com.twitter.scalding.parquet.cascading.thrift.Parquet346TBaseScheme.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.scalding.parquet.cascading.thrift
import com.twitter.scalding.parquet.cascading.ParquetValueScheme
import cascading.flow.FlowProcess
import cascading.tap.Tap
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{ JobConf, OutputCollector, RecordReader }
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.thrift.ThriftReadSupport
import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType
import org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftType.StructType.StructOrUnionType
import org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.ThriftType._
import org.apache.parquet.thrift.struct.{ ThriftField, ThriftType }
import org.apache.parquet.thrift.{ ThriftReader, ThriftRecordConverter }
import org.apache.thrift.TBase
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* This file contains workarounds for PARQUET-346, everything in it should
* be removed once that bug is fixed in upstream parquet.
* The root issue is that TBaseRecordConverter passes a schema
* based on the file metadata to ThriftRecordConverter that may be missing
* structOrUnionType metadata. This metadata is not actually needed, but parquet
* currently throws if it's missing. The (temporary) "fix" is to populate this metadata
* by setting all structOrUnionType fields to UNION.
* The same as ParquetTBaseScheme, but sets the record convert to Parquet346TBaseRecordConverter
class Parquet346TBaseScheme[T <: TBase[_, _]](config: ParquetValueScheme.Config[T])
extends ParquetTBaseScheme[T](config) {
override def sourceConfInit(fp: FlowProcess[_ <: JobConf],
tap: Tap[JobConf, RecordReader[_, _], OutputCollector[_, _]],
jobConf: JobConf): Unit = {
super.sourceConfInit(fp, tap, jobConf)
// Use the fixed record converter instead of the one set in super
ThriftReadSupport.setRecordConverterClass(jobConf, classOf[Parquet346TBaseRecordConverter[_]])
* Same as TBaseRecordConverter with one important (subtle) difference.
* It passes a repaired schema (StructType) to ThriftRecordConverter's
* constructor. This is important because older files don't contain all the metadata needed for
* ThriftSchemaConverter to not throw, but we can put dummy data in there because it's not actually
* used.
class Parquet346TBaseRecordConverter[T <: TBase[_, _]](thriftClass: Class[T],
requestedParquetSchema: MessageType, thriftType: ThriftType.StructType) extends ThriftRecordConverter[T](
// this is a little confusing because it's all being passed to the super constructor
// this thrift reader is the same as what's in ScroogeRecordConverter's constructor
new ThriftReader[T] {
override def readOneRecord(protocol: TProtocol): T = {
try {
val thriftObject: T = thriftClass.newInstance
} catch {
case e: InstantiationException =>
throw new ParquetDecodingException("Could not instantiate Thrift " + thriftClass, e)
case e: IllegalAccessException =>
throw new ParquetDecodingException("Thrift class or constructor not public " + thriftClass, e)
// this is the fix -- we add in the missing structOrUnionType metadata
// before passing it along
* Takes a ThriftType with potentially missing structOrUnionType metadata,
* and makes a copy that sets all StructOrUnionType metadata to UNION
object Parquet346StructTypeRepairer extends StateVisitor[ThriftType, Unit] {
def repair(fromMetadata: StructType): StructType = {
visit(fromMetadata, ())
def copyRecurse(field: ThriftField): ThriftField = {
new ThriftField(field.getName, field.getFieldId, field.getRequirement, field.getType.accept(this, ()))
override def visit(structType: StructType, state: Unit): StructType = {
val repairedChildren = structType
new StructType(repairedChildren.toBuffer.asJava, StructOrUnionType.UNION)
override def visit(mapType: MapType, state: Unit): MapType =
new MapType(copyRecurse(mapType.getKey), copyRecurse(mapType.getValue))
override def visit(setType: SetType, state: Unit): SetType =
new SetType(copyRecurse(setType.getValues))
override def visit(listType: ListType, state: Unit): ListType =
new ListType(copyRecurse(listType.getValues))
override def visit(enumType: EnumType, state: Unit): EnumType = enumType
override def visit(boolType: BoolType, state: Unit): BoolType = boolType
override def visit(byteType: ByteType, state: Unit): ByteType = byteType
override def visit(doubleType: DoubleType, state: Unit): DoubleType = doubleType
override def visit(i16Type: I16Type, state: Unit): I16Type = i16Type
override def visit(i32Type: I32Type, state: Unit): I32Type = i32Type
override def visit(i64Type: I64Type, state: Unit): I64Type = i64Type
override def visit(stringType: StringType, state: Unit): StringType = stringType