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* Copyright (c) 2023-present Snowplow Analytics Ltd. All rights reserved.
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package com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.sources.pubsub
import cats.effect.{Async, Resource, Sync}
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.{Chunk, Stream}
import org.typelevel.log4cats.{Logger, SelfAwareStructuredLogger}
import org.typelevel.log4cats.slf4j.Slf4jLogger
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.time.Instant
// pubsub
import{AckReplyConsumer, MessageReceiver, Subscriber, SubscriptionAdminSettings}
import{ForwardingExecutorService, ListeningExecutorService, MoreExecutors}
import{ProjectSubscriptionName, PubsubMessage}
import org.threeten.bp.{Duration => ThreetenDuration}
// snowplow
import com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.pubsub.GcpUserAgent
import com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.sources.SourceAndAck
import com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.sources.internal.{Checkpointer, LowLevelEvents, LowLevelSource}
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import java.util.concurrent.{
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
object PubsubSource {
private implicit def logger[F[_]: Sync]: SelfAwareStructuredLogger[F] = Slf4jLogger.getLogger[F]
def build[F[_]: Async](config: PubsubSourceConfig): F[SourceAndAck[F]] =
private type PubSubCheckpointer[F[_]] = Checkpointer[F, Chunk[AckReplyConsumer]]
private def lowLevel[F[_]: Async](config: PubsubSourceConfig): LowLevelSource[F, Chunk[AckReplyConsumer]] =
new LowLevelSource[F, Chunk[AckReplyConsumer]] {
def checkpointer: PubSubCheckpointer[F] = pubsubCheckpointer
def stream: Stream[F, Stream[F, LowLevelEvents[Chunk[AckReplyConsumer]]]] =
def lastLiveness: F[FiniteDuration] =
private def pubsubCheckpointer[F[_]: Async]: PubSubCheckpointer[F] = new PubSubCheckpointer[F] {
def combine(x: Chunk[AckReplyConsumer], y: Chunk[AckReplyConsumer]): Chunk[AckReplyConsumer] =
Chunk.Queue(x, y)
val empty: Chunk[AckReplyConsumer] = Chunk.empty
def ack(c: Chunk[AckReplyConsumer]): F[Unit] =
Sync[F].delay {
def nack(c: Chunk[AckReplyConsumer]): F[Unit] =
Sync[F].delay {
private case class SingleMessage(
message: ByteBuffer,
ackReply: AckReplyConsumer,
tstamp: Instant
* The toolkit for coordinating concurrent operations between the message receiver and the fs2
* stream. This is the interface between FS2 and non-FS2 worlds.
* We use pure Java (non-cats-effect) classes so we can use them in the message receiver without
* needing to use a cats-effect Dispatcher.
* @param queue
* A List of messages that have been provided by the Pubsub Subscriber. The FS2 stream should
* periodically drain this queue.
* @param semaphore
* A Semaphore used to manage how many bytes are being held in memory. When the queue holds too
* many bytes, the semaphore will block on acquiring more permits. This is needed because we
* have turned off FlowControl in the subscriber.
* @param phaser
* A Phaser that advances each time the queue has new messages to be consumed. The FS2 stream
* can wait on the phaser instead of repeatedly pooling the queue.
* @param errorRef
* Any error provided to us by the pubsub Subscriber. If the FS2 stream sees an error here, then
* it should raise the error.
private case class Control(
queue: AtomicReference[List[SingleMessage]],
semaphore: Semaphore,
phaser: Phaser,
errorRef: AtomicReference[Option[Throwable]]
private object Control {
def build[F[_]: Sync](config: PubsubSourceConfig): F[Control] = Sync[F].delay {
new AtomicReference(Nil),
new Semaphore(config.bufferMaxBytes, false),
new Phaser(2),
new AtomicReference(None)
private def pubsubStream[F[_]: Async](config: PubsubSourceConfig): Stream[F, Stream[F, LowLevelEvents[Chunk[AckReplyConsumer]]]] =
for {
control <- Stream.eval(
_ <- Stream.resource(runSubscriber(config, control))
} yield consumeFromQueue(config, control)
private def consumeFromQueue[F[_]: Sync](
config: PubsubSourceConfig,
control: Control
): Stream[F, LowLevelEvents[Chunk[AckReplyConsumer]]] =
.repeatEval {
Sync[F].delay(control.errorRef.get).flatMap {
case None => Sync[F].unit
case Some(throwable) => Sync[F].raiseError[Unit](throwable)
.evalMap { _ =>
// Semantically block until message receive has written at least one message
val waitForData = Sync[F].interruptible {
Sync[F].uncancelable { poll =>
poll(waitForData) *> Sync[F].delay(control.queue.getAndSet(Nil))
.filter(_.nonEmpty) // Would happen if phaser was terminated
.map { list =>
val events = Chunk.iterator(
val acks = Chunk.iterator(
val earliestTstamp =
LowLevelEvents(events, acks, Some(earliestTstamp))
.evalTap { case LowLevelEvents(events, _, _) =>
val numPermits = events.foldLeft(0) { case (numPermits, e) =>
numPermits + permitsFor(config, e.remaining())
Sync[F].delay {
* Number of semaphore permits needed to write an event to the buffer.
* - For small/medium events, this equals the size of the event in bytes.
* - For large events, there are not enough permits available for the event in bytes, so return
* the number of available permits.
private def permitsFor(config: PubsubSourceConfig, bytes: Int): Int =
Math.min(config.bufferMaxBytes, bytes)
private def errorListener(phaser: Phaser, errorRef: AtomicReference[Option[Throwable]]): ApiService.Listener =
new ApiService.Listener {
override def failed(from: ApiService.State, failure: Throwable): Unit = {
errorRef.compareAndSet(None, Some(failure))
private def runSubscriber[F[_]: Async](config: PubsubSourceConfig, control: Control): Resource[F, Unit] =
for {
direct <- executorResource(Sync[F].delay(MoreExecutors.newDirectExecutorService()))
parallelPullCount = chooseNumParallelPulls(config)
channelCount = chooseNumTransportChannels(config, parallelPullCount)
executor <- executorResource(Sync[F].delay(Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2 * parallelPullCount)))
receiver = messageReceiver(config, control)
name = ProjectSubscriptionName.of(config.subscription.projectId, config.subscription.subscriptionId)
subscriber <- Resource.eval(Sync[F].delay {
.newBuilder(name, receiver)
.setExecutorProvider(FixedExecutorProvider.create(executorForEventCallbacks(direct, executor)))
.setFlowControlSettings {
// Switch off any flow control, because we handle it ourselves with the semaphore
.setChannelProvider {
.setMaxInboundMessageSize(20 << 20) // copies Subscriber hard-coded default
.setMaxInboundMetadataSize(20 << 20) // copies Subscriber hard-coded default
.setKeepAliveTime(ThreetenDuration.ofMinutes(5)) // copies Subscriber hard-coded default
.setChannelPoolSettings {
_ <- Resource.eval(Sync[F].delay {
subscriber.addListener(errorListener(control.phaser, control.errorRef), MoreExecutors.directExecutor)
apiService <- Resource.make(Sync[F].delay(subscriber.startAsync())) { apiService =>
for {
_ <- Logger[F].info("Stopping the PubSub Subscriber...")
_ <- Sync[F].delay(apiService.stopAsync())
fiber <- drainQueue(control).start
_ <- Logger[F].info("Waiting for the PubSub Subscriber to finish cleanly...")
_ <- Sync[F]
.blocking(apiService.awaitTerminated(config.shutdownTimeout.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
_ <- Sync[F].delay(control.phaser.forceTermination())
_ <- fiber.join
} yield ()
_ <- Resource.eval(Sync[F].blocking(apiService.awaitRunning()))
} yield ()
private def drainQueue[F[_]: Async](control: Control): F[Unit] =
Async[F].untilDefinedM {
for {
_ <- Sync[F].delay(control.semaphore.release(Int.MaxValue - control.semaphore.availablePermits()))
phase <- Sync[F].blocking(control.phaser.arriveAndAwaitAdvance())
messages <- Sync[F].delay(control.queue.getAndSet(Nil))
_ <- pubsubCheckpointer.nack(Chunk.from(
} yield if (phase < 0) None else Some(())
private def messageReceiver(
config: PubsubSourceConfig,
control: Control
): MessageReceiver =
new MessageReceiver {
def receiveMessage(message: PubsubMessage, ackReply: AckReplyConsumer): Unit = {
val tstamp = Instant.ofEpochSecond(message.getPublishTime.getSeconds, message.getPublishTime.getNanos.toLong)
val singleMessage = SingleMessage(message.getData.asReadOnlyByteBuffer(), ackReply, tstamp)
val permitsRequired = permitsFor(config, singleMessage.message.remaining())
val previousQueue = control.queue.getAndUpdate(list => singleMessage :: list)
if (previousQueue.isEmpty) {
private def executorResource[F[_]: Sync, E <: ExecutorService](make: F[E]): Resource[F, E] =
Resource.make(make)(es => Sync[F].blocking(es.shutdown()))
* The ScheduledExecutorService to be used for processing events.
* We execute the callback on a `DirectExecutor`, which means the underlying Subscriber runs it
* directly on its system executor. When the queue is full, this means we deliberately block the
* system exeuctor. We need to do this trick because we have disabled FlowControl. This trick is
* our own version of flow control.
private def executorForEventCallbacks(
directExecutor: ListeningExecutorService,
systemExecutor: ScheduledExecutorService
): ScheduledExecutorService =
new ForwardingExecutorService with ScheduledExecutorService {
* Non-scheduled tasks (e.g. when a message is received), are run directly, without jumping to
* another thread pool
override val delegate = directExecutor
* Scheduled tasks (if they exist) are scheduled on the same thread pool shared by the system
* executor. As far as I know, these schedule methods never get called.
override def schedule[V](
callable: Callable[V],
delay: Long,
unit: TimeUnit
): ScheduledFuture[V] =
systemExecutor.schedule(callable, delay, unit)
override def schedule(
runnable: Runnable,
delay: Long,
unit: TimeUnit
): ScheduledFuture[_] =
systemExecutor.schedule(runnable, delay, unit)
override def scheduleAtFixedRate(
runnable: Runnable,
initialDelay: Long,
period: Long,
unit: TimeUnit
): ScheduledFuture[_] =
systemExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(runnable, initialDelay, period, unit)
override def scheduleWithFixedDelay(
runnable: Runnable,
initialDelay: Long,
delay: Long,
unit: TimeUnit
): ScheduledFuture[_] =
systemExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(runnable, initialDelay, delay, unit)
private def convertDuration(d: FiniteDuration): ThreetenDuration =
* Converts `parallelPullFactor` to a suggested number of parallel pulls
* For bigger instances (more cores) the downstream processor can typically process events more
* quickly. So the PubSub subscriber needs more parallelism in order to keep downstream saturated
* with events.
private def chooseNumParallelPulls(config: PubsubSourceConfig): Int =
(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * config.parallelPullFactor)
.setScale(0, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.UP)
* Picks a sensible number of GRPC transport channels (roughly equivalent to a TCP connection)
* GRPC has a hard limit of 100 concurrent RPCs on a channel. And experience shows it is healthy
* to stay much under that limit. If we need to open a large number of streaming pulls then we
* might approach/exceed that limit.
private def chooseNumTransportChannels(config: PubsubSourceConfig, parallelPullCount: Int): Int =
(BigDecimal(parallelPullCount) / config.maxPullsPerTransportChannel)
.setScale(0, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.UP)