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com.nvidia.spark.rapids.GpuParquetScan.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2019-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.nvidia.spark.rapids

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.{Collections, Locale}

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.math.max

import ai.rapids.cudf.{ColumnVector, DType, HostMemoryBuffer, NvtxColor, ParquetOptions, Table}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.GpuMetricNames._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.ParquetPartitionReader.CopyRange
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsPluginImplicits._
import{CountingOutputStream, NullOutputStream}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FSDataInputStream, Path}
import org.apache.parquet.bytes.BytesUtils
import org.apache.parquet.column.ColumnDescriptor
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.FilterApi
import org.apache.parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.{ParquetFileReader, ParquetInputFormat}
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.{BlockMetaData, ColumnChunkMetaData, ColumnPath, FileMetaData, ParquetMetadata}
import org.apache.parquet.schema.{GroupType, MessageType, Types}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import{InputPartition, PartitionReader, PartitionReaderFactory}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecutionException
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{PartitionedFile, PartitioningAwareFileIndex}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.{ParquetFilters, ParquetReadSupport}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.{FilePartitionReaderFactory, FileScan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.parquet.ParquetScan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetric
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.Filter
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.ColumnarBatch
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

case class GpuParquetScan(
    sparkSession: SparkSession,
    hadoopConf: Configuration,
    fileIndex: PartitioningAwareFileIndex,
    dataSchema: StructType,
    readDataSchema: StructType,
    readPartitionSchema: StructType,
    pushedFilters: Array[Filter],
    options: CaseInsensitiveStringMap,
    partitionFilters: Seq[Expression],
    dataFilters: Seq[Expression],
    rapidsConf: RapidsConf)
  extends FileScan with ScanWithMetrics {

  override def isSplitable(path: Path): Boolean = true

  override def createReaderFactory(): PartitionReaderFactory = {
    val broadcastedConf = sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(
      new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConf))
    GpuParquetPartitionReaderFactory(sparkSession.sessionState.conf, broadcastedConf,
      dataSchema, readDataSchema, readPartitionSchema, pushedFilters, rapidsConf, metrics)

  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
    case p: GpuParquetScan =>
      super.equals(p) && dataSchema == p.dataSchema && options == p.options &&
        equivalentFilters(pushedFilters, p.pushedFilters) && rapidsConf == p.rapidsConf
    case _ => false

  override def hashCode(): Int = getClass.hashCode()

  override def description(): String = {
    super.description() + ", PushedFilters: " + seqToString(pushedFilters)

  override def withFilters(
      partitionFilters: Seq[Expression], dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): FileScan =
    this.copy(partitionFilters = partitionFilters, dataFilters = dataFilters)

object GpuParquetScan {
  def tagSupport(scanMeta: ScanMeta[ParquetScan]): Unit = {
    val scan = scanMeta.wrapped
    val schema = StructType(scan.readDataSchema ++ scan.readPartitionSchema)
    tagSupport(scan.sparkSession, schema, scanMeta)

  def tagSupport(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      readSchema: StructType,
      meta: RapidsMeta[_, _, _]): Unit = {
    if (!meta.conf.isParquetEnabled) {
      meta.willNotWorkOnGpu("Parquet input and output has been disabled. To enable set" +
        s"${RapidsConf.ENABLE_PARQUET} to true")

    if (!meta.conf.isParquetReadEnabled) {
      meta.willNotWorkOnGpu("Parquet input has been disabled. To enable set" +
        s"${RapidsConf.ENABLE_PARQUET_READ} to true")

    for (field <- readSchema) {
      if (!GpuColumnVector.isSupportedType(field.dataType)) {
        meta.willNotWorkOnGpu(s"GpuParquetScan does not support fields of type ${field.dataType}")

    // Currently timestamp conversion is not supported.
    // If support needs to be added then we need to follow the logic in Spark's
    // ParquetPartitionReaderFactory and VectorizedColumnReader which essentially
    // does the following:
    //   - check if Parquet file was created by "parquet-mr"
    //   - if not then look at SQLConf.SESSION_LOCAL_TIMEZONE and assume timestamps
    //     were written in that timezone and convert them to UTC timestamps.
    // Essentially this should boil down to a vector subtract of the scalar delta
    // between the configured timezone's delta from UTC on the timestamp data.
    if (sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isParquetINT96TimestampConversion) {
      meta.willNotWorkOnGpu("GpuParquetScan does not support int96 timestamp conversion")

case class GpuParquetPartitionReaderFactory(
    @transient sqlConf: SQLConf,
    broadcastedConf: Broadcast[SerializableConfiguration],
    dataSchema: StructType,
    readDataSchema: StructType,
    partitionSchema: StructType,
    filters: Array[Filter],
    @transient rapidsConf: RapidsConf,
    metrics: Map[String, SQLMetric]) extends FilePartitionReaderFactory {
  private val isCaseSensitive = sqlConf.caseSensitiveAnalysis
  private val enableParquetFilterPushDown: Boolean = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDown
  private val pushDownDate = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownDate
  private val pushDownTimestamp = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownTimestamp
  private val pushDownDecimal = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownDecimal
  private val pushDownStringStartWith = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownStringStartWith
  private val pushDownInFilterThreshold = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownInFilterThreshold
  private val debugDumpPrefix = rapidsConf.parquetDebugDumpPrefix
  private val maxReadBatchSizeRows = rapidsConf.maxReadBatchSizeRows
  private val maxReadBatchSizeBytes = rapidsConf.maxReadBatchSizeBytes

  override def supportColumnarReads(partition: InputPartition): Boolean = true

  override def buildReader(partitionedFile: PartitionedFile): PartitionReader[InternalRow] = {
    throw new IllegalStateException("GPU column parser called to read rows")

  override def buildColumnarReader(
      partitionedFile: PartitionedFile): PartitionReader[ColumnarBatch] = {
    val reader = buildBaseColumnarParquetReader(partitionedFile)
    ColumnarPartitionReaderWithPartitionValues.newReader(partitionedFile, reader, partitionSchema)

  private def filterClippedSchema(clippedSchema: MessageType,
      fileSchema: MessageType, isCaseSensitive: Boolean): MessageType = {
    val fs = fileSchema.asGroupType()
    val types = if (isCaseSensitive) {
      val inFile =
        .getFields.asScala.filter(f => inFile.contains(f.getName))
    } else {
      val inFile = fs.getFields.asScala
        .filter(f => inFile.contains(f.getName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)))
    if (types.isEmpty) {
    } else {
        .addFields(types: _*)

  private def buildBaseColumnarParquetReader(
      file: PartitionedFile): PartitionReader[ColumnarBatch] = {
    val conf = broadcastedConf.value.value
    val filePath = new Path(new URI(file.filePath))
    //noinspection ScalaDeprecation
    val footer = ParquetFileReader.readFooter(conf, filePath,
        ParquetMetadataConverter.range(file.start, file.start + file.length))
    val fileSchema = footer.getFileMetaData.getSchema
    val pushedFilters = if (enableParquetFilterPushDown) {
      val parquetFilters = new ParquetFilters(fileSchema, pushDownDate, pushDownTimestamp,
          pushDownDecimal, pushDownStringStartWith, pushDownInFilterThreshold, isCaseSensitive)
    } else {

    val blocks = if (pushedFilters.isDefined) {
      // Use the ParquetFileReader to perform dictionary-level filtering
      ParquetInputFormat.setFilterPredicate(conf, pushedFilters.get)
      //noinspection ScalaDeprecation
      val parquetReader = new ParquetFileReader(conf, footer.getFileMetaData, filePath,
        footer.getBlocks, Collections.emptyList[ColumnDescriptor])
      try {
      } finally {
    } else {

    val clippedSchemaTmp = ParquetReadSupport.clipParquetSchema(fileSchema, readDataSchema,
    // ParquetReadSupport.clipParquetSchema does most of what we want, but it includes
    // everything in readDataSchema, even if it is not in fileSchema we want to remove those
    // for our own purposes
    val clippedSchema = filterClippedSchema(clippedSchemaTmp, fileSchema, isCaseSensitive)
    val columnPaths = => ColumnPath.get(x:_*))
    val clippedBlocks = ParquetPartitionReader.clipBlocks(columnPaths, blocks.asScala)
    new ParquetPartitionReader(conf, file, filePath, clippedBlocks, clippedSchema,
        isCaseSensitive, readDataSchema, debugDumpPrefix, maxReadBatchSizeRows,
        maxReadBatchSizeBytes, metrics)

  * A PartitionReader that reads a Parquet file split on the GPU.
  * Efficiently reading a Parquet split on the GPU requires re-constructing the Parquet file
  * in memory that contains just the column chunks that are needed. This avoids sending
  * unnecessary data to the GPU and saves GPU memory.
  * @param conf the Hadoop configuration
  * @param split the file split to read
  * @param filePath the path to the Parquet file
  * @param clippedBlocks the block metadata from the original Parquet file that has been clipped
  *                      to only contain the column chunks to be read
  * @param clippedParquetSchema the Parquet schema from the original Parquet file that has been
  *                             clipped to contain only the columns to be read
  * @param readDataSchema the Spark schema describing what will be read
  * @param debugDumpPrefix a path prefix to use for dumping the fabricated Parquet data or null
class ParquetPartitionReader(
    conf: Configuration,
    split: PartitionedFile,
    filePath: Path,
    clippedBlocks: Seq[BlockMetaData],
    clippedParquetSchema: MessageType,
    isSchemaCaseSensitive: Boolean,
    readDataSchema: StructType,
    debugDumpPrefix: String,
    maxReadBatchSizeRows: Integer,
    maxReadBatchSizeBytes: Long,
    execMetrics: Map[String, SQLMetric]) extends PartitionReader[ColumnarBatch] with Logging
  with ScanWithMetrics with Arm {
  private var isExhausted: Boolean = false
  private var maxDeviceMemory: Long  = 0
  private var batch: Option[ColumnarBatch] = None
  private val blockIterator :  BufferedIterator[BlockMetaData] = clippedBlocks.iterator.buffered
  private val copyBufferSize = conf.getInt("", 8 * 1024 * 1024)

  metrics = execMetrics

  override def next(): Boolean = {
    batch = None
    if (!isExhausted) {
      if (!blockIterator.hasNext) {
        isExhausted = true
        metrics("peakDevMemory") += maxDeviceMemory
      } else {
        batch = readBatch()
    // This is odd, but some operators return data even when there is no input so we need to
    // be sure that we grab the GPU

  override def get(): ColumnarBatch = {
    val ret = batch.getOrElse(throw new NoSuchElementException)
    batch = None

  override def close(): Unit = {
    batch = None
    isExhausted = true

  private def readPartFile(blocks: Seq[BlockMetaData]): (HostMemoryBuffer, Long) = {
    val nvtxRange = new NvtxWithMetrics("Buffer file split", NvtxColor.YELLOW,
    try {
      val in = filePath.getFileSystem(conf).open(filePath)
      try {
        var succeeded = false
        val hmb = HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(calculateParquetOutputSize(blocks))
        try {
          val out = new HostMemoryOutputStream(hmb)
          val outputBlocks = copyBlocksData(in, out, blocks)
          val footerPos = out.getPos
          writeFooter(out, outputBlocks)
          BytesUtils.writeIntLittleEndian(out, (out.getPos - footerPos).toInt)
          succeeded = true
          (hmb, out.getPos)
        } finally {
          if (!succeeded) {
      } finally {
    } finally {

  private def calculateParquetOutputSize(currentChunkedBlocks: Seq[BlockMetaData]): Long = {
    // start with the size of Parquet magic (at start+end) and footer length values
    var size: Long = 4 + 4 + 4

    // add in the size of the row group data

    // Calculate the total amount of column data that will be copied
    // NOTE: Avoid using block.getTotalByteSize here as that is the
    //       uncompressed size rather than the size in the file.
    size += currentChunkedBlocks.flatMap(

    // Calculate size of the footer metadata.
    // This uses the column metadata from the original file, but that should
    // always be at least as big as the updated metadata in the output.
    val out = new CountingOutputStream(new NullOutputStream)
    writeFooter(out, currentChunkedBlocks)
    size + out.getByteCount

  private def writeFooter(out: OutputStream, blocks: Seq[BlockMetaData]): Unit = {
    val fileMeta = new FileMetaData(clippedParquetSchema, Collections.emptyMap[String, String],
    val metadataConverter = new ParquetMetadataConverter
    val footer = new ParquetMetadata(fileMeta, blocks.asJava)
    val meta = metadataConverter.toParquetMetadata(ParquetPartitionReader.PARQUET_VERSION, footer)
    org.apache.parquet.format.Util.writeFileMetaData(meta, out)

  private def copyDataRange(
      range: CopyRange,
      in: FSDataInputStream,
      out: OutputStream,
      copyBuffer: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
    if (in.getPos != range.offset) {
    var bytesLeft = range.length
    while (bytesLeft > 0) {
      // downcast is safe because copyBuffer.length is an int
      val readLength = Math.min(bytesLeft, copyBuffer.length).toInt
      in.readFully(copyBuffer, 0, readLength)
      out.write(copyBuffer, 0, readLength)
      bytesLeft -= readLength

    * Copies the data corresponding to the clipped blocks in the original file and compute the
    * block metadata for the output. The output blocks will contain the same column chunk
    * metadata but with the file offsets updated to reflect the new position of the column data
    * as written to the output.
    * @param in the input stream for the original Parquet file
    * @param out the output stream to receive the data
    * @return updated block metadata corresponding to the output
  private def copyBlocksData(
      in: FSDataInputStream,
      out: HostMemoryOutputStream,
      blocks: Seq[BlockMetaData]): Seq[BlockMetaData] = {
    var totalRows: Long = 0
    val outputBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[BlockMetaData](blocks.length)
    val copyRanges = new ArrayBuffer[CopyRange]
    var currentCopyStart = 0L
    var currentCopyEnd = 0L
    var totalBytesToCopy = 0L
    blocks.foreach { block =>
      totalRows += block.getRowCount
      val columns = block.getColumns.asScala
      val outputColumns = new ArrayBuffer[ColumnChunkMetaData](columns.length)
      columns.foreach { column =>
        // update column metadata to reflect new position in the output file
        val offsetAdjustment = out.getPos + totalBytesToCopy - column.getStartingPos
        val newDictOffset = if (column.getDictionaryPageOffset > 0) {
          column.getDictionaryPageOffset + offsetAdjustment
        } else {
        //noinspection ScalaDeprecation
        outputColumns += ColumnChunkMetaData.get(
          column.getStartingPos + offsetAdjustment,

        if (currentCopyEnd != column.getStartingPos) {
          if (currentCopyEnd != 0) {
            copyRanges.append(CopyRange(currentCopyStart, currentCopyEnd - currentCopyStart))
          currentCopyStart = column.getStartingPos
          currentCopyEnd = currentCopyStart
        currentCopyEnd += column.getTotalSize
        totalBytesToCopy += column.getTotalSize
      outputBlocks += ParquetPartitionReader.newParquetBlock(block.getRowCount, outputColumns)

    if (currentCopyEnd != currentCopyStart) {
      copyRanges.append(CopyRange(currentCopyStart, currentCopyEnd - currentCopyStart))
    val copyBuffer = new Array[Byte](copyBufferSize)
    copyRanges.foreach(copyRange => copyDataRange(copyRange, in, out, copyBuffer))

  private def readBatch(): Option[ColumnarBatch] = {
    val nvtxRange = new NvtxWithMetrics("Parquet readBatch", NvtxColor.GREEN, metrics(TOTAL_TIME))
    try {
      val currentChunkedBlocks = populateCurrentBlockChunk()
      if (readDataSchema.isEmpty) {
        // not reading any data, so return a degenerate ColumnarBatch with the row count
        val numRows =
        if (numRows == 0) {
        } else {
          Some(new ColumnarBatch(Array.empty, numRows.toInt))
      } else {
        val table = readToTable(currentChunkedBlocks)
        try {
          val maybeBatch =
          maybeBatch.foreach { batch =>
            logDebug(s"GPU batch size: ${GpuColumnVector.getTotalDeviceMemoryUsed(batch)} bytes")
        } finally {
    } finally {

  private def areNamesEquiv(groups: GroupType, index: Int, otherName: String,
      isCaseSensitive: Boolean): Boolean = {
    if (groups.getFieldCount > index) {
      if (isCaseSensitive) {
        groups.getFieldName(index) == otherName
      } else {
        groups.getFieldName(index).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) == otherName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
    } else {

  private def evolveSchemaIfNeededAndClose(inputTable: Table): Table = {
    if (readDataSchema.length > inputTable.getNumberOfColumns) {
      // Spark+Parquet schema evolution is relatively simple with only adding/removing columns
      // To type casting or anyting like that
      val clippedGroups = clippedParquetSchema.asGroupType()
      val newColumns = new Array[ColumnVector](readDataSchema.length)
      try {
        withResource(inputTable) { table =>
          var readAt = 0
          (0 until readDataSchema.length).foreach(writeAt => {
            val readField = readDataSchema(writeAt)
            if (areNamesEquiv(clippedGroups, readAt,, isSchemaCaseSensitive)) {
              newColumns(writeAt) = table.getColumn(readAt).incRefCount()
              readAt += 1
            } else {
              withResource(GpuScalar.from(null, readField.dataType)) { n =>
                newColumns(writeAt) = ColumnVector.fromScalar(n, table.getRowCount.toInt)
          if (readAt != table.getNumberOfColumns) {
            throw new QueryExecutionException(s"Could not find the expected columns " +
              s"$readAt out of ${table.getNumberOfColumns} from $filePath")
        new Table(newColumns: _*)
      } finally {
    } else {

  private def readToTable(currentChunkedBlocks: Seq[BlockMetaData]): Option[Table] = {
    if (currentChunkedBlocks.isEmpty) {
      return None

    val (dataBuffer, dataSize) = readPartFile(currentChunkedBlocks)
    try {
      if (dataSize == 0) {
      } else {
        if (debugDumpPrefix != null) {
          dumpParquetData(dataBuffer, dataSize)
        val parseOpts = ParquetOptions.builder()

        // about to start using the GPU

        val table = Table.readParquet(parseOpts, dataBuffer, 0, dataSize)
        maxDeviceMemory = max(GpuColumnVector.getTotalDeviceMemoryUsed(table), maxDeviceMemory)
        if (readDataSchema.length < table.getNumberOfColumns) {
          throw new QueryExecutionException(s"Expected ${readDataSchema.length} columns " +
            s"but read ${table.getNumberOfColumns} from $filePath")
        metrics(NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES) += 1
    } finally {

  private def populateCurrentBlockChunk(): Seq[BlockMetaData] = {

    val currentChunk = new ArrayBuffer[BlockMetaData]
    var numRows: Long = 0
    var numBytes: Long = 0
    var numParquetBytes: Long = 0

    def readNextBatch(): Unit = {
      if (blockIterator.hasNext) {
        val peekedRowGroup = blockIterator.head
        if (peekedRowGroup.getRowCount > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Too many rows in split")
        if (numRows == 0 || numRows + peekedRowGroup.getRowCount <= maxReadBatchSizeRows) {
          val estimatedBytes = GpuBatchUtils.estimateGpuMemory(readDataSchema,
          if (numBytes == 0 || numBytes + estimatedBytes <= maxReadBatchSizeBytes) {
            currentChunk +=
            numRows += currentChunk.last.getRowCount
            numParquetBytes += currentChunk.last.getTotalByteSize
            numBytes += estimatedBytes


    logDebug(s"Loaded $numRows rows from Parquet. Parquet bytes read: $numParquetBytes. " +
      s"Estimated GPU bytes: $numBytes")


  private def dumpParquetData(
      hmb: HostMemoryBuffer,
      dataLength: Long): Unit = {
    val (out, path) = FileUtils.createTempFile(conf, debugDumpPrefix, ".parquet")
    try {
      logInfo(s"Writing Parquet split data for $split to $path")
      val in = new HostMemoryInputStream(hmb, dataLength)
      IOUtils.copy(in, out)
    } finally {

object ParquetPartitionReader {
  private val PARQUET_MAGIC = "PAR1".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)
  private val PARQUET_CREATOR = "RAPIDS Spark Plugin"
  private val PARQUET_VERSION = 1

  private case class CopyRange(offset: Long, length: Long)

    * Build a new BlockMetaData
    * @param rowCount the number of rows in this block
    * @param columns the new column chunks to reference in the new BlockMetaData
    * @return the new BlockMetaData
  private def newParquetBlock(
      rowCount: Long,
      columns: Seq[ColumnChunkMetaData]): BlockMetaData = {
    val block = new BlockMetaData

    var totalSize: Long = 0
    columns.foreach { column =>
      totalSize += column.getTotalUncompressedSize


    * Trim block metadata to contain only the column chunks that occur in the specified columns.
    * The column chunks that are returned are preserved verbatim
    * (i.e.: file offsets remain unchanged).
    * @param columnPaths the paths of columns to preserve
    * @param blocks the block metadata from the original Parquet file
    * @return the updated block metadata with undesired column chunks removed
  private[spark] def clipBlocks(columnPaths: Seq[ColumnPath],
      blocks: Seq[BlockMetaData]): Seq[BlockMetaData] = {
    val pathSet = columnPaths.toSet => {
      //noinspection ScalaDeprecation
      val newColumns = oldBlock.getColumns.asScala.filter(c => pathSet.contains(c.getPath))
      ParquetPartitionReader.newParquetBlock(oldBlock.getRowCount, newColumns)

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