commonMain.DiscordBitSet.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dev.kord.common
import dev.kord.common.serialization.LongOrStringSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveKind
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveSerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
private const val SAFE_LENGTH = 19
private const val WIDTH = Long.SIZE_BITS
public fun EmptyBitSet(): DiscordBitSet = DiscordBitSet()
internal expect fun formatIntegerFromLittleEndianLongArray(data: LongArray): String
internal expect fun parseNonNegativeIntegerToBigEndianByteArray(value: String): ByteArray
@Serializable(with = DiscordBitSet.Serializer::class)
public class DiscordBitSet(internal var data: LongArray) { // data is in little-endian order
public val isEmpty: Boolean
get() = data.all { it == 0L }
public val value: String get() = formatIntegerFromLittleEndianLongArray(data)
public val size: Int
get() = data.size * WIDTH
public val binary: String
get() = { it.toULong().toString(radix = 2).padStart(length = ULong.SIZE_BITS, '0') }
.joinToString(separator = "")
.ifEmpty { "0" }
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other !is DiscordBitSet) return false
// trailing zeros are ignored -> getOrZero
for (i in 0..= 0)
if (index >= size) return false
val indexOfWidth = index / WIDTH
val bitIndex = index % WIDTH
return data[indexOfWidth] and (1L shl bitIndex) != 0L
public operator fun contains(other: DiscordBitSet): Boolean {
for ((index, value) in {
if ((this.getOrZero(index) and value) != value) return false
return true
public operator fun set(index: Int, value: Boolean) {
require(index >= 0)
val indexOfWidth = index / WIDTH
if (index >= size) data = data.copyOf(indexOfWidth + 1)
val bitIndex = index % WIDTH
val prev = data[indexOfWidth]
data[indexOfWidth] = if (value) prev or (1L shl bitIndex) else prev and (1L shl bitIndex).inv()
public operator fun plus(another: DiscordBitSet): DiscordBitSet {
val copy = DiscordBitSet(data.copyOf())
return copy
public operator fun minus(another: DiscordBitSet): DiscordBitSet {
val copy = DiscordBitSet(data.copyOf())
return copy
public fun add(another: DiscordBitSet) {
if ( > data.size) data = data.copyOf(
for (i in {
data[i] = data[i] or[i]
public fun remove(another: DiscordBitSet) {
for (i in 0.. {
override val descriptor = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("dev.kord.common.DiscordBitSet", PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: DiscordBitSet) = encoder.encodeString(value.value)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder) =
public fun DiscordBitSet(vararg widths: Long): DiscordBitSet {
return DiscordBitSet(widths)
public fun DiscordBitSet(value: String): DiscordBitSet {
if (value.length <= SAFE_LENGTH) {// fast path
return DiscordBitSet(longArrayOf(value.toULong().toLong()))
val bytes = parseNonNegativeIntegerToBigEndianByteArray(value)
val longSize = (bytes.size / Long.SIZE_BYTES) + 1
val destination = LongArray(longSize)
var longIndex = -1
bytes.reversed().forEachIndexed { index, byte ->
val offset = index % Long.SIZE_BYTES
if (offset == 0) {
longIndex += 1
destination[longIndex] =
(destination[longIndex].toULong() or (byte.toUByte().toULong() shl offset * Byte.SIZE_BITS)).toLong()
return DiscordBitSet(destination)
"Replaced by 'DiscordBitSet.serializer()'.",
ReplaceWith("DiscordBitSet.serializer()", imports = ["dev.kord.common.DiscordBitSet"]),
public object DiscordBitSetSerializer : KSerializer by DiscordBitSet.Serializer