com.datastax.spark.connector.util.ConfigCheck.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.datastax.spark.connector.util
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSourceRelation
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.{AuthConfFactory, CassandraConnectionFactory, CassandraConnectorConf}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.ReadConf
import com.datastax.spark.connector.types.ColumnTypeConf
import com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.WriteConf
import scala.collection.mutable
* Helper class to throw exceptions if there are environment variables in the spark.cassandra
* namespace which don't map to Spark Cassandra Connector known properties.
object ConfigCheck {
val MatchThreshold = 0.85
val Prefix = "spark.cassandra."
/** Set of valid static properties hardcoded in the connector.
* Custom CassandraConnectionFactory and AuthConf properties are not listed here. */
val validStaticProperties: mutable.Set[ConfigParameter[_]] = ConfigParameter.staticParameters
val validStaticPropertyNames =
val deprecatedProperties: mutable.Set[DeprecatedConfigParameter[_]] = DeprecatedConfigParameter.deprecatedParameters
* Checks the SparkConf Object for any unknown spark.cassandra.* properties and throws an exception
* with suggestions if an unknown property is found.
* @param conf SparkConf object to check
def checkConfig(conf: SparkConf): Unit = {
for (deprecatedProperty <- deprecatedProperties) {
val connectionFactory = CassandraConnectionFactory.fromSparkConf(conf)
val authConfFactory = AuthConfFactory.fromSparkConf(conf)
val extraProps = ++
/** We no longer support snake_case properties, so we are going to fail
* all the tests if a snake case parameter is added back.
val invalidProperties =
(validStaticPropertyNames ++ extraProps)
.filter( property => property.contains("_"))
if (invalidProperties.nonEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Developer Error: These properties will not work in SparkSql/DataSets " +
s"because of capitals: ${invalidProperties.mkString(",")}")
val unknownProps = unknownProperties(conf, extraProps)
if (unknownProps.nonEmpty) {
val suggestions =
for (u <- unknownProps) yield (u, suggestedProperties(u))
throw new ConnectorConfigurationException(unknownProps, suggestions.toMap)
def unknownProperties(conf: SparkConf, extraProps: Set[String] = Set.empty): Seq[String] = {
val validProps = validStaticPropertyNames ++ extraProps
val scEnv = for ((key, value) <- conf.getAll if key.startsWith(Prefix)) yield key
for (key <- scEnv if !validProps.contains(key)) yield key
* For a given unknown property determine if we have any guesses as
* to what the property should be. Suggestions are found by
* breaking the unknown property into fragments.
* => [foo,bar]
* Any known property which has some fragments which fuzzy match
* all of the fragments of the unknown property are considered a
* suggestion.
* Fuzziness is determined by MatchThreshold
def suggestedProperties(unknownProp: String, extraProps: Set[String] = Set.empty): Seq[String] = {
val validProps = validStaticPropertyNames ++ extraProps
val unknownFragments = unknownProp.stripPrefix(Prefix).split("\\.")
validProps.toSeq.filter { knownProp =>
val knownFragments = knownProp.stripPrefix(Prefix).split("\\.")
unknownFragments.forall { unknown =>
knownFragments.exists { known =>
val matchScore = StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance(unknown, known)
matchScore >= MatchThreshold
class ConnectorConfigurationException(message: String) extends Exception(message) {
* Exception to be thrown when unknown properties are found in the SparkConf
* @param unknownProps Properties that have no mapping to known Spark Cassandra Connector properties
* @param suggestionMap A map possibly containing suggestions for each of of the unknown properties
def this(unknownProps: Seq[String], suggestionMap: Map[String, Seq[String]]) = this({
val intro =
"Invalid Config Variables\n" +
"Only known spark.cassandra.* variables are allowed when using the Spark Cassandra Connector.\n"
val body = { unknown =>
suggestionMap.get(unknown) match {
case Some(Seq()) | None =>
s"""$unknown is not a valid Spark Cassandra Connector variable.
|No likely matches found.""".stripMargin
case Some(suggestions) =>
s"""$unknown is not a valid Spark Cassandra Connector variable.
|Possible matches:
intro + body