Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
class MidiCIChannelList {
val channels = mutableListOf()
// 1-4 in the spec doc, 0-3 in the data model. They must be adjusted before sending and after receiving.
object ClusterMidiMode {
const val NONE: Byte = 0
const val OMNI_OFF: Byte = 0
const val OMNI_ON: Byte = 1
const val MONO_MODE: Byte = 0
const val POLY_MODE: Byte = 2
const val DEFAULT: Byte = (OMNI_OFF + POLY_MODE).toByte()
object ClusterType {
const val OTHER = "other"
const val PROFILE = "profile"
const val MPE1 = "mpe1"
object ChannelInfoPropertyNames {
const val TITLE = "title"
const val CHANNEL = "channel"
const val PROGRAM_TITLE = "programTitle"
const val BANK_PC = "bankPC"
const val CLUSTER_CHANNEL_START = "clusterChannelStart"
const val CLUSTER_LENGTH = "clusterLength"
const val CLUSTER_MIDI_MODE = "clusterMidiMode"
const val CLUSTER_TYPE = "clusterType"
data class MidiCIChannel(
val title: String,
// Note that ChannelList property specification expects 1-256, not 0.255
val channel: Int,
val programTitle: String? = null,
val bankMSB: Byte = 0,
val bankLSB: Byte = 0,
val program: Byte = 0,
// Note that ChannelList property specification expects 1-256, not 0.255
val clusterChannelStart: Int = 1,
val clusterLength: Int = 1,
val isOmniOn: Boolean = true,
val isPolyMode: Boolean = true,
val clusterType: String? = ClusterType.OTHER
) {
// value range is 1-4, while it is 0-3 in code.
val clusterMidiMode: Byte = ((if (isOmniOn) 1 else 0) + (if (isPolyMode) 2 else 0) + 1).toByte()
val bankPC = arrayOf(bankMSB, bankLSB, program)