Download neural-network-native-ops JAR file with all dependencies
neural-network-native-ops from group com.rtbhouse.model (version 0.1)
Small Java lib with few neural network operations:
ReLU, linearForward and simple matrix-by-vector multiplication.
Artifact neural-network-native-ops
Group com.rtbhouse.model
Version 0.1
Last update 24. February 2016
Tags: linearforward with relu multiplication simple vector matrix neural java operations small network
Organization not specified
License GNU GPL v3
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies javacpp, jniloader,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.rtbhouse.model
Version 0.1
Last update 24. February 2016
Tags: linearforward with relu multiplication simple vector matrix neural java operations small network
Organization not specified
License GNU GPL v3
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies javacpp, jniloader,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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