com.yammer.dropwizard.views.ViewBundle Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.yammer.dropwizard.views;
import com.yammer.dropwizard.Bundle;
import com.yammer.dropwizard.config.Bootstrap;
import com.yammer.dropwizard.config.Environment;
* A {@link Bundle} which enables the rendering of FreeMarker views by your service.
* A view combines a Freemarker template with a set of Java objects:
* public class PersonView extends View {
* private final Person person;
* public PersonView(Person person) {
* super("profile.ftl");
* this.person = person;
* }
* public Person getPerson() {
* return person;
* }
* }
*The {@code "profile.ftl"} is the path of the template relative to the class name. If this
* class was {@code com.example.service.PersonView}, Freemarker would then look for the file
* {@code src/main/resources/com/example/service/profile.ftl}. If the template path
* starts with a slash (e.g., {@code "/hello.ftl"}), Freemarker will look for the file {@code
* src/main/resources/hello.ftl}.
A resource method with a view would looks something like this:
* \@GET
* public PersonView getPerson(\@PathParam("id") String id) {
* return new PersonView(dao.find(id));
* }
* Freemarker templates look something like this:
* {@code
* <#-- @ftlvariable name="" type="com.example.service.PersonView" -->
* Hello, ${}!
* }
* In this template, {@code ${}} calls {@code getPerson().getName()}, and the
* {@code ?html} escapes all HTML control characters in the result. The {@code ftlvariable} comment
* at the top indicate to Freemarker (and your IDE) that the root object is a {@code Person},
* allowing for better typesafety in your templates.
* @see FreeMarker Manual
public class ViewBundle implements Bundle {
public void initialize(Bootstrap> bootstrap) {
// nothing doing
public void run(Environment environment) {