com.telenav.cactus.maven.DevelopmentPrepMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.telenav.cactus.maven;
import com.mastfrog.util.preconditions.Exceptions;
import com.telenav.cactus.maven.log.BuildLog;
import com.telenav.cactus.maven.git.Branches;
import com.telenav.cactus.maven.git.Branches.Branch;
import com.telenav.cactus.maven.git.GitCheckout;
import com.telenav.cactus.maven.tree.ProjectTree;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import static org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.InstantiationStrategy.SINGLETON;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
* Gets the current checkout, or all checkouts containing projects with the
* current project's groupId, or all checkouts in the entire tree - filtering
* them to only checkouts that contain a pom.xml in the root, and does one of:
* - If a branch is specified, ensures the checkout is on the head of that
* branch, creating it if needed (and createBranchesIfNeeded is set)
* - If no branch is specified, attempts to find the branch the majority of
* checkouts containing the same group id are on, and sets it to that, creating
* it if needed
* @author Tim Boudreau
defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.VALIDATE,
requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.NONE,
instantiationStrategy = SINGLETON,
name = "dev-prep", threadSafe = true)
public class DevelopmentPrepMojo extends BaseMojo
@Parameter(property = "telenav.autoFixBranches", defaultValue = "false")
boolean autoFixBranches = false;
@Parameter(property = "telenav.createBranchesIfNeeded", defaultValue = "false")
boolean createBranchesIfNeeded = false;
@Parameter(property = "telenav.thisCheckoutOnly", defaultValue = "false")
boolean thisCheckoutOnly = false;
@Parameter(property = "telenav.thisGroupIdOnly", defaultValue = "true")
boolean thisGroupIdOnly = true;
@Parameter(property = "telenav.branch")
String branchName;
@Parameter(property = "telenav.baseBranch", defaultValue = "develop")
String baseBranch = "develop";
GitCheckout myGitCheckout;
protected boolean isOncePerSession()
return true;
protected void validateParameters(BuildLog log, MavenProject project) throws Exception
System.out.println("autoFixBranches = " + autoFixBranches);
System.out.println("createBranchesIfNeeded = " + createBranchesIfNeeded);
System.out.println("thisCheckoutOnly = " + thisCheckoutOnly);
System.out.println("thisGroupIdOnly = " + thisGroupIdOnly);
System.out.println("branch = " + branchName);
System.out.println("baseBranch = " + baseBranch);
super.validateParameters(log, project);
// Branches starting with - can get misinterpreted as flags to git branch
if (!checkBranchName(branchName))
throw new MojoExecutionException("feature '" + branchName
+ "' is not a valid feature branch name");
if (!checkBranchName(baseBranch))
throw new MojoExecutionException("feature '" + baseBranch
+ "' is not a valid branch name");
Optional myRepo = GitCheckout.repository(project.getBasedir());
if (!myRepo.isPresent())
throw new MojoExecutionException("Could not find a git checkout above "
+ project.getBasedir());
} else
myGitCheckout = myRepo.get();
private boolean checkBranchName(String branchName)
if (branchName == null)
return true;
return branchName.isBlank() || !branchName.startsWith("-") && !branchName.contains(" ")
&& !branchName.contains("\"") && !branchName.contains("'");
protected void performTasks(BuildLog log, MavenProject project) throws Exception
ProjectTree.from(project).ifPresent(tree ->
if (branchName != null)
ensureOnBranch(tree, log.child("branch-to:" + branchName), project);
} else
ensureOnSomeConsistentBranch(tree, log.child("ensure-some-branch"), project);
private void ensureOnBranch(ProjectTree tree, BuildLog log, MavenProject project)
throws Exception
Map toMove;
if (thisCheckoutOnly)
toMove = Collections.singletonMap(myGitCheckout, baseBranch);
} else
toMove = new TreeMap<>();
tree.allCheckouts().forEach(checkout ->
if (checkout.hasPomInRoot())
Optional currentBranch = tree.branchFor(checkout);
if (thisGroupIdOnly)
if (!tree.groupIdsIn(checkout).contains(project.getGroupId()))
if (!currentBranch.isPresent() || !branchName.equals(currentBranch.get()))
System.out.println("ADD " + checkout.checkoutRoot().getFileName());
toMove.put(checkout, branchName);
if (!toMove.isEmpty())
// Once without doing anything, to fail-fast without changing any branches
moveCheckoutsToBranches(toMove, log, tree, true);
// And again to really do it, now that we know it can work
moveCheckoutsToBranches(toMove, log, tree, false);
} else
{"All checkouts already on the branch '" + branchName + "'");
private void ensureOnSomeConsistentBranch(ProjectTree tree, BuildLog log, MavenProject project)
throws Exception
Map changes = new HashMap<>();
if (thisCheckoutOnly)
if (!myGitCheckout.isDetachedHead())
{"Single repo, already on a branch, nothing to do.");
}"Single repo, not on a branch - will move to '"
+ baseBranch + "'.");
changes.put(myGitCheckout, baseBranch);
} else
Predicate filter;
if (thisGroupIdOnly)
filter = checkout ->
return tree.groupIdsIn(checkout).contains(project.getGroupId());
} else
filter = ignored -> true;
tree.allCheckouts().stream().filter(filter).filter(GitCheckout::hasPomInRoot).forEach(checkout ->
if (checkout.isSubmoduleRoot())
Set gids = tree.groupIdsIn(checkout);
System.out.println(" gits " + gids + " in " + checkout);
if (gids.size() > 1)
String msg = "More than one group id in non-root checkout " + checkout
+ ". Will not guess what branch to move this to. "
+ "Explicitly specify a branch instead with "
+ "-Dtelenav.branch=someBranch";
// Quietly throw:
Exceptions.chuck(new MojoExecutionException(this, msg, msg));
} else if (gids.isEmpty())
// This should have already been filtered out, but throwing a
// NoSuchElementException would be non-intuitive
log.warn("No group ids at all for checkout " + checkout);
Optional targetBranch = tree.mostCommonBranchForGroupId(gids.iterator().next());
String target = targetBranch.orElse(baseBranch);
boolean needAdd = tree.isDetachedHead(checkout);
System.out.println(" detached head " + needAdd + " for " + checkout);
if (!needAdd)
Optional currentBranch = tree.branchFor(checkout);
needAdd = !currentBranch.isPresent() || !target.equals(currentBranch.get());
if (needAdd)
changes.put(checkout, target);
if (!changes.isEmpty())
// Once to fail fast without making changes
moveCheckoutsToBranches(changes, log, tree, true);
// And once to make changes
moveCheckoutsToBranches(changes, log, tree, false);
} else
{"Nothing to do.");
private void moveCheckoutsToBranches(Map targetBranchToMoveToForCheckout,
BuildLog childLog, ProjectTree tree, boolean pretend) throws MojoExecutionException
if (!targetBranchToMoveToForCheckout.isEmpty())
{"Have " + targetBranchToMoveToForCheckout.size()
+ " checkouts to change branches for");
Map submoduleBranchesToUpdate = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry e : targetBranchToMoveToForCheckout.entrySet())
GitCheckout checkout = e.getKey();
String branchToChangeTo = e.getValue();
if (autoFixBranches)
{"Move to branch '" + branchToChangeTo + "' for " + checkout);
Branches branches = e.getKey().branches();
Optional branch = branches.find(branchToChangeTo, true);
if (!branch.isPresent())
if (createBranchesIfNeeded)
if (checkout.hasUncommitedChanges() && !checkout.isSubmoduleRoot())
if (tree.branchFor(checkout).isPresent() && !tree.branchFor(checkout).get().equals(baseBranch))
throw new MojoExecutionException("Cannot create a new branch named '"
+ branchToChangeTo + " in " + checkout
+ " because it contain uncommited changes.");
boolean success = checkout.createAndSwitchToBranch(branchToChangeTo,
Optional.ofNullable(baseBranch), pretend);
checkout.submoduleRelativePath().ifPresent(relativePath ->
submoduleBranchesToUpdate.put(relativePath, branchToChangeTo);
if (!success)
throw new MojoExecutionException("Create and switch to branch "
+ branchToChangeTo + " failed for " + checkout);
} else
throw new MojoExecutionException("Local branch '"
+ e.getValue() + "' does not exist for "
+ e.getKey() + " and createBranchesIfNeeded is not set to true."
+ " Cannot switch to that branch.");
} else
boolean switched = pretend ? true : checkout.switchToBranch(branchToChangeTo);
if (!switched)
throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to switch to branch "
+ branchToChangeTo + " in " + checkout);
checkout.submoduleRelativePath().ifPresent(relativePath ->
submoduleBranchesToUpdate.put(relativePath, branchToChangeTo);
} else
{"autoFixBranches is false - branch should be "
+ branchToChangeTo + " for " + checkout);
if (!autoFixBranches && !pretend)
throw new MojoExecutionException(this, "Some checkouts need their branches changed, "
+ "but telenav.autoFixBranches is false",
"Some checkouts need their branches changed: " + targetBranchToMoveToForCheckout);
if (!pretend && targetBranchToMoveToForCheckout.containsKey(tree.root()))
{"Updating .gitmodules.");
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Automated .gitmodules branch update moving");
for (Map.Entry e : submoduleBranchesToUpdate.entrySet())
tree.root().setSubmoduleBranch(e.getKey().toString(), e.getValue());
msg.append("\n * ").append(e.getKey()).append(" to ").append(e.getValue());
if (tree.root().hasUncommitedChanges())
{"Committing updated .gitmodules");