Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Schlichtherle IT Services.
* All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
import java.util.Comparator;
import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
* Represents a chain of subsequently occured {@code IOException}s which have
* not caused each other.
* This class supports chaining I/O exceptions for reasons other than
* causes (which is a functionality already provided by J2SE 1.4 and later).
* A chainable I/O exception can be used to implement an algorithm which must
* be able to continue with some work although one or more I/O exceptions have
* occured.
* For example, when looping through a list of files, an algorithm might
* encounter an I/O exception when processing a file element in the list.
* However, it may still be required to process the remaining files in the list
* before actually throwing the corresponding I/O exception.
* Hence, whenever this algorithm encounters an I/O exception, it would catch
* the I/O exception, create a chainable I/O exception for it and continue
* processing the remainder of the list.
* Finally, at the end of the algorithm, if any I/O exceptions
* have occured, the chainable I/O exception would get sorted according to
* priority (see {@link #getPriority()} and {@link #sortPriority()}) and
* finally thrown.
* This would allow a client application to filter the I/O exceptions by
* priority with a simple try-catch statement, ensuring that no other
* exception of higher priority is in the catched exception chain.
* This class is thread-safe.
* @author Christian Schlichtherle
public class SequentialIOException extends IOException implements Cloneable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2203967634187324928L;
private static int maxPrintExceptions = 3;
* Compares two chainable I/O exceptions in descending order of their
* appearance.
// Note: Not private for unit testing purposes only!
static final Comparator INDEX_COMP
= new Comparator() {
public int compare(SequentialIOException o1, SequentialIOException o2) {
return o1.index - o2.index;
* Compares two chainable I/O exceptions in descending order of their
* priority.
* If the priority is equal, the elements are compared in descending
* order of their appearance.
// Note: Not private for unit testing purposes only!
static final Comparator PRIORITY_COMP
= new Comparator() {
public int compare(SequentialIOException o1, SequentialIOException o2) {
final int p1 = o1.priority;
final int p2 = o2.priority;
return p1 < p2 ? -1 : p1 > p2 ? 1 :, o2);
* The tail of this exception chain.
* Maybe {@code this} if the predecessor hasn't been
* {@link #initPredecessor(SequentialIOException)} initialized yet or
* {@code null} if there are no more exceptions in this chain.
private @CheckForNull SequentialIOException predecessor = this;
private final int priority;
private int index; // effectively final
// Note: Not private for unit testing purposes only!
int maxIndex; // effectively final
public SequentialIOException() {
this((String) null, 0);
public SequentialIOException(final @CheckForNull String message) {
this(message, 0);
public SequentialIOException(final @CheckForNull Throwable cause) {
this(null, cause, 0);
public SequentialIOException(
final @CheckForNull String message,
final @CheckForNull Throwable cause) {
this(message, cause, 0);
public SequentialIOException(final int priority) {
this((String) null, priority);
public SequentialIOException(
final @CheckForNull String message,
final int priority) {
this.priority = priority;
public SequentialIOException(
final @CheckForNull Throwable cause,
final int priority) {
this(null, cause, priority);
* Constructs a new chainable I/O exception with the given
* {@code message}, {@code cause} and {@code priority}.
* The predecessor of this exception remains unknown until initiliazed
* by calling the method {@link #initPredecessor(SequentialIOException)}.
* @param message The message for this exception.
* @param cause The cause exception.
* A {@code null} value is permitted, and indicates that the cause
* for this exception is nonexistent.
* @param priority The priority of this exception to be used for
* {@link #sortPriority() priority sorting}.
public SequentialIOException(
final @CheckForNull String message,
final @CheckForNull Throwable cause,
final int priority) {
super(message, cause);
this.priority = priority;
/** Returns a shallow clone of this exception. */
public SequentialIOException clone() {
try {
return (SequentialIOException) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException cannotHappen) {
throw new AssertionError(cannotHappen);
public SequentialIOException initCause(final Throwable cause) {
return this;
* Initializes the predecessor of this chainable exception to
* the given object. This method can be called at most once unless the
* given predecessor is the same as the previously initialized predecessor.
* @param predecessor An exception that happened before and is
* not the cause for this exception!
* Must be {@code null} to indicate that a predecessor does not
* exist.
* @return A reference to this object.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the predecessor has already been set.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given {@code predecessor} is
* this instance or has not been initialized with a predecessor
* itself.
public synchronized SequentialIOException initPredecessor(
@CheckForNull SequentialIOException predecessor) {
predecessor = getPredecessor();
if (predecessor != null) index = maxIndex = predecessor.maxIndex + 1;
return this;
private void setPredecessor(
final @CheckForNull SequentialIOException predecessor) {
if (isInitPredecessor()) {
if (this.predecessor == predecessor) return;
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot overwrite predecessor!");
if (predecessor == this)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot be predecessor of myself!");
if (null != predecessor && !predecessor.isInitPredecessor())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The predecessor's predecessor must be initialized in order to inhibit loops!");
this.predecessor = predecessor;
* Returns the exception chain represented by the predecessing exception,
* or {@code null} if no predecessing exception exists or this property
* hasn't been
* {@link #initPredecessor(SequentialIOException) initialized} yet.
public final synchronized @Nullable SequentialIOException getPredecessor() {
return isInitPredecessor() ? predecessor : null;
final boolean isInitPredecessor() { return predecessor != this; }
/** Returns the priority of this exception. */
public final int getPriority() { return priority; }
* Sorts the elements of this exception chain in descending order
* of their priority.
* If the priority of two elements is equal, they are sorted in descending
* order of their appearance.
* @return The sorted exception chain, consisting of cloned elements where
* required to enforce the immutability of this class.
* This is a non-destructive sort, i.e. elements already in order
* are guaranteed not to get rearranged.
* If and only if all elements are in order, this exception chain
* is returned and no elements are cloned.
public SequentialIOException sortPriority() {
return sort(PRIORITY_COMP);
* Sorts the elements of this exception chain in descending order
* of their appearance.
* @return The sorted exception chain, consisting of cloned elements where
* required to enforce the immutability of this class.
* This is a non-destructive sort, i.e. elements already in order
* are guaranteed not to get rearranged.
* If and only if all elements are in order, this exception chain
* is returned and no elements are cloned.
public SequentialIOException sortAppearance() {
return sort(INDEX_COMP);
private SequentialIOException sort(
final Comparator cmp) {
final SequentialIOException predecessor = getPredecessor();
if (null == predecessor) return this;
final SequentialIOException tail = predecessor.sort(cmp);
if (tail == predecessor &&, tail) >= 0) return this;
else return tail.insert(clone(), cmp);
private SequentialIOException insert(
final SequentialIOException element,
final Comparator cmp) {
if (, this) >= 0) {
// Prepend to chain.
element.predecessor = this;
element.maxIndex = Math.max(element.index, maxIndex);
return element;
} else {
// Insert element in the predecessor exception chain.
final SequentialIOException predecessor = this.predecessor;
assert predecessor != this;
final SequentialIOException clone = clone();
if (predecessor != null) {
clone.predecessor = predecessor.insert(element, cmp);
clone.maxIndex = Math.max(clone.index, clone.predecessor.maxIndex);
} else {
element.predecessor = null;
clone.predecessor = element;
clone.maxIndex = element.maxIndex;
return clone;
* Prints up to {@link #getMaxPrintExceptions()} exceptions in this
* chain to the provided {@link PrintStream}.
* Exceptions are printed in ascending order of this chain.
* If this chain has not been sorted, this results in the exceptions being
* printed in order of their appearance.
* If more exceptions are in this chain than are allowed to be printed,
* then the printed message starts with a line indicating the number of
* exceptions which have been omitted from the beginning of this chain.
* Thus, this exception is always printed as the last exception in the
* list.
public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s) {
printStackTrace(s, getMaxPrintExceptions());
* Prints up to {@code maxExceptions()} exceptions in this
* chain to the provided {@link PrintStream}.
* Exceptions are printed in ascending order of this chain.
* If this chain has not been sorted, this results in the exceptions being
* printed in order of their appearance.
* If more exceptions are in this chain than are allowed to be printed,
* then the printed message starts with a line indicating the number of
* exceptions which have been omitted from the beginning of this chain.
* Thus, this exception is always printed as the last exception in the
* list.
public void printStackTrace(final PrintStream s, int maxExceptions) {
final SequentialIOException predecessor = getPredecessor();
if (null != predecessor) {
if (maxExceptions > 0) {
predecessor.printStackTrace(s, maxExceptions);
s.println("\nFollowed, but not caused by:");
} else {
s.println("\nOmitting " + predecessor.getNumExceptions() + " more exception(s) at the start of this list!");
private int getNumExceptions() {
final SequentialIOException predecessor = getPredecessor();
return null != predecessor ? predecessor.getNumExceptions() + 1 : 1;
* Prints up to {@link #getMaxPrintExceptions()} exceptions in this
* chain to the provided {@link PrintStream}.
* Exceptions are printed in ascending order of this chain.
* If this chain has not been sorted, this results in the exceptions being
* printed in order of their appearance.
* If more exceptions are in this chain than are allowed to be printed,
* then the printed message starts with a line indicating the number of
* exceptions which have been omitted from the beginning of this chain.
* Thus, this exception is always printed as the last exception in the
* list.
public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s) {
printStackTrace(s, getMaxPrintExceptions());
* Prints up to {@code maxExceptions()} exceptions in this
* chain to the provided {@link PrintStream}.
* Exceptions are printed in ascending order of this chain.
* If this chain has not been sorted, this results in the exceptions being
* printed in order of their appearance.
* If more exceptions are in this chain than are allowed to be printed,
* then the printed message starts with a line indicating the number of
* exceptions which have been omitted from the beginning of this chain.
* Thus, this exception is always printed as the last exception in the
* list.
public void printStackTrace(final PrintWriter s, int maxExceptions) {
final SequentialIOException predecessor = getPredecessor();
if (null != predecessor) {
if (0 < maxExceptions) {
predecessor.printStackTrace(s, maxExceptions);
s.println("\nFollowed, but not caused by:");
} else {
s.println("\nOmitting " + predecessor.getNumExceptions() + " more exception(s) at the start of this list!");
* @see #printStackTrace(PrintStream)
* @see #printStackTrace(PrintWriter)
public static int getMaxPrintExceptions() { return maxPrintExceptions; }
* @see #printStackTrace(PrintStream)
* @see #printStackTrace(PrintWriter)
public static void setMaxPrintExceptions(final int maxPrintExcepions) {
SequentialIOException.maxPrintExceptions = maxPrintExcepions;