Download discovery-plugin-framework-starter JAR file with all dependencies
discovery-plugin-framework-starter from group com.nepxion (version 6.17.0)
Nepxion Discovery is a solution for Spring Cloud with blue green, gray, weight, limitation, circuit breaker, degrade, isolation, monitor, tracing, dye, failover, async agent
Artifact discovery-plugin-framework-starter
Group com.nepxion
Version 6.17.0
Last update 30. September 2022
Tags: nepxion limitation tracing agent green circuit breaker weight isolation monitor spring cloud with async gray solution blue failover discovery degrade
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies discovery-plugin-framework-starter-parser, eventbus-aop-starter, banner, spring-cloud-starter, spring-cloud-starter-netflix-ribbon, guava, caffeine, spring-context-support,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.nepxion
Version 6.17.0
Last update 30. September 2022
Tags: nepxion limitation tracing agent green circuit breaker weight isolation monitor spring cloud with async gray solution blue failover discovery degrade
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies discovery-plugin-framework-starter-parser, eventbus-aop-starter, banner, spring-cloud-starter, spring-cloud-starter-netflix-ribbon, guava, caffeine, spring-context-support,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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