// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: envoy/api/v2/endpoint/load_report.proto
package io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2.endpoint;
public interface UpstreamEndpointStatsOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:envoy.api.v2.endpoint.UpstreamEndpointStats)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* Upstream host address.
* .envoy.api.v2.core.Address address = 1;
* @return Whether the address field is set.
boolean hasAddress();
* Upstream host address.
* .envoy.api.v2.core.Address address = 1;
* @return The address.
io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2.core.Address getAddress();
* Upstream host address.
* .envoy.api.v2.core.Address address = 1;
io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2.core.AddressOrBuilder getAddressOrBuilder();
* Opaque and implementation dependent metadata of the
* endpoint. Envoy will pass this directly to the management server.
* .google.protobuf.Struct metadata = 6;
* @return Whether the metadata field is set.
boolean hasMetadata();
* Opaque and implementation dependent metadata of the
* endpoint. Envoy will pass this directly to the management server.
* .google.protobuf.Struct metadata = 6;
* @return The metadata.
com.google.protobuf.Struct getMetadata();
* Opaque and implementation dependent metadata of the
* endpoint. Envoy will pass this directly to the management server.
* .google.protobuf.Struct metadata = 6;
com.google.protobuf.StructOrBuilder getMetadataOrBuilder();
* The total number of requests successfully completed by the endpoints in the
* locality. These include non-5xx responses for HTTP, where errors
* originate at the client and the endpoint responded successfully. For gRPC,
* the grpc-status values are those not covered by total_error_requests below.
* uint64 total_successful_requests = 2;
* @return The totalSuccessfulRequests.
long getTotalSuccessfulRequests();
* The total number of unfinished requests for this endpoint.
* uint64 total_requests_in_progress = 3;
* @return The totalRequestsInProgress.
long getTotalRequestsInProgress();
* The total number of requests that failed due to errors at the endpoint.
* For HTTP these are responses with 5xx status codes and for gRPC the
* grpc-status values:
* - DeadlineExceeded
* - Unimplemented
* - Internal
* - Unavailable
* - Unknown
* - DataLoss
* uint64 total_error_requests = 4;
* @return The totalErrorRequests.
long getTotalErrorRequests();
* The total number of requests that were issued to this endpoint
* since the last report. A single TCP connection, HTTP or gRPC
* request or stream is counted as one request.
* uint64 total_issued_requests = 7;
* @return The totalIssuedRequests.
long getTotalIssuedRequests();
* Stats for multi-dimensional load balancing.
* repeated .envoy.api.v2.endpoint.EndpointLoadMetricStats load_metric_stats = 5;
* Stats for multi-dimensional load balancing.
* repeated .envoy.api.v2.endpoint.EndpointLoadMetricStats load_metric_stats = 5;
io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2.endpoint.EndpointLoadMetricStats getLoadMetricStats(int index);
* Stats for multi-dimensional load balancing.
* repeated .envoy.api.v2.endpoint.EndpointLoadMetricStats load_metric_stats = 5;
int getLoadMetricStatsCount();
* Stats for multi-dimensional load balancing.
* repeated .envoy.api.v2.endpoint.EndpointLoadMetricStats load_metric_stats = 5;
java.util.List extends io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2.endpoint.EndpointLoadMetricStatsOrBuilder>
* Stats for multi-dimensional load balancing.
* repeated .envoy.api.v2.endpoint.EndpointLoadMetricStats load_metric_stats = 5;
io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2.endpoint.EndpointLoadMetricStatsOrBuilder getLoadMetricStatsOrBuilder(
int index);