com.olvind.mui.muiSystem.unstableGridGridPropsMod.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.olvind.mui.muiSystem
import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement
import org.scalablytyped.runtime.StObject
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSGlobalScope, JSGlobal, JSImport, JSName, JSBracketAccess}
object unstableGridGridPropsMod {
trait GridBaseProps
extends StObject
with GridDefaultBreakpoints {
* The content of the component.
var children: js.UndefOr[ReactElement] = js.undefined
* Defines the horizontal space between the type `item` components.
* It overrides the value of the `spacing` prop.
var columnSpacing: js.UndefOr[ResponsiveStyleValue[GridSpacing]] = js.undefined
* The number of columns.
* @default 12
var columns: js.UndefOr[ResponsiveStyleValue[Double]] = js.undefined
* If `true`, the component will have the flex *container* behavior.
* You should be wrapping *items* with a *container*.
* @default false
var container: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined
* Defines the `flex-direction` style property.
* It is applied for all screen sizes.
* @default 'row'
var direction: js.UndefOr[ResponsiveStyleValue[GridDirection]] = js.undefined
* If `true`, the negative margin and padding are apply only to the top and left sides of the grid.
var disableEqualOverflow: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined
* Defines the vertical space between the type `item` components.
* It overrides the value of the `spacing` prop.
var rowSpacing: js.UndefOr[ResponsiveStyleValue[GridSpacing]] = js.undefined
* Defines the space between the type `item` components.
* It can only be used on a type `container` component.
* @default 0
var spacing: js.UndefOr[ResponsiveStyleValue[GridSpacing]] = js.undefined
* Defines the `flex-wrap` style property.
* It's applied for all screen sizes.
* @default 'wrap'
var wrap: js.UndefOr[GridWrap] = js.undefined
object GridBaseProps {
inline def apply(): GridBaseProps = {
val __obj = js.Dynamic.literal()
implicit open class MutableBuilder[Self <: GridBaseProps] (val x: Self) extends AnyVal {
inline def setChildren(value: ReactElement): Self = StObject.set(x, "children", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setChildrenUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "children", js.undefined)
inline def setColumnSpacing(value: ResponsiveStyleValue[GridSpacing]): Self = StObject.set(x, "columnSpacing", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setColumnSpacingUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "columnSpacing", js.undefined)
inline def setColumnSpacingVarargs(value: (GridSpacing | Null)*): Self = StObject.set(x, "columnSpacing", js.Array(value*))
inline def setColumns(value: ResponsiveStyleValue[Double]): Self = StObject.set(x, "columns", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setColumnsUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "columns", js.undefined)
inline def setColumnsVarargs(value: (Double | Null)*): Self = StObject.set(x, "columns", js.Array(value*))
inline def setContainer(value: Boolean): Self = StObject.set(x, "container", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setContainerUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "container", js.undefined)
inline def setDirection(value: ResponsiveStyleValue[GridDirection]): Self = StObject.set(x, "direction", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setDirectionUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "direction", js.undefined)
inline def setDirectionVarargs(value: (GridDirection | Null)*): Self = StObject.set(x, "direction", js.Array(value*))
inline def setDisableEqualOverflow(value: Boolean): Self = StObject.set(x, "disableEqualOverflow", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setDisableEqualOverflowUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "disableEqualOverflow", js.undefined)
inline def setRowSpacing(value: ResponsiveStyleValue[GridSpacing]): Self = StObject.set(x, "rowSpacing", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setRowSpacingUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "rowSpacing", js.undefined)
inline def setRowSpacingVarargs(value: (GridSpacing | Null)*): Self = StObject.set(x, "rowSpacing", js.Array(value*))
inline def setSpacing(value: ResponsiveStyleValue[GridSpacing]): Self = StObject.set(x, "spacing", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setSpacingUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "spacing", js.undefined)
inline def setSpacingVarargs(value: (GridSpacing | Null)*): Self = StObject.set(x, "spacing", js.Array(value*))
inline def setWrap(value: GridWrap): Self = StObject.set(x, "wrap", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setWrapUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "wrap", js.undefined)
trait GridDefaultBreakpoints extends StObject {
* If a number, it sets the number of columns the grid item uses.
* It can't be greater than the total number of columns of the container (12 by default).
* If 'auto', the grid item's width matches its content.
* If false, the prop is ignored.
* If true, the grid item's width grows to use the space available in the grid container.
* The value is applied for the `lg` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
* @default false
var lg: js.UndefOr[Boolean | GridSize] = js.undefined
* If a number, it sets the margin-left equals to the number of columns the grid item uses.
* If 'auto', the grid item push itself to the right-end of the container.
* The value is applied for the `lg` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
var lgOffset: js.UndefOr[GridSize] = js.undefined
* If a number, it sets the number of columns the grid item uses.
* It can't be greater than the total number of columns of the container (12 by default).
* If 'auto', the grid item's width matches its content.
* If false, the prop is ignored.
* If true, the grid item's width grows to use the space available in the grid container.
* The value is applied for the `md` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
* @default false
var md: js.UndefOr[Boolean | GridSize] = js.undefined
* If a number, it sets the margin-left equals to the number of columns the grid item uses.
* If 'auto', the grid item push itself to the right-end of the container.
* The value is applied for the `md` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
var mdOffset: js.UndefOr[GridSize] = js.undefined
* If a number, it sets the number of columns the grid item uses.
* It can't be greater than the total number of columns of the container (12 by default).
* If 'auto', the grid item's width matches its content.
* If false, the prop is ignored.
* If true, the grid item's width grows to use the space available in the grid container.
* The value is applied for the `sm` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
* @default false
var sm: js.UndefOr[Boolean | GridSize] = js.undefined
* If a number, it sets the margin-left equals to the number of columns the grid item uses.
* If 'auto', the grid item push itself to the right-end of the container.
* The value is applied for the `sm` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
var smOffset: js.UndefOr[GridSize] = js.undefined
* If a number, it sets the number of columns the grid item uses.
* It can't be greater than the total number of columns of the container (12 by default).
* If 'auto', the grid item's width matches its content.
* If false, the prop is ignored.
* If true, the grid item's width grows to use the space available in the grid container.
* The value is applied for the `xl` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
* @default false
var xl: js.UndefOr[Boolean | GridSize] = js.undefined
* If a number, it sets the margin-left equals to the number of columns the grid item uses.
* If 'auto', the grid item push itself to the right-end of the container.
* The value is applied for the `xl` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
var xlOffset: js.UndefOr[GridSize] = js.undefined
* If a number, it sets the number of columns the grid item uses.
* It can't be greater than the total number of columns of the container (12 by default).
* If 'auto', the grid item's width matches its content.
* If false, the prop is ignored.
* If true, the grid item's width grows to use the space available in the grid container.
* The value is applied for all the screen sizes with the lowest priority.
* @default false
var xs: js.UndefOr[Boolean | GridSize] = js.undefined
* If a number, it sets the margin-left equals to the number of columns the grid item uses.
* If 'auto', the grid item push itself to the right-end of the container.
* The value is applied for the `xs` breakpoint and wider screens if not overridden.
var xsOffset: js.UndefOr[GridSize] = js.undefined
object GridDefaultBreakpoints {
inline def apply(): GridDefaultBreakpoints = {
val __obj = js.Dynamic.literal()
implicit open class MutableBuilder[Self <: GridDefaultBreakpoints] (val x: Self) extends AnyVal {
inline def setLg(value: Boolean | GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "lg", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setLgOffset(value: GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "lgOffset", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setLgOffsetUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "lgOffset", js.undefined)
inline def setLgUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "lg", js.undefined)
inline def setMd(value: Boolean | GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "md", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setMdOffset(value: GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "mdOffset", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setMdOffsetUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "mdOffset", js.undefined)
inline def setMdUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "md", js.undefined)
inline def setSm(value: Boolean | GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "sm", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setSmOffset(value: GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "smOffset", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setSmOffsetUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "smOffset", js.undefined)
inline def setSmUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "sm", js.undefined)
inline def setXl(value: Boolean | GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "xl", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setXlOffset(value: GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "xlOffset", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setXlOffsetUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "xlOffset", js.undefined)
inline def setXlUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "xl", js.undefined)
inline def setXs(value: Boolean | GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "xs", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setXsOffset(value: GridSize): Self = StObject.set(x, "xsOffset", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setXsOffsetUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "xsOffset", js.undefined)
inline def setXsUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "xs", js.undefined)
object GridDirection {
inline def column: "column" = "column".asInstanceOf["column"]
inline def `column-reverse`: "column-reverse" = "column-reverse".asInstanceOf["column-reverse"]
inline def row: "row" = "row".asInstanceOf["row"]
inline def `row-reverse`: "row-reverse" = "row-reverse".asInstanceOf["row-reverse"]
type GridDirection = "row" | "row-reverse" | "column" | "column-reverse"
type GridSize = "auto" | Double
type GridSpacing = Double | String
object GridWrap {
inline def nowrap: "nowrap" = "nowrap".asInstanceOf["nowrap"]
inline def wrap: "wrap" = "wrap".asInstanceOf["wrap"]
inline def `wrap-reverse`: "wrap-reverse" = "wrap-reverse".asInstanceOf["wrap-reverse"]
type GridWrap = "nowrap" | "wrap" | "wrap-reverse"
type ResponsiveStyleValue[T] = T | (js.Array[T | Null]) | (/* import warning: importer.ImportType#apply Failed type conversion: {[ key in @mui/system.@mui/system/createTheme/createBreakpoints.Breakpoint ]:? T | null} */ js.Any)