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de.sciss.mellite.gui.MainFrame.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 *  MainFrame.scala
 *  (Mellite)
 *  Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
 *  This software is published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+
 *  For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
 *  [email protected]

package de.sciss.mellite
package gui

import java.awt.{Color, Font}
import{URI, URL}

import de.sciss.audiowidgets.PeakMeter
import de.sciss.desktop
import de.sciss.desktop.{Desktop, Menu, OptionPane, Preferences, Window, WindowHandler}
import de.sciss.lucre.stm.TxnLike
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.deferTx
import de.sciss.lucre.synth.{Bus, Group, Server, Synth, Txn}
import de.sciss.numbers.Implicits._
import de.sciss.osc
import de.sciss.synth.proc.gui.AudioBusMeter
import de.sciss.synth.proc.{AuralSystem, SensorSystem}
import de.sciss.synth.swing.ServerStatusPanel
import de.sciss.synth.{SynthGraph, addAfter, addBefore, addToHead, addToTail, proc}

import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => Vec}
import scala.concurrent.stm.{Ref, atomic}
import scala.swing.Swing._
import scala.swing.event.{ButtonClicked, MouseClicked, ValueChanged}
import scala.swing.{Action, Alignment, BoxPanel, Button, CheckBox, Component, FlowPanel, Label, Orientation, Slider, ToggleButton}

final class MainFrame extends desktop.impl.WindowImpl { me =>
  import de.sciss.mellite.Mellite.{auralSystem, sensorSystem}

  def handler: WindowHandler = Application.windowHandler

  private[this] val lbSensors = new Label("Sensors:")
  private[this] val lbAudio   = new Label("Audio:")

  private[this] lazy val ggSensors = {
    val res = new PeakMeter
    res.orientation   = Orientation.Horizontal
    res.holdPainted   = false
    res.rmsPainted    = false

    lbSensors.horizontalAlignment = Alignment.Trailing
    lbAudio  .horizontalAlignment = Alignment.Trailing
    if (Prefs.useSensorMeters) {
      ggSensors.focusable = false
      // this is so it looks the same as the audio-boot button on OS X
      ggSensors.peer.putClientProperty("JButton.buttonType", "bevel")
      ggSensors.peer.putClientProperty("JComponent.sizeVariant", "small")
    val p1    = lbSensors.preferredSize
    val p2    = lbAudio  .preferredSize
    p1.width  = math.max(p1.width, p2.width)
    p2.width  = p1.width
    lbSensors.preferredSize = p1
    lbAudio  .preferredSize = p2

  private[this] val ggDumpSensors: CheckBox = new CheckBox("Dump") {
    reactions += {
      case ButtonClicked(_) =>
        val dumpMode = if (selected) osc.Dump.Text else osc.Dump.Off
        step { implicit tx =>
          sensorSystem.serverOption.foreach { s =>
            // println(s"dump($dumpMode)")
    enabled = false

  private[this] val actionStartStopSensors: Action = new Action("Start") {
    def apply(): Unit = {
      val isRunning = step { implicit tx =>
      if (isRunning) stopSensorSystem() else Mellite.startSensorSystem()

  private[this] val sensorServerPane = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
    contents += HStrut(4)
    contents += lbSensors
    contents += HStrut(4)
    contents += new Button(actionStartStopSensors) {
      focusable = false
    contents += HStrut(16)
    contents += ggDumpSensors
    contents += HGlue

  private[this] val audioServerPane = new ServerStatusPanel()
  audioServerPane.bootAction = Some(() => { Mellite.startAuralSystem(); () })

  private[this] val boxPane = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical)
  if (Prefs.sensorChannels.getOrElse(0) > 0) boxPane.contents += sensorServerPane
  boxPane.contents += new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
    contents += HStrut(4)
    contents += lbAudio
    contents += HStrut(2)
    contents += audioServerPane
    contents += HGlue

  // component.peer.getRootPane.putClientProperty("", "small")
  component.peer.getRootPane.putClientProperty("apple.awt.brushMetalLook", true)
  resizable = false
  contents  = boxPane

    import de.sciss.desktop.Menu.{Group, Item}
    val mf      = handler.menuFactory
    val gHelp   = Group("help", "Help")
    val itAbout = Item.About(Application)(showAbout())
    if (itAbout.visible) gHelp.add(itAbout)
      .add(Item("index")("Online Documentation")(
        Desktop.browseURI(new URI(Mellite.homepage))))
      .add(Item("issues")("Report an Issue")(
        Desktop.browseURI(new URI(""))))
      .add(Item("chat")("Chat Room")(
        Desktop.browseURI(new URI(""))))
      .add(Item("shortcuts")("Keyboard Shortcuts")(

    mf.get("actions").foreach {
      case g: Menu.Group =>
        g.add(Some(this), Menu.Item("server-tree", ActionShowTree))
        g.add(Some(this), Menu.Item("toggle-debug-log")("Toggle Debug Log")(toggleDebugLog()))
      case _ =>

    val me = Some(this)
    mf.add(me, gHelp)

  private def showAbout(): Unit = {
    val url   = Mellite.homepage
    val addr  = url // url.substring(math.min(url.length, url.indexOf("//") + 2))
    val html  =

|Version ${Mellite.version}


|Copyright (c) 2012–2019 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.

|This software is published under the ${Mellite.license} |


|Scala v${de.sciss.mellite.BuildInfo.scalaVersion}
|Java v${sys.props.getOrElse("java.version", "?")}


|$addr |

  |""".stripMargin val lb = new Label(html) { // cf. // There is no way to directly register a HyperlinkListener, despite hyper links // being rendered... A simple solution is to accept any mouse click on the label // to open the corresponding website. cursor = java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(java.awt.Cursor.HAND_CURSOR) listenTo(mouse.clicks) reactions += { case MouseClicked(_, _, _, 1, false) => Desktop.browseURI(new URL(url).toURI) } } OptionPane.message(message = lb.peer, icon = Logo.icon(128)).show(None, title = "About") } private def toggleDebugLog(): Unit = { val state = !showTimelineLog showTimelineLog = state proc.showAuralLog = state proc.showTransportLog = state } private object ActionShowTree extends Action("Show Server Node Tree") { enabled = false private var sOpt = Option.empty[Server] def server: Option[Server] = sOpt def server_=(value: Option[Server]): Unit = { sOpt = value enabled = sOpt.isDefined } def apply(): Unit = sOpt.foreach { server => import de.sciss.synth.swing.Implicits._ server.peer.gui.tree() } } private[this] val metersRef = Ref(List.empty[AudioBusMeter]) private[this] var onlinePane = Option.empty[Component] private[this] val smallFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 9) private def step[A](fun: Txn => A): A = atomic { implicit itx => implicit val tx: Txn = Txn.wrap(itx) fun(tx) } private[this] val synOpt = Ref(Option.empty[Synth]) private[this] var ggMainVolumeOpt = Option.empty[Slider] def setMainVolume(linear: Double)(implicit tx: Txn): Unit = { synOpt.get(tx.peer).foreach { syn => syn.set("amp" -> linear) } deferTx { ggMainVolumeOpt.foreach { slid => val db = math.min(18, math.max(-72, (linear.ampDb + 0.5).toInt)) slid.value = db } } } private def auralSystemStarted(s: Server)(implicit tx: Txn): Unit = { log("MainFrame: AuralSystem started") val numIns = s.peer.config.inputBusChannels val numOuts = s.peer.config.outputBusChannels val group =, addAfter) val mGroup =, addToHead) val graph = SynthGraph { import de.sciss.synth._ import ugen._ import Ops.stringToControl val in =, numOuts) val mainAmp ="amp".kr(0f)) val mainIn = in * mainAmp val ceil = -0.2.dbAmp val mainLim =, level = ceil) val lim ="limiter".kr(0f) * 2 - 1) // we fade between plain signal and limited signal // to allow for minimum latency when limiter is not used. val mainOut =, mainLim, pan = lim) val hpBusL = "hp-bus".kr(0f) val hpBusR = hpBusL + 1 val hpAmp ="hp-amp".kr(0f)) val hpInL = Mix.tabulate((numOuts + 1) / 2)(i => in.out(i * 2)) val hpInR = Mix.tabulate( numOuts / 2)(i => in.out(i * 2 + 1)) val hpLimL = * hpAmp, level = ceil) val hpLimR = * hpAmp, level = ceil) val hpActive ="hp".kr(0f)) val out = (0 until numOuts).map { i => val isL = hpActive & (hpBusL sig_== i) val isR = hpActive & (hpBusR sig_== i) val isHP = isL | isR (mainOut out i) * (1 - isHP) + hpLimL * isL + hpLimR * isR }, out) } val hpBus = Prefs.headphonesBus.getOrElse(Prefs.defaultHeadphonesBus) val syn = Synth.playOnce(graph = graph, nameHint = Some("master"))(target = group, addAction = addToTail, args = List("hp-bus" -> hpBus), dependencies = Nil) synOpt.set(Some(syn))(tx.peer) val meters = if (!Prefs.useAudioMeters) List.empty else { val res0 = if (numOuts == 0) Nil else { val outBus = Bus.soundOut(s, numOuts ) val mOut = AudioBusMeter(AudioBusMeter.Strip(outBus, mGroup, addToHead) :: Nil) deferTx { mOut.component.tooltip = "Output Levels" // as long as we do not have an explicit label component } mOut :: Nil } if (numIns == 0) res0 else { val inBus = Bus.soundIn(s, numIns) val mIn = AudioBusMeter(AudioBusMeter.Strip(inBus, s.defaultGroup, addBefore) :: Nil) deferTx { mIn.component.tooltip = "Input Levels" // as long as we do not have an explicit label component } mIn :: res0 } } metersRef.set(meters)(tx.peer) deferTx { mkAuralGUI(s = s, syn = syn, meters = meters, group = group, mGroup = mGroup) } } // group -- master group; mGroup -- metering group private def mkAuralGUI(s: Server, syn: Synth, meters: List[AudioBusMeter], group: Group, mGroup: Group): Unit = { ActionShowTree.server = Some(s) audioServerPane.server = Some(s.peer) val p = new FlowPanel() // new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) meters.foreach { m => p.contents += m.component p.contents += HStrut(8) } def mkAmpFader(ctl: String, prefs: Preferences.Entry[Int]): Slider = mkFader(prefs, 0) { db => import de.sciss.synth._ val amp = if (db == -72) 0f else db.dbAmp step { implicit tx => syn.set(ctl -> amp) } } val ggMainVolume = mkAmpFader("amp" , Prefs.audioMasterVolume) val ggHPVolume = mkAmpFader("hp-amp", Prefs.headphonesVolume ) ggMainVolumeOpt = Some(ggMainVolume) def mkToggle(label: String, prefs: Preferences.Entry[Boolean], default: Boolean = false) (fun: Boolean => Unit): ToggleButton = { val res = new ToggleButton res.action = Action(label) { val v = res.selected fun(v) prefs.put(v) } res.peer.putClientProperty("JComponent.sizeVariant", "mini") res.peer.putClientProperty("JButton.buttonType", "square") val v0 = prefs.getOrElse(default) res.selected = v0 res.focusable = false fun(v0) res } val ggPost = mkToggle("post", Prefs.audioMasterPostMeter) { post => step { implicit tx => if (post) mGroup.moveToTail(group) else mGroup.moveToHead(group) } } val ggLim = mkToggle("limiter", Prefs.audioMasterLimiter) { lim => val on = if (lim) 1f else 0f step { implicit tx => syn.set("limiter" -> on) } } val ggHPActive = mkToggle("active", Prefs.headphonesActive) { active => val on = if (active) 1f else 0f step { implicit tx => syn.set("hp" -> on) } } def mkBorder(comp: Component, label: String): Unit = { val res = TitledBorder(LineBorder(Color.gray), label) res.setTitleFont(smallFont) res.setTitleColor(comp.foreground) res.setTitleJustification(javax.swing.border.TitledBorder.CENTER) comp.border = res } val stripMain = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) { contents += ggPost contents += ggLim contents += ggMainVolume mkBorder(this, "Main") } val stripHP = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) { contents += VStrut(ggPost.preferredSize.height) contents += ggHPActive contents += ggHPVolume mkBorder(this, "Phones") } p.contents += stripMain p.contents += stripHP p.contents += HGlue onlinePane = Some(p) boxPane.contents += p // resizable = true pack() } private def mkFader(prefs: Preferences.Entry[Int], default: Int)(fun: Int => Unit): Slider = { val zeroMark = "0\u25C0" val lbMap: Map[Int, Label] = (-72 to 18 by 12) { dec => val txt = if (dec == -72) "-\u221E" else if (dec == 0) zeroMark else dec.toString val lb = new Label(txt) lb.font = smallFont (dec, lb) } .toMap val lbZero = lbMap(0) val sl: Slider = new Slider { orientation = Orientation.Vertical min = -72 max = 18 value = prefs.getOrElse(default) minorTickSpacing = 3 majorTickSpacing = 12 paintTicks = true paintLabels = true private var isZero = true // will be initialized peer.putClientProperty("JComponent.sizeVariant", "small") peer.putClientProperty("JSlider.isFilled", true) // used by Metal-lnf labels = lbMap private def perform(store: Boolean): Unit = { val v = value fun(v) if (isZero) { if (v != 0) { isZero = false lbZero.text = "0" repaint() } } else { if (v == 0) { isZero = true lbZero.text = zeroMark repaint() } } if (store) prefs.put(v) } listenTo(this) reactions += { case ValueChanged(_) => perform(store = true) } perform(store = false) } sl } private def auralSystemStopped()(implicit tx: Txn): Unit = { log("MainFrame: AuralSystem stopped") metersRef .swap(Nil)(tx.peer).foreach(_.dispose()) synOpt.swap(None)(tx.peer) deferTx { audioServerPane.server = None onlinePane.foreach { p => onlinePane = None boxPane.contents.remove(boxPane.contents.indexOf(p)) // resizable = false pack() } } } def stopSensorSystem(): Unit = step { implicit tx => sensorSystem.stop() } private def sensorSystemStarted(s: SensorSystem.Server)(implicit tx: TxnLike): Unit = { log("MainFrame: SensorSystem started") deferTx { actionStartStopSensors.title = "Stop" ggDumpSensors.enabled = true if (Prefs.useSensorMeters) { ggSensors.numChannels = Prefs.sensorChannels.getOrElse(Prefs.defaultSensorChannels) ggSensors.preferredSize = (260, ggSensors.numChannels * 4 + 2) sensorServerPane.contents += ggSensors } pack() } } private def sensorSystemStopped()(implicit tx: TxnLike): Unit = { log("MainFrame: SensorSystem stopped") deferTx { ggMainVolumeOpt = None actionStartStopSensors.title = "Start" ggDumpSensors.enabled = false ggDumpSensors.selected = false if (Prefs.useSensorMeters) { sensorServerPane.contents.remove(sensorServerPane.contents.size - 1) } pack() } } private def updateSensorMeter(value: Vec[Float]): Unit = { val b = Vec.newBuilder[Float] b.sizeHint(32) value.foreach { peak => b += peak.pow(0.65f).linExp(0f, 1f, 0.99e-3f, 1f) // XXX TODO roughly linearized b += 0f } ggSensors.clearMeter() // XXX TODO: should have option to switch off ballistics ggSensors.update(b.result()) } step { implicit tx => auralSystem.addClient(new AuralSystem.Client { def auralStarted(s: Server)(implicit tx: Txn): Unit = me.auralSystemStarted(s) def auralStopped() (implicit tx: Txn): Unit = me.auralSystemStopped() }) sensorSystem.addClient(new SensorSystem.Client { def sensorsStarted(s: SensorSystem.Server)(implicit tx: TxnLike): Unit = me.sensorSystemStarted(s) def sensorsStopped() (implicit tx: TxnLike): Unit = me.sensorSystemStopped() def sensorsUpdate(values: Vec[Float]) (implicit tx: TxnLike): Unit = if (Prefs.useSensorMeters) deferTx(updateSensorMeter(values)) }) } // XXX TODO: removeClient title = closeOperation = Window.CloseIgnore reactions += { case Window.Closing(_) => Desktop.mayQuit().foreach(_ => Application.quit()) } pack() front() if (Prefs.audioAutoBoot .getOrElse(false)) Mellite.startAuralSystem() if (Prefs.sensorAutoStart.getOrElse(false)) Mellite.startSensorSystem() }

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