while (stdoutAvailable || stderrAvailable) {
if (stdoutAvailable) {
stdout.withReader { println "\t${it.readLine()}" }
stdoutAvailable = stdout.available() > 0
if (stderrAvailable) {
stderr.withReader { println "\t${it.readLine()}" }
stderrAvailable = stderr.available() > 0
// We need to obey a possible timeout. Otherwise this might block forever.
return sess.getExitStatus()
} finally {
* Executes an SSH command creating a new SSH connection using the given credentials.
* @param host the host to connect to
* @param user the user
* @param password the password
* @param command the SSH command
* @param an optional timeout, default is no timeout
* @return the exit code of the remote command
public static Integer executeCommand(String host, String user, String password, String command, long timeout = 0L) {
Connection conn = createConnection(host, user, password)
try {
return executeCommand(conn, command, timeout)
} finally {
* Executes an SSH command creating a new SSH connection using the given pem file.
* @param host the host to connect to
* @param user the user
* @param pemFile the PEM file
* @param password the password
* @param command the SSH command
* @param an optional timeout, default is no timeout
* @return the exit code of the remote command
public static Integer executeCommand(String host, String user, File pemFile, String password, String command, long timeout = 0L) {
Connection conn = createConnection(host, user, pemFile, password)
try {
return executeCommand(conn, command, timeout)
} finally {
* Downloads a file via SCP using the given connection.
* @param host the host to connect to
* @param user the user
* @param password the password
* @param todir the target directory (must exist on the local file system!)
* @param file the path to the file on the remote host
public static void scpDownload(Connection conn, String todir, String file) {
println "Downloading file '$file' from '${conn.hostname}' via SCP..."
SCPClient scpClient = new SCPClient(conn)
InputStream is = null
OutputStream os = null
File destFile = new File(todir, FilenameUtils.getName(file))
boolean ok = false
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(destFile)
is = scpClient.get(file)
IOUtils.copy(is, os)
ok = true
} catch (IOException ex) {
println "Error downloading file via SCP: $file"
} finally {
if (!ok) {
// an empty corrupt zip file might have been stored
* Downloads a file via SCP creating a new SSH connection using the given credentials.
* @param host the host to connect to
* @param user the user
* @param password the password
* @param todir the target directory (must exist on the local file system!)
* @param file the path to the file on the remote host
public static void scpDownload(String host, String user, String password, String todir, String file) {
Connection conn = createConnection(host, user, password)
try {
scpDownload(conn, todir, file)
} finally {
* Downloads a file via SCP creating a new SSH connection using the given credentials.
* @param host the host to connect to
* @param user the user
* @param pemFile the PEM file
* @param password the password
* @param todir the target directory (must exist on the local file system!)
* @param file the path to the file on the remote host
public static void scpDownload(String host, String user, File pemFile, String password, String todir, String file) {
Connection conn = createConnection(host, user, pemFile, password)
try {
scpDownload(conn, todir, file)
} finally {