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de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat2x2.Mat2d.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat2x2

import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.*
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat2x2.operators.op_Mat2d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat2x3.Mat2x3t
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat2x4.Mat2x4t
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat3x2.Mat3x2d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat3x2.Mat3x2t
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat3x3.Mat3
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat3x3.Mat3d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat4x2.Mat4x2d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat4x2.Mat4x2t
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat4x4.Mat4
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.mat4x4.Mat4d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec2.Vec2bool
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec2.Vec2d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec2.Vec2t
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec3.Vec3d
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec4.Vec4d
import kool.*
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.memGetDouble
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.DoubleBuffer

 * Created by GBarbieri on 10.11.2016.
class Mat2d private constructor(@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") dummy: Int, var array: DoubleArray) : Mat2x2t(), ToDoubleBuffer {

    // -- Constructors --

    constructor() : this(
            1, 0,
            0, 1)

    constructor(scalar: Number) : this(
            scalar, 0,
            0, scalar)

    constructor(x0: Number, y0: Number,
                x1: Number, y1: Number) : this(0, doubleArrayOf(
            x0.d, y0.d,
            x1.d, y1.d))

    constructor(v0: Vec2t, v1: Vec2t) : this(
            v0.x, v0.y,
            v1.x, v1.y)

    constructor(block: (Int) -> Number) : this(
            block(0).d, block(1).d,
            block(2).d, block(3).d)

    constructor(block: (Int, Int) -> Number) : this(
            block(0, 0).f, block(0, 1).f,
            block(1, 0).f, block(1, 1).f)

    constructor(list: Iterable<*>, index: Int = 0) : this(
            list.elementAt(index)!!.toDouble, list.elementAt(index + 1)!!.toDouble,
            list.elementAt(index + 2)!!.toDouble, list.elementAt(index + 3)!!.toDouble)

    constructor(buffer: DoubleBuffer, index: Int = buffer.pos) : this(
            buffer[index], buffer[index + 1],
            buffer[index + 2], buffer[index + 3])

    constructor(ptr: DoublePtr) : this(block = { i -> ptr[i] })

    // -- Matrix conversions --

    constructor(mat2: Mat2) : this(0, DoubleArray(length) { mat2.array[it].d })
    constructor(mat2: Mat2d) : this(0, mat2.array.clone())

    constructor(mat3: Mat3) : this(
            mat3[0, 0], mat3[0, 1],
            mat3[1, 0], mat3[1, 1])

    constructor(mat4: Mat4) : this(
            mat4[0, 0], mat4[0, 1],
            mat4[1, 0], mat4[1, 1])

    constructor(mat2x3: Mat2x3t<*>) : this(
            mat2x3[0, 0], mat2x3[0, 1],
            mat2x3[1, 0], mat2x3[1, 1])

    constructor(mat3x2: Mat3x2t<*>) : this(
            mat3x2[0, 0], mat3x2[0, 1],
            mat3x2[1, 0], mat3x2[1, 1])

    constructor(mat2x4: Mat2x4t<*>) : this(
            mat2x4[0, 0], mat2x4[0, 1],
            mat2x4[1, 0], mat2x4[1, 1])

    constructor(mat4x2: Mat4x2t<*>) : this(
            mat4x2[0, 0], mat4x2[0, 1],
            mat4x2[1, 0], mat4x2[1, 1])

    constructor(doubles: DoubleArray, transpose: Boolean = false) : this(0,
            if (transpose) doubleArrayOf(
                    doubles[0], doubles[3],
                    doubles[1], doubles[4])
            else doubles.clone())

    // to
//    fun to(mat2x2: Mat2x2t<*>) {
//        value = mutableListOf(
//                Vec2d(mat2x2.value[0]),
//                Vec2d(mat2x2.value[1]))
//    }
//    fun to(scalar: Number) {
//        value = mutableListOf(
//                Vec2d(scalar.d, 0),
//                Vec2d(0, scalar.d))
//    }
//    fun to(x0: Number, x1: Number, y0: Number, y1: Number) {
//        value = mutableListOf(
//                Vec2d(x0.d, y0.d),
//                Vec2d(x1.d, y1.d))
//    }
//    fun to(v0: Vec2t<*>, v1: Vec2t<*>) {
//        value = mutableListOf(
//                Vec2d(v0),
//                Vec2d(v1))
//    }

    // -- Accesses --

    override operator fun get(index: Int) = Vec2d(index * 2, array)
    override operator fun get(column: Int, row: Int) = array[column * 2 + row]

    override operator fun set(column: Int, row: Int, value: Double) = array.set(column * 2 + row, value)
    override operator fun set(index: Int, value: Vec2t) {
        array[index * 2] = value.x.d
        array[index * 2 + 1] = value.y.d

    operator fun set(i: Int, v: Vec2d) {, i * 2)

    // -- Matrix functions --

    val det get() = GLM.determinant(this)

    fun inverse(res: Mat2d = Mat2d()) = GLM.inverse(res, this)
    fun inverseAssign() = GLM.inverse(this, this)

    fun transpose(res: Mat2d = Mat2d()) = GLM.transpose(res, this)
    fun transposeAssign() = GLM.transpose(this, this)

    infix operator fun invoke(s: Double) = invoke(s, s)

    infix operator fun invoke(v: Vec2d) = invoke(v.x, v.y)
    infix operator fun invoke(v: Vec3d) = invoke(v.x, v.y)
    infix operator fun invoke(v: Vec4d) = invoke(v.x, v.y)

    infix operator fun invoke(doubles: DoubleArray) = invoke(doubles[0], doubles[1], doubles[2], doubles[3])

    infix operator fun invoke(mat2: Mat2) = invoke(DoubleArray(length) { mat2.array[it].d })
    infix operator fun invoke(mat2: Mat2d) = invoke(mat2.array.clone())

    infix operator fun invoke(mat3: Mat3) = invoke(
            mat3[0, 0].d, mat3[0, 1].d,
            mat3[1, 0].d, mat3[1, 1].d)

    infix operator fun invoke(mat3: Mat3d) = invoke(
            mat3[0, 0], mat3[0, 1],
            mat3[1, 0], mat3[1, 1])

    infix operator fun invoke(mat4: Mat4) = invoke(
            mat4[0, 0].d, mat4[0, 1].d,
            mat4[1, 0].d, mat4[1, 1].d)

    infix operator fun invoke(mat4: Mat4d) = invoke(
            mat4[0, 0], mat4[0, 1],
            mat4[1, 0], mat4[1, 1])

    operator fun invoke(x: Double, y: Double) = invoke(
            x, 0.0,
            0.0, y)

    operator fun invoke(x: Number, y: Number) = invoke(
            x.d, 0.0,
            0.0, y.d)

    operator fun invoke(a0: Double, a1: Double,
               b0: Double, b1: Double): Mat2d {

        put(a0, a1, b0, b1)
        return this

    operator fun invoke(a0: Number, a1: Number,
               b0: Number, b1: Number): Mat2d {

        put(a0.d, a1.d, b0.d, b1.d)
        return this

    infix fun put(mat2: Mat2d) = System.arraycopy(mat2.array.clone(), 0, array, 0, length)

    fun identity() = invoke(1.0)
    infix fun put(s: Double) = put(s, s)
    infix fun put(v: Vec2d) = put(v.x, v.y)
    infix fun put(v: Vec3d) = put(v.x, v.y)
    infix fun put(v: Vec4d) = put(v.x, v.y)

    infix fun put(doubles: DoubleArray) = put(doubles[0], doubles[1], doubles[2], doubles[3])

    fun put(x: Double, y: Double) = put(
            x, 0.0,
            0.0, y)

    fun put(a0: Double, a1: Double,
            b0: Double, b1: Double) {

        array[0] = a0
        array[1] = a1

        array[4] = b0
        array[5] = b1

    // TODO inc

    fun toDoubleArray(): DoubleArray = to(DoubleArray(length), 0)
    infix fun to(doubles: DoubleArray): DoubleArray = to(doubles, 0)
    fun to(doubles: DoubleArray, index: Int): DoubleArray {
        System.arraycopy(array, 0, doubles, index, length)
        return doubles

    override fun to(buf: ByteBuffer, offset: Int): ByteBuffer {
        return buf
                .putDouble(offset + 0 * Double.BYTES, array[0])
                .putDouble(offset + 1 * Double.BYTES, array[1])
                .putDouble(offset + 2 * Double.BYTES, array[2])
                .putDouble(offset + 3 * Double.BYTES, array[3])

    override fun to(buf: DoubleBuffer, offset: Int): DoubleBuffer {
        buf[offset + 0] = array[0]
        buf[offset + 1] = array[1]
        buf[offset + 2] = array[2]
        buf[offset + 3] = array[3]
        return buf

    // -- Unary arithmetic operators --

    operator fun unaryPlus() = this

    operator fun unaryMinus() = Mat2d(
            -array[0], -array[1],
            -array[3], -array[4])

    // -- operators --

    infix operator fun plus(b: Mat2d) = plus(Mat2d(), this, b)
    infix operator fun plus(b: Double) = plus(Mat2d(), this, b)

    fun plus(b: Mat2d, res: Mat2d) = plus(res, this, b)
    fun plus(b: Double, res: Mat2d) = plus(res, this, b)

    infix operator fun plusAssign(b: Mat2d) {
        plus(this, this, b)

    infix operator fun plusAssign(b: Double) {
        plus(this, this, b)

    infix operator fun minus(b: Mat2d) = minus(Mat2d(), this, b)
    infix operator fun minus(b: Double) = minus(Mat2d(), this, b)

    fun minus(b: Mat2d, res: Mat2d) = minus(res, this, b)
    fun minus(b: Double, res: Mat2d) = minus(res, this, b)

    infix operator fun minusAssign(b: Mat2d) {
        minus(this, this, b)

    infix operator fun minusAssign(b: Double) {
        minus(this, this, b)

    infix operator fun times(b: Mat2d) = times(Mat2d(), this, b)
    infix operator fun times(b: Mat3x2d) = times(TODO(), this, b)
    infix operator fun times(b: Mat4x2d) = times(TODO(), this, b)

    infix operator fun times(b: Vec2d) = times(Vec2d(), this, b)
    infix operator fun times(b: Double) = times(Mat2d(), this, b)

    fun times(b: Mat2d, res: Mat2d) = times(res, this, b)
    fun times(b: Double, res: Mat2d) = times(res, this, b)

    fun times(b: Vec2d, res: Vec2d = Vec2d()) = times(res, this, b)

    infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Mat2d) {
        times(this, this, b)
    } // TODO

    infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Double) {
        times(this, this, b)

    infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Vec2d) {
        times(b, this, b)

    infix operator fun div(b: Mat2d) = div(Mat2d(), this, b)
    infix operator fun div(b: Double) = div(Mat2d(), this, b)

    fun div(b: Mat2d, res: Mat2d) = div(res, this, b)
    fun div(b: Double, res: Mat2d) = div(res, this, b)

    infix operator fun divAssign(b: Mat2d) {
        div(this, this, b)

    infix operator fun divAssign(b: Double) {
        div(this, this, b)

//    infix fun isEqual(b: Mat2d) = this[0].isEqual(b[0]) && this[1].isEqual(b[1])

    override var a0: Double
        get() = array[0]
        set(v) = array.set(0, v)
    override var a1: Double
        get() = array[1]
        set(v) = array.set(1, v)

    override var b0: Double
        get() = array[2]
        set(v) = array.set(2, v)
    override var b1: Double
        get() = array[3]
        set(v) = array.set(3, v)

    override val isIdentity
        get() = this[0, 0] == 1.0 && this[1, 0] == 0.0 &&
                this[0, 1] == 0.0 && this[1, 1] == 1.0

    companion object : op_Mat2d {
        const val length = Mat2x2t.length
        val size = length * Double.BYTES

        fun fromPointer(ptr: Ptr, transpose: Boolean = false): Mat2d {
            return when {
                transpose -> Mat2d(
                        memGetDouble(ptr), memGetDouble(ptr + Double.BYTES * 2),
                        memGetDouble(ptr + Double.BYTES), memGetDouble(ptr + Double.BYTES * 3))
                else -> Mat2d(
                        memGetDouble(ptr), memGetDouble(ptr + Double.BYTES),
                        memGetDouble(ptr + Double.BYTES * 2), memGetDouble(ptr + Double.BYTES * 3))

        val identity: Mat2d
            get() = Mat2d(1.0)

    override fun size() = size

	override fun elementCount() = length

    override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is Mat2d && array.contentEquals(other.array)
    override fun hashCode() = 31 * this[0].hashCode() + this[1].hashCode()

    fun equal(b: Mat2d, epsilon: Double, res: Vec2bool = Vec2bool()): Vec2bool = GLM.equal(this, b, epsilon, res)
    fun equal(b: Mat2d, epsilon: Vec2d, res: Vec2bool = Vec2bool()): Vec2bool = GLM.equal(this, b, epsilon, res)
    fun notEqual(b: Mat2d, epsilon: Double, res: Vec2bool = Vec2bool()): Vec2bool = GLM.notEqual(this, b, epsilon, res)
    fun notEqual(b: Mat2d, epsilon: Vec2d, res: Vec2bool = Vec2bool()): Vec2bool = GLM.notEqual(this, b, epsilon, res)
    fun allEqual(b: Mat2d, epsilon: Double = GLM.ε): Boolean = GLM.allEqual(this, b, epsilon)
    fun anyNotEqual(b: Mat2d, epsilon: Double = GLM.ε): Boolean = GLM.anyNotEqual(this, b, epsilon)

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