com.netaporter.uri.Uri.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.netaporter.uri
import com.netaporter.uri.inet.PublicSuffixes
import com.netaporter.uri.parsing.UriParser
import com.netaporter.uri.config.UriConfig
import com.netaporter.uri.Parameters.Param
import scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce
import scala.collection.Seq
case class Uri (
scheme: Option[String],
user: Option[String],
password: Option[String],
host: Option[String],
port: Option[Int],
pathParts: Seq[PathPart],
query: QueryString,
fragment: Option[String]
) {
lazy val hostParts: Seq[String] = => h.split('.').toVector).getOrElse(Vector.empty)
def subdomain = hostParts.headOption
def pathPartOption(name: String) =
pathParts.find(_.part == name)
def pathPart(name: String) =
def matrixParams =
pathParts.last match {
case MatrixParams(_, p) => p
case _ => Seq.empty
def addMatrixParam(pp: String, k: String, v: String) = copy (
pathParts = {
case p: PathPart if p.part == pp => p.addParam(k -> Some(v))
case x => x
def addMatrixParam(k: String, v: String) = copy (
pathParts = pathParts.dropRight(1) :+ pathParts.last.addParam(k -> Some(v))
* Adds a new Query String parameter key-value pair. If the value for the Query String parmeter is None, then this
* Query String parameter will not be rendered in calls to toString or toStringRaw
* @param name name of the parameter
* @param value value for the parameter
* @return A new Uri with the new Query String parameter
def addParam(name: String, value: Any) = (name, value) match {
case (_, None) => this
case (n, Some(v)) => copy(query = query.addParam(n, Some(v.toString)))
case (n, v) => copy(query = query.addParam(n, Some(v.toString)))
def addParams(kvs: Seq[(String, Any)]) = {
val cleanKvs = kvs.filterNot(_._2 == None).map {
case (k, Some(v)) => (k, Some(v.toString))
case (k, v) => (k, Some(v.toString))
copy(query = query.addParams(cleanKvs))
def protocol = scheme
* Copies this Uri but with the scheme set as the given value.
* @param scheme the new scheme to set
* @return a new Uri with the specified scheme
def withScheme(scheme: String): Uri = copy(scheme = Option(scheme))
* Copies this Uri but with the host set as the given value.
* @param host the new host to set
* @return a new Uri with the specified host
def withHost(host: String): Uri = copy(host = Option(host))
* Copies this Uri but with the user set as the given value.
* @param user the new user to set
* @return a new Uri with the specified user
def withUser(user: String): Uri = copy(user = Option(user))
* Copies this Uri but with the password set as the given value.
* @param password the new password to set
* @return a new Uri with the specified password
def withPassword(password: String): Uri = copy(password = Option(password))
* Copies this Uri but with the port set as the given value.
* @param port the new port to set
* @return a new Uri with the specified port
def withPort(port: Int): Uri = copy(port = Option(port))
* Copies this Uri but with the fragment set as the given value.
* @param fragment the new fragment to set
* @return a new Uri with the specified fragment
def withFragment(fragment: String): Uri = copy(fragment = Option(fragment))
* Returns the path with no encoders taking place (e.g. non ASCII characters will not be percent encoded)
* @return String containing the raw path for this Uri
def pathRaw(implicit c: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) =
* Returns the encoded path. By default non ASCII characters in the path are percent encoded.
* @return String containing the path for this Uri
def path(implicit c: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) =
if(pathParts.isEmpty) ""
else "/" +"/")
def queryStringRaw(implicit c: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) =
def queryString(implicit c: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) =
* Replaces the all existing Query String parameters with the specified key with a single Query String parameter
* with the specified value. If the value passed in is None, then all Query String parameters with the specified key
* are removed
* @param k Key for the Query String parameter(s) to replace
* @param v value to replace with
* @return A new Uri with the result of the replace
def replaceParams(k: String, v: Any) = {
v match {
case valueOpt: Option[_] =>
copy(query = query.replaceAll(k, valueOpt))
case _ =>
copy(query = query.replaceAll(k, Some(v)))
* Replaces the all existing Query String parameters with a new set of query params
def replaceAllParams(params: Param*) =
copy(query = query.withParams(params))
* Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter
* @param f A function that returns a new Parameter when applied to each Parameter
* @return
def mapQuery(f: Param=>Param) =
copy(query = query.mapParams(f))
* Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter
* @param f A function that returns a collection of Parameters when applied to each parameter
* @return
def flatMapQuery(f: Param=>GenTraversableOnce[Param]) =
copy(query = query.flatMapParams(f))
* Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter name
* @param f A function that returns a new Parameter name when applied to each Parameter name
* @return
def mapQueryNames(f: String=>String) =
copy(query = query.mapParamNames(f))
* Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter value
* @param f A function that returns a new Parameter value when applied to each Parameter value
* @return
def mapQueryValues(f: String=>String) =
copy(query = query.mapParamValues(f))
* Removes any Query String Parameters that return false when applied to the given Function
* @param f
* @return
def filterQuery(f: Param=>Boolean) =
copy(query = query.filterParams(f))
* Removes any Query String Parameters that return false when their name is applied to the given Function
* @param f
* @return
def filterQueryNames(f: String=>Boolean) =
copy(query = query.filterParamsNames(f))
* Removes any Query String Parameters that return false when their value is applied to the given Function
* @param f
* @return
def filterQueryValues(f: String=>Boolean) =
copy(query = query.filterParamsValues(f))
* Removes all Query String parameters with the specified key
* @param k Key for the Query String parameter(s) to remove
* @return
def removeParams(k: String) = {
copy(query = query.removeAll(k))
* Removes all Query String parameters with the specified key contained in the a (Array)
* @param a an Array of Keys for the Query String parameter(s) to remove
* @return
def removeParams(a: Seq[String]) = {
copy(query = query.removeAll(a))
* Removes all Query String parameters
* @return
def removeAllParams() = {
copy(query = query.removeAll())
def publicSuffix: Option[String] = {
for {
h <- host
longestMatch <- PublicSuffixes.trie.longestMatch(h.reverse)
} yield longestMatch.reverse
def publicSuffixes: Seq[String] = {
for {
h <- host.toSeq
m <- PublicSuffixes.trie.matches(h.reverse)
} yield m.reverse
override def toString = toString(UriConfig.default)
def toString(implicit c: UriConfig = UriConfig.default): String = {
//If there is no scheme, we use scheme relative
def userInfo = for {
userStr <- user
userStrEncoded = c.userInfoEncoder.encode(userStr, c.charset)
passwordStrEncoded = => ":" + c.userInfoEncoder.encode(p, c.charset)).getOrElse("")
} yield userStrEncoded + passwordStrEncoded + "@"
val hostStr = for {
hostStr <- host
schemeStr = + "://").getOrElse("//")
userInfoStr = userInfo.getOrElse("")
} yield schemeStr + userInfoStr + hostStr
hostStr.getOrElse("") +":" + _).getOrElse("") +
path(c) +
queryString(c) + => "#" + c.fragmentEncoder.encode(f, c.charset)).getOrElse("")
* Returns the string representation of this Uri with no encoders taking place
* (e.g. non ASCII characters will not be percent encoded)
* @return String containing this Uri in it's raw form
def toStringRaw(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default): String =
* Converts to a Java URI.
* This involves a toString + URI.parse because the specific URI constructors do not deal properly with encoded elements
* @return a URI matching this Uri
def toURI(implicit c: UriConfig = UriConfig.conservative) = new
object Uri {
def parse(s: CharSequence)(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default): Uri =
UriParser.parse(s.toString, config)
def parseQuery(s: CharSequence)(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default): QueryString =
UriParser.parseQuery(s.toString, config)
def apply(scheme: String = null,
user: String = null,
password: String = null,
host: String = null,
port: Int = 0,
pathParts: Seq[PathPart] = Seq.empty,
query: QueryString = EmptyQueryString,
fragment: String = null) = {
new Uri(Option(scheme),
if(port > 0) Some(port) else None,
def empty = apply()
def apply(javaUri: Uri = parse(javaUri.toASCIIString())