com.twitter.scalding.spark_backend.SparkWriter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.twitter.scalding.spark_backend
import cascading.flow.FlowDef
import com.stripe.dagon.{ HMap, Rule }
import com.twitter.scalding.typed._
import com.twitter.scalding.Mode
import com.twitter.scalding.typed.memory_backend.AtomicBox
import com.twitter.scalding.{ Config, Execution, ExecutionCounters }
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, ExecutionContext, Promise }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import Execution.{ ToWrite, Writer }
class SparkWriter(val sparkMode: SparkMode) extends Writer {
private def session: SparkSession = sparkMode.session
private val sourceCounter: AtomicLong = new AtomicLong(0L)
case class TempSource[A](id: Long) extends TypedSource[A] {
def error = sys.error("spark sources don't work in cascading")
def converter[U >: A] = error
def read(implicit flowDef: FlowDef, mode: Mode) = error
object TempSource {
def next[A](): TempSource[A] = TempSource(sourceCounter.incrementAndGet)
type StateKey[+A] = (Config, TypedPipe[A])
type WorkVal[+A] = (TypedSource[A], Future[RDD[_ <: A]])
private[this] case class State(
id: Long,
sources: Resolver[TypedSource, SparkSource],
initToOpt: HMap[StateKey, TypedPipe],
forcedPipes: HMap[StateKey, WorkVal]) {
* Returns true if we actually add this optimized pipe. We do this
* because we don't want to take the side effect twice.
def addForce[T](
c: Config,
init: TypedPipe[T],
opt: TypedPipe[T],
rdd: Future[RDD[_ <: T]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): (State, Boolean) =
forcedPipes.get((c, opt)) match {
case None =>
// we have not previously forced this source
val forcedRdd: Future[RDD[_ <: T]] =
val ssrc: SparkSource[T] = materializedSource[T](forcedRdd)
val src: TypedSource[T] =
val newSources = sources.orElse(Resolver.pair(src, ssrc))
val workVal: WorkVal[T] = (src, forcedRdd)
val newForced = forcedPipes + ((c, opt) -> workVal)
val newInitToOpt = initToOpt + ((c, init) -> opt)
sources = newSources,
forcedPipes = newForced,
initToOpt = newInitToOpt), true)
case Some(_) =>
(copy(initToOpt = initToOpt + ((c, init) -> opt)), false)
private def get[T](c: Config, init: TypedPipe[T]): WorkVal[T] =
initToOpt.get((c, init)) match {
case Some(opt) =>
forcedPipes.get((c, opt)) match {
case None =>
sys.error(s"invariant violation: initToOpt mapping exists for $init, but no forcedPipe")
case Some(wv) => wv
case None =>
sys.error(s"invariant violation: no init existing: $init")
def getForced[T](c: Config, init: TypedPipe[T]): Future[TypedPipe[T]] =
Future.successful(TypedPipe.from(get(c, init)._1))
def getIterable[T](c: Config, init: TypedPipe[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Iterable[T]] =
get(c, init) { rdd =>
// we have to convert this to a list
// because at the end of the Execution the spark session is shutdown
// This should be called after a pipe has been forced
def write[T](c: Config, init: TypedPipe[T], sink: TypedSink[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] =
sparkMode.sink(sink) match {
case None => Future.failed(new Exception(s"unknown sink: $sink when writing $init"))
case Some(ssink) =>
get(c, init)._2.flatMap(ssink.write(session, c, _))
private[this] val state = new AtomicBox[State](State(0L, Resolver.empty, HMap.empty, HMap.empty))
private val forcedResolver: Resolver[TypedSource, SparkSource] =
new Resolver[TypedSource, SparkSource] {
def apply[A](ts: TypedSource[A]) =
private def materializedSource[A](persisted: Future[RDD[_ <: A]]): SparkSource[A] =
new SparkSource[A] {
def read(s: SparkSession, config: Config)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[RDD[_ <: A]] =
if (session != s) Future.failed(new Exception("SparkSession has changed, illegal state. You must not share TypedPipes across Execution runs"))
else {
def finished(): Unit = {
def getForced[T](conf: Config, initial: TypedPipe[T])(implicit cec: ExecutionContext): Future[TypedPipe[T]] =
state.get().getForced(conf, initial)
def getIterable[T](conf: Config, initial: TypedPipe[T])(implicit cec: ExecutionContext): Future[Iterable[T]] =
state.get().getIterable(conf, initial)
def start(): Unit = ()
* do a batch of writes, possibly optimizing, and return a new unique
* Long.
* empty writes are legitmate and should still return a Long
def execute(
conf: Config,
writes: List[ToWrite[_]])(implicit cec: ExecutionContext): Future[(Long, ExecutionCounters)] = {
val planner = SparkPlanner.plan(conf, sparkMode.sources.orElse(state.get().sources))
import Execution.ToWrite._
val phases: Seq[Rule[TypedPipe]] =
OptimizationRules.standardMapReduceRules // probably want to tweak this
val optimizedWrites = ToWrite.optimizeWriteBatch(writes, phases)
type Action = () => Future[Unit]
val emptyAction: Action = () => Future.successful(())
def force[T](opt: TypedPipe[T], keyPipe: TypedPipe[T], oldState: State): (State, Action) = {
val promise = Promise[RDD[_ <: T]]()
val (newState, added) = oldState.addForce[T](conf, keyPipe, opt, promise.future)
def action = () => {
// actually run
val op = planner(opt)
val rddF =
promise.completeWith(rddF) => ())
(newState, if (added) action else emptyAction)
def write[T](opt: TypedPipe[T], keyPipe: TypedPipe[T], sink: TypedSink[T], oldState: State): (State, Action) = {
val promise = Promise[RDD[_ <: T]]()
val (newState, added) = oldState.addForce[T](conf, keyPipe, opt, promise.future)
val action = () => {
val rddF =
if (added) {
// actually run
val op = planner(opt)
val rddF =
promise.completeWith(rddF) => ())
else Future.successful(())
rddF.flatMap(_ => newState.write(conf, keyPipe, sink))
(newState, action)
* We keep track of the actions to avoid calling run on any RDDs
* until we have fully built the entire next state
val (id: Long, acts) = state.update { s =>
val (nextState, acts) = optimizedWrites.foldLeft((s, List.empty[Action])) {
case (old@(state, acts), OptimizedWrite(pipe, Force(opt))) =>
val (st, a) = force(opt, pipe, state)
(st, a :: acts)
case (old@(state, acts), OptimizedWrite(pipe, ToIterable(opt))) =>
val (st, a) = force(opt, pipe, state)
(st, a :: acts)
case ((state, acts), OptimizedWrite(pipe, ToWrite.SimpleWrite(opt, sink))) =>
val (st, a) = write(opt, pipe, sink, state)
(st, a :: acts)
(nextState.copy(id = + 1), (, acts))
// now we run the actions:
Future.traverse(acts) { fn => fn() }.map(_ => (id, ExecutionCounters.empty))