cocoa.appkit.NSApplication.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package cocoa.appkit
import scalanative.native._
import{BOOL, NSArray, NSInteger, NSObject, NSObjectClass, NSString, NSUInteger}
import objc.runtime.{SEL, id}
import scala.language.experimental.macros
class NSApplication extends NSObject {//NSResponder with NSUserInterfaceValidations with NSAccessibilityElement with NSAccessibility {
@inline def hide(sender: id): Unit = extern
@inline def unhide(sender: id): Unit = extern
@inline def unhideWithoutActivation(): Unit = extern
// @inline def windowWithWindowNumber(windowNum: NSInteger): NSWindow = extern
@inline def deactivate(): Unit = extern
@inline def activateIgnoringOtherApps(flag: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def hideOtherApplications(sender: id): Unit = extern
@inline def unhideAllApplications(sender: id): Unit = extern
@inline def finishLaunching(): Unit = extern
@inline def run(): Unit = extern
// @inline def runModalForWindow(theWindow: NSWindow): NSInteger = extern
@inline def stop(sender: id): Unit = extern
@inline def stopModal(): Unit = extern
@inline def stopModalWithCode(returnCode: NSInteger): Unit = extern
@inline def abortModal(): Unit = extern
// @inline def beginModalSessionForWindow(theWindow: NSWindow): NSModalSession = extern
// @inline def runModalSession(session: NSModalSession): NSInteger = extern
// @inline def endModalSession(session: NSModalSession): Unit = extern
@inline def terminate(sender: id): Unit = extern
// @inline def requestUserAttention(requestType: NSRequestUserAttentionType): NSInteger = extern
@inline def cancelUserAttentionRequest(request: NSInteger): Unit = extern
// @inline def nextEventMatchingMask(mask: NSUInteger, expiration: NSDate, mode: NSString, deqFlag: BOOL): NSEvent = extern
// @inline def discardEventsMatchingMask(mask: NSUInteger, lastEvent: NSEvent): Unit = extern
// @inline def postEvent(event: NSEvent, flag: BOOL): Unit = extern
// @inline def sendEvent(theEvent: NSEvent): Unit = extern
@inline def preventWindowOrdering(): Unit = extern
// @inline def makeWindowsPerform(aSelector: SEL, flag: BOOL): NSWindow = extern
@inline def setWindowsNeedUpdate(needUpdate: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def updateWindows(): Unit = extern
// @inline def activationPolicy(): NSApplicationActivationPolicy = extern
// @inline def setActivationPolicy(activationPolicy: NSApplicationActivationPolicy): BOOL = extern
@inline def sendAction(theAction: SEL, theTarget: id, sender: id): BOOL = extern
@inline def targetForAction(theAction: SEL): id = extern
@inline def targetForAction(theAction: SEL, theTarget: id, sender: id): id = extern
@inline def tryToPerform(anAction: SEL, anObject: id): BOOL = extern
@inline def validRequestorForSendType(sendType: NSString, returnType: NSString): id = extern
// @inline def reportException(theException: NSException): Unit = extern
@inline def replyToApplicationShouldTerminate(shouldTerminate: BOOL): Unit = extern
// @inline def replyToOpenOrPrint(reply: NSApplicationDelegateReply): Unit = extern
@inline def orderFrontCharacterPalette(sender: id): Unit = extern
@inline def delegate(): NSApplicationDelegate = extern
@inline def setDelegate(delegate: NSApplicationDelegate): Unit = extern
// @inline def context(): NSGraphicsContext = extern
// @inline def mainWindow(): NSWindow = extern
// @inline def keyWindow(): NSWindow = extern
@inline def isActive(): BOOL = extern
@inline def isHidden(): BOOL = extern
@inline def isRunning(): BOOL = extern
// @inline def modalWindow(): NSWindow = extern
// @inline def currentEvent(): NSEvent = extern
// @inline def windows(): NSArray[NSWindow] = extern
// @inline def mainMenu(): NSMenu = extern
// @inline def setMainMenu(mainMenu: NSMenu): Unit = extern
// @inline def helpMenu(): NSMenu = extern
// @inline def setHelpMenu(helpMenu: NSMenu): Unit = extern
// @inline def applicationIconImage(): NSImage = extern
// @inline def setApplicationIconImage(applicationIconImage: NSImage): Unit = extern
// @inline def dockTile(): NSDockTile = extern
// @inline def presentationOptions(): NSApplicationPresentationOptions = extern
// @inline def setPresentationOptions(presentationOptions: NSApplicationPresentationOptions): Unit = extern
// @inline def currentSystemPresentationOptions(): NSApplicationPresentationOptions = extern
// @inline def occlusionState(): NSApplicationOcclusionState = extern
@inline def arrangeInFront(sender: id): Unit = extern
// @inline def removeWindowsItem(win: NSWindow): Unit = extern
// @inline def addWindowsItem(win: NSWindow, aString: NSString, isFilename: BOOL): Unit = extern
// @inline def changeWindowsItem(win: NSWindow, aString: NSString, isFilename: BOOL): Unit = extern
// @inline def updateWindowsItem(win: NSWindow): Unit = extern
@inline def miniaturizeAll(sender: id): Unit = extern
// @inline def windowsMenu(): NSMenu = extern
// @inline def setWindowsMenu(windowsMenu: NSMenu): Unit = extern
@inline def isFullKeyboardAccessEnabled(): BOOL = extern
@inline def registerServicesMenuSendTypes(sendTypes: NSString, returnTypes: NSString): Unit = extern
// @inline def servicesMenu(): NSMenu = extern
// @inline def setServicesMenu(servicesMenu: NSMenu): Unit = extern
@inline def servicesProvider(): id = extern
@inline def setServicesProvider(servicesProvider: id): Unit = extern
@inline def orderFrontStandardAboutPanel(sender: id): Unit = extern
@inline def orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions(optionsDictionary: id): Unit = extern
// @inline def userInterfaceLayoutDirection(): NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirection = extern
@inline def disableRelaunchOnLogin(): Unit = extern
@inline def enableRelaunchOnLogin(): Unit = extern
// @inline def registerForRemoteNotificationTypes(types: NSRemoteNotificationType): Unit = extern
@inline def unregisterForRemoteNotifications(): Unit = extern
// @inline def enabledRemoteNotificationTypes(): NSRemoteNotificationType = extern
// @inline def runModalForWindow(theWindow: NSWindow, docWindow: NSWindow): NSInteger = extern
// @inline def beginModalSessionForWindow(theWindow: NSWindow, docWindow: NSWindow): NSModalSession = extern
@inline def application(sender: NSApplication, filenames: NSString): Unit = extern
// @inline def beginSheet(sheet: NSWindow, docWindow: NSWindow, modalDelegate: id, didEndSelector: SEL, contextInfo: Ptr[Byte]): Unit = extern
// @inline def endSheet(sheet: NSWindow): Unit = extern
// @inline def endSheet(sheet: NSWindow, returnCode: NSInteger): Unit = extern
abstract class NSApplicationClass extends NSObjectClass {// NSResponderClass {
@inline def sharedApplication(): NSApplication = extern
@inline def detachDrawingThread(selector: SEL, target: id, argument: id): Unit = extern
object NSApplication extends NSApplicationClass {
override type InstanceType = NSApplication