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A Pulumi package for creating and managing Microsoft Azure cloud resources, based on the Terraform azurerm provider. We recommend using the [Azure Native provider]( to provision Azure infrastructure. Azure Native provides complete coverage of Azure resources and same-day access to new resources and resource updates.

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// *** WARNING: this file was generated by pulumi-java-gen. ***
// *** Do not edit by hand unless you're certain you know what you are doing! ***


import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.core.annotations.Export;
import com.pulumi.core.annotations.ResourceType;
import com.pulumi.core.internal.Codegen;
import java.lang.String;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Manages a Replica Set for an Active Directory Domain Service.
 * ## Example Usage
 * <!--Start PulumiCodeChooser -->
 * {@code
 * package generated_program;
 * import com.pulumi.Context;
 * import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
 * import com.pulumi.core.Output;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import com.pulumi.azuread.Group;
 * import com.pulumi.azuread.GroupArgs;
 * import com.pulumi.azuread.User;
 * import com.pulumi.azuread.UserArgs;
 * import com.pulumi.azuread.GroupMember;
 * import com.pulumi.azuread.GroupMemberArgs;
 * import com.pulumi.azuread.ServicePrincipal;
 * import com.pulumi.azuread.ServicePrincipalArgs;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import;
 * import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
 * import java.util.List;
 * import java.util.ArrayList;
 * import java.util.Map;
 * import;
 * import java.nio.file.Files;
 * import java.nio.file.Paths;
 * public class App }{{@code
 *     public static void main(String[] args) }{{@code
 *     }}{@code
 *     public static void stack(Context ctx) }{{@code
 *         var primary = new ResourceGroup("primary", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-primary-rg")
 *             .location("West Europe")
 *             .build());
 *         var primaryVirtualNetwork = new VirtualNetwork("primaryVirtualNetwork", VirtualNetworkArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-primary-vnet")
 *             .location(primary.location())
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .addressSpaces("")
 *             .build());
 *         var primarySubnet = new Subnet("primarySubnet", SubnetArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-primary-subnet")
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .virtualNetworkName(
 *             .addressPrefixes("")
 *             .build());
 *         var primaryNetworkSecurityGroup = new NetworkSecurityGroup("primaryNetworkSecurityGroup", NetworkSecurityGroupArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-primary-nsg")
 *             .location(primary.location())
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .securityRules(            
 *                 NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRuleArgs.builder()
 *                     .name("AllowSyncWithAzureAD")
 *                     .priority(101)
 *                     .direction("Inbound")
 *                     .access("Allow")
 *                     .protocol("Tcp")
 *                     .sourcePortRange("*")
 *                     .destinationPortRange("443")
 *                     .sourceAddressPrefix("AzureActiveDirectoryDomainServices")
 *                     .destinationAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .build(),
 *                 NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRuleArgs.builder()
 *                     .name("AllowRD")
 *                     .priority(201)
 *                     .direction("Inbound")
 *                     .access("Allow")
 *                     .protocol("Tcp")
 *                     .sourcePortRange("*")
 *                     .destinationPortRange("3389")
 *                     .sourceAddressPrefix("CorpNetSaw")
 *                     .destinationAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .build(),
 *                 NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRuleArgs.builder()
 *                     .name("AllowPSRemoting")
 *                     .priority(301)
 *                     .direction("Inbound")
 *                     .access("Allow")
 *                     .protocol("Tcp")
 *                     .sourcePortRange("*")
 *                     .destinationPortRange("5986")
 *                     .sourceAddressPrefix("AzureActiveDirectoryDomainServices")
 *                     .destinationAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .build(),
 *                 NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRuleArgs.builder()
 *                     .name("AllowLDAPS")
 *                     .priority(401)
 *                     .direction("Inbound")
 *                     .access("Allow")
 *                     .protocol("Tcp")
 *                     .sourcePortRange("*")
 *                     .destinationPortRange("636")
 *                     .sourceAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .destinationAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .build())
 *             .build());
 *         var primarySubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation = new SubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation("primarySubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation", SubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociationArgs.builder()
 *             .subnetId(
 *             .networkSecurityGroupId(
 *             .build());
 *         var dcAdmins = new Group("dcAdmins", GroupArgs.builder()
 *             .displayName("aad-dc-administrators")
 *             .securityEnabled(true)
 *             .build());
 *         var admin = new User("admin", UserArgs.builder()
 *             .userPrincipalName("dc-admin}{@literal @}{@code")
 *             .displayName("DC Administrator")
 *             .password("Pa55w0Rd!!1")
 *             .build());
 *         var adminGroupMember = new GroupMember("adminGroupMember", GroupMemberArgs.builder()
 *             .groupObjectId(dcAdmins.objectId())
 *             .memberObjectId(admin.objectId())
 *             .build());
 *         var example = new ServicePrincipal("example", ServicePrincipalArgs.builder()
 *             .applicationId("2565bd9d-da50-47d4-8b85-4c97f669dc36")
 *             .build());
 *         var aadds = new ResourceGroup("aadds", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-rg")
 *             .location("westeurope")
 *             .build());
 *         var exampleService = new Service("exampleService", ServiceArgs.builder()
 *             .name("example-aadds")
 *             .location(aadds.location())
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .domainName("")
 *             .sku("Enterprise")
 *             .filteredSyncEnabled(false)
 *             .initialReplicaSet(ServiceInitialReplicaSetArgs.builder()
 *                 .location(primaryVirtualNetwork.location())
 *                 .subnetId(
 *                 .build())
 *             .notifications(ServiceNotificationsArgs.builder()
 *                 .additionalRecipients(                
 *                     "notifyA}{@literal @}{@code",
 *                     "notifyB}{@literal @}{@code")
 *                 .notifyDcAdmins(true)
 *                 .notifyGlobalAdmins(true)
 *                 .build())
 *             .security(ServiceSecurityArgs.builder()
 *                 .syncKerberosPasswords(true)
 *                 .syncNtlmPasswords(true)
 *                 .syncOnPremPasswords(true)
 *                 .build())
 *             .tags(Map.of("Environment", "prod"))
 *             .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
 *                 .dependsOn(                
 *                     example,
 *                     primarySubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation)
 *                 .build());
 *         var replica = new ResourceGroup("replica", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-replica-rg")
 *             .location("North Europe")
 *             .build());
 *         var replicaVirtualNetwork = new VirtualNetwork("replicaVirtualNetwork", VirtualNetworkArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-replica-vnet")
 *             .location(replica.location())
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .addressSpaces("")
 *             .build());
 *         var aaddsReplica = new Subnet("aaddsReplica", SubnetArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-replica-subnet")
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .virtualNetworkName(
 *             .addressPrefixes("")
 *             .build());
 *         var aaddsReplicaNetworkSecurityGroup = new NetworkSecurityGroup("aaddsReplicaNetworkSecurityGroup", NetworkSecurityGroupArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-replica-nsg")
 *             .location(replica.location())
 *             .resourceGroupName(
 *             .securityRules(            
 *                 NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRuleArgs.builder()
 *                     .name("AllowSyncWithAzureAD")
 *                     .priority(101)
 *                     .direction("Inbound")
 *                     .access("Allow")
 *                     .protocol("Tcp")
 *                     .sourcePortRange("*")
 *                     .destinationPortRange("443")
 *                     .sourceAddressPrefix("AzureActiveDirectoryDomainServices")
 *                     .destinationAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .build(),
 *                 NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRuleArgs.builder()
 *                     .name("AllowRD")
 *                     .priority(201)
 *                     .direction("Inbound")
 *                     .access("Allow")
 *                     .protocol("Tcp")
 *                     .sourcePortRange("*")
 *                     .destinationPortRange("3389")
 *                     .sourceAddressPrefix("CorpNetSaw")
 *                     .destinationAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .build(),
 *                 NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRuleArgs.builder()
 *                     .name("AllowPSRemoting")
 *                     .priority(301)
 *                     .direction("Inbound")
 *                     .access("Allow")
 *                     .protocol("Tcp")
 *                     .sourcePortRange("*")
 *                     .destinationPortRange("5986")
 *                     .sourceAddressPrefix("AzureActiveDirectoryDomainServices")
 *                     .destinationAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .build(),
 *                 NetworkSecurityGroupSecurityRuleArgs.builder()
 *                     .name("AllowLDAPS")
 *                     .priority(401)
 *                     .direction("Inbound")
 *                     .access("Allow")
 *                     .protocol("Tcp")
 *                     .sourcePortRange("*")
 *                     .destinationPortRange("636")
 *                     .sourceAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .destinationAddressPrefix("*")
 *                     .build())
 *             .build());
 *         var replicaSubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation = new SubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation("replicaSubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation", SubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociationArgs.builder()
 *             .subnetId(
 *             .networkSecurityGroupId(
 *             .build());
 *         var primaryReplica = new VirtualNetworkPeering("primaryReplica", VirtualNetworkPeeringArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-primary-replica")
 *             .resourceGroupName(primaryVirtualNetwork.resourceGroupName())
 *             .virtualNetworkName(
 *             .remoteVirtualNetworkId(
 *             .allowForwardedTraffic(true)
 *             .allowGatewayTransit(false)
 *             .allowVirtualNetworkAccess(true)
 *             .useRemoteGateways(false)
 *             .build());
 *         var replicaPrimary = new VirtualNetworkPeering("replicaPrimary", VirtualNetworkPeeringArgs.builder()
 *             .name("aadds-replica-primary")
 *             .resourceGroupName(replicaVirtualNetwork.resourceGroupName())
 *             .virtualNetworkName(
 *             .remoteVirtualNetworkId(
 *             .allowForwardedTraffic(true)
 *             .allowGatewayTransit(false)
 *             .allowVirtualNetworkAccess(true)
 *             .useRemoteGateways(false)
 *             .build());
 *         var replicaVirtualNetworkDnsServers = new VirtualNetworkDnsServers("replicaVirtualNetworkDnsServers", VirtualNetworkDnsServersArgs.builder()
 *             .virtualNetworkId(
 *             .dnsServers(exampleService.initialReplicaSet().applyValue(initialReplicaSet -> initialReplicaSet.domainControllerIpAddresses()))
 *             .build());
 *         var replicaReplicaSet = new ReplicaSet("replicaReplicaSet", ReplicaSetArgs.builder()
 *             .domainServiceId(
 *             .location(replica.location())
 *             .subnetId(
 *             .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
 *                 .dependsOn(                
 *                     replicaSubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation,
 *                     primaryReplica,
 *                     replicaPrimary)
 *                 .build());
 *     }}{@code
 * }}{@code
 * }
* <!--End PulumiCodeChooser --> * * ## Import * * Domain Service Replica Sets can be imported using the resource ID of the parent Domain Service and the Replica Set ID, e.g. * * ```sh * $ pulumi import azure:domainservices/replicaSet:ReplicaSet example /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup1/providers/Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/instance1/replicaSets/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 * ``` * */ @ResourceType(type="azure:domainservices/replicaSet:ReplicaSet") public class ReplicaSet extends com.pulumi.resources.CustomResource { /** * A list of subnet IP addresses for the domain controllers in this Replica Set, typically two. * */ @Export(name="domainControllerIpAddresses", refs={List.class,String.class}, tree="[0,1]") private Output> domainControllerIpAddresses; /** * @return A list of subnet IP addresses for the domain controllers in this Replica Set, typically two. * */ public Output> domainControllerIpAddresses() { return this.domainControllerIpAddresses; } /** * The ID of the Domain Service for which to create this Replica Set. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * */ @Export(name="domainServiceId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output domainServiceId; /** * @return The ID of the Domain Service for which to create this Replica Set. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * */ public Output domainServiceId() { return this.domainServiceId; } /** * The publicly routable IP address for the domain controllers in this Replica Set. * */ @Export(name="externalAccessIpAddress", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output externalAccessIpAddress; /** * @return The publicly routable IP address for the domain controllers in this Replica Set. * */ public Output externalAccessIpAddress() { return this.externalAccessIpAddress; } /** * The Azure location where this Replica Set should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * */ @Export(name="location", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output location; /** * @return The Azure location where this Replica Set should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * */ public Output location() { return this.location; } /** * The current service status for the replica set. * */ @Export(name="serviceStatus", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output serviceStatus; /** * @return The current service status for the replica set. * */ public Output serviceStatus() { return this.serviceStatus; } /** * The ID of the subnet in which to place this Replica Set. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * */ @Export(name="subnetId", refs={String.class}, tree="[0]") private Output subnetId; /** * @return The ID of the subnet in which to place this Replica Set. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. * */ public Output subnetId() { return this.subnetId; } /** * * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource. */ public ReplicaSet(java.lang.String name) { this(name, ReplicaSetArgs.Empty); } /** * * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource. * @param args The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. */ public ReplicaSet(java.lang.String name, ReplicaSetArgs args) { this(name, args, null); } /** * * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource. * @param args The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties. * @param options A bag of options that control this resource's behavior. */ public ReplicaSet(java.lang.String name, ReplicaSetArgs args, @Nullable com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions options) { super("azure:domainservices/replicaSet:ReplicaSet", name, makeArgs(args, options), makeResourceOptions(options, Codegen.empty()), false); } private ReplicaSet(java.lang.String name, Output id, @Nullable ReplicaSetState state, @Nullable com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions options) { super("azure:domainservices/replicaSet:ReplicaSet", name, state, makeResourceOptions(options, id), false); } private static ReplicaSetArgs makeArgs(ReplicaSetArgs args, @Nullable com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions options) { if (options != null && options.getUrn().isPresent()) { return null; } return args == null ? ReplicaSetArgs.Empty : args; } private static com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions makeResourceOptions(@Nullable com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions options, @Nullable Output id) { var defaultOptions = com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions.builder() .version(Utilities.getVersion()) .build(); return com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions.merge(defaultOptions, options, id); } /** * Get an existing Host resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional extra * properties used to qualify the lookup. * * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource. * @param id The _unique_ provider ID of the resource to lookup. * @param state * @param options Optional settings to control the behavior of the CustomResource. */ public static ReplicaSet get(java.lang.String name, Output id, @Nullable ReplicaSetState state, @Nullable com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions options) { return new ReplicaSet(name, id, state, options); } }

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