com.tresata.spark.skewjoin.SkewJoinOperations.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.tresata.spark.skewjoin
import java.util.{ Random => JRandom }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.Partitioner
import org.apache.spark.Partitioner.defaultPartitioner
import com.twitter.algebird.{ CMS, CMSHasher, CMSMonoid }
case class CMSParams(eps: Double = 0.005, delta: Double = 1e-8, seed: Int = 1) {
def getCMSMonoid[K: Ordering: CMSHasher]: CMSMonoid[K] = CMS.monoid[K](eps, delta, seed)
class SkewJoinOperations[K: ClassTag: Ordering: CMSHasher, V: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[(K, V)]) extends Serializable {
private def getReplicationFactors(random: JRandom, replication: Int, otherReplication: Int): Seq[(Int, Int)] = {
require(replication > 0 && otherReplication > 0, "replication must be positive")
val rand = random.nextInt(otherReplication)
(0 until replication).map(rep => (rand, rep))
private def createRddCMS[K](rdd: RDD[K], cmsMonoid: CMSMonoid[K]): CMS[K] = => cmsMonoid.create(k)).reduce(, _))
def skewCogroup[W: ClassTag](other: RDD[(K, W)], partitioner: Partitioner,
skewReplication: SkewReplication = DefaultSkewReplication(), cmsParams: CMSParams = CMSParams()): RDD[(K, (Iterable[V], Iterable[W]))] = {
val numPartitions = partitioner.numPartitions
val broadcastedLeftCMS = rdd.sparkContext.broadcast(createRddCMS[K](rdd.keys, cmsParams.getCMSMonoid[K]))
val broadcastedRightCMS = rdd.sparkContext.broadcast(createRddCMS[K](other.keys, cmsParams.getCMSMonoid[K]))
val rddSkewed = rdd.mapPartitions{ it =>
val random = new JRandom
it.flatMap{ kv =>
val (leftReplication, rightReplication) = skewReplication.getReplications(
getReplicationFactors(random, leftReplication, rightReplication).map(rl =>((kv._1, rl.swap), kv._2))
val otherSkewed = other.mapPartitions{ it =>
val random = new JRandom
it.flatMap{ kv =>
val (leftReplication, rightReplication) = skewReplication.getReplications(
getReplicationFactors(random, rightReplication, leftReplication).map(lr => ((kv._1, lr), kv._2))
rddSkewed.cogroup(otherSkewed, partitioner).map(kv => (kv._1._1, kv._2))
def skewCogroup[W: ClassTag](other: RDD[(K, W)]): RDD[(K, (Iterable[V], Iterable[W]))] =
skewCogroup(other, defaultPartitioner(rdd, other))
def skewJoin[W: ClassTag](other: RDD[(K, W)], partitioner: Partitioner,
skewReplication: SkewReplication = DefaultSkewReplication(), cmsParams: CMSParams = CMSParams()): RDD[(K, (V, W))] =
skewCogroup(other, partitioner, skewReplication, cmsParams).flatMap{ blockPair =>
for (v <- blockPair._2._1.iterator; w <- blockPair._2._2.iterator) yield
(blockPair._1, (v, w))
def skewJoin[W: ClassTag](other: RDD[(K, W)]): RDD[(K, (V, W))] =
skewJoin(other, defaultPartitioner(rdd, other))
def skewLeftOuterJoin[W: ClassTag](other: RDD[(K, W)], partitioner: Partitioner,
skewReplication: SkewReplication = DefaultSkewReplication(), cmsParams: CMSParams = CMSParams()): RDD[(K, (V, Option[W]))] =
skewCogroup(other, partitioner, RightReplication(skewReplication), cmsParams).flatMap{
case (k, (itv, Seq())) => => (k, (v, None)))
case (k, (itv, itw)) => for (v <- itv; w <- itw) yield (k, (v, Some(w)))
def skewLeftOuterJoin[W: ClassTag](other: RDD[(K, W)]): RDD[(K, (V, Option[W]))] =
skewLeftOuterJoin(other, defaultPartitioner(rdd, other))
def skewRightOuterJoin[W: ClassTag](other: RDD[(K, W)], partitioner: Partitioner,
skewReplication: SkewReplication = DefaultSkewReplication(), cmsParams: CMSParams = CMSParams()): RDD[(K, (Option[V], W))] =
skewCogroup(other, partitioner, LeftReplication(skewReplication), cmsParams).flatMap{
case (k, (Seq(), itw)) => => (k, (None, w)))
case (k, (itv, itw)) => for (v <- itv; w <- itw) yield (k, (Some(v), w))
def skewRightOuterJoin[W: ClassTag](other: RDD[(K, W)]): RDD[(K, (Option[V], W))] =
skewRightOuterJoin(other, defaultPartitioner(rdd, other))
trait Dsl {
implicit def rddToSkewJoinOperations_e94qoy3tnt[K: ClassTag: Ordering: CMSHasher, V: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[(K, V)]): SkewJoinOperations[K, V] = new SkewJoinOperations(rdd)
implicit def rddToBlockJoinOperations_7IaIe6dkih[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[(K, V)]): BlockJoinOperations[K, V] = new BlockJoinOperations(rdd)
object Dsl extends Dsl