Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2016-2024 Daniel Urban and contributors listed in NOTICE.txt
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.tauri.choam
package data
import scala.collection.immutable.{ Map => ScalaMap }
import cats.kernel.Order
import cats.collections.AvlMap
import dev.tauri.choam.Rxn
import dev.tauri.choam.RefLike
import dev.tauri.choam.Axn
private final class SimpleOrderedMap[K, V] private (
repr: Ref[AvlMap[K, V]]
)(implicit K: Order[K]) extends Map.UnsealedMapExtra[K, V] { self =>
final override def put: Rxn[(K, V), Option[V]] = {
repr.upd[(K, V), Option[V]] { (m, kv) =>
(m + kv, m.get(kv._1))
final override def putIfAbsent: Rxn[(K, V), Option[V]] = {
repr.upd[(K, V), Option[V]] { (m, kv) =>
m.get(kv._1) match {
case None =>
(m + kv, None)
case s @ Some(_) =>
(m, s)
final override def replace: Rxn[(K, V, V), Boolean] = {
repr.upd[(K, V, V), Boolean] { (m, kvv) =>
m.get(kvv._1) match {
case None =>
(m, false)
case Some(v) if equ(v, kvv._2) =>
(m + ((kvv._1, kvv._3)), true)
case _ =>
(m, false)
final override def get: Rxn[K, Option[V]] = {
repr.upd[K, Option[V]] { (m, k) =>
(m, m.get(k))
final override def del: Rxn[K, Boolean] = {
repr.upd[K, Boolean] { (m, k) =>
val newM = m.remove(k)
val existing = m.get(k)
(newM, existing.isDefined)
final override def remove: Rxn[(K, V), Boolean] = {
repr.upd[(K, V), Boolean] { (m, kv) =>
m.get(kv._1) match {
case None =>
(m, false)
case Some(v) if equ(v, kv._2) =>
(m.remove(kv._1), true)
case _ =>
(m, false)
final override def clear: Axn[Unit] =
repr.update(_ => AvlMap.empty[K, V])
final override def values(implicit V: Order[V]): Axn[Vector[V]] = { { am =>
val vb = Vector.newBuilder[V]
am.foldLeft(()) { (_, kv) =>
vb += kv._2
final override def refLike(key: K, default: V): RefLike[V] = new RefLike[V] {
final def get: Axn[V] =
final def upd[B, C](f: (V, B) => (V, C)): B =#> C = {
Rxn.computed[B, C] { (b: B) =>
repr.modify { am =>
val currVal = am.get(key).getOrElse(default)
val (newVal, c) = f(currVal, b)
if (equ(newVal, default)) (am.remove(key), c)
else (am + ((key, newVal)), c)
final def updWith[B, C](f: (V, B) => Axn[(V, C)]): B =#> C = {
Rxn.computed[B, C] { (b: B) =>
repr.modifyWith { am =>
val currVal = am.get(key).getOrElse(default)
f(currVal, b).map {
case (newVal, c) =>
if (equ(newVal, default)) (am.remove(key), c)
else (am + ((key, newVal)), c)
private[data] final def unsafeSnapshot: Axn[ScalaMap[K, V]] = { { am =>
// NB: ScalaMap won't use our
// Order; this is one reason why
// this method is `unsafe`.
val b = ScalaMap.newBuilder[K, V]
am.foldLeft(()) { (_, kv) =>
b += (kv)
private object SimpleOrderedMap {
final def apply[K: Order, V]: Axn[Map.Extra[K, V]] = {
Ref.unpadded(AvlMap.empty[K, V]).map(new SimpleOrderedMap(_))