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cz.xtf.testhelpers.image.ImageContent Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cz.xtf.testhelpers.image;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import cz.xtf.core.config.WaitingConfig;
import cz.xtf.core.config.XTFConfig;
import cz.xtf.core.openshift.OpenShift;
import cz.xtf.core.openshift.PodShell;
import cz.xtf.core.openshift.helpers.ResourceParsers;
import cz.xtf.core.waiting.SimpleWaiter;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.*;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.ToString;
public class ImageContent {
public static final String RED_HAT_RELEASE_KEY_2 = "199e2f91fd431d51";
public static final String RED_HAT_RELEASE_KEY_2_RPM = "gpg-pubkey-fd431d51-4ae0493b";
public static final String RED_HAT_AUXILIARY_KEY_RPM = "gpg-pubkey-2fa658e0-45700c69";
public static final String RED_HAT_AUXILIARY_KEY_2_RPM = "gpg-pubkey-d4082792-5b32db75";
public static final String[] DEFAULT_JAVA_UTILITIES = new String[] { "jjs", "keytool", "orbd", "rmid", "rmiregistry",
"servertool", "tnameserv", "unpack200", "javac", "appletviewer", "extcheck", "idlj", "jar", "jarsigner",
"javadoc", "javah", "javap", "jcmd", "jconsole", "jdb", "jdeps", "jhat", "jinfo", "jmap", "jps",
"jrunscript", "jsadebugd", "jstack", "jstat", "jstat", "jstatd", "native2ascii", "rmic", "schemagen",
"serialver", "wsgen", "wsimport", "xjc", "pack200" };
public static ImageContent prepare(OpenShift openShift, String imageUrl) {
return ImageContent.prepare(openShift, imageUrl, "test-pod", null);
public static ImageContent prepare(OpenShift openShift, String imageUrl, Map envs) {
return ImageContent.prepare(openShift, imageUrl, "test-pod", null, envs);
public static ImageContent prepare(OpenShift openShift, String imageUrl, List command) {
return ImageContent.prepare(openShift, imageUrl, "test-pod", command, Collections.emptyMap());
public static ImageContent prepare(OpenShift openShift, String imageUrl, String name, List command) {
return ImageContent.prepare(openShift, imageUrl, name, command, Collections.emptyMap());
public static ImageContent prepare(OpenShift openShift, String imageUrl, String name, List command,
Map envs) {
final Pod pod = ImageContent.getPod(imageUrl, name, command, envs);
BooleanSupplier bs = () -> {
Pod p = openShift.getPod(name);
return p != null && ResourceParsers.isPodRunning(p) && ResourceParsers.isPodReady(p);
new SimpleWaiter(bs, "Waiting for '" + name + "' pod to be running and ready").timeout(WaitingConfig.timeout())
return ImageContent.prepare(openShift, pod);
public static ImageContent prepare(OpenShift openShift, Pod pod) {
return new ImageContent(new PodShell(openShift, pod));
private static Pod getPod(String imageUrl, String name, List command, Map envs) {
Container container = new ContainerBuilder().withName(name).withImage(imageUrl).build();
if (command != null)
envs.entrySet().stream().map(e -> new EnvVar(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), null)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
// Setting security context as required to comply with "restricted" pod security standards (since OCP 4.12/Kubernetes 1.25)
SeccompProfile secCom = new SeccompProfile();
Capabilities cap = new Capabilities();
SecurityContext updateSecContext = new SecurityContext();
// Apply the security context to the container object.
PodSpec podSpec = new PodSpec();
Pod pod = new Pod();
pod.setMetadata(new ObjectMetaBuilder().withName(name).build());
return pod;
private PodShell shell;
private boolean md5sumScriptInstalled = false;
private boolean mavenScriptInstalled = false;
private ImageContent(PodShell shell) { = shell;
public PodShell shell() {
return shell;
public Map runtimeEnvVars() {
return shell.execute("env").getOutputAsMap("=");
public List listDirContent(String path) {
return listDirContent(path, false);
public List listDirContent(String path, boolean hidden) {
String flag = hidden ? "-a1 " : "-1 ";
return shell.executeWithBash("ls " + flag + path).getOutputAsList();
public List listZipFilesInDir(String path) {
return shell.executeWithBash("ls -R1 " + path + " | grep '\\.zip$'").getOutputAsList();
public List listFilesMd5sumInDir(String path) {
final String md5sumScriptPath = "/tmp/";
if (!md5sumScriptInstalled) {
shell.executeWithBash("echo \"cd \\$1\" >> " + md5sumScriptPath);
shell.executeWithBash("echo \"for i in \\$(find . -type f)\" >> " + md5sumScriptPath);
shell.executeWithBash("echo \"do\" >> " + md5sumScriptPath);
shell.executeWithBash("echo \" md5sum \\$i\" >> " + md5sumScriptPath);
shell.executeWithBash("echo \"done\" >> " + md5sumScriptPath);
shell.executeWithBash("chmod 777 " + md5sumScriptPath);
md5sumScriptInstalled = true;
return shell.executeWithBash(md5sumScriptPath + " " + path).getOutputAsList();
public String javaVersion() {
return shell.execute("java", "-version").getError().replaceAll("\n", "")
.replaceAll("openjdk version \"([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).*", "$1");
* Will return maven version in format X.Y.Z.
* In RHEL7, maven needs to be added to path via enable script. This is a default behaviour of this method.
* Behaviour can be changed by changing XTFConfig properties.
* xtf.maven.activation_script - set to path to maven enable script. Default:
* /opt/rh/rh-maven35/enable
* @return version of Maven in the image.
public String mavenVersion() {
// Construct a temporary script and run it. Maven version is parsed from the output.
final String mavenScriptPath = "/tmp/";
if (!mavenScriptInstalled) {
String mavenActivationScript = getMavenActivationScript(mavenScriptPath);
shell.executeWithBash("echo mvn --version >> " + mavenScriptPath);
shell.executeWithBash("chmod 777 " + mavenScriptPath);
mavenScriptInstalled = true;
return shell.executeWithBash(mavenScriptPath).getOutput().replaceAll("\n", "")
.replaceAll(".*Apache Maven ([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+) .*", "$1");
* Return script for adding maven activation command to maven script.
private String getMavenActivationScript(String mavenScriptPath) {
String mavenEnableScript = XTFConfig.get("xtf.maven.activation_script", "/opt/rh/rh-maven35/enable");
return "echo . " + mavenEnableScript + " >> " + mavenScriptPath;
public List rpms() {
return Stream.of(shell.executeWithBash("rpm -qa --info").getOutput().split("(?=Name {8}: )")).map(packageInfo -> {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
for (String infoLine : packageInfo.split("\n")) {
String[] splitted = infoLine.split(":", 2);
if (splitted[0].trim().equals("Description"))
map.put(splitted[0].trim(), splitted[1].trim());
return new RpmPackage(map.get("Name"), map.get("Version"), map.get("Release"), map.get("Signature"));
public static class RpmPackage {
private String name;
private String version;
private String release;
private String signature;