com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.DseGraphUnionedRDD.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright DataStax, Inc.
* Please see the included license file for details.
package com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd
import java.lang.{String => JString}
import java.util.{Map => JMap}
import scala.annotation.meta.param
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.spark.rdd.{RDD, UnionRDD}
import org.apache.spark.{Partitioner, SparkContext}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.{CassandraConnector, Schema, TableDef}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.partitioner.dht.{Token, TokenFactory}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.partitioner.{BucketingRangeIndex, CassandraPartition, TokenGenerator, TokenRangeWithPartitionIndex}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.{Logging, schemaFromCassandra}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.RowWriter
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
* A Java Friendly api for DseGraphUnionedRDD to make it easier to call
* from VertexInputRDD
object DseGraphUnionedRDD {
def fromJava[R: ClassTag](
sc: SparkContext,
rdds: java.util.List[RDD[R]],
keyspace: String,
graphLabels: java.util.List[String])(
connector: CassandraConnector): DseGraphUnionedRDD[R] = {
val rddSeq: Seq[RDD[R]] = rdds.asScala.toSeq
val labelSeq: Seq[String] = graphLabels.asScala.toSeq
new DseGraphUnionedRDD(sc, rddSeq, keyspace, labelSeq)
* An extension of UnionRDD which automatically assigns a partitioner based on the way DseGraph stores and partitions
* vertex information. The graphLabels should map 1 to 1 with the RDDs provided in sequence. This ordering is used
* to develop a mapping between labels and the RDDs which represent the data for that label.
class DseGraphUnionedRDD[R: ClassTag](
sc: SparkContext,
rdds: Seq[RDD[R]],
keyspace: String,
graphLabels: Seq[String])(
connector: CassandraConnector = CassandraConnector(sc.getConf))
extends UnionRDD[R](sc, rdds) {
assert(graphLabels.length == rdds.length)
override val partitioner: Option[Partitioner] = Some(new DseGraphPartitioner(keyspace, rdds, graphLabels))
* A custom partitoner specifically for RDDs made for DseGraph.
* The general idea is
* For a vertex
* Determine the ~label property
* Determine which RDD represents the data in that label
* Determine the C* token of the vertex given it's label
* Determine which partition in the found RDD would contain that Token
* Determine the offset of that RDD's partitions in the UnionRDD
* Return the partition index added to offset
class DseGraphPartitioner[V, T <: Token[V]](
keyspaceName: String,
@(transient @param) rdds: Seq[RDD[_]],
graphLabels: Seq[String])(
val connector: CassandraConnector)
extends Partitioner with Logging {
type ITR = TokenRangeWithPartitionIndex[V, T]
/* To avoid a dependency on tinkerpop we explictly set this variable. This may change in Future Tinkerpop */
val LabelAccessor = "~label"
/** Spark Conf is not Serializable, use it to get a Connector Conf locally **/
@transient lazy val conf = rdds.head.sparkContext.getConf
/** We can only use this locally since we cannot serialize the RDDs **/
@transient private[connector] val rddToLabel =
implicit private val tokenFactory: TokenFactory[V, T] =
TokenFactory.forSystemLocalPartitioner(connector).asInstanceOf[TokenFactory[V, T]]
implicit lazy private val tokenOrdering = tokenFactory.tokenOrdering
implicit lazy private val tokenBucketing = tokenFactory.tokenBucketing
* Within the Unioned RDD all of the partitions are offset by their relative position in the
* RDD Dependency ordering. This will allow us to determine where a Partition belongs given
* the C* TableName.
* Serializable
private[connector] val labelToRddOffset: Map[String, Int] = {
var cumSum = 0
val offsets = for (rdd <- rdds) yield {
val offset = (rddToLabel(rdd), cumSum)
cumSum += rdd.partitions.length
* All of the partitions in each parent RDD, this is serialized so that we can create our
* lookup tables remotely
private[connector] val labelToPartitions: Map[String, Array[CassandraPartition[V, T]]] = { { case rdd: RDD[_] =>
(rddToLabel(rdd), { case part: CassandraPartition[V, T] => part })
* Generates a quick lookup data structure for every Vertex Label. These structures and will allow for O(1)
* lookup of the correct partition for a given Cassandra Token.
* Our BucketingRangeIndex is not serializable, relies on Partitions being serialized and then building the
* hashing remotely
@transient private[connector] lazy val labelToTokenRangeLookup: Map[String, BucketingRangeIndex[ITR, T]] = { { case label =>
val cassandraPartitions = labelToPartitions(label)
val indexedTokenRanges = for (p <- cassandraPartitions; tr <- p.tokenRanges) yield {
TokenRangeWithPartitionIndex(tr.range, p.index)
(label, new BucketingRangeIndex[ITR, T](indexedTokenRanges))
* Lookup the C* Schemas for every RDD in this Union RDD. These are required to determine the
* partition key when creating TokenGenerators
* Table Defs are serializable so we can make this and ship it
private[connector] val labelToTableDef: Map[String, TableDef] = { { labelName =>
(schemaFromCassandra(connector, Some(keyspaceName), Some(s"${labelName}_p")).tables ++
schemaFromCassandra(connector, Some(keyspaceName), Some(s"${labelName}_e")).tables)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"""Couldn't find table for label ${labelName}""")))
* Creates a HashMap -> C* Token mapper which can translate a given Map representation of a vertex and
* extract the partition keys required and transform them into a C* token.
* Must be Made Remotely. Token Generators are not Serializable but only relies on labels
* and tableDefs, both of which are serializable
@transient lazy private[connector] val labelToTokenGenerator: Map[String, TokenGenerator[JMap[JString, AnyRef]]] = { graphLabel =>
val tableDef = labelToTableDef(graphLabel)
new TokenGenerator(
new MapRowWriter(
* For a given Map based Vertex Key determine which table it belongs to. From this table lookup the correct
* RDD and the partitioning for that RDD. Once narrowed down generate the Token given the now known table. This
* token will then be compared against the quick lookup Bucket structure for that RDD. We then add that partition
* index to the offset for that RDD.
* Triggers the creation of all lazy transient properties
override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = key match {
case vertexId: JMap[JString, AnyRef]@unchecked => {
val label: String = vertexId.asScala.getOrElse(
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Couldn't find $LabelAccessor in key $key"))
val tokenGenerator = labelToTokenGenerator(label)
val token = tokenFactory.tokenFromString(tokenGenerator.getStringTokenFor(vertexId))
val bucketRange = labelToTokenRangeLookup(label)
val originalPartitionIndex = bucketRange
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Couldn't find $token in for $label"))
val offSetOfRDD = labelToRddOffset(label)
originalPartitionIndex + offSetOfRDD
case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unable to partition object $x (${x.getClass})")
override val numPartitions: Int =
class MapRowWriter(override val columnNames: Seq[String]) extends RowWriter[JMap[JString, AnyRef]] {
override def readColumnValues(data: JMap[JString, AnyRef], buffer: Array[Any]): Unit =
columnNames.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (columnName, index) =>
buffer(index) = data.asScala.getOrElse(columnName,
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"""Couldn't find $columnName in $data, unable to generate token"""))