com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.BoundStatementBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.datastax.spark.connector.writer
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.`type`.DataType
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.{BoundStatement, PreparedStatement}
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.{DefaultProtocolVersion, ProtocolVersion}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.types.{ColumnType, Unset}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.{CodecRegistryUtil, Logging}
* Class for binding row-like objects into prepared statements. prefixVals
* is used for binding constant values into each bound statement. This supports parametrized
* .where clauses in [[com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.CassandraJoinRDD]]
private[connector] class BoundStatementBuilder[T](
val rowWriter: RowWriter[T],
val preparedStmt: PreparedStatement,
val prefixVals: Seq[Any] = Seq.empty,
val ignoreNulls: Boolean = false,
val protocolVersion: ProtocolVersion) extends Logging {
private val columnNames = rowWriter.columnNames.toIndexedSeq
private val columnTypes =
private val converters =
private val buffer = Array.ofDim[Any](columnNames.size)
require(!ignoreNulls || protocolVersion.getCode >= DefaultProtocolVersion.V4.getCode,
|Protocol Version $protocolVersion does not support ignoring null values and leaving
|parameters unset. This is only supported in ${DefaultProtocolVersion.V4.getCode} and greater.
var logUnsetToNullWarning = false
val UnsetToNullWarning =
s"""Unset values can only be used with C* >= 2.2. They have been replaced
|with nulls. Found protocol version ${protocolVersion}.
|${DefaultProtocolVersion.V4.getCode} or greater required"
private def maybeLeaveUnset(
boundStatement: BoundStatement,
columnName: String): Unit = protocolVersion match {
case pv if (pv.getCode() <= DefaultProtocolVersion.V3.getCode()) => {
logUnsetToNullWarning = true
case _ =>
private def bindColumnNull(
boundStatement: RichBoundStatementWrapper,
columnName: String,
columnType: DataType,
columnValue: AnyRef): Unit = {
if (columnValue == Unset || (ignoreNulls && columnValue == null)) {
boundStatement.update(s => s.setToNull(columnName))
logUnsetToNullWarning = true
} else {
val codec = CodecRegistryUtil.codecFor(boundStatement.stmt.codecRegistry(),columnType, columnValue)
boundStatement.update(s => s.set(columnName, columnValue, codec))
private def bindColumnUnset(
boundStatement: RichBoundStatementWrapper,
columnName: String,
columnType: DataType,
columnValue: AnyRef): Unit = {
if (columnValue == Unset || (ignoreNulls && columnValue == null)) {
//Do not bind
} else {
val codec = CodecRegistryUtil.codecFor(boundStatement.stmt.codecRegistry(),columnType, columnValue)
boundStatement.update(s => s.set(columnName, columnValue, codec))
* If the protocol version is greater than V3 (C* 2.2 and Greater) then
* we can leave values in the prepared statement unset. If the version is
* less than V3 then we need to place a `null` in the bound statement.
val bindColumn: (RichBoundStatementWrapper, String, DataType, AnyRef) => Unit = protocolVersion match {
case pv if pv.getCode() <= DefaultProtocolVersion.V3.getCode => bindColumnNull
case _ => bindColumnUnset
private val prefixConverted = for {
prefixIndex: Int <- prefixVals.indices
prefixVal = prefixVals(prefixIndex)
prefixType = preparedStmt.getVariableDefinitions.get(prefixIndex).getType
prefixConverter = ColumnType.converterToCassandra(prefixType)
} yield prefixConverter.convert(prefixVal)
/** Creates `BoundStatement` from the given data item */
def bind(row: T): RichBoundStatementWrapper = {
val boundStatement = new RichBoundStatementWrapper(preparedStmt.bind(prefixConverted: _*))
rowWriter.readColumnValues(row, buffer)
var bytesCount = 0
for (i <- columnNames.indices) {
val converter = converters(i)
val columnName = columnNames(i)
val columnType = columnTypes(i)
val columnValue = converter.convert(buffer(i))
bindColumn(boundStatement, columnName, columnType, columnValue)
val serializedValue = boundStatement.stmt.getBytesUnsafe(i)
if (serializedValue != null) bytesCount += serializedValue.remaining()
boundStatement.bytesCount = bytesCount
private[connector] object BoundStatementBuilder {
/** Calculate bound statement size in bytes. */
def calculateDataSize(stmt: BoundStatement): Int = {
var size = 0
for (i <- 0 until stmt.getPreparedStatement.getVariableDefinitions.size())
if (!stmt.isNull(i)) size += stmt.getBytesUnsafe(i).remaining()