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de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec3.Vec3ui.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec3
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.*
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec1.Vec1bool
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec1.Vec1t
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec2.Vec2bool
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec2.Vec2t
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec2.Vec2ui
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec3.operators.op_Vec3ui
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec4.Vec4bool
import de.bixilon.kotlinglm.vec4.Vec4t
import kool.*
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.memGetInt
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.memPutInt
import unsigned.Uint
import java.nio.*
* Created by elect on 09/10/16.
class Vec3ui(var ofs: Int, var array: IntArray) : Vec3t(), ToBuffer {
override var x: Uint
get() = Uint(array[ofs])
set(value) = array.set(ofs, value.v)
override var y: Uint
get() = Uint(array[ofs + 1])
set(value) = array.set(ofs + 1, value.v)
override var z: Uint
get() = Uint(array[ofs + 2])
set(value) = array.set(ofs + 2, value.v)
inline var vX: Int
get() = array[ofs]
set(value) = array.set(ofs, value)
inline var vY: Int
get() = array[ofs + 1]
set(value) = array.set(ofs + 1, value)
inline var vZ: Int
get() = array[ofs + 2]
set(value) = array.set(ofs + 2, value)
// -- Implicit basic constructors --
constructor() : this(0, 0, 0)
constructor(v: Vec3ui) : this(v.x, v.y, v.z)
constructor(v: Vec2ui) : this(v.x, v.y, Uint(0))
// -- Explicit basic constructors --
constructor(x: Uint, y: Uint = x, z: Uint = x) : this(0, intArrayOf(x.i, y.i, z.i))
constructor(x: Int, y: Int = x, z: Int = x) : this(0, intArrayOf(x, y, z))
// -- Conversion scalar constructors --
constructor(v: Vec1t) : this(v.x, v.x, v.x)
// Explicit converions (From section 5.4.1 Conversion and scalar constructors of GLSL 1.30.08 specification)
constructor(x: Number, y: Number = x, z: Number = x) : this(x.ui, y.ui, z.ui)
constructor(x: Vec1t, y: Number, z: Number) : this(x.x, y, z)
constructor(x: Number, y: Vec1t, z: Number) : this(x, y.x, z)
constructor(x: Vec1t, y: Vec1t, z: Number) : this(x.x, y.x, z)
constructor(x: Number, y: Number, z: Vec1t) : this(x, y, z.x)
constructor(x: Vec1t, y: Number, z: Vec1t) : this(x.x, y, z.x)
constructor(x: Number, y: Vec1t, z: Vec1t) : this(x, y.x, z.x)
constructor(x: Vec1t, y: Vec1t, z: Vec1t) : this(x.x, y.x, z.x)
// -- Conversion vector constructors --
// Explicit conversions (From section 5.4.1 Conversion and scalar constructors of GLSL 1.30.08 specification)
constructor(xy: Vec2t, z: Number = 0) : this(xy.x, xy.y, z)
constructor(xy: Vec2t, z: Vec1t) : this(xy.x, xy.y, z.x)
constructor(x: Number, yz: Vec2t) : this(x, yz.x, yz.y)
constructor(x: Vec1t, yz: Vec2t) : this(x.x, yz.x, yz.y)
constructor(v: Vec3t) : this(v.x, v.y, v.z)
constructor(v: Vec4t) : this(v.x, v.y, v.z)
constructor(v: Vec1bool) : this(v.x.ui, 0, 0)
constructor(v: Vec2bool) : this(v.x.ui, v.y.ui, 0)
constructor(v: Vec3bool) : this(v.x.ui, v.y.ui, v.z.ui)
constructor(v: Vec4bool) : this(v.x.ui, v.y.ui, v.z.ui)
constructor(bytes: ByteArray, index: Int = 0, oneByteOneUint: Boolean = false, bigEndian: Boolean = true) : this(
if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index].ui else bytes.getUint(index, bigEndian),
if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index + 1].ui else bytes.getUint(index + Uint.BYTES, bigEndian),
if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index + 2].ui else bytes.getUint(index + Uint.BYTES * 2, bigEndian))
constructor(chars: CharArray, index: Int = 0) : this(chars[index].ui, chars[index + 1].ui, chars[index + 2].ui)
constructor(shorts: ShortArray, index: Int = 0) : this(shorts[index], shorts[index + 1], shorts[index + 2])
constructor(ints: IntArray, index: Int = 0) : this(ints[index], ints[index + 1], ints[index + 2])
constructor(longs: LongArray, index: Int = 0) : this(longs[index], longs[index + 1], longs[index + 2])
constructor(floats: FloatArray, index: Int = 0) : this(floats[index], floats[index + 1], floats[index + 2])
constructor(doubles: DoubleArray, index: Int = 0) : this(doubles[index], doubles[index + 1], doubles[index + 2])
constructor(booleans: BooleanArray, index: Int = 0) : this(booleans[index].ui, booleans[index + 1].ui, booleans[index + 2].ui)
constructor(numbers: Array, index: Int = 0) : this(numbers[index], numbers[index + 1], numbers[index + 2])
constructor(chars: Array, index: Int = 0) : this(chars[index].ui, chars[index + 1].ui, chars[index + 2].ui)
constructor(booleans: Array, index: Int = 0) : this(booleans[index].ui, booleans[index + 1].ui, booleans[index + 2].ui)
constructor(list: Iterable<*>, index: Int = 0) : this(list.elementAt(index)!!.toInt, list.elementAt(index + 1)!!.toInt,
list.elementAt(index + 2)!!.toInt)
constructor(bytes: ByteBuffer, index: Int = bytes.pos, oneByteOneUint: Boolean = false) : this(
if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index].ui else bytes.getInt(index).ui,
if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index + 1].ui else bytes.getInt(index + Uint.BYTES).ui,
if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index + 2].ui else bytes.getInt(index + Uint.BYTES * 2).ui)
constructor(chars: CharBuffer, index: Int = chars.pos) : this(chars[index].ui, chars[index + 1].ui, chars[index + 2].ui)
constructor(shorts: ShortBuffer, index: Int = shorts.pos) : this(shorts[index], shorts[index + 1], shorts[index + 2])
constructor(ints: IntBuffer, index: Int = ints.pos) : this(ints[index], ints[index + 1], ints[index + 2])
constructor(longs: LongBuffer, index: Int = longs.pos) : this(longs[index], longs[index + 1], longs[index + 2])
constructor(floats: FloatBuffer, index: Int = floats.pos) : this(floats[index], floats[index + 1], floats[index + 2])
constructor(doubles: DoubleBuffer, index: Int = doubles.pos) : this(doubles[index], doubles[index + 1], doubles[index + 2])
constructor(block: (Int) -> Uint) : this(block(0), block(1), block(2))
fun set(bytes: ByteArray, index: Int = 0, oneByteOneUint: Boolean = false, bigEndian: Boolean = true) {
x.v = if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index].i else bytes.getInt(index, bigEndian)
y.v = if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index + 1].i else bytes.getInt(index + Uint.BYTES, bigEndian)
z.v = if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index + 2].i else bytes.getInt(index + Uint.BYTES * 2, bigEndian)
fun set(bytes: ByteBuffer, index: Int = bytes.pos, oneByteOneUint: Boolean = false) {
x.v = if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index].i else bytes.getInt(index)
y.v = if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index + 1].i else bytes.getInt(index + Uint.BYTES)
z.v = if (oneByteOneUint) bytes[index + 2].i else bytes.getInt(index + Uint.BYTES * 2)
fun put(x: Uint, y: Uint, z: Uint) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.z = z
operator fun invoke(x: Uint, y: Uint, z: Uint): Vec3ui {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.z = z
return this
fun put(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) {
this.x.v = x
this.y.v = y
this.z.v = z
operator fun invoke(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Vec3ui {
this.x.v = x
this.y.v = y
this.z.v = z
return this
override fun put(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number) {
this.x = x.ui
this.y = y.ui
this.z = z.ui
override operator fun invoke(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number): Vec3ui {
this.x = x.ui
this.y = y.ui
this.z = z.ui
return this
fun to(bytes: ByteArray, index: Int) = to(bytes, index, true)
override fun to(bytes: ByteArray, index: Int, bigEndian: Boolean): ByteArray {
bytes.putInt(index, x.v)
bytes.putInt(index + Int.BYTES, y.v)
bytes.putInt(index + Int.BYTES * 2, z.v)
return bytes
fun toIntArray(): IntArray = to(IntArray(length), 0)
infix fun to(ints: IntArray): IntArray = to(ints, 0)
fun to(ints: IntArray, index: Int): IntArray {
System.arraycopy(array, ofs, ints, index, length)
return ints
override fun to(buf: ByteBuffer, offset: Int): ByteBuffer {
buf.putInt(offset, x.v)
buf.putInt(offset + Int.BYTES, y.v)
buf.putInt(offset + Int.BYTES * 2, z.v)
return buf
fun toIntBufferStack(): IntBuffer = to(MemoryStack.stackGet().mallocInt(length), 0)
infix fun toIntBuffer(stack: MemoryStack): IntBuffer = to(stack.mallocInt(length), 0)
fun toIntBuffer(): IntBuffer = to(IntBuffer(length), 0)
infix fun to(buf: IntBuffer): IntBuffer = to(buf, buf.pos)
fun to(buf: IntBuffer, index: Int): IntBuffer {
buf[index] = x.v
buf[index + 1] = y.v
buf[index + 2] = z.v
return buf
infix fun to(ptr: Ptr) {
memPutInt(ptr, x.v)
memPutInt(ptr + Int.BYTES, y.v)
memPutInt(ptr + Int.BYTES * 2, z.v)
// -- Component accesses --
operator fun set(index: Int, value: Uint) = when (index) {
0 -> x = value
1 -> y = value
2 -> z = value
else -> throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException()
override operator fun set(index: Int, value: Number) = when (index) {
0 -> x = value.ui
1 -> y = value.ui
2 -> z = value.ui
else -> throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException()
// -- Unary arithmetic operators --
operator fun unaryPlus() = this
// no unaryMinus operator, only signed
// -- Increment main.and decrement operators --
operator fun inc(res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = plus(res, this, 1, 1, 1)
fun incAssign() = plus(this, this, 1, 1, 1)
operator fun dec(res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = minus(res, this, 1, 1, 1)
fun decAssign() = minus(this, this, 1, 1, 1)
// -- Specific binary arithmetic operators --
operator fun plus(b: Uint) = plus(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun plus(b: Int) = plus(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun plus(b: Vec3ui) = plus(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun plus(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = plus(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun plus(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = plus(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun plus(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = plus(res, this, b, b, b)
fun plus(b: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = plus(res, this, b, b, b)
fun plus(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = plus(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun plusAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = plus(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun plusAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = plus(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
infix operator fun plusAssign(b: Uint) {
plus(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun plusAssign(b: Int) {
plus(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun plusAssign(b: Vec3ui) {
plus(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
operator fun minus(b: Uint) = minus(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun minus(b: Int) = minus(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun minus(b: Vec3ui) = minus(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun minus(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = minus(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun minus(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = minus(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun minus(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = minus(res, this, b, b, b)
fun minus(b: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = minus(res, this, b, b, b)
fun minus(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = minus(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun minusAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = minus(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun minusAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = minus(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
infix operator fun minusAssign(b: Uint) {
minus(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun minusAssign(b: Int) {
minus(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun minusAssign(b: Vec3ui) {
minus(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
operator fun times(b: Uint) = times(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun times(b: Int) = times(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun times(b: Vec3ui) = times(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun times(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = times(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun times(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = times(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun times(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = times(res, this, b, b, b)
fun times(b: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = times(res, this, b, b, b)
fun times(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = times(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun timesAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = times(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun timesAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = times(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Uint) {
times(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Int) {
times(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Vec3ui) {
times(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
operator fun div(b: Uint) = div(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun div(b: Int) = div(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun div(b: Vec3ui) = div(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun div(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = div(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun div(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = div(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun div(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui) = div(res, this, b, b, b)
fun div(b: Int, res: Vec3ui) = div(res, this, b, b, b)
fun div(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui) = div(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun divAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = div(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun divAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = div(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
infix operator fun divAssign(b: Uint) {
div(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun divAssign(b: Int) {
div(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun divAssign(b: Vec3ui) {
div(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
operator fun rem(b: Uint) = rem(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun rem(b: Int) = rem(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
operator fun rem(b: Vec3ui) = rem(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun rem(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = rem(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun rem(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = rem(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun rem(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui) = rem(res, this, b, b, b)
fun rem(b: Int, res: Vec3ui) = rem(res, this, b, b, b)
fun rem(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui) = rem(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun remAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = rem(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun remAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = rem(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
infix operator fun remAssign(b: Uint) {
rem(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun remAssign(b: Int) {
rem(this, this, b, b, b)
infix operator fun remAssign(b: Vec3ui) {
rem(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
// -- Generic binary arithmetic operators --
operator fun plus(b: Number) = plus(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
operator fun plus(b: Vec3t) = plus(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun plus(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = plus(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun plus(b: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = plus(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun plus(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = plus(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun plusAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = plus(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix operator fun plusAssign(b: Number) {
plus(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix operator fun plusAssign(b: Vec3t) {
plus(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
operator fun minus(b: Number) = minus(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
operator fun minus(b: Vec3t) = minus(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun minus(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = minus(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun minus(b: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = minus(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun minus(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = minus(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun minusAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = minus(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix operator fun minusAssign(b: Number) {
minus(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix operator fun minusAssign(b: Vec3t) {
minus(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
operator fun times(b: Number) = times(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
operator fun times(b: Vec3t) = times(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun times(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = times(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun times(b: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = times(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun times(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = times(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun timesAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = times(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Number) {
times(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix operator fun timesAssign(b: Vec3t) {
times(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
operator fun div(b: Number) = div(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
operator fun div(b: Vec3t) = div(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun div(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = div(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun div(b: Number, res: Vec3ui) = div(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun div(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui) = div(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun divAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = div(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix operator fun divAssign(b: Number) {
div(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix operator fun divAssign(b: Vec3t) {
div(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
operator fun rem(b: Number) = rem(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
operator fun rem(b: Vec3t) = rem(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun rem(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = rem(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun rem(b: Number, res: Vec3ui) = rem(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun rem(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui) = rem(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun remAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = rem(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix operator fun remAssign(b: Number) {
rem(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix operator fun remAssign(b: Vec3t) {
rem(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
// -- Specific bitwise operators --
infix fun and(b: Uint) = and(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun and(b: Int) = and(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun and(b: Vec3ui) = and(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
infix fun andAssign(b: Uint) = and(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun andAssign(b: Int) = and(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun andAssign(b: Vec3ui) = and(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun and(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui) = and(res, this, b, b, b)
fun and(b: Int, res: Vec3ui) = and(res, this, b, b, b)
fun and(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui) = and(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun and(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = and(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun and(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = and(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun andAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = and(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun andAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = and(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
infix fun or(b: Uint) = or(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun or(b: Int) = or(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun or(b: Vec3ui) = or(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
infix fun orAssign(b: Uint) = or(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun orAssign(b: Int) = or(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun orAssign(b: Vec3ui) = or(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun or(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui) = or(res, this, b, b, b)
fun or(b: Int, res: Vec3ui) = or(res, this, b, b, b)
fun or(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui) = or(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun or(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = or(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun or(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = or(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun orAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = or(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun orAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = or(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
infix fun xor(b: Uint) = xor(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun xor(b: Int) = xor(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun xor(b: Vec3ui) = xor(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
infix fun xorAssign(b: Uint) = xor(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun xorAssign(b: Int) = xor(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun xorAssign(b: Vec3ui) = xor(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun xor(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui) = xor(res, this, b, b, b)
fun xor(b: Int, res: Vec3ui) = xor(res, this, b, b, b)
fun xor(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui) = xor(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun xor(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = xor(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun xor(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = xor(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun xorAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = xor(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun xorAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = xor(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
infix fun shl(b: Uint) = shl(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun shl(b: Int) = shl(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun shl(b: Vec3ui) = shl(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
infix fun shlAssign(b: Uint) = shl(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun shlAssign(b: Int) = shl(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun shlAssign(b: Vec3ui) = shl(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun shl(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui) = shl(res, this, b, b, b)
fun shl(b: Int, res: Vec3ui) = shl(res, this, b, b, b)
fun shl(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui) = shl(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun shl(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = shl(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun shl(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = shl(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun shlAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = shl(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun shlAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = shl(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
infix fun shr(b: Uint) = shr(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun shr(b: Int) = shr(Vec3ui(), this, b, b, b)
infix fun shr(b: Vec3ui) = shr(Vec3ui(), this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
infix fun shrAssign(b: Uint) = shr(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun shrAssign(b: Int) = shr(this, this, b, b, b)
infix fun shrAssign(b: Vec3ui) = shr(this, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun shr(b: Uint, res: Vec3ui) = shr(res, this, b, b, b)
fun shr(b: Int, res: Vec3ui) = shr(res, this, b, b, b)
fun shr(b: Vec3ui, res: Vec3ui) = shr(res, this, b.x, b.y, b.z)
fun shr(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = shr(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun shr(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = shr(res, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun shrAssign(bX: Uint, bY: Uint, bZ: Uint) = shr(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun shrAssign(bX: Int, bY: Int, bZ: Int) = shr(this, this, bX, bY, bZ)
fun inv(res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = inv(res, this)
fun invAssign() = inv(this, this)
// -- Generic bitwise operators --
infix fun and(b: Number) = and(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun and(b: Vec3t) = and(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
infix fun andAssign(b: Number) = and(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun andAssign(b: Vec3t) = and(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun and(b: Number, res: Vec3ui) = and(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun and(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui) = and(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun and(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = and(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun andAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = and(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix fun or(b: Number) = or(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun or(b: Vec3t) = or(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
infix fun orAssign(b: Number) = or(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun orAssign(b: Vec3t) = or(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun or(b: Number, res: Vec3ui) = or(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun or(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui) = or(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun or(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = or(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun orAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = or(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix fun xor(b: Number) = xor(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun xor(b: Vec3t) = xor(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
infix fun xorAssign(b: Number) = xor(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun xorAssign(b: Vec3t) = xor(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun xor(b: Number, res: Vec3ui) = xor(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun xor(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui) = xor(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun xor(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = xor(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun xorAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = xor(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix fun shl(b: Number) = shl(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun shl(b: Vec3t) = shl(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
infix fun shlAssign(b: Number) = shl(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun shlAssign(b: Vec3t) = shl(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun shl(b: Number, res: Vec3ui) = shl(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun shl(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui) = shl(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun shl(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = shl(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun shlAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = shl(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix fun shr(b: Number) = shr(Vec3ui(), this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun shr(b: Vec3t) = shr(Vec3ui(), this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
infix fun shrAssign(b: Number) = shr(this, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
infix fun shrAssign(b: Vec3t) = shr(this, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun shr(b: Number, res: Vec3ui) = shr(res, this, b.i, b.i, b.i)
fun shr(b: Vec3t, res: Vec3ui) = shr(res, this, b.x.i, b.y.i, b.z.i)
fun shr(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number, res: Vec3ui = Vec3ui()) = shr(res, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
fun shrAssign(bX: Number, bY: Number, bZ: Number) = shr(this, this, bX.i, bY.i, bZ.i)
infix fun allLessThan(ui: Uint): Boolean = x < ui && y < ui && z < ui
infix fun anyLessThan(ui: Uint): Boolean = x < ui || y < ui || z < ui
infix fun lessThan(ui: Uint): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) < ui }
infix fun allLessThanEqual(ui: Uint): Boolean = x <= ui && y <= ui && z <= ui
infix fun anyLessThanEqual(ui: Uint): Boolean = x <= ui || y <= ui || z <= ui
infix fun lessThanEqual(ui: Uint): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) <= ui }
infix fun allEqual(ui: Uint): Boolean = x == ui && y == ui && z == ui
infix fun anyEqual(ui: Uint): Boolean = x == ui || y == ui || z == ui
infix fun equal(ui: Uint): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) == ui }
infix fun allNotEqual(ui: Uint): Boolean = x != ui && y != ui && z != ui
infix fun anyNotEqual(ui: Uint): Boolean = x != ui || y != ui || z != ui
infix fun notEqual(ui: Uint): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) != ui }
infix fun allGreaterThan(ui: Uint): Boolean = x > ui && y > ui && z > ui
infix fun anyGreaterThan(ui: Uint): Boolean = x > ui || y > ui || z > ui
infix fun greaterThan(ui: Uint): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) > ui }
infix fun allGreaterThanEqual(ui: Uint): Boolean = x >= ui && y >= ui && z >= ui
infix fun anyGreaterThanEqual(ui: Uint): Boolean = x >= ui || y >= ui || z >= ui
infix fun greaterThanEqual(ui: Uint): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) >= ui }
infix fun allLessThan(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x < v.x && y < v.y && z < v.z
infix fun anyLessThan(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x < v.x || y < v.y || z < v.z
infix fun lessThan(v: Vec3ui): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) < v[it] }
infix fun allLessThanEqual(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x <= v.x && y <= v.y && z <= v.z
infix fun anyLessThanEqual(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x <= v.x || y <= v.y || z <= v.z
infix fun lessThanEqual(v: Vec3ui): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) <= v[it] }
infix fun allEqual(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z
infix fun anyEqual(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x == v.x || y == v.y || z == v.z
infix fun equal(v: Vec3ui): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) == v[it] }
infix fun allNotEqual(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x != v.x && y != v.y && z != v.z
infix fun anyNotEqual(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x != v.x || y != v.y || z != v.z
infix fun notEqual(v: Vec3ui): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) != v[it] }
infix fun allGreaterThan(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x > v.x && y > v.y && z > v.z
infix fun anyGreaterThan(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x > v.x || y > v.y || z > v.z
infix fun greaterThan(v: Vec3ui): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) > v[it] }
infix fun allGreaterThanEqual(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x >= v.x && y >= v.y && z >= v.z
infix fun anyGreaterThanEqual(v: Vec3ui): Boolean = x >= v.x || y >= v.y || z >= v.z
infix fun greaterThanEqual(v: Vec3ui): Vec3bool = Vec3bool { get(it) >= v[it] }
companion object : op_Vec3ui {
const val length = 3
val size = length * Uint.BYTES
fun fromPointer(ptr: Ptr) = Vec3ui(memGetInt(ptr), memGetInt(ptr + Int.BYTES), memGetInt(ptr + Int.BYTES * 2))
override fun size() = size
override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is Vec3ui && this[0] == other[0] && this[1] == other[1] && this[2] == other[2]
override fun hashCode() = 31 * (31 * x.v.hashCode() + y.v.hashCode()) + z.v.hashCode()
fun print(name: String = "", stream: PrintStream = System.out) = stream.print("$name$this")
fun println(name: String = "", stream: PrintStream = System.out) = stream.println("$name$this")
override fun toString(): String = "(${x.v}, ${y.v}, ${z.v})"