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de.bixilon.kotlinglm.dualQuat.DualQuatD.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.bixilon.kotlinglm.dualQuat
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat2x4.Mat2x4d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat3x4.Mat3x4d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.quaternion.QuatD
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec3.Vec3d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec4.Vec4d
import kotlin.math.sqrt
class DualQuatD(var real: QuatD, var dual: QuatD) {
// -- Component accesses --
/** Return the count of components of a dual quaternion */
val length = 2
operator fun get(index: Int) = when (index) {
0 -> real
1 -> dual
else -> throw Error()
operator fun set(index: Int, quat: QuatD) = when (index) {
0 -> real put quat
1 -> dual put quat
else -> throw Error()
// -- Implicit basic constructors --
constructor() : this(QuatD(), QuatD(0.0))
constructor(dualQuat: DualQuatD) : this(dualQuat.real, dualQuat.dual)
constructor(realW: Double, realX: Double, realY: Double, realZ: Double,
dualW: Double, dualX: Double, dualY: Double, dualZ: Double) : this(
QuatD(realW, realX, realY, realZ), QuatD(dualW, dualX, dualY, dualZ))
// -- Explicit basic constructors --
constructor(real: QuatD) : this(real, QuatD(0.0))
constructor(orientation: QuatD, translation: Vec3d) : this(orientation, QuatD(
-0.5f * (translation.x * orientation.x + translation.y * orientation.y + translation.z * orientation.z),
+0.5f * (translation.x * orientation.w + translation.y * orientation.z - translation.z * orientation.y),
+0.5f * (-translation.x * orientation.z + translation.y * orientation.w + translation.z * orientation.x),
+0.5f * (translation.x * orientation.y - translation.y * orientation.x + translation.z * orientation.w)))
// -- Conversion constructors --
constructor(m: Mat2x4d) : this() {
dualquat_cast(m, this)
constructor(m: Mat3x4d) : this() {
dualquat_cast(m, this)
// -- Lambda constructors --
constructor(block: (Int) -> Double) : this(
block(0), block(1), block(2), block(3),
block(4), block(5), block(6), block(7))
// -- Unary bit operators --
operator fun unaryPlus() = this
operator fun unaryMinus() = DualQuatD(-real, -dual)
fun put(real: QuatD, dual: QuatD) {
real.put(real.w, real.x, real.y, real.z)
dual.put(dual.w, dual.x, dual.y, dual.z)
fun put(realW: Double, realX: Double, realY: Double, realZ: Double,
dualW: Double, dualX: Double, dualY: Double, dualZ: Double) {
real.put(realW, realX, realY, realZ)
dual.put(dualW, dualX, dualY, dualZ)
operator fun invoke(realW: Double, realX: Double, realY: Double, realZ: Double,
dualW: Double, dualX: Double, dualY: Double, dualZ: Double): DualQuatD {
put(realW, realX, realY, realZ, dualW, dualX, dualY, dualZ)
return this
operator fun invoke(real: QuatD, dual: QuatD): DualQuatD {
put(real, dual)
return this
// -- Specific binary arithmetic operators --
infix operator fun plus(b: DualQuatD) = plus(DualQuatD(), this, b)
fun plus(b: DualQuatD, res: DualQuatD) = plus(res, this, b)
infix operator fun plusAssign(b: DualQuatD) {
plus(this, this, b)
infix operator fun times(b: DualQuatD) = times(DualQuatD(), this, b)
infix operator fun times(b: Double) = times(DualQuatD(), this, b)
infix operator fun times(b: Vec3d) = times(Vec3d(), this, b)
infix operator fun times(b: Vec4d) = times(Vec4d(), this, b)
fun times(b: DualQuatD, res: DualQuatD) = times(res, this, b)
fun times(b: Double, res: DualQuatD) = times(res, this, b)
fun times(b: Vec3d, res: Vec3d) = times(res, this, b)
fun times(b: Vec4d, res: Vec4d) = times(res, this, b)
infix operator fun timesAssign(b: DualQuatD) {
times(this, this, b)
infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Double) {
times(this, this, b)
infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Vec3d) {
times(b, this, b)
infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Vec4d) {
times(b, this, b)
infix operator fun div(b: Double) = div(DualQuatD(), this, b)
fun div(b: Double, res: DualQuatD) = div(res, this, b)
infix operator fun divAssign(b: Double) {
div(this, this, b)
// -- Operations --
/** Set the dual quaternion as identity.
* @see gtx_dual_quaternion */
fun identity(): DualQuatD {
real.put(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
dual.put(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
return this
/** Returns a new normalized quaternion.
* @see gtx_dual_quaternion */
fun normalize(): DualQuatD = div(real.length(), DualQuatD())
/** Normalize the quaternion itself.
* @see gtx_dual_quaternion */
fun normalizeAssign(): DualQuatD {
return this
/** Returns the linear interpolation of two dual quaternion.
* @see gtc_dual_quaternion */
fun lerp(b: DualQuatD, a: Double, res: DualQuatD = DualQuatD()): DualQuatD {
// Dual Quaternion Linear blend aka DLB:
// Lerp is only defined in [0, 1]
assert(a in 0.0..1.0)
val k = if (real dot b.real < 0.0) -a else a
val j = 1.0 - a
return res(
real.w * j + b.real.w * k,
real.x * j + b.real.x * k,
real.y * j + b.real.y * k,
real.z * j + b.real.z * k,
dual.z * j + b.dual.z * k,
dual.z * j + b.dual.z * k,
dual.z * j + b.dual.z * k,
dual.z * j + b.dual.z * k)
/** Returns the q inverse.
* @see gtx_dual_quaternion */
fun inverse(res: DualQuatD = DualQuatD()): DualQuatD {
// conjugate
val realW = real.w
val realX = -real.x
val realY = -real.y
val realZ = -real.z
// conjugate
val dualW = dual.w
val dualX = -dual.x
val dualY = -dual.y
val dualZ = -dual.z
val dot = realX * dualX + realY * dualY + realZ * dualZ + realW * dualW
val w = dualW + realW * (-2.0 * dot)
val x = dualX + realX * (-2.0 * dot)
val y = dualY + realY * (-2.0 * dot)
val z = dualZ + realZ * (-2.0 * dot)
return res(realW, realX, realY, realZ, w, x, y, z)
/// Converts a quaternion to a 2 * 4 matrix.
/// @see gtx_dual_quaternion
// template
// GLM_FUNC_DECL mat<2, 4, T, Q> mat2x4_cast(tdualquat const& x);
/// Converts a quaternion to a 3 * 4 matrix.
/// @see gtx_dual_quaternion
// template
// GLM_FUNC_DECL mat<3, 4, T, Q> mat3x4_cast(tdualquat const& x);
/** Converts a 2 * 4 matrix (matrix which holds real and dual parts) to a quaternion. TODO move, no reason to be in class
* @see gtx_dual_quaternion */
fun dualquat_cast(x: Mat2x4d, res: DualQuatD = DualQuatD()): DualQuatD = res(x[0].w, x[0].x, x[0].y, x[0].z, x[1].w, x[1].x, x[1].y, x[1].z)
/** Converts a 3 * 4 matrix (augmented matrix rotation + translation) to a quaternion.
* @see gtx_dual_quaternion */
fun dualquat_cast(m: Mat3x4d, res: DualQuatD = DualQuatD()): DualQuatD {
val real = QuatD()
val trace = m[0, 0] + m[1, 1] + m[2, 2]
when {
trace > 0f -> {
val r = sqrt(1.0 + trace)
val invR = 0.5 / r
real.w = 0.5 * r
real.x = (m[2, 1] - m[1, 2]) * invR
real.y = (m[0, 2] - m[2, 0]) * invR
real.z = (m[1, 0] - m[0, 1]) * invR
m[0, 0] > m[1, 1] && m[0, 0] > m[2, 2] -> {
val r = sqrt(1.0 + m[0, 0] - m[1, 1] - m[2, 2])
val invR = 0.5 / r
real.x = 0.5 * r
real.y = (m[1, 0] + m[0, 1]) * invR
real.z = (m[0, 2] + m[2, 0]) * invR
real.w = (m[2, 1] - m[1, 2]) * invR
m[1, 1] > m[2, 2] -> {
val r = sqrt(1.0 + m[1, 1] - m[0, 0] - m[2, 2])
val invR = 0.5 / r
real.x = (m[1, 0] + m[0, 1]) * invR
real.y = 0.5 * r
real.z = (m[2, 1] + m[1, 2]) * invR
real.w = (m[0, 2] - m[2, 0]) * invR
else -> {
val r = sqrt(1.0 + m[2, 2] - m[0, 0] - m[1, 1])
val invR = 0.5 / r
real.x = (m[0, 2] + m[2, 0]) * invR
real.y = (m[2, 1] + m[1, 2]) * invR
real.z = 0.5 * r
real.w = (m[1, 0] - m[0, 1]) * invR
val dual = QuatD(
-0.5 * (m[0, 3] * real.x + m[1, 3] * real.y + m[2, 3] * real.z),
0.5 * (m[0, 3] * real.w + m[1, 3] * real.z - m[2, 3] * real.y),
0.5 * (-m[0, 3] * real.z + m[1, 3] * real.w + m[2, 3] * real.x),
0.5 * (m[0, 3] * real.y - m[1, 3] * real.x + m[2, 3] * real.w))
return res(real, dual)
companion object : op_DualQuatD {
val size = QuatD.size * 2
/** Creates an identity dual quaternion.
* @see gtx_dual_quaternion */
fun identity() = DualQuatD()
override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is DualQuatD && real == other.real && dual == other.dual
override fun hashCode() = 31 * real.hashCode() + dual.hashCode()