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package de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.internal;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.AbbreviationProvider;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.bibtex.PageParser;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.CSLCitation;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.CSLCitationItem;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.CSLCitationItemBuilder;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.CSLDate;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.CSLItemData;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.CSLName;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.internal.locale.LLocale;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.internal.locale.LTerm;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.internal.rendering.SLabel;
import de.undercouch.citeproc.csl.internal.rendering.SNameInheritableAttributes;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* Contains information necessary to render citations and bibliographies. This
* includes citation items, variables, and terms. The render context also
* provides methods to emit rendered text to a {@link TokenBuffer}. This buffer
* is available through the {@link #getResult()} method.
* @author Michel Kraemer
public class RenderContext {
* The style used to render citation items and bibliographies
private final SStyle style;
* Localization data
private final LLocale locale;
* An optional abbreviation provider (may be {@code null})
private final AbbreviationProvider abbreviationProvider;
* The citation item data to render
private final CSLItemData itemData;
* The citation to render. Will be {@code null} if a bibliography should be
* rendered.
private final CSLCitation citation;
* All citations generated so far. Will be {@code null} if we are currently
* rendering a bibliography.
private final List generatedCitations;
* The citation item to render
private final CSLCitationItem citationItem;
* A token buffer collecting the rendered text
private final TokenBuffer result = new TokenBuffer();
* A set of listeners to call whenever a variable value is fetched from
* the context
private final Set variableListeners;
* A set of variables that should not be rendered any more for the rest of
* the output (i.e. where the context should pretend the variable's value
* is {@code null}).
private final Set suppressedVariables;
* The last label rendered. This field is an {@link AtomicReference} so
* child contexts can alter its value.
private final AtomicReference lastLabelRendered;
* Attributes for name elements inherited from the style, bibliography, or citation
private final SNameInheritableAttributes inheritedNameAttributes;
* Creates a new render context
* @param style the style used to render citation items and bibliographies
* @param locale localization data
* @param itemData the citation item to render
* @param abbreviationProvider an optional abbreviation provider (may be {@code null})
public RenderContext(SStyle style, LLocale locale, CSLItemData itemData,
AbbreviationProvider abbreviationProvider) {
this(style, locale, itemData, abbreviationProvider, null, null);
* Creates a new render context
* @param style the style used to render citation items and bibliographies
* @param locale localization data
* @param itemData the citation item to render
* @param abbreviationProvider an optional abbreviation provider (may be {@code null})
* @param citation the citation to render
* @param generatedCitations all citations generated so far
public RenderContext(SStyle style, LLocale locale, CSLItemData itemData,
AbbreviationProvider abbreviationProvider, CSLCitation citation,
List generatedCitations) { = style;
this.locale = locale;
this.abbreviationProvider = abbreviationProvider;
this.itemData = itemData;
this.citation = citation;
this.generatedCitations = generatedCitations;
if (itemData != null) {
this.citationItem = new CSLCitationItemBuilder(itemData.getId())
} else {
this.citationItem = null;
this.variableListeners = new LinkedHashSet<>();
this.suppressedVariables = new HashSet<>();
this.lastLabelRendered = new AtomicReference<>();
this.inheritedNameAttributes = style.getInheritableNameAttributes();
* Creates a new render context that has the same attributes as the given
* parent context but with an empty token buffer. Changes to any of the
* properties (except for the token buffer) will reflect in the parent
* context.
* @param parent the parent context
public RenderContext(RenderContext parent) {
this(parent, parent.itemData, parent.citation,
parent.generatedCitations, parent.citationItem,
* Creates a new render context that has the same attributes as the given
* parent context but with an empty token buffer and different inherited
* name attributes. Changes to any of the properties (except for the token
* buffer) will reflect in the parent context.
* @param parent the parent context
* @param inheritedNameAttributes the new inherited name attributes
public RenderContext(RenderContext parent,
SNameInheritableAttributes inheritedNameAttributes) {
this(parent, parent.itemData, parent.citation,
parent.generatedCitations, parent.citationItem,
* Creates a new render context that has the same attributes as the given
* parent context but with an empty token buffer and a different citation
* item. Changes to any of the properties (except for the token buffer)
* will reflect in the parent context.
* @param parent the parent context
* @param citationItem the citation item to render
public RenderContext(RenderContext parent, CSLCitationItem citationItem) {
this(parent, citationItem.getItemData(), parent.getCitation(),
parent.getGeneratedCitations(), citationItem,
* Creates a new render context that has the same attributes as the given
* parent context but with an empty token buffer and a different citation
* item. Changes to any of the properties (except for the token buffer)
* will reflect in the parent context.
* @param parent the parent context
* @param itemData the citation item data to render
* @param citation the citation to render
* @param generatedCitations all citations generated so far
* @param citationItem the citation item to render
* @param inheritedNameAttributes inherited name attributes
private RenderContext(RenderContext parent, CSLItemData itemData,
CSLCitation citation, List generatedCitations,
CSLCitationItem citationItem,
SNameInheritableAttributes inheritedNameAttributes) { =;
this.locale = parent.locale;
this.abbreviationProvider = parent.abbreviationProvider;
this.itemData = itemData;
this.citation = citation;
this.generatedCitations = generatedCitations;
this.citationItem = citationItem;
this.variableListeners = parent.variableListeners;
this.suppressedVariables = parent.suppressedVariables;
this.lastLabelRendered = parent.lastLabelRendered;
this.inheritedNameAttributes = inheritedNameAttributes;
* Get the style used to render citation items and bibliographies
* @return the style
public SStyle getStyle() {
return style;
* Get the localization data
* @return the localization data
public LLocale getLocale() {
return locale;
* Get the {@link Locale} that is valid for the current item to render
* @return the locale
public Locale getItemLocale() {
if (itemData != null && itemData.getLanguage() != null) {
return Locale.forLanguageTag(itemData.getLanguage());
return getLocale().getLang();
* Get the macro with the given name
* @param name the macro's name
* @return the macro (never {@code null})
public SMacro getMacro(String name) {
SMacro result = style.getMacros().get(name);
if (result == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown macro: " + name);
return result;
* Get the value of a string, date, or name variable
* @param name the variable's name
* @return the variable's value or {@code null} if the value is not set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the variable is unknown
public Object getVariable(String name) {
return getVariable(name, false);
* Get the value of a string, date, or name variable
* @param name the variable's name
* @param ignoreListeners {@code true} if {@link VariableListener}s should
* not be notified about this call.
* @return the variable's value or {@code null} if the value is not set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the variable is unknown
public Object getVariable(String name, boolean ignoreListeners) {
Object result = getStringVariable(name, ignoreListeners);
if (result != null) {
return result;
result = getDateVariable(name, ignoreListeners);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return getNameVariable(name, ignoreListeners);
* Get the value of the string variable with the given name
* @param name the variable's name
* @return the variable's value or {@code null} if the value is not set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the variable is unknown
public String getStringVariable(String name) {
return getStringVariable(name, false);
* Get the value of the string variable with the given name
* @param name the variable's name
* @param ignoreListeners {@code true} if {@link VariableListener}s should
* not be notified about this call.
* @return the variable's value or {@code null} if the value is not set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the variable is unknown
public String getStringVariable(String name, boolean ignoreListeners) {
return getStringVariable(name, VariableForm.LONG, ignoreListeners);
* Get the value of the string variable with the given name
* @param name the variable's name
* @param form the variable form to get
* @return the variable's value or {@code null} if the value is not set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the variable is unknown
public String getStringVariable(String name, VariableForm form) {
return getStringVariable(name, form, false);
* Get the value of the string variable with the given name
* @param name the variable's name
* @param form the variable form to get
* @param ignoreListeners {@code true} if {@link VariableListener}s should
* not be notified about this call.
* @return the variable's value or {@code null} if the value is not set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the variable is unknown
public String getStringVariable(String name, VariableForm form, boolean ignoreListeners) {
String result = null;
String origResultForAbbrev = null;
if (!suppressedVariables.contains(name)) {
switch (name) {
case "abstract":
result = itemData.getAbstrct();
case "annote":
result = itemData.getAnnote();
case "archive":
result = itemData.getArchive();
case "archive_location":
result = itemData.getArchiveLocation();
case "archive-place":
result = itemData.getArchivePlace();
case "authority":
result = itemData.getAuthority();
case "call-number":
result = itemData.getCallNumber();
case "chapter-number":
result = itemData.getChapterNumber();
case "citation-label":
result = itemData.getCitationLabel();
case "citation-number":
result = itemData.getCitationNumber();
case "collection-number":
result = itemData.getCollectionNumber();
case "collection-title":
result = itemData.getCollectionTitle();
case "collection-title-short":
name = "collection-title";
form = VariableForm.SHORT;
result = itemData.getCollectionTitle();
case "container-title":
if (form == VariableForm.SHORT) {
result = itemData.getContainerTitleShort();
if (result == null) {
result = itemData.getContainerTitle();
case "container-title-short":
result = itemData.getContainerTitleShort();
if (result == null) {
name = "container-title";
form = VariableForm.SHORT;
origResultForAbbrev = itemData.getContainerTitle();
case "dimensions":
result = itemData.getDimensions();
case "DOI":
result = itemData.getDOI();
case "edition":
result = itemData.getEdition();
case "event":
result = itemData.getEvent();
case "event-place":
result = itemData.getEventPlace();
case "first-reference-note-number":
result = itemData.getFirstReferenceNoteNumber();
case "genre":
result = itemData.getGenre();
case "ISBN":
result = itemData.getISBN();
case "ISSN":
result = itemData.getISSN();
case "issue":
result = itemData.getIssue();
case "jurisdiction":
result = itemData.getJurisdiction();
case "keyword":
result = itemData.getKeyword();
case "locator":
result = itemData.getLocator();
case "medium":
result = itemData.getMedium();
case "note":
result = itemData.getNote();
case "number":
result = itemData.getNumber();
case "number-of-pages":
result = itemData.getNumberOfPages();
case "number-of-volumes":
result = itemData.getNumberOfVolumes();
case "original-publisher":
result = itemData.getOriginalPublisher();
case "original-publisher-place":
result = itemData.getOriginalPublisherPlace();
case "original-title":
result = itemData.getOriginalTitle();
case "page":
result = itemData.getPage();
case "page-first":
result = itemData.getPageFirst();
if (result == null && itemData.getPage() != null) {
result = PageParser.parse(itemData.getPage()).getPageFirst();
case "PMCID":
result = itemData.getPMCID();
case "PMID":
result = itemData.getPMID();
case "publisher":
result = itemData.getPublisher();
case "publisher-place":
result = itemData.getPublisherPlace();
case "references":
result = itemData.getReferences();
case "reviewed-title":
result = itemData.getReviewedTitle();
case "scale":
result = itemData.getScale();
case "section":
result = itemData.getSection();
case "source":
result = itemData.getSource();
case "status":
result = itemData.getStatus();
case "title":
if (form == VariableForm.SHORT) {
result = itemData.getTitleShort();
if (result == null) {
result = itemData.getTitle();
case "title-short":
result = itemData.getTitleShort();
if (result == null) {
name = "title";
form = VariableForm.SHORT;
origResultForAbbrev = itemData.getTitle();
case "URL":
result = itemData.getURL();
case "version":
result = itemData.getVersion();
case "volume":
result = itemData.getVolume();
case "year-suffix":
result = itemData.getYearSuffix();
if (abbreviationProvider != null && form == VariableForm.SHORT) {
String orig;
if (result == null && origResultForAbbrev != null) {
orig = origResultForAbbrev;
} else {
orig = result;
String abbrev = abbreviationProvider.getAbbreviation(name, orig, itemData);
if (abbrev != null) {
result = abbrev;
if (!ignoreListeners) {
for (VariableListener l : variableListeners) {
l.onFetchStringVariable(name, result);
return result;
* Get the value of the date variable with the given name
* @param name the variable's name
* @return the variable's value or {@code null} if the value is not set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the date variable is unknown
public CSLDate getDateVariable(String name) {
return getDateVariable(name, false);
* Get the value of the date variable with the given name
* @param name the variable's name
* @param ignoreListeners {@code true} if {@link VariableListener}s should
* not be notified about this call.
* @return the variable's value or {@code null} if the value is not set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the date variable is unknown
public CSLDate getDateVariable(String name, boolean ignoreListeners) {
CSLDate result;
if (!suppressedVariables.contains(name)) {
switch (name) {
case "accessed":
result = itemData.getAccessed();
case "container":
result = itemData.getContainer();
case "event-date":
result = itemData.getEventDate();
case "issued":
result = itemData.getIssued();
case "original-date":
result = itemData.getOriginalDate();
case "submitted":
result = itemData.getSubmitted();
result = null;
} else {
result = null;
if (!ignoreListeners) {
for (VariableListener l : variableListeners) {
l.onFetchDateVariable(name, result);
return result;
public CSLName[] getNameVariable(String name) {
return getNameVariable(name, false);
public CSLName[] getNameVariable(String name, boolean ignoreListeners) {
CSLName[] result;
if (!suppressedVariables.contains(name)) {
switch (name) {
case "author":
result = itemData.getAuthor();
case "chair":
result = itemData.getChair();
case "collection-editor":
result = itemData.getCollectionEditor();
case "composer":
result = itemData.getComposer();
case "compiler":
result = itemData.getCompiler();
case "container-author":
result = itemData.getContainerAuthor();
case "contributor":
result = itemData.getContributor();
case "curator":
result = itemData.getCurator();
case "director":
result = itemData.getDirector();
case "editor":
result = itemData.getEditor();
case "editorial-director":
result = itemData.getEditorialDirector();
case "executive-producer":
result = itemData.getExecutiveProducer();
case "illustrator":
result = itemData.getIllustrator();
case "interviewer":
result = itemData.getInterviewer();
case "organizer":
result = itemData.getOrganizer();
case "original-author":
result = itemData.getOriginalAuthor();
case "performer":
result = itemData.getPerformer();
case "producer":
result = itemData.getProducer();
case "recipient":
result = itemData.getRecipient();
case "reviewed-author":
result = itemData.getReviewedAuthor();
case "translator":
result = itemData.getTranslator();
result = null;
} else {
result = null;
if (!ignoreListeners) {
for (VariableListener l : variableListeners) {
l.onFetchNameVariable(name, result);
return result;
* Add a variable to the set of suppressed variables. Suppressed variables
* should not be rendered any more for the rest of the output. The context
* will pretend the variable's value is {@code null}).
* @param name the variable's name
public void suppressVariable(String name) {
* Get the singular long form of a term
* @param name the term's name
* @return the term's value (never {@code null})
public String getTerm(String name) {
return getTerm(name, LTerm.Form.LONG);
* Get the long form of a term
* @param name the term's name
* @param plural {@code true} if the plural form should be retrieved,
* {@code false} for the singular form
* @return the term's value (never {@code null})
public String getTerm(String name, boolean plural) {
return getTerm(name, LTerm.Form.LONG, plural);
* Get the singular form of a term
* @param name the term's name
* @param form the form to retrieve
* @return the term's value (never {@code null})
public String getTerm(String name, LTerm.Form form) {
return getTerm(name, form, false);
* Get a term
* @param name the term's name
* @param form the form to retrieve
* @param plural {@code true} if the plural form should be retrieved,
* {@code false} for the singular form
* @return the term's value (or {@code null} if the term is unknown)
public String getTerm(String name, LTerm.Form form, boolean plural) {
Map tm = locale.getTerms().get(form);
if (tm == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown term form: " + form);
LTerm t = tm.get(name);
if (t == null) {
return null;
if (plural) {
return t.getMultiple();
return t.getSingle();
* Get the citation item data currently being rendered
* @return the citation item data
public CSLItemData getItemData() {
return itemData;
* Get the citation currently being rendered. Will return {@code null} if
* we are currently rendering a bibliography and not a citation.
* @return the citation
public CSLCitation getCitation() {
return citation;
* Get all citations generated so far. Will return {@code null} if
* we are currently rendering a bibliography and not a citation.
* @return all citations generated so far
public List getGeneratedCitations() {
return generatedCitations;
* Get the citation item currently being rendered
* @return the citation item
public CSLCitationItem getCitationItem() {
return citationItem;
* Adds a variable listener to this context
* @param listener the variable listener to register
public void addVariableListener(VariableListener listener) {
* Removes a variable listener from this context
* @param listener the variable listener to remove
public void removeVariableListener(VariableListener listener) {
* Get the set of variable listeners
* @return the set
public Set getVariableListeners() {
return variableListeners;
* Save the last label rendered
* @param label the label (may be {@code null})
public void setLastLabelRendered(SLabel label) {
* Get the last label rendered
* @return the label (may be {@code null})
public SLabel getLastLabelRendered() {
return lastLabelRendered.get();
* Get attributes that can be inherited to name elements
* @return the attributes
public SNameInheritableAttributes getInheritedNameAttributes() {
return inheritedNameAttributes;
* Emit a text token
* @param text the text token
* @return this render context
public RenderContext emit(String text) {
return emit(text, Token.Type.TEXT);
* Emit a text token and attach the given formatting attributes to it
* (unless they are {code 0})
* @param text the text token
* @param formattingAttributes the token's formatting attributes
* @return this render context
public RenderContext emit(String text, int formattingAttributes) {
return emit(text, Token.Type.TEXT, formattingAttributes);
* Emit a token of a given type
* @param text the token's text
* @param type the token's type
* @return this render context
public RenderContext emit(String text, Token.Type type) {
if (text != null) {
result.append(text, type);
return this;
* Emit a token of a given type and attach the specified formatting
* attributes to it (unless they are {code 0})
* @param text the token's text
* @param type the token's type
* @param formattingAttributes the token's formatting attributes
* @return this render context
public RenderContext emit(String text, Token.Type type, int formattingAttributes) {
if (text != null) {
result.append(text, type, formattingAttributes);
return this;
* Emit a token
* @param token the token
* @return this render context
public RenderContext emit(Token token) {
return this;
* Emit all tokens from the given token buffer
* @param buffer the token buffer
* @return this render context
public RenderContext emit(TokenBuffer buffer) {
return this;
* Emit all tokens from the given token buffer and append the given
* formatting attributes to all of them (unless they are {code 0})
* @param buffer the token buffer
* @param formattingAttributes the formatting attributes to append
* @return this render context
public RenderContext emit(TokenBuffer buffer, int formattingAttributes) {
if (formattingAttributes == 0) {
} else {
.map(t -> new Token.Builder(t)
return this;
* Get a token buffer containing all emitted tokens
* @return the token buffer
public TokenBuffer getResult() {
return result;
* Reset the render context so it can be used to render another citation
public void reset() {