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package de.digitalcollections.commons.springboot.metrics;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.ImmutableTag;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class MetricsService {
protected Map counters = new HashMap<>();
protected Map> counterTags = new HashMap<>();
protected Map timers = new HashMap<>();
private final MeterRegistry meterRegistry;
public MetricsService(MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {
this.meterRegistry = meterRegistry;
* Sets the value of a gauge
* @param name Name of the gauge, postfixed with .amount
* @param value Value of the gauge
public void setGauge(String name, long value) {
handleCounter(name, null,null, null, value, null, false);
* Sets the value of a gauge
* @param name Name of the gauge, postfixed with .amount
* @param tag Name of the tag (key is type)
* @param value Value of the gauge
public void setGauge(String name, String tag, long value) {
handleCounter(name, "type", tag, null, value, null, false);
* Sets the value of a gauge
* @param name Name of the gauge, postfixed with .amount
* @param tagKey Name of the tag
* @param tagValue Value of the tag
* @param value Value of the gauge
public void setGauge(String name, String tagKey, String tagValue, long value) {
handleCounter(name, tagKey, tagValue, null, value, null, false);
* Increases the gauge counter by one
* @param name Name of the gauge, postfixed with .amount
* @param tag Name of the tag
public void increaseCounter(String name, String tag) {
handleCounter(name, "type", tag, 1L, null, null, false);
* Increases the gauge counter with a custom increment
* @param name Name of the gauge, postfixed with .amount
* @param tag Name of the tag
* @param increment Increment value
public void increaseCounter(String name, String tag, long increment) {
handleCounter(name, "type", tag, increment, null,null, false);
* Increases the gauge counter and logs its accompanied duration
* @param name Name of the gauge, postfixed with .amount and name of the timer, postfixed with .duration
* @param tag Name of the tag
* @param durationMillis Duration in milliseconds
public void increaseCounterWithDuration(String name, String tag, Long durationMillis) {
handleCounter(name, "type", tag, 1L, null, durationMillis, false);
* Increases the gauge counter and logs its accompanied duration including percentiles (0.5 and 0.95) and histogram
* @param name Name of the gauge, postfixed with .amount and name of the timer, postfixed with .duration
* @param tag Name of the tag (must not be null)
* @param durationMillis Duration in milliseconds
public void increaseCounterWithDurationAndPercentiles(String name, String tag, Long durationMillis) {
handleCounter(name, "type", tag, 1L, null, durationMillis, true);
private void handleCounter(String name, String tagKey, String tagValue, Long increment, Long absoluteValue, Long durationMillis, Boolean publishPercentiles) {
String key = name + ( ( tagKey != null && tagValue != null ) ? "." + tagValue : "");
if ( increment != null ) {
// Increase counter value
counters.put(key, counters.getOrDefault(key, 0L) + increment);
} else {
counters.put(key, absoluteValue);
// Register counter, if it doesn't exist yet
if (counterTags.get(key) == null) {
counterTags.put(key, new HashSet<>());
if ( tagKey != null && tagValue != null ) {
counterTags.get(key).add(new ImmutableTag(tagKey, tagValue));
meterRegistry.gauge(name + ".amount", counterTags.get(key), key, counters::get);
} else {
meterRegistry.gauge(name + ".amount", counters.get(key));
if (durationMillis != null && tagKey != null && tagValue != null) {
// Register Timer
if (timers.get(key) == null) {
Timer.Builder timerBuilder = Timer.builder(name + ".duration")
.tag(tagKey, tagValue);
if ( publishPercentiles ) {
timerBuilder = timerBuilder.publishPercentiles(0.5, 0.95)
Timer timer = timerBuilder
timers.put(key, timer);
// Record time
timers.get(key).record(durationMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// ------------------------------- only for tests
protected Map getCounters() {
return counters;
protected Map> getCounterTags() {
return counterTags;
protected Map getTimers() {
return timers;