com.twitter.scalding.spark_backend.Op.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.scalding.spark_backend
import org.apache.spark.{HashPartitioner, Partitioner}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import com.twitter.scalding.{Config, FutureCache}
import com.twitter.scalding.typed.TypedSource
sealed abstract class Op[+A] {
import Op.{Transformed, fakeClassTag}
def run(session: SparkSession)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[RDD[_ <: A]]
def map[B](fn: A => B): Op[B] =
Transformed[A, B](this,
def concatMap[B](fn: A => TraversableOnce[B]): Op[B] =
Transformed[A, B](this, _.flatMap(fn))
def filter(fn: A => Boolean): Op[A] =
Transformed[A, A](this, _.filter(fn))
def persist(sl: StorageLevel): Op[A] =
Transformed[A, A](this, _.persist(sl))
def mapPartitions[B](fn: Iterator[A] => Iterator[B]): Op[B] =
Transformed[A, B](this, _.mapPartitions(fn, preservesPartitioning = true))
object Op extends Serializable {
// TODO, this may be just inefficient, or it may be wrong
implicit private def fakeClassTag[A]: ClassTag[A] = ClassTag(classOf[AnyRef]).asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
implicit class PairOp[K, V](val op: Op[(K, V)]) extends AnyVal {
def flatMapValues[U](fn: V => TraversableOnce[U]): Op[(K, U)] =
Transformed[(K, V), (K, U)](op, _.flatMapValues(fn))
def mapValues[U](fn: V => U): Op[(K, U)] =
Transformed[(K, V), (K, U)](op, _.mapValues(fn))
def mapGroup[U](fn: (K, Iterator[V]) => Iterator[U])(implicit ordK: Ordering[K]): Op[(K, U)] =
Transformed[(K, V), (K, U)](op, { rdd: RDD[(K, V)] =>
val numPartitions = rdd.getNumPartitions
val partitioner = rdd.partitioner.getOrElse(new HashPartitioner(numPartitions))
val partitioned = rdd.repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions(partitioner)
partitioned.mapPartitions({ its =>
// since we are sorted, the adjacent keys are next to each other
val grouped = Iterators.groupSequential(its)
grouped.flatMap { case (k, vs) => fn(k, vs).map((k, _)) }
}, preservesPartitioning = true)
def hashJoin[U, W](right: Op[(K, U)])(fn: (K, V, Iterable[U]) => Iterator[W]): Op[(K, W)] =
HashJoinOp(op, right, fn)
def sorted(implicit ordK: Ordering[K], ordV: Ordering[V]): Op[(K, V)] =
Transformed[(K, V), (K, V)](op, { rdd: RDD[(K, V)] =>
// The idea here is that we put the key and the value in
// logical key, but partition only on the left part of the key
val numPartitions = rdd.getNumPartitions
val partitioner = rdd.partitioner.getOrElse(new HashPartitioner(numPartitions))
val keyOnlyPartioner = KeyHashPartitioner(partitioner)
val unitValue: RDD[((K, V), Unit)] = { kv => (kv, ()) }
val partitioned = unitValue.repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions(keyOnlyPartioner)
partitioned.mapPartitions({ its =>
// discard the unit value { case (kv, _) => kv }
}, preservesPartitioning = true) // the keys haven't changed
def sortedMapGroup[U](fn: (K, Iterator[V]) => Iterator[U])(implicit ordK: Ordering[K], ordV: Ordering[V]): Op[(K, U)] =
Transformed[(K, V), (K, U)](op, { rdd: RDD[(K, V)] =>
// The idea here is that we put the key and the value in
// logical key, but partition only on the left part of the key
val numPartitions = rdd.getNumPartitions
val partitioner = rdd.partitioner.getOrElse(new HashPartitioner(numPartitions))
val keyOnlyPartioner = KeyHashPartitioner(partitioner)
val unitValue: RDD[((K, V), Unit)] = { kv => (kv, ()) }
val partitioned = unitValue.repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions(keyOnlyPartioner)
partitioned.mapPartitions({ its =>
// discard the unit value
val kviter = { case (kv, _) => kv }
// since we are sorted first by key, then value, the keys are grouped
val grouped = Iterators.groupSequential(kviter)
grouped.flatMap { case (k, vs) => fn(k, vs).map((k, _)) }
}, preservesPartitioning = true) // the keys haven't changed
private case class KeyHashPartitioner(partitioner: Partitioner) extends Partitioner {
override def numPartitions: Int = partitioner.numPartitions
override def getPartition(keyValue: Any): Int = {
val key: Any = keyValue.asInstanceOf[(Any, Any)]._1
implicit class InvariantOp[A](val op: Op[A]) extends AnyVal {
def ++(that: Op[A]): Op[A] =
op match {
case Empty => that
case nonEmpty =>
that match {
case Empty => nonEmpty
case thatNE =>
Merged(nonEmpty, thatNE)
object Empty extends Op[Nothing] {
def run(session: SparkSession)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
override def map[B](fn: Nothing => B): Op[B] = this
override def concatMap[B](fn: Nothing => TraversableOnce[B]): Op[B] = this
override def filter(fn: Nothing => Boolean): Op[Nothing] = this
override def persist(sl: StorageLevel): Op[Nothing] = this
override def mapPartitions[B](fn: Iterator[Nothing] => Iterator[B]): Op[B] = this
final case class FromIterable[A](iterable: Iterable[A]) extends Op[A] {
def run(session: SparkSession)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[RDD[_ <: A]] =
Future(session.sparkContext.makeRDD(iterable.toSeq, 1))
final case class Source[A](conf: Config, original: TypedSource[A], input: Option[SparkSource[A]]) extends Op[A] {
def run(session: SparkSession)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[RDD[_ <: A]] =
input match {
case None => Future.failed(new IllegalArgumentException(s"source $original was not connected to a spark source"))
case Some(src) =>, conf)
private def widen[A](r: RDD[_ <: A]): RDD[A] =
// { a => a }
// or we could just cast
final case class Transformed[Z, A](input: Op[Z], fn: RDD[Z] => RDD[A]) extends Op[A] {
@transient private val cache = new FutureCache[SparkSession, RDD[_ <: A]]
def run(session: SparkSession)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[RDD[_ <: A]] =
cache.getOrElseUpdate(session, { rdd => fn(widen(rdd)) })
final case class Merged[A](left: Op[A], right: Op[A]) extends Op[A] {
@transient private val cache = new FutureCache[SparkSession, RDD[_ <: A]]
def run(session: SparkSession)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[RDD[_ <: A]] =
cache.getOrElseUpdate(session, {
// start running in parallel
val lrdd =
val rrdd =
for {
l <- lrdd
r <- rrdd
} yield widen[A](l) ++ widen[A](r)
final case class HashJoinOp[A, B, C, D](left: Op[(A, B)], right: Op[(A, C)], joiner: (A, B, Iterable[C]) => Iterator[D]) extends Op[(A, D)] {
@transient private val cache = new FutureCache[SparkSession, RDD[_ <: (A, D)]]
def run(session: SparkSession)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[RDD[_ <: (A, D)]] =
cache.getOrElseUpdate(session, {
// start running in parallel
val rrdd =
val lrdd =
rrdd.flatMap { rightRdd =>
// TODO: spark has some thing to send replicated data to nodes
// we should materialize the small side, use the above, then
// implement a join using mapPartitions
val rightMap: Map[A, List[C]] = rightRdd
.map { case (k, vs) => (k, }
val bcastMap = session.sparkContext.broadcast(rightMap) { leftrdd =>
val localJoiner = joiner
leftrdd.mapPartitions({ it: Iterator[(A, B)] =>
val rightMap = bcastMap.value
it.flatMap { case (a, b) => localJoiner(a, b, rightMap.getOrElse(a, Nil)).map((a, _)) }
}, preservesPartitioning = true)