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com.solidfire.jsvcgen.codegen.PythonCodeFormatter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package com.solidfire.jsvcgen.codegen

import com.solidfire.jsvcgen.codegen
import com.solidfire.jsvcgen.loader.JsvcgenDescription.TypeOrdinal
import com.solidfire.jsvcgen.model.Documentation.EmptyDoc
import com.solidfire.jsvcgen.model._

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps

class PythonCodeFormatter( options: CliConfig, serviceDefintion: ServiceDefinition ) {
  val WS_0  = ""
  val WS_1  = " "
  val WS_2  = " " * 2
  val WS_4  = " " * 4
  val WS_8  = " " * 8
  val WS_12 = " " * 12
  val WS_16 = " " * 16
  val WS_20 = " " * 20

  val directTypeNames = options.typenameMapping.getOrElse(
      "boolean" -> "bool",
      "integer" -> "int",
      "number" -> "float",
      "string" -> "str",
      "float" -> "float",
      "object" -> "dict"
    ) )

  // Get all the types that are just aliases for other types
  protected val typeAliases: Map[String, TypeUse] =
    (for (typ <- serviceDefintion.types;
          alias <- typ.alias
          ; if !directTypeNames.contains( ) // Filter out any aliases that are direct types
    ) yield (, alias)).toMap

  def getTypeName( serviceDefinition: ServiceDefinition ): String = {
    if (ReleaseProcess.INTERNAL.equals( serviceDefintion.release ))

  def renderServiceBaseImport( serviceDefinition: ServiceDefinition ): String = {
    if (ReleaseProcess.INTERNAL.equals( serviceDefintion.release ))
      s"""from ${options.namespace.replace( "_internal", "" )} import Element"""
      s"""from ${options.namespace.replace( "_internal", "" )}.common import ${options.serviceBase.getOrElse( "ServiceBase" )}, ApiVersionExceededError, \\\n    ApiVersionUnsupportedError"""

  def renderServiceBase( serviceDefinition: ServiceDefinition ): String = {
    if (ReleaseProcess.INTERNAL.equals( serviceDefintion.release ))
      options.serviceBase.getOrElse( "ServiceBase" )

  def renderServiceBaseConstructor( serviceDefinition: ServiceDefinition ): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder
    if (!ReleaseProcess.INTERNAL.equals( serviceDefintion.release )) {
      sb ++= s"""${WS_4}def __init__(self, mvip=None, username=None, password=None,\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_4             api_version=8.0, verify_ssl=True, dispatcher=None):\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8\"\"\"\n"""
      sb ++= s"""${WS_8}Constructor for initializing a connection to an instance of Element OS\n"""
      sb ++= s"""\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:param mvip: the management IP (IP or hostname)\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:type mvip: str\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:param username: username use to connect to the Element OS instance.\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:type username: str\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:param password: authentication for username\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:type password: str\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:param api_version: specific version of Element OS to connect\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:type api_version: float or str\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:param verify_ssl: disable to avoid ssl connection errors especially\n"""
      sb ++= s"""${WS_12}when using an IP instead of a hostname\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:type verify_ssl: bool\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:param dispatcher: a prebuilt or custom http dispatcher\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8:return: a configured and tested instance of Element\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8\"\"\"\n"""
      sb ++= s"""\n"""
      sb ++= s"""${WS_8}ServiceBase.__init__(self, mvip, username, password, api_version,\n"""
      sb ++= s"""$WS_8                     verify_ssl, dispatcher)\n"""
      sb ++= s"""\n"""

  def getTypeName( src: String ): String = {
    directTypeNames.get( src )
      .orElse( typeAliases.get( src ).map( getTypeName ) )
      .getOrElse( Util.camelCase( src, firstUpper = true ) )

  def isDirectType( member: Member ): Boolean = {
    directTypeNames.values.exists( _ == getTypeName( member.typeUse.typeName ) )

  def getTypeName( src: TypeUse ): String = getTypeName( src.typeName )

  def getTypeName( src: Option[ReturnInfo] ): String = src match {
    case Some( info ) => getTypeName( info.returnType )
    case None => "None"

  def filterUserDefinedTypeNames( types: List[TypeDefinition] ): List[String] = {
    types.filter( td => td.userDefined )
      .sortBy( )
      .map( t => getTypeName( ) )

  def findTypeOrdinality( name: String ): Option[TypeOrdinal] = {
    serviceDefintion.typeOrdinality.find( == name )

  def filterReturnTypeNames( methods: List[Method] ): List[String] = {
    methods.flatMap( _.returnInfo )
      .map( _.returnType )
      .sortBy( _.typeName )
      .map( getTypeName )
      .filterNot( directTypeNames.values.toList.contains( _ ) )

  def getVariableName( src: String ): String = codegen.Util.underscores( src )

  def getMethodName( src: String ): String = codegen.Util.underscores( src )

  def getMethodName( src: Method ): String = getMethodName( )

  def getParameterList( params: List[Parameter] ): List[String] = {
    "self" ::
      (for (param <- params.sortBy( _.typeUse.isOptional )) yield {
        getVariableName( ) ++ (if (param.typeUse.isOptional) "=OPTIONAL" else WS_0)

  def renderParameterList( params: List[Parameter], linePrefix: String ): String = {
    getParameterList( params ).map( p => s"""\n$linePrefix$p,""" ).mkString

  def getParameterDict( params: List[Parameter] ): List[String] = {
    for (param <- params if !param.typeUse.isOptional)
      yield '"' + + "\": " + getVariableName( )

  def formatParameterDictLine( paramLine: String, linePrefix: String ): String = {
    if (paramLine.endsWith( ":" ))

  def renderParameterDict( params: List[Parameter], linePrefix: String ): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder
    val paramDict = wrapParameterDict( getParameterDict( params ), linePrefix )

    sb ++= "{"

    sb ++= p => formatParameterDictLine( p, linePrefix ) ).mkString
    if (paramDict.nonEmpty)
      sb ++= s"\n${linePrefix.substring( 0, linePrefix.length - 4 )}}"
      sb ++= "}"


  def wrapParameterDict( params: List[String], linePrefix: String ): List[String] = {
    def wrapParameterDictImpl( params: List[String], acc: List[String] ): List[String] = {
      params match {
        case Nil => acc
        case x :: xs if !x.contains( ' ' ) => wrapParameterDictImpl( xs, acc ::: x :: Nil )
        case x :: xs if x.length + linePrefix.length <= 79 => wrapParameterDictImpl( xs, acc ::: x :: Nil )
        case x :: xs if x.length + linePrefix.length > 79 && lastWhitespace( x ) > x.length + linePrefix.length =>
          val nextWS = x.indexOf( ' ' )
          wrapParameterDictImpl( xs, acc ::: lineBeforeLastWhiteSpace( x, nextWS ) :: s"$WS_4${lineAfterLastWhiteSpace( x, nextWS ).trim}" :: Nil )

        case x :: xs if x.length + linePrefix.length > 79 => wrapParameterDictImpl( xs, acc ::: lineBeforeLastWhiteSpace( x ) :: s"$WS_4${lineAfterLastWhiteSpace( x ).trim}" :: Nil )
    wrapParameterDictImpl( params, List( ) )

  def getPropertyName( src: String ): String = codegen.Util.underscores( src )

  def getPropertyName( src: Member ): String = getPropertyName( )

  def renderMethods( methods: List[Method] ): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder

    sb ++= renderMethod ).mkString


  def renderMethod( method: Method ): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder

    sb ++= s"""${WS_4}def ${getMethodName( method )}(${renderParameterList( method.params, WS_12 )}):\n"""

    if (method.documentation.isDefined) {
      sb ++= s"""${renderCodeDocumentation( method.documentation.get, method.params, method.returnInfo, WS_8, true )}"""

    sb ++= s"""\n"""
    sb ++= s"""${WS_8}params = ${renderParameterDict( method.params, WS_12 )}\n"""
    sb ++= renderVersionChecks( method )

    sb ++= method.params.filter( _.typeUse.isOptional ).map( renderOptionalParameter( method, _ ) ).mkString

    sb ++= s"""\n"""
    sb ++= renderServiceReturn( method )
    sb ++= s"""\n\n"""


  def getProperty( member: Member ): List[String] = {
    val lb = new ListBuffer[String]

    lb += s"""$WS_4${getPropertyName( member )} =\n"""
    lb += s"""$WS_8"${}","""
    lb += s"""$WS_1${getTypeName( member.typeUse.typeName )},\n"""
    lb += s"""${WS_8}array=${member.typeUse.isArray.toString.capitalize},"""
    lb += s"""${WS_1}optional=${member.typeUse.isOptional.toString.capitalize},\n"""
    lb += s"""${WS_8}documentation=${ renderCodeDocumentation( _, List( ), None, WS_8, useDocStringQuotes = false ) ).getOrElse( "None\n" )}"""
    lb += s"""$WS_4)"""


  def renderProperty( member: Member ): String = {
    getProperty( member ).mkString + s"\n\n"

  def isTypeNameOfHigherOrdinal( typeName: String ): Boolean = {
    val typeOrdinal = findTypeOrdinality( typeName )

    typeOrdinal.isDefined && typeOrdinal.get.lowestOrdinal < _.ordinal ).min

  def getTypeImports( typeDefinitions: List[TypeDefinition] ): List[String] = {

    val lb = new ListBuffer[String]

    val members = typeDefinitions.filter( _.alias.isEmpty ).flatten( _.members ).distinct

    if (members.exists( p => "UUID".equalsIgnoreCase( getTypeName( p.typeUse.typeName ) ) )) {
      lb += s"from uuid import UUID"

    val (higherOrdinalUserTypes, userTypes) = filterUserDefinedTypeNames( typeDefinitions ).partition( isTypeNameOfHigherOrdinal )

    lb ++= p => s"""from ${options.namespace.replace( "_internal", "" )}.models import $p""" )
    lb ++= p => s"""from ${options.namespace}.custom.models import $p as UserDefined$p""" )

    val imports =
      for {
        memberTypes <- members.filterNot( isDirectType ).groupBy( _.typeUse.typeName )
      } yield memberTypes._1

    val filteredImports = imports.filterNot( ) contains ).toList.distinct

    val (modelImports, resultsImports) = filteredImports.sorted.partition( !_.endsWith( "Result" ) )

    lb ++= p =>
      if (isTypeNameOfHigherOrdinal( p )) {
        s"""from ${options.namespace.replace( "_internal", "" )}.models import $p"""
      } else {
        s"""from ${options.namespace}.models import $p"""
    lb ++= p => s"""from ${options.namespace}.results import $p""" )

    wrapLinesAt( lb.toList, WS_0, wrapOver = true, 79 ).map( line => if (line.trim.endsWith( "import" )) s"""${line.trim} \\""" else line )

  def renderImports( allSettings: Map[String, Any], value: List[TypeDefinition] ): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder
    if (options.headerTypeTemplate.isEmpty) {
      sb ++= s"""#!/usr/bin/python\n"""
      sb ++= s"""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"""
      sb ++= s"""#\n"""
      sb ++= s"""# Copyright © 2014-2016 NetApp, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n"""
      sb ++= s"""#\n"""
      sb ++= s"""# DO NOT EDIT THIS CODE BY HAND! It has been generated with jsvcgen.\n"""
      sb ++= s"""#\n"""
      sb ++= s"""from __future__ import unicode_literals\n"""
      sb ++= s"""from __future__ import absolute_import\n"""
      sb ++= s"""from ${options.namespace.replace( "_internal", "" )}.common import model as data_model\n"""
    } else {
      sb ++= Util.layoutTemplate( options.headerTypeTemplate.get, allSettings )
    sb ++= getTypeImports( value ).mkString( "\n" ).trim
    sb ++= s"\n\n"


  def renderUserDefinedClasses( typeDefs: List[TypeDefinition] ): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder

    val orderedTypeDefs =
      filterUserDefinedTypeNames( typeDefs )
        .filter( name =>
          findTypeOrdinality( name ).get.lowestOrdinal == _.ordinal ).min

    sb ++= renderUserDefinedClass ).mkString(s"""\n\n""" )

    if (sb.nonEmpty)
      sb ++= s"""\n\n"""


  def renderUserDefinedClass( typeName: String ): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder

    sb ++= s"""class $typeName(UserDefined$typeName):\n"""
    sb ++= s"""${WS_4}def __init__(self, **kwargs):\n"""
    sb ++= s"""${WS_8}self = UserDefined$typeName()\n"""
    sb ++= s"""${WS_8}data_model.DataObject.__init__(self, **kwargs)\n"""


  def renderClasses( typeDefs: List[TypeDefinition] ): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder

    val orderedTypeDefs = orderByDependencies( typeDefs.filterNot( _.userDefined ) )

    sb ++= renderClass ).mkString(s"""\n\n""" )

    if (sb.nonEmpty)
      sb ++= s"""\n"""


  def renderClass( typeDef: TypeDefinition ): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder

    sb ++= s"""class ${getTypeName( )}(data_model.DataObject):\n"""
    sb ++= s"""${renderCodeDocumentation( typeDef, typeDef.members, WS_4, useDocStringQuotes = true )}\n"""
    sb ++= m => s"""${renderProperty( m )}""" ).mkString
    sb ++= s"""${WS_4}def __init__(self, **kwargs):\n"""
    sb ++= s"""${WS_8}data_model.DataObject.__init__(self, **kwargs)\n"""


  def renderAdaptorImport( methods: List[Method] ): String = {
    if (hasAdaptors( methods ))
      s"""from $getAdaptorNamespace import $getAdaptorName\n"""

  def renderResultsImports( methods: List[Method] ): String = {
    val lb = new ListBuffer[String]

    val typeNames = filterReturnTypeNames( methods )

    if (typeNames.nonEmpty) {
      val (nonResult, result) = typeNames.partition( x => !x.contains( "Result" ) )
      lb ++= p => s"""from ${options.namespace}.models import $p""" )
      lb ++= p => s"""from ${options.namespace}.results import $p""" )

    wrapLinesAt( lb.toList, WS_0, true, 79 ).map( line => if (line.trim.endsWith( "import" )) s"""${line.trim} \\""" else line ).mkString( "\n" )

  def renderParameterDoc( aType: Typed, linePrefix: String ): String = {
    val optionalLabel = if (aType.typeUse.isOptional) "(optional)" else "[required]"
    s"""$linePrefix:param ${getPropertyName( )}: $optionalLabel ${aType.documentation.getOrElse( EmptyDoc ).lines.mkString( WS_1 )}"""

  def renderParameterTypeDoc( aType: Typed, linePrefix: String ): String = {
    val array = if (aType.typeUse.isArray) "[]" else ""
    s"""$linePrefix:type ${getPropertyName( )}: ${getTypeName( aType.typeUse )}$array"""

  def renderCodeDocumentation( typeDef: TypeDefinition, types: List[Typed], linePrefix: String, useDocStringQuotes: Boolean ): String = {
    val doc =
      if (typeDef.documentation.isEmpty && "Result" )) {
        val serviceName = codegen.Util.underscores( "Result", "" ) )
        Option( Documentation( List( s"""The object returned by the \"$serviceName\" API Service call.""" ) ) )

    renderCodeDocumentation( doc, types, linePrefix, useDocStringQuotes )

  def renderCodeDocumentation( doc: Option[Documentation], types: List[Typed], linePrefix: String, useDocStringQuotes: Boolean ): String = {
    renderCodeDocumentation( doc.getOrElse( EmptyDoc ).lines, types, None, linePrefix, useDocStringQuotes )

  def renderCodeDocumentation( doc: Documentation, types: List[Typed], returnInfo: Option[ReturnInfo], linePrefix: String, useDocStringQuotes: Boolean ): String = {
    renderCodeDocumentation( doc.lines, types, returnInfo, linePrefix, useDocStringQuotes )

  def renderCodeDocumentation( lines: List[String], types: List[Typed], returnInfo: Option[ReturnInfo], linePrefix: String, useDocStringQuotes: Boolean ): String = {
    val lineEnding = if (useDocStringQuotes) "\n" else "\\\n"
    val lineColumn = if (useDocStringQuotes) 79 else 78
    val quotes = if (useDocStringQuotes) s"""\"\"\"""" else s"""\""""
    val startQuote = if (useDocStringQuotes) s"""$linePrefix$quotes""" else s"""$quotes"""

    val lineBreaksRemoved = convertLineBreaks( lines )
    val underscored = convertToUnderscoreNotation( lineBreaksRemoved )
    val linesWithPrefix = getCodeDocumentationLines( underscored, types, linePrefix, useDocStringQuotes )
    val linesSnapToIndent = snapToIndentBoundary( linesWithPrefix )
    val wrappedLines = wrapLinesAt( linesSnapToIndent, linePrefix, wrapOver = false, lineColumn )
    val trimmedWrappedLines = StringOps.trimTrailingSpace )

    val paramLinesWithPrefix = getParameterDocumentationLines( types, linePrefix )
    val paramLineBreaksRemoved = convertLineBreaks( paramLinesWithPrefix )
    val paramRemovedHtml = removeHtml( _, linePrefix, useDocStringQuotes = true ) )
    val paramUnderscored = convertToUnderscoreNotation( paramRemovedHtml )
    val paramSnapToIndent = snapToIndentBoundary( paramUnderscored )
    val wrappedParamLines = wrapLinesAt( paramSnapToIndent, linePrefix, wrapOver = true, lineColumn )
    val trimmedWrappedParamLines = StringOps.trimTrailingSpace )

    val returnStatement = if (returnInfo.isEmpty)
      List( )
      List( "", s"""$linePrefix:returns: a response""", s"""$linePrefix:rtype: ${returnInfo.get.returnType.typeName}""" )

    val allWrappedLines = List( startQuote ) ::: trimmedWrappedLines ::: trimmedWrappedParamLines ::: returnStatement ::: List(s"""$linePrefix$quotes""" )
    allWrappedLines.mkString( lineEnding ) + "\n"

  def convertToUnderscoreNotation( lines: List[String] ): List[String] = { convertToUnderscoreNotation )

  def convertToUnderscoreNotation( line: String ): String = {
    val BEGIN_ESCAPE = ">>>"
    val END_ESCAPE = "<<<"

    val escapeStart = line.lastIndexOf( BEGIN_ESCAPE )
    val escapeEnd = line.lastIndexOf( END_ESCAPE )

    // Works from the end of the line, to the beginning, and prevents the underlining of words that are escaped.
    if (line.trim.length == 0) {
    } else if (line.contains( BEGIN_ESCAPE ) && escapeStart < escapeEnd) {
      val doNotUnderline = line.substring( escapeStart + BEGIN_ESCAPE.length, escapeEnd )
      convertToUnderscoreNotation( line.substring( 0, escapeStart ) ) + doNotUnderline + convertToUnderscoreNotation( line.substring( escapeEnd + END_ESCAPE.length ) )
    } else if (line.contains( BEGIN_ESCAPE ) && escapeStart > escapeEnd) {
      convertToUnderscoreNotation( line.substring( 0, escapeStart ) ) + line.substring( escapeStart + BEGIN_ESCAPE.length )
    } else if (line.contains( END_ESCAPE )) {
      line.substring( 0, escapeEnd) + convertToUnderscoreNotation( line.substring( escapeEnd + END_ESCAPE.length ) )
    } else if (line.contains( ":type" )) {
    } else {
      line.split( WS_1 ).map( word => underscoreDocumentation( word ) ).mkString( WS_1 )

  def snapToIndentBoundary( lines: List[String] ) = { {
      case l if nonBoundaryIndent( l ) =>
        val indentIndex = firstNonWhiteSpaceIndex( l )
        val indexBoundary = indentIndex - (indentIndex % 4)
        " " * indexBoundary + l.trim

      case l => l
    } )

  def convertLineBreaks( lines: List[String] ): List[String] = {
    val lb = new ListBuffer[String] {
      case l if l.contains( "
" ) => val indentIndex = firstNonWhiteSpaceIndex( l ) val linePrefix = " " * (indentIndex + 4) lb ++= l.replaceAll( "

", "
" ).replaceAll( "
", "\n\n" + linePrefix ).split( "\n" ).toList ::: List( "" ) case l => lb += l } ) lb.toList } def removeHtml( line: String, linePrefix: String, useDocStringQuotes: Boolean ): String = { line.replaceAll( "<[^>]*>", "**" ).replaceAll( "\"", "\\\\\"" ).replaceAll( """, "\\\\\"" ) } def getCodeDocumentationLines( lines: List[String], params: List[Typed], linePrefix: String, useDocStringQuotes: Boolean ): List[String] = { val lb = new ListBuffer[String] line => lb += s"""$linePrefix${removeHtml( line, linePrefix, useDocStringQuotes )}""" ) lb.toList } def getParameterDocumentationLines( params: List[Typed], linePrefix: String ): List[String] = { val lb = new ListBuffer[String] params.sortBy( _.typeUse.isOptional ).map( p => lb ++= List( "", renderParameterDoc( p, linePrefix ), renderParameterTypeDoc( p, linePrefix ) ) ) lb.toList } val wrapLines = ( lines: List[String], linePrefix: String ) => wrapLinesAt( lines, linePrefix, wrapOver = false, 79 ) def wrapLinesAt( lines: List[String], linePrefix: String, wrapOver: Boolean, lineColumn: Int ): List[String] = { val wrapOverPrefix = if (wrapOver) WS_4 else WS_0 @tailrec def wrapLinesImpl( lines: List[String], acc: List[String] ): List[String] = { lines match { case Nil => acc case x :: xs if x.trim.isEmpty => wrapLinesImpl( xs, acc ::: x.trim :: Nil ) case x :: xs if x.length <= lineColumn || !x.trim.contains( ' ' ) => wrapLinesImpl( xs, acc ::: x :: Nil ) case x :: xs if x.trim.length + linePrefix.length > lineColumn && lastWhitespace( x, lineColumn ) > x.trim.length + linePrefix.length => val nextWS = x.indexOf( ' ' ) wrapLinesImpl( s"${lineAfterLastWhiteSpace( x, nextWS )}" :: xs, acc ::: s"""${lineBeforeLastWhiteSpace( x, nextWS )}\n""" :: Nil ) case x :: xs if x.length > lineColumn => val additionalWrapOver = if (!wrapOver && isDashAtIndentBoundry( x )) WS_2 else WS_0 wrapLinesImpl( s"""$linePrefix$wrapOverPrefix$additionalWrapOver${lineAfterLastWhiteSpace( x, lineColumn )}""" :: xs, acc ::: s"""${lineBeforeLastWhiteSpace( x, lineColumn )}\n""" :: Nil ) case x :: xs => wrapLinesImpl( xs, acc ::: x :: Nil ) } } wrapLinesImpl( lines, List( ) ) } def renderVersionChecks( method: Method ): String = { val sb = new StringBuilder if (method.params.exists( p => p.since.isDefined )) { sb ++= s"""${WS_8}self._check_param_versions(\n""" sb ++= s"""$WS_12'${getMethodName( method )}',\n""" sb ++= s"""$WS_12[\n""" for (param <- method.params) { if (param.since.isDefined) { sb ++= s"""$WS_16("${getVariableName( )}",\n""" sb ++= s"""$WS_16 ${getVariableName( )}, ${param.since.get}, None),\n""" } } sb ++= s"""$WS_12]\n""" sb ++= s"""$WS_8)\n""" } sb.result } def renderOptionalParameter( method: Method, param: Parameter ): String = { val sb = new StringBuilder sb ++= s"""${WS_8}if ${getVariableName( )} is not None:\n""" val optionalParameterAssignment = s"""${WS_12}params["${}"] = ${getVariableName( )}\n""" if (optionalParameterAssignment.length <= 79) { sb ++= optionalParameterAssignment } else { sb ++= s"""${WS_12}params["${}"] = \\\n""" sb ++= s"""$WS_16${getVariableName( )}\n""" } sb.result } def renderServiceReturn( method: Method ): String = { val sb = new StringBuilder val hasValueAdaptor = method.returnInfo.get.adaptor.isDefined && method.returnInfo.get.adaptor.get.supports.contains( "python" ) if (hasValueAdaptor) { sb ++= s"""${WS_8}since = ${method.since.getOrElse( "None" )}\n""" if (method.deprecated.isDefined) { sb ++= s"""${WS_8}deprecated = ${method.deprecated.get.version}\n""" } else { sb ++= s"""${WS_8}deprecated = None\n""" } val returnStatement = s"""${WS_8}return $getAdaptorName.${Util.underscores( )}(""" sb ++= s"""\n""" sb ++= s"""${returnStatement}self, params,\n""" sb ++= WS_1 * returnStatement.length + s"""since, deprecated)""" } else { sb ++= s"""${WS_8}return self.send_request(\n""" sb ++= s"""$WS_12'${}',\n""" sb ++= s"""$WS_12${getTypeName( method.returnInfo )},\n""" sb ++= s"""${WS_12}params,\n""" if (method.since.isDefined) { sb ++= s"""${WS_12}since=${method.since.get},\n""" } if (method.deprecated.isDefined) { sb ++= s"""${WS_12}deprecated=${method.deprecated.get.version}\n""" } sb ++= s"""$WS_8)""" } sb.result } val getAdaptorNamespace: String = { if (options.adaptorBase.contains( '.' )) options.adaptorBase.substring( 0, options.adaptorBase.lastIndexOf( '.' ) ) else "" } val getAdaptorName: String = { if (options.adaptorBase.contains( '.' )) options.adaptorBase.substring( options.adaptorBase.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1, options.adaptorBase.length ) else options.adaptorBase } def hasAdaptors( methods: List[Method] ): Boolean = { m => m.returnInfo ).flatMap( ri => _.adaptor ) ).flatMap( ad => _.supports ) ).flatten.contains( "python" ) } def orderByDependencies(types: List[TypeDefinition] ): List[TypeDefinition] = { // class to pair a TypeDefinition with its score case class ScoreCard( typeDef: TypeDefinition, score: Int ) // Types that are aliases are not worth ordering val typesNonAliased: List[TypeDefinition] = types.filter(t => t.alias.isEmpty) // The ListBuffer that stores the ScoreCards and is updated during the calculations // All types are initialized with a score of 1 val scores: ListBuffer[ScoreCard] = new ListBuffer[ScoreCard]() => scores += ScoreCard( t, 1 )) // Function to recurse through the parent dependencies and sum up the scores from all parents def countDependencies(typeDefinition: TypeDefinition, score: Int) : Int = { val dependentTypeDefScores = scores.filter(s => s.typeDef.members.exists(m => m.typeUse.typeName == if (dependentTypeDefScores.isEmpty){ score } else { => countDependencies(dt.typeDef, score + dt.score)).sum } } // iterate through all the non-alias types and their members. // when a member is found that has a supporting type, find its supporting score card // send the type into the countDependencies function to gather the right score for ( typeDef <- typesNonAliased; member <- typeDef.members; foundType <- typesNonAliased.find( == member.typeUse.typeName); foundOrNewScore: ScoreCard = scores.find(_.typeDef == foundType).getOrElse(ScoreCard(foundType, 0)) ){ scores -= foundOrNewScore scores += foundOrNewScore.copy(score = countDependencies(foundType, foundOrNewScore.score)) } // turn all the scores into am ordered list of type definitions val definitions = for ( score <- scores.sortBy(s => (-s.score, ) yield score.typeDef definitions.toList } def lineBeforeLastWhiteSpace( line: String ): String = lineBeforeLastWhiteSpace( line, 79 ) val lineBeforeLastWhiteSpace = ( line: String, max: Int ) => { val lastWS: Int = lastWhitespace( line, max ) line.substring( 0, if (lastWS <= 0) line.length else lastWS ) } def lineAfterLastWhiteSpace( line: String ): String = lineAfterLastWhiteSpace( line, 79 ) val lineAfterLastWhiteSpace = ( line: String, max: Int ) => { if (line.trim.isEmpty) "" else { val lastWS: Int = lastWhitespace( line, max ) line.substring( if (lastWS < 0) 0 else lastWS, line.length ).trim } } def lastWhitespace( line: String ): Int = lastWhitespace( line, 79 ) val lastWhitespace = ( line: String, max: Int ) => { Util.lastWhitespace( line, max ) } def firstNonWhiteSpaceIndex( line: String ) = line.indexWhere( p => !p.isWhitespace ) def firstNonLetterDigitOrWSIndex( line: String ) = line.indexWhere( p => !p.isLetterOrDigit && !p.isWhitespace ) def nonLetterOrDigitAtIndentBoundary( line: String ) = firstNonWhiteSpaceIndex( line ) == firstNonLetterDigitOrWSIndex( line ) def isDashAtIndentBoundry( line: String ) = firstNonWhiteSpaceIndex( line ) == line.indexWhere( '-'.equals( _ ) ) def isIndentOnBoundary( line: String ) = firstNonWhiteSpaceIndex( line ) % 4 == 0 def nonBoundaryIndent( line: String ) = !isIndentOnBoundary( line ) def containsAny( src: String, matching: String ): Boolean = matching.toCharArray.exists( p => src.contains( p ) ) def underscoreDocumentation( src: String ): String = { if (src.trim.isEmpty) return src if ("SolidFire".equals( src ) || "NetApp".equals( src ) || "iSCSI".equals( src ) || "IQNs".equals( src )) return src if (src.charAt( 0 ).isUpper && src.lastIndexWhere( _.isUpper ) == 0) return src if (containsAny( src, "\\/-*<>()[][]." )) return src if (src.equals( src.toUpperCase( ) )) return src if (src.indexWhere( p => p.isDigit ) != -1) return src val underscored = codegen.Util.underscores( src ) if (underscored.equals( src )) src else '*' + underscored.replace( "qo_s", "qos" ).replace( "\\\"_", "\\\"" ).replace( ""_", """ ) + '*' } }

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