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* UGenSource.scala
* (ScalaColliderUGens)
* Copyright (c) 2008-2022 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.synth
import de.sciss.serial
import de.sciss.serial.{DataInput, DataOutput}
import de.sciss.synth.UGenSource.Vec
import de.sciss.synth.ugen.{Constant, ControlProxyLike}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime
object UGenSource {
abstract class ZeroOut extends UGenSource[Unit]
abstract class SingleOut extends SomeOut
abstract class MultiOut extends SomeOut
sealed abstract class SomeOut extends UGenSource[UGenInLike] with GE.Lazy
// ---- utilities ----
final val inf = Float.PositiveInfinity
type Vec[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[A]
val Vec = scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq
def stringArg(s: String): Vec[UGenIn] = {
val bs: Array[Byte] = s.getBytes
val resB = Vec.newBuilder[UGenIn]
resB.sizeHint(bs.length + 1)
resB += Constant(bs.length)
bs.foreach { b =>
resB += Constant(b)
def unwrap(source: UGenSource.SomeOut, args: Vec[UGenInLike]): UGenInLike = {
var uIns = Vector.empty: Vec[UGenIn]
var uInsOk = true
var exp = 0
args.foreach(_.unbubble match {
case u: UGenIn => if (uInsOk) uIns :+= u
case g: ugen.UGenInGroup =>
exp = math.max(exp, g.numOutputs)
uInsOk = false // don't bother adding further UGenIns to uIns
if (uInsOk) {
// aka uIns.size == args.size
} else {
// rewrap(args, exp)
ugen.UGenInGroup(Vector.tabulate(exp)(i => unwrap(source,
def unwrap(source: UGenSource.ZeroOut, args: Vec[UGenInLike]): Unit = {
var uIns = Vector.empty: Vec[UGenIn]
var uInsOk = true
var exp = 0
args.foreach(_.unbubble match {
case u: UGenIn => if (uInsOk) uIns :+= u
case g: ugen.UGenInGroup =>
exp = math.max(exp, g.numOutputs)
uInsOk = false // don't bother adding further UGenIns to uIns
if (uInsOk) {
// aka uIns.size == args.size
} else {
// rewrap(args, exp)
var i = 0
while (i < exp) {
i += 1
/** Simple forwarder to `in.expand` that can be used to access
* the otherwise package-private method.
def expand(in: GE): UGenInLike = in.expand
/** Simple forwarder to `in.outputs` that can be used to access
* the otherwise package-private method.
def outputs(in: UGenInLike): Vec[UGenInLike] = in.outputs
/** Simple forwarder to `in.flatOutputs` that can be used to access
* the otherwise package-private method.
def flatOutputs(in: UGenInLike): Vec[UGenIn] = in.flatOutputs
/** Simple forwarder to `in.unbubble` that can be used to access
* the otherwise package-private method.
def unbubble(in: UGenInLike): UGenInLike = in.unbubble
/** Simple forwarder to `in.unwrap` that can be used to access
* the otherwise package-private method.
def unwrapAt(in: UGenInLike, index: Int): UGenInLike = in.unwrap(index)
// if the input at index `idx` has a different rate than `target`, update the
// that input by wrapping it inside a conversion UGen
def matchRate(ins: Vec[UGenIn], idx: Int, target: Rate): Vec[UGenIn] = {
val in = ins(idx)
if (in.rate == target) ins else {
if (target == audio) {
val ugenName = if (in.rate == scalar) "DC" else "K2A"
val upd = UGen.SingleOut(ugenName, audio, Vector(in))
ins.updated(idx, upd)
} else { // target == control | scalar
if (in.rate == audio) {
val ugenName = if (target == scalar) "DC" else "A2K"
val upd = UGen.SingleOut(ugenName, control, Vector(in))
ins.updated(idx, upd)
} else ins // can use `scalar` where `control` is required
// repeats `matchRate` for all arguments beginning at `idx` to the end of `ins`
@tailrec def matchRateFrom(ins: Vec[UGenIn], idx: Int, target: Rate): Vec[UGenIn] =
if (idx == ins.size) ins else {
val ins1 = matchRate(ins, idx, target)
matchRateFrom(ins1, idx + 1, target)
// same as matchRate but assuming that the input is a trigger signal
def matchRateT(ins: Vec[UGenIn], idx: Int, target: Rate): Vec[UGenIn] = {
val in = ins(idx)
if (in.rate == target) ins else {
if (target == audio) {
val ugenName = if (in.rate == scalar) "DC" else "T2A"
val upd = UGen.SingleOut(ugenName, audio, Vector(in))
ins.updated(idx, upd)
} else { // target == control | scalar
if (in.rate == audio) {
val ugenName = if (target == scalar) "DC" else "T2K"
val upd = UGen.SingleOut(ugenName, control, Vector(in))
ins.updated(idx, upd)
} else ins // can use `scalar` where `control` is required
// ---- serialization ----
// type ProductReader[+A] = serial.ProductReader[RefMapIn, A]
trait ProductReader[+A] {
def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int): A
private val mapRead = mutable.Map.empty[String, ProductReader[Product]]
final class RefMapIn(in0: DataInput) extends serial.RefMapIn[RefMapIn](in0) {
type Const = Constant
type R = MaybeRate
type Y = SynthGraph
override protected def readProductWithKey(key: String, arity: Int): Product = {
val r = mapRead.getOrElse(key, throw new NoSuchElementException(s"Unknown element '$key'")), key, arity)
override protected def readIdentifiedConst(): Constant = {
val value = in.readFloat()
override def readIdentifiedY(): SynthGraph = readIdentifiedGraph()
def readGraph(): SynthGraph = {
val cookie = in0.readByte().toChar
if (cookie != 'Y') unexpectedCookie(cookie, 'Y')
def readIdentifiedGraph(): SynthGraph = {
val sources = readVec(readProductT[Lazy]())
val controls = readSet(readProductT[ControlProxyLike]())
SynthGraph(sources, controls)
def readGE(): GE =
def readGEDone(): GE with HasDoneFlag =
readProduct().asInstanceOf[GE with HasDoneFlag]
override protected def readIdentifiedR(): MaybeRate = {
val id = in.readByte().toInt
def readRate(): Rate = {
val cookie = in.readByte().toChar
if (cookie != 'R') sys.error(s"Unexpected cookie '$cookie' is not 'R'")
val id = in.readByte().toInt
def readMaybeRate(): MaybeRate = {
val cookie = in.readByte().toChar
if (cookie != 'R') sys.error(s"Unexpected cookie '$cookie' is not 'R'")
final val DefaultPackage = "de.sciss.synth.ugen"
final class RefMapOut(out0: DataOutput) extends serial.RefMapOut(out0) {
override protected def isDefaultPackage(pck: String): Boolean =
pck == DefaultPackage
override def writeElem(e: Any): Unit = e match {
case c: Constant =>
case r: MaybeRate =>
case y: SynthGraph =>
case _ => super.writeElem(e)
def writeIdentifiedGraph(v: SynthGraph): Unit = {
writeVec(v.sources , writeProduct)
writeSet(v.controlProxies , writeProduct)
def addProductReader(prefix: String, r: ProductReader[Product]): Unit = mapRead.synchronized {
val old = mapRead.put(prefix, r)
require (old.isEmpty, {
mapRead.put(prefix, old.get)
sys.error(s"Prefix '$prefix' was already registered")
def addProductReaders(xs: Iterable[(String, ProductReader[Product])]): Unit = mapRead.synchronized {
mapRead ++= xs
/** Derives the `productPrefix` served by the reader by the reader's class name itself. */
def addProductReaderSq(xs: Iterable[ProductReader[Product]]): Unit = {
val m = mapRead
m.synchronized {
xs.foreach { value =>
val cn = value.getClass.getName
val nm = cn.length - 1
val isObj = cn.charAt(nm) == '$'
val i = if (cn.startsWith(DefaultPackage)) DefaultPackage.length + 1 else 0
val key = if (isObj) cn.substring(i, nm) else cn.substring(i)
m += ((key, value))
sealed abstract class UGenSource[U] extends Lazy.Expander[U] {
protected def makeUGen(args: Vec[UGenIn]): U
final def name: String = productPrefix
override lazy val hashCode: Int = ScalaRunTime._hashCode(this)