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package de.bixilon.kotlinglm
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec2.Vec2
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec2.Vec2b
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec2.Vec2d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec3.Vec3
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec3.Vec3d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec4.Vec4
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec4.Vec4d
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
import kotlin.math.acos
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.sin
interface Random {
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Float, max: Float): Float {
var d = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(min.d, max + Double.MIN_VALUE)
while (d > max) d = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(min.d, max + Double.MIN_VALUE)
return d.f
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Double, max: Double): Double {
var d = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(min, max + Double.MIN_VALUE)
while (d > max) d = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(min, max + Double.MIN_VALUE)
return d
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Int, max: Int): Int {
var d = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(min, max)
while (d > max) d = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(min, max)
return d
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Long, max: Long): Long {
var d = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(min, max)
while (d > max) d = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(min, max)
return d
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Vec2, max: Vec2, res: Vec2 = Vec2()): Vec2 {
res.x = linearRand(min.x, max.x)
res.y = linearRand(min.y, max.y)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Vec2d, max: Vec2d, res: Vec2d = Vec2d()): Vec2d {
res.x = linearRand(min.x, max.x)
res.y = linearRand(min.y, max.y)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Vec2b, max: Vec2b, res: Vec2b = Vec2b()): Vec2b {
res.x = linearRand(min.x.i, max.x.i).b
res.y = linearRand(min.y.i, max.y.i).b
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Vec3, max: Vec3, res: Vec3 = Vec3()): Vec3 {
res.x = linearRand(min.x, max.x)
res.y = linearRand(min.y, max.y)
res.z = linearRand(min.z, max.z)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Vec3d, max: Vec3d, res: Vec3d = Vec3d()): Vec3d {
res.x = linearRand(min.x, max.x)
res.y = linearRand(min.y, max.y)
res.z = linearRand(min.z, max.z)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Vec4, max: Vec4, res: Vec4 = Vec4()): Vec4 {
res.x = linearRand(min.x, max.x)
res.y = linearRand(min.y, max.y)
res.z = linearRand(min.z, max.z)
res.w = linearRand(min.w, max.w)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a linear distribution
* @param min Minimum value included in the sampling
* @param max Maximum value included in the sampling */
fun linearRand(min: Vec4d, max: Vec4d, res: Vec4d = Vec4d()): Vec4d {
res.x = linearRand(min.x, max.x)
res.y = linearRand(min.y, max.y)
res.z = linearRand(min.z, max.z)
res.w = linearRand(min.w, max.w)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a gaussian distribution */
fun gaussRand(mean: Float, deviation: Float): Float {
var x1 = linearRand(-1f, 1f)
var x2 = linearRand(-1f, 1f)
var w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2
while (w > 1) {
x1 = linearRand(-1f, 1f)
x2 = linearRand(-1f, 1f)
w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2
return x2 * deviation * deviation * GLM.sqrt(-2 * GLM.log(w)) + mean
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a gaussian distribution */
fun gaussRand(mean: Double, deviation: Double): Double {
var x1 = linearRand(-1.0, 1.0)
var x2 = linearRand(-1.0, 1.0)
var w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2
while (w > 1) {
x1 = linearRand(-1.0, 1.0)
x2 = linearRand(-1.0, 1.0)
w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2
return x2 * deviation * deviation * GLM.sqrt(-2 * GLM.log(w)) + mean
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a gaussian distribution */
fun gaussRand(mean: Vec2, deviation: Vec2, res: Vec2 = Vec2()): Vec2 {
res.x = gaussRand(mean.x, deviation.x)
res.y = gaussRand(mean.y, deviation.y)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a gaussian distribution */
fun gaussRand(mean: Vec2d, deviation: Vec2d, res: Vec2d = Vec2d()): Vec2d {
res.x = gaussRand(mean.x, deviation.x)
res.y = gaussRand(mean.y, deviation.y)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a gaussian distribution */
fun gaussRand(mean: Vec3, deviation: Vec3, res: Vec3 = Vec3()): Vec3 {
res.x = gaussRand(mean.x, deviation.x)
res.y = gaussRand(mean.y, deviation.y)
res.z = gaussRand(mean.z, deviation.z)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a gaussian distribution */
fun gaussRand(mean: Vec3d, deviation: Vec3d, res: Vec3d = Vec3d()): Vec3d {
res.x = gaussRand(mean.x, deviation.x)
res.y = gaussRand(mean.y, deviation.y)
res.z = gaussRand(mean.z, deviation.z)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a gaussian distribution */
fun gaussRand(mean: Vec4, deviation: Vec4, res: Vec4 = Vec4()): Vec4 {
res.x = gaussRand(mean.x, deviation.x)
res.y = gaussRand(mean.y, deviation.y)
res.z = gaussRand(mean.z, deviation.z)
res.w = gaussRand(mean.w, deviation.w)
return res
/** Generate random numbers in the interval [min, max], according a gaussian distribution */
fun gaussRand(mean: Vec4d, deviation: Vec4d, res: Vec4d = Vec4d()): Vec4d {
res.x = gaussRand(mean.x, deviation.x)
res.y = gaussRand(mean.y, deviation.y)
res.z = gaussRand(mean.z, deviation.z)
res.w = gaussRand(mean.w, deviation.w)
return res
/** Generate a random 2D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed on a circle of a given radius */
fun circularRand(radius: Float, res: Vec2 = Vec2()): Vec2 {
assert(radius > 0f)
val a = linearRand(0f, 6.283185307179586476925286766559f)
res.put(GLM.cos(a), GLM.sin(a))
res *= radius
return res
/** Generate a random 2D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed on a circle of a given radius */
fun circularRand(radius: Double, res: Vec2d = Vec2d()): Vec2d {
assert(radius > 0.0)
val a = linearRand(0.0, 6.283185307179586476925286766559)
res.put(GLM.cos(a), GLM.sin(a))
res *= radius
return res
/** Generate a random 3D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed on a sphere of a given radius */
fun sphericalRand(radius: Float, res: Vec3 = Vec3()): Vec3 {
assert(radius > 0f)
val theta = linearRand(0f, 6.283185307179586476925286766559f)
val phi = acos(linearRand(-1f, 1f))
val sinPhi = sin(phi)
val x = sinPhi * cos(theta)
val y = sinPhi * sin(theta)
val z = cos(phi)
res.put(x, y, z)
res *= radius
return res
/** Generate a random 3D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed on a sphere of a given radius */
fun sphericalRand(radius: Double, res: Vec3d = Vec3d()): Vec3d {
assert(radius > 0.0)
val theta = linearRand(0.0, 6.283185307179586476925286766559)
val phi = acos(linearRand(-1.0, 1.0))
val sinPhi = sin(phi)
val x = sinPhi * cos(theta)
val y = sinPhi * sin(theta)
val z = cos(phi)
res.put(x, y, z)
res *= radius
return res
/** Generate a random 2D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed within the area of a disk of a given radius */
fun diskRand(radius: Float, res: Vec2 = Vec2()): Vec2 {
assert(radius > 0f)
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
var lenRadius = res.length()
while (lenRadius > radius) {
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
lenRadius = res.length()
return res
/** Generate a random 2D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed within the area of a disk of a given radius */
fun diskRand(radius: Double, res: Vec2d = Vec2d()): Vec2d {
assert(radius > 0.0)
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
var lenRadius = res.length()
while (lenRadius > radius) {
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
lenRadius = res.length()
return res
/** Generate a random 2D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed within the area of a disk of a given radius */
fun diskRand(radius: Float, res: Vec3 = Vec3()): Vec3 {
assert(radius > 0f)
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.z = linearRand(-radius, radius)
var lenRadius = res.length()
while (lenRadius > radius) {
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.z = linearRand(-radius, radius)
lenRadius = res.length()
return res
/** Generate a random 2D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed within the area of a disk of a given radius */
fun diskRand(radius: Double, res: Vec3d = Vec3d()): Vec3d {
assert(radius > 0.0)
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.z = linearRand(-radius, radius)
var lenRadius = res.length()
while (lenRadius > radius) {
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.z = linearRand(-radius, radius)
lenRadius = res.length()
return res
/** Generate a random 2D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed within the area of a disk of a given radius */
fun diskRand(radius: Float, res: Vec4 = Vec4()): Vec4 {
assert(radius > 0f)
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.z = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.w = linearRand(-radius, radius)
var lenRadius = res.length()
while (lenRadius > radius) {
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.z = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.w = linearRand(-radius, radius)
lenRadius = res.length()
return res
/** Generate a random 2D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed within the area of a disk of a given radius */
fun diskRand(radius: Double, res: Vec4d = Vec4d()): Vec4d {
assert(radius > 0.0)
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.z = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.w = linearRand(-radius, radius)
var lenRadius = res.length()
while (lenRadius > radius) {
res.x = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.y = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.z = linearRand(-radius, radius)
res.w = linearRand(-radius, radius)
lenRadius = res.length()
return res
/** Generate a random 3D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed within the volume of a ball of a given radius */
fun ballRand(radius: Float, res: Vec3 = Vec3()): Vec3 {
assert(radius > 0f)
res put 0f
var lenRadius: Float
do {
res put linearRand(Vec3(-radius), Vec3(radius))
lenRadius = res.length()
} while (lenRadius > radius)
return res
/** Generate a random 3D vector which coordinates are regulary distributed within the volume of a ball of a given radius */
fun ballRand(radius: Double, res: Vec3d = Vec3d()): Vec3d {
assert(radius > 0.0)
res put 0.0
var lenRadius: Double
do {
res put linearRand(Vec3d(-radius), Vec3d(radius))
lenRadius = res.length()
} while (lenRadius > radius)
return res