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* UGenGraph.scala
* (ScalaColliderUGens)
* Copyright (c) 2008-2022 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.synth
import{DataInputStream, DataOutputStream}
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import de.sciss.synth.ugen.impl.RawUGenImpl
import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => Vec, Seq => ISeq}
object UGenGraph {
private final val v1Rd = { (dis: DataInputStream) => dis.readShort().toInt }
private final val v2Rd = { (dis: DataInputStream) => dis.readInt () }
private final val v1Wr = { (dos: DataOutputStream, value: Int) =>
if (value < -32768 || value > 32767)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("SynthDef too large to be written in format 1")
private final val v2Wr = { (dos: DataOutputStream, value: Int) => dos.writeInt (value) }
private[this] final class WireInfo(var index: Int = -1, var numConsumers: Int = 0)
/** Calculates the number of wire-buffers needed on the server
* to represent a given ugen-graph.
* @param in the graph to inspect
* @return the number of wire buffers required to load the graph in the server
def calcWireBuffers(in: UGenGraph): Int = {
val u = in.ugens
val outputMap = new Array[Array[WireInfo]](u.size)
var ui = 0
u.foreach { indexed =>
val r = indexed.ugen.outputRates
val arr = new Array[WireInfo](r.size)
var ri = 0
r.foreach {
case `audio` =>
val inf = new WireInfo()
arr(ri) = inf
ri += 1
case _ =>
ri += 1
outputMap(ui) = arr
ui += 1
u.foreach { indexed =>
indexed.inputSpecs.foreach {
case (ugenIdx, outIdx) if ugenIdx >= 0 =>
val wireInfo = outputMap(ugenIdx)(outIdx)
if (wireInfo != null) wireInfo.numConsumers += 1
case _ =>
val bufColor = new impl.WireBufAllocator()
(u.iterator zip outputMap.iterator).foreach { case (indexed, outputs) =>
// we never release any input buffers of demand-rate ugens
if (indexed.ugen.rate != demand) {
// release inputs
indexed.inputSpecs.reverseIterator.foreach {
case (ugenIdx, outIdx) if ugenIdx >= 0 =>
val wireInfo = outputMap(ugenIdx)(outIdx)
if (wireInfo != null) {
case _ =>
// alloc outputs
outputs.foreach {
case null =>
case wireInfo => wireInfo.index = bufColor.alloc(wireInfo.numConsumers)
def read(dis: DataInputStream, version: Int): UGenGraph = {
val readNum = if (version == 1) v1Rd else if (version == 2) v2Rd
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"SynthDef format version $version not supported")
// ---- constants ----
val numConstants = readNum(dis)
val constants = Vector.fill(numConstants)(dis.readFloat())
// ---- controls ----
val numCtlValues = readNum(dis)
val controlValues = Vector.fill(numCtlValues)(dis.readFloat())
val numCtlNames = readNum(dis)
val controlNames = Vector.fill(numCtlNames) {
val name = readPascalString(dis)
val index = readNum(dis)
(name, index)
val numUGens = readNum(dis)
val ugens = new Array[IndexedUGen](numUGens)
var idx = 0
while (idx < numUGens) {
val name = readPascalString(dis)
val rateId = dis.readUnsignedByte()
val rate = Rate(rateId)
val numInputs = readNum(dis)
val numOutputs = readNum(dis)
val specialIndex = dis.readUnsignedShort()
val inputSpecs = Vector.fill(numInputs) {
val _1 = readNum(dis)
val _2 = readNum(dis)
(_1, _2)
val outputRates = Vector.fill(numOutputs) {
val rateId = dis.readUnsignedByte()
val ugen = new RawUGenImpl(name = name, rate = rate, numInputs = numInputs, outputRates = outputRates,
specialIndex = specialIndex)
ugens(idx) = new IndexedUGen(ugen, inputSpecs)
idx += 1
val numVariants = dis.readUnsignedShort()
// variants are not supported, we just skip over them
if (numVariants > 0) for (_ <- 0 until numVariants) {
readPascalString(dis) // the name of the variant
for (_ <- 0 until numCtlValues) {
dis.readFloat() // variant initial parameter values
UGenGraph(constants, controlValues, controlNames, ugens.toVector)
@inline private[this] def readPascalString(dis: DataInputStream): String = {
val len = dis.readUnsignedByte()
val arr = new Array[Byte](len)
new String(arr)
trait BuilderFactory {
def build(graph: SynthGraph): UGenGraph
trait Builder {
def addUGen (ugen: UGen): Unit
def prependUGen(ugen: UGen): Unit
def addControl(values: Vec[Float], name: Option[String]): Int
def visit[U](ref: AnyRef, init: => U): U
/** Installs a custom ugen graph builder on the current thread,
* during the invocation of a closure. This method is typically
* called from other libraries which wish to provide a graph
* builder other than the default.
* When the method returns, the previous graph builder has automatically
* been restored. During the execution of the `body`, calling
* `UGenGraph.builder` will return the given `builder` argument.
* @param builder the builder to install on the current thread
* @param body the body which is executed with the builder found through `UGenGraph.builder`
* @tparam A the result type of the body
* @return the result of executing the body
def use[A](builder: Builder)(body: => A): A = {
val old = builders.get()
try {
} finally {
// ---- rich ugen ----
/** A UGen representation indexed inside the UGen graph.
* @param ugen the ugen
* @param inputSpecs the ugen's inputs indexed as pairs (ugen-index, output-index)
final class IndexedUGen(val ugen: RawUGen, val inputSpecs: ISeq[(Int, Int)]) {
override def toString = s"IndexedUGen($ugen, ${inputSpecs.mkString("[", " ", "]")})"
// ---- graph builder ----
private final val builders = new ThreadLocal[Builder] {
override protected def initialValue: Builder = BuilderDummy
/** The current, thread local ugen graph builder instance. When called
* outside of an explicit building process, a dummy object will be returned
* which ignores any calls for adding ugens, but will throw an exception
* when trying to actually expand any graph element.
def builder: Builder = builders.get
private object BuilderDummy extends Builder {
def build: UGenGraph = outOfContext
def addControl(values: Vec[Float], name: Option[String]): Int = 0
def addUGen (ugen: UGen): Unit = ()
def prependUGen(ugen: UGen): Unit = ()
def visit[U](ref: AnyRef, init: => U): U = outOfContext
private def outOfContext: Nothing = sys.error("Out of context")
final case class UGenGraph(constants: Vec[Float], controlValues: Vec[Float],
controlNames: Vec[(String, Int)], ugens: Vec[UGenGraph.IndexedUGen]) {
// override lazy val hashCode = ... TODO: figure out how case class calculates it...
def write(dos: DataOutputStream, version: Int): Unit = {
val writeNum = if (version == 1) UGenGraph.v1Wr else if (version == 2) UGenGraph.v2Wr
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"SynthDef format version $version not supported")
// ---- constants ----
writeNum(dos, constants.size)
// ---- controls ----
writeNum(dos, controlValues.size)
writeNum(dos, controlNames.size)
controlNames.foreach { name =>
writePascalString(dos, name._1)
writeNum(dos, name._2)
writeNum(dos, ugens.size)
ugens.foreach { ru =>
val ugen = ru.ugen
dos.writeByte (
writeNum(dos, ugen.numInputs)
writeNum(dos, ugen.numOutputs)
ru.inputSpecs.foreach { spec =>
writeNum(dos, spec._1) // index of unit generator or -1 for a constant
writeNum(dos, spec._2) // index of constant or index of output
ugen.outputRates.foreach(r => dos.writeByte(
dos.writeShort(0) // variants not supported
private[this] val charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8")
private[synth] def writePascalString(dos: DataOutputStream, str: String): Unit = {
val bytes = str.getBytes(charset)
val len = bytes.length
if (len > 255) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"String '$str' is too long (> 255 bytes)")