com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.qualification.Qualification.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark tools
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* Copyright (c) 2021-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.qualification
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, TimeUnit}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.{EventLogInfo, FailedEventLog, ToolBase}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.qualification.QualOutputWriter.DEFAULT_JOB_FREQUENCY
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.tuning.TunerContext
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.views.QualRawReportGenerator
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.FailureApp
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.qualification._
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.ui.ConsoleProgressBar
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.util._
class Qualification(outputPath: String, numRows: Int, hadoopConf: Configuration,
timeout: Option[Long], nThreads: Int, order: String,
pluginTypeChecker: PluginTypeChecker, reportReadSchema: Boolean,
printStdout: Boolean, enablePB: Boolean,
reportSqlLevel: Boolean, maxSQLDescLength: Int, mlOpsEnabled:Boolean,
penalizeTransitions: Boolean, tunerContext: Option[TunerContext],
clusterReport: Boolean) extends ToolBase(timeout) {
override val simpleName: String = "qualTool"
override val outputDir = s"$outputPath/rapids_4_spark_qualification_output"
private val allApps = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, QualificationSummaryInfo]()
override def getNumThreads: Int = nThreads
private class QualifyThread(path: EventLogInfo) extends Runnable {
def run: Unit = qualifyApp(path, hadoopConf)
def qualifyApps(allPaths: Seq[EventLogInfo]): Seq[QualificationSummaryInfo] = {
if (enablePB && allPaths.nonEmpty) { // total count to start the PB cannot be 0
progressBar = Some(new ConsoleProgressBar("Qual Tool", allPaths.length))
// generate metadata
allPaths.foreach { path =>
try {
threadPool.submit(new QualifyThread(path))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logError(s"Unexpected exception submitting log ${path.eventLog.toString}, skipping!", e)
// wait for the threads to finish processing the files
if (!threadPool.awaitTermination(waitTimeInSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
logError(s"Processing log files took longer then $waitTimeInSec seconds," +
" stopping processing any more event logs")
val allAppsSum = estimateAppFrequency(allApps.asScala.values.toSeq)
// sort order and limit only applies to the report summary text file,
// the csv file we write the entire data in descending order
val sortedDescDetailed = sortDescForDetailedReport(allAppsSum)
generateQualificationReport(allAppsSum, sortedDescDetailed)
private def sortDescForDetailedReport(
allAppsSum: Seq[QualificationSummaryInfo]): Seq[QualificationSummaryInfo] = {
// Default sorting for of the csv files. Use the endTime to break the tie.
allAppsSum.sortBy(sum => {
(sum.estimatedInfo.recommendation, sum.estimatedInfo.estimatedGpuSpeedup,
sum.estimatedInfo.estimatedGpuTimeSaved, sum.startTime + sum.estimatedInfo.appDur)
// Sorting for the pretty printed executive summary.
// The sums elements is ordered in descending order. so, only we need to reverse it if the order
// is ascending
private def sortForExecutiveSummary(appsSumDesc: Seq[QualificationSummaryInfo],
order: String): Seq[EstimatedSummaryInfo] = {
if (QualificationArgs.isOrderAsc(order)) { =>
sum.estimatedInfo, sum.estimatedFrequency.getOrElse(DEFAULT_JOB_FREQUENCY)))
} else { => EstimatedSummaryInfo(
sum.estimatedInfo, sum.estimatedFrequency.getOrElse(DEFAULT_JOB_FREQUENCY)))
// Estimate app frequency based off of all applications in this run, unit jobs per month
private def estimateAppFrequency(
appsSum: Seq[QualificationSummaryInfo]): Seq[QualificationSummaryInfo] = {
val appFrequency = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Double]()
var windowStart: Long = Long.MaxValue
var windowEnd: Long = Long.MinValue
appsSum.foreach { sum =>
appFrequency += (sum.appName -> (1.0 + appFrequency.getOrElse(sum.appName, 0.0)))
windowStart = Math.min(sum.startTime, windowStart)
windowEnd = Math.max(windowEnd, sum.startTime + sum.estimatedInfo.appDur)
val windowInMonths =
if (windowEnd > windowStart) ((windowEnd - windowStart) / (1000.0*60*60*24*30)) else 1.0
// Scale frequency to per month assuming uniform distribution over the logging window rather
// than the individual applications window. Single run jobs are given a default frequency
val monthlyFrequency = { case (appName, numApps) => (appName ->
(if (numApps <= 1) DEFAULT_JOB_FREQUENCY else (numApps / windowInMonths).round))
} { app =>
val frequency = monthlyFrequency.getOrElse(app.appName, DEFAULT_JOB_FREQUENCY)
// Ensure jobs have a valid frequency, rounding up to 1 (monthly)
app.copy(estimatedFrequency =
Option(if (frequency <= 0) 1 else frequency))
private def qualifyApp(
path: EventLogInfo,
hadoopConf: Configuration): Unit = {
val pathStr = path.eventLog.toString
try {
// Early handling of failed event logs
path match {
case failedEventLog: FailedEventLog =>
case _ => // No action needed for other cases
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val appResult = QualificationAppInfo.createApp(path, hadoopConf, pluginTypeChecker,
reportSqlLevel, mlOpsEnabled, penalizeTransitions)
val qualAppResult = appResult match {
case Left(FailureApp("skipped", errorMessage)) =>
// Case to be skipped, e.g. encountered Databricks Photon event log
SkippedAppResult(pathStr, errorMessage)
case Left(FailureApp(_, errorMessage)) =>
// Case when other error occurred during QualificationAppInfo creation
UnknownAppResult(pathStr, "", errorMessage)
case Right(app: QualificationAppInfo) =>
// Case with successful creation of QualificationAppInfo
// First, generate the Raw metrics view
val appIndex = 1
// this is a bit ugly right now to overload writing out the report and returning the
// DataSource information but this encapsulates the analyzer to keep the memory usage
// smaller.
val dsInfo =
AppSubscriber.withSafeValidAttempt(app.appId, app.attemptId) { () =>
outputDir, app, appIndex)
val qualSumInfo = app.aggregateStats()
AppSubscriber.withSafeValidAttempt(app.appId, app.attemptId) { () =>
tunerContext.foreach { tuner =>
// Run the autotuner if it is enabled.
// Note that we call the autotuner anyway without checking the aggregate results
// because the Autotuner can still make some recommendations based on the information
// enclosed by the QualificationInfo object
tuner.tuneApplication(app, qualSumInfo, appIndex, dsInfo)
if (qualSumInfo.isDefined) {
// add the recommend cluster info into the summary
val tempSummary = qualSumInfo.get
val newClusterSummary = tempSummary.clusterSummary.copy(
recommendedClusterInfo = pluginTypeChecker.platform.recommendedClusterInfo)
AppSubscriber.withSafeValidAttempt(app.appId, app.attemptId) { () =>
val newQualSummary = tempSummary.copy(clusterSummary = newClusterSummary)
// check if the app is already in the map
if (allApps.containsKey(app.appId)) {
// fix the progress bar counts
logInfo(s"Removing older app summary for app: ${app.appId} " +
s"before adding the new one with attempt: ${app.attemptId}")
allApps.put(app.appId, newQualSummary)
val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
SuccessAppResult(pathStr, app.appId, app.attemptId,
s"Took ${endTime - startTime}ms to process")
} match {
case Some(successfulResult) => successfulResult
case _ =>
// If the attemptId is an older attemptId, skip this attempt.
// This can happen when the user has provided event logs for multiple attempts
SkippedAppResult.fromAppAttempt(pathStr, app.appId, app.attemptId)
} else {
UnknownAppResult(pathStr, app.appId,
"No aggregated stats for event log")
// Log the information to the console
// Update the appStatusReporter with the result of QualificationAppInfo processing
appStatusReporter.put(pathStr, qualAppResult)
} catch {
case oom: OutOfMemoryError =>
logError(s"OOM error while processing large file: $pathStr." +
s"Increase heap size.", oom)
case o: Error =>
logError(s"Error occurred while processing file: $pathStr", o)
case e: Exception =>
val failureAppResult = FailureAppResult(pathStr,
s"Unexpected exception processing log, skipping!")
appStatusReporter.put(pathStr, failureAppResult)
* The outputPath of the current instance of the provider
def getReportOutputPath: String = {
* Generates a qualification report based on the provided summary information.
private def generateQualificationReport(allAppsSum: Seq[QualificationSummaryInfo],
sortedDescDetailed: Seq[QualificationSummaryInfo]): Unit = {
val qWriter = new QualOutputWriter(outputDir, reportReadSchema, printStdout,
sortForExecutiveSummary(sortedDescDetailed, order), numRows)
if (reportSqlLevel) {
qWriter.writePerSqlTextReport(allAppsSum, numRows, maxSQLDescLength)
qWriter.writePerSqlCSVReport(allAppsSum, maxSQLDescLength)
qWriter.writeExecReport(allAppsSum, order)
qWriter.writeStageReport(allAppsSum, order)
val appStatusResult = generateStatusResults(appStatusReporter.asScala.values.toSeq)
qWriter.writeStatusReport(appStatusResult, order)
if (mlOpsEnabled) {
if (allAppsSum.exists(x => x.mlFunctions.nonEmpty)) {
qWriter.writeMlFuncsReports(allAppsSum, order)
} else {
logWarning(s"Eventlogs doesn't contain any ML functions")
if (clusterReport) {