sttp.client3.impl.zio.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sttp.client3.impl
import sttp.capabilities.Effect
import sttp.client3.monad.{FunctionK, MapEffect}
import sttp.client3.{Identity, Request, Response, SttpBackend}
import sttp.monad.MonadError
import _root_.zio.{RIO, ZIO}
package object zio {
implicit class ExtendEnv[R0, P](delegate: SttpBackend[RIO[R0, *], P]) {
def extendEnv[R1]: SttpBackend[RIO[R0 with R1, *], P] =
new SttpBackend[RIO[R0 with R1, *], P] {
override def send[T, R >: P with Effect[RIO[R0 with R1, *]]](
request: Request[T, R]
): RIO[R0 with R1, Response[T]] =
for {
env <- ZIO.environment[R0 with R1]
mappedRequest = MapEffect[RIO[R0 with R1, *], RIO[R0, *], Identity, T, P](
new FunctionK[RIO[R0 with R1, *], RIO[R0, *]] {
override def apply[A](fa: RIO[R0 with R1, A]): RIO[R0, A] = fa.provideEnvironment(env)
new FunctionK[RIO[R0, *], RIO[R0 with R1, *]] {
override def apply[A](fa: RIO[R0, A]): RIO[R0 with R1, A] = fa
resp <- delegate.send(mappedRequest)
} yield resp
override def close(): RIO[R0 with R1, Unit] = delegate.close()
override val responseMonad: MonadError[RIO[R0 with R1, *]] = new RIOMonadAsyncError[R0 with R1]