Download relogiclabs-json-schema JAR file with all dependencies
relogiclabs-json-schema from group com.relogiclabs.json (version 1.11.0)
The New JSON Schema prioritizes simplicity, conciseness, and readability, making
it user-friendly and accessible without the need for extensive prior knowledge.
It offers efficient read-write facilities, precise JSON document definition
through various data types and functions, and extensibility to meet modern web
service diverse requirements.
Artifact relogiclabs-json-schema
Group com.relogiclabs.json
Version 1.11.0
Last update 15. December 2023
Tags: schema through accessible data functions friendly document simplicity without modern prior json definition diverse precise write knowledge offers conciseness making types requirements read need efficient prioritizes extensibility readability extensive meet various service facilities user
Organization Relogic Labs
License GNU Affero General Public License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies antlr4-runtime, commons-lang3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.relogiclabs.json
Version 1.11.0
Last update 15. December 2023
Tags: schema through accessible data functions friendly document simplicity without modern prior json definition diverse precise write knowledge offers conciseness making types requirements read need efficient prioritizes extensibility readability extensive meet various service facilities user
Organization Relogic Labs
License GNU Affero General Public License
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies antlr4-runtime, commons-lang3,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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