Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlin.experimental.and
import kotlin.math.min
class PropertyExchangeException(message: String = "Property Exchange exception", innerException: Exception? = null) : Exception(message, innerException)
object PropertyCommonHeaderKeys {
const val RESOURCE = "resource"
const val RES_ID = "resId"
const val MUTUAL_ENCODING = "mutualEncoding"
const val STATUS = "status"
const val MESSAGE = "message"
const val CACHE_TIME = "cacheTime"
// M2-103-UM 5.5 Extra Header Property for Using Property Data which is Not JSON Data
const val MEDIA_TYPE = "mediaType"
// M2-103-UM 6.6.2 Pagination
const val OFFSET = "offset"
const val LIMIT = "limit"
const val TOTAL_COUNT = "totalCount"
// M2-103-UM 8. Full and Partial SET Inquiries
const val SET_PARTIAL = "setPartial"
// M2-103-UM 9. Subscribing to Property Data
const val COMMAND = "command"
// M2-103-UM 9.1 Extra Request Header Properties for Subscriptions
const val SUBSCRIBE_ID = "subscribeId"
object CommonRulesKnownMimeTypes {
const val APPLICATION_JSON = "application/json"
object PropertyExchangeStatus {
const val OK = 200
const val Accepted = 202
const val ResourceUnavailableOrError = 341
const val BadData = 342
const val TooManyRequests = 343
const val BadRequest = 400
const val Unauthorized = 403
const val NotFound = 404
const val NotAllowed = 405
const val PayloadTooLarge = 413
const val UnsupportedMediaType = 415
const val InvalidDataVersion = 445
const val InternalError = 500
object PropertyDataEncoding {
const val ASCII = "ASCII"
const val MCODED7 = "Mcoded7"
const val ZLIB_MCODED7 = "zlib+Mcoded7"
object PropertyResourceNames {
// 7.2 Foundational Resources Defined in other Specifications
const val RESOURCE_LIST = "ResourceList"
// M2-105-UM_v1-1-1_Property_Exchange_Foundational_Resources.pdf
const val DEVICE_INFO = "DeviceInfo"
const val CHANNEL_LIST = "ChannelList"
const val JSON_SCHEMA = "JSONSchema"
// M2-106-UM_v1-01_Property_Exchange_Mode_Resources.pdf
const val MODE_LIST = "ModeList"
const val CURRENT_MODE = "CurrentMode"
// M2-108-UM_v1-01_Channel_Resources.pdf
const val CHANNEL_MODE = "ChannelMode"
const val BASIC_CHANNEL_RX = "BasicChannelRx"
const val BASIC_CHANNEL_TX = "BasicChannelTx"
// M2-109-UM_v1-01_LocalOn_Resource.pdf
const val LOCAL_ON = "LocalOn"
// M2-112-UM_v1-0_ExternalSync_Resource.pdf
const val EXTERNAL_SYNC = "ExternalSync"
object DeviceInfoPropertyNames {
const val MANUFACTURER_ID = "manufacturerId"
const val FAMILY_ID = "familyId"
const val MODEL_ID = "modelId"
const val VERSION_ID = "versionId"
const val MANUFACTURER = "manufacturer"
const val FAMILY = "family"
const val MODEL = "model"
const val VERSION = "version"
const val SERIAL_NUMBER = "serialNumber"
// required fields are non-null, optionals are nullable
data class PropertyCommonRequestHeader(
val resource: String,
val resId: String? = null,
val mutualEncoding: String? = PropertyDataEncoding.ASCII,
val mediaType: String? = CommonRulesKnownMimeTypes.APPLICATION_JSON,
// M2-103-UM 6.6.2 Pagination
val offset: Int? = null,
val limit: Int? = null,
// M2-103-UM 8 Full and Partial SET Inquiries
val setPartial: Boolean? = null
// required fields are non-null, optionals are nullable
data class PropertyCommonReplyHeader(
val status: Int,
val message: String? = null,
val mutualEncoding: String? = PropertyDataEncoding.ASCII,
val cacheTime: String? = null,
// M2-103-UM 5.5 Extra Header Property for Using Property Data which is Not JSON Data
val mediaType: String? = null,
// M2-103-UM 9.1 Extra Request Header Properties for Subscriptions
val subscribeId: String? = null,
// M2-103-UM 6.6.2 Pagination
val totalCount: Int? = null
object PropertyCommonConverter {
fun encodeToMcoded7(bytes: List): List {
val result = mutableListOf()
bytes.chunked(7).forEach { part ->
result.add(part.mapIndexed { index, it -> ((it shr 7) shl index).toByte() }.sum().toByte())
result.addAll( { it and 0x7F })
return result
fun decodeMcoded7(bytes: List): List =
bytes.chunked(8).flatMap { part ->
(0 until part.size - 1).map {
(part[it + 1] + ((part[0] and (1 shl (it)).toByte()) shl 7)).toByte()
// FIXME: it is not implemented in ALL platforms yet
// replace it with these once ktor-utils 3.0.0 is released to all our target platforms
fun decodeZlib(bytes: ByteArray): List =
fun encodeZlib(bytes: ByteArray): List =
fun decodeZlibMcoded7(body: List) = decodeZlib(decodeMcoded7(body).toByteArray())
fun encodeToZlibMcoded7(data: List) = encodeToMcoded7(encodeZlib(data.toByteArray()).toList())
expect fun decodeZlibWorkaround(bytes: ByteArray): ByteArray
expect fun encodeZlibWorkaround(bytes: ByteArray): ByteArray
object PropertySetAccess {
const val NONE = "none"
const val FULL = "full"
const val PARTIAL = "partial"
object PropertyResourceFields {
const val RESOURCE = "resource"
const val CAN_GET = "canGet"
const val CAN_SET = "canSet"
const val CAN_SUBSCRIBE = "canSubscribe"
const val REQUIRE_RES_ID = "requireResId"
const val MEDIA_TYPE = "mediaTypes"
const val ENCODINGS = "encodings"
const val SCHEMA = "schema"
const val CAN_PAGINATE = "canPaginate"
const val COLUMNS = "columns"
object PropertyResourceColumnFields {
const val PROPERTY = "property"
const val LINK = "link"
const val TITLE = "title"
class PropertyResourceColumn {
var title: String = ""
var property: String? = null
var link: String? = null
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
val o = if (other is PropertyResourceColumn) other else return false
return title == o.title && property == && link ==
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return title.hashCode() + property.hashCode() + link.hashCode()
fun toJsonValue(): Json.JsonValue = Json.JsonValue(
if (property != null)
Pair(Json.JsonValue(PropertyResourceColumnFields.PROPERTY), Json.JsonValue(property ?: ""))
Pair(Json.JsonValue(PropertyResourceColumnFields.LINK), Json.JsonValue(link ?: "")),
Pair(Json.JsonValue(PropertyResourceColumnFields.TITLE), Json.JsonValue(title))
data class SubscriptionEntry(val resource: String, val muid: Int, val encoding: String?, val subscribeId: String)