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* Copyright 2019-2023 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.query
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import zio.{Cause, Chunk, Exit}
import scala.collection.compat._
import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
* A `CompletedRequestMap` is a universally quantified mapping from requests of
* type `Request[E, A]` to results of type `Exit[E, A]` for all types `E` and
* `A`. The guarantee is that for any request of type `Request[E, A]`, if there
* is a corresponding value in the map, that value is of type `Exit[E, A]`. This
* is used by the library to support data sources that return different result
* types for different requests while guaranteeing that results will be of the
* type requested.
sealed abstract class CompletedRequestMap { self =>
protected val map: collection.Map[Any, Exit[Any, Any]]
* Appends the specified result to the completed requests map.
* @deprecated
* Usage of this method is deprecated as it leads to performance
* degradation. Prefer using one of the constructors in the companion object
* instead
@deprecated("Use one of the constructors in the companion object instead. See scaladoc for more info", "0.7.0")
final def ++(that: CompletedRequestMap): CompletedRequestMap =
new CompletedRequestMap.Immutable(immutable.HashMap.from(map) ++
* Returns whether a result exists for the specified request.
final def contains(request: Any): Boolean =
* Whether the completed requests map is empty.
final def isEmpty: Boolean =
* Appends the specified result to the completed requests map.
* @deprecated
* Usage of this method is deprecated as it leads to performance
* degradation. Prefer using one of the constructors in the companion object
* instead
@deprecated("Use one of the constructors in the companion object instead. See scaladoc for more info", "0.7.0")
final def insert[E, A](request: Request[E, A], result: Exit[E, A]): CompletedRequestMap =
new CompletedRequestMap.Immutable(immutable.HashMap.from(map).updated(request, result))
* Appends the specified optional result to the completed request map.
* @deprecated
* Usage of this method is deprecated as it leads to performance
* degradation. Prefer using one of the constructors in the companion object
* instead
@deprecated("Use one of the constructors in the companion object instead. See scaladoc for more info", "0.7.0")
final def insertOption[E, A](request: Request[E, A], result: Exit[E, Option[A]]): CompletedRequestMap =
result match {
case Exit.Failure(e) => insert(request, Exit.failCause(e))
case Exit.Success(Some(a)) => insert(request, Exit.succeed(a))
case Exit.Success(None) => self
* Retrieves the result of the specified request if it exists.
final def lookup[E, A](request: Request[E, A]): Option[Exit[E, A]] =
map.get(request).asInstanceOf[Option[Exit[E, A]]]
* Collects all requests in a set.
final def requests: Set[Request[_, _]] =
map.keySet.asInstanceOf[Set[Request[_, _]]]
final override def toString: String =
s"CompletedRequestMap(${map.mkString(", ")})"
final private[query] def underlying: collection.Map[Request[?, ?], Exit[Any, Any]] =
map.asInstanceOf[collection.Map[Request[?, ?], Exit[Any, Any]]]
object CompletedRequestMap {
def apply[E, A](entries: (Request[E, A], Exit[E, A])*): CompletedRequestMap =
entries match {
case Seq() => empty
case Seq((req, resp)) => single(req, resp)
case _ => fromIterable(entries)
val empty: CompletedRequestMap =
new Immutable(immutable.HashMap.empty)
* Combines all completed request maps into a single one.
* This method is left-associated, meaning that if a request is present in
* multiple maps, it will be overriden by the last map in the list.
def combine(maps: Iterable[CompletedRequestMap]): CompletedRequestMap = {
val map = Mutable.empty(maps.foldLeft(0)(_ +
* Constructs a completed requests map that "dies" all the specified requests
* with the specified throwable
def die[E, A](requests: Chunk[Request[E, A]], error: Throwable): CompletedRequestMap = {
val map = Mutable.empty(requests.size)
val exit = Exit.die(error)
requests.foreach(map.update(_, exit))
* Constructs a completed requests map that fails all the specified requests
* with the specified error
def fail[E, A](requests: Chunk[Request[E, A]], error: E): CompletedRequestMap = {
val map = Mutable.empty(requests.size)
val exit =
requests.foreach(map.update(_, exit))
* Constructs a completed requests map that fails all the specified requests
* with the specified cause
def failCause[E, A](requests: Chunk[Request[E, A]], cause: Cause[E]): CompletedRequestMap = {
val map = Mutable.empty(requests.size)
val exit = Exit.failCause(cause)
requests.foreach(map.update(_, exit))
* Constructs a completed requests map from the specified results.
def fromIterable[E, A](iterable: Iterable[(Request[E, A], Exit[E, A])]): CompletedRequestMap =
* Constructs a completed requests map from the specified optional results.
def fromIterableOption[E, A](iterable: Iterable[(Request[E, A], Exit[E, Option[A]])]): CompletedRequestMap = {
val map = Mutable.empty(iterable.size)
iterable.foreach {
case (request, Exit.Failure(e)) => map.update(request, Exit.failCause(e))
case (request, Exit.Success(Some(a))) => map.update(request, Exit.succeed(a))
case (_, Exit.Success(None)) => ()
* Constructs a completed requests map an iterable of A and functions that map
* each A to a request and a result
* @param f1
* function that maps each element of A to a request
* @param f2
* function that maps each element of A to an Exit, e.g., Exit.succeed(_)
def fromIterableWith[E, A, B](
iterable: Iterable[A]
f1: A => Request[E, B],
f2: A => Exit[E, B]
): CompletedRequestMap = {
val map = Mutable.empty(iterable.size)
iterable.foreach(req => map.update(f1(req), f2(req)))
* Constructs a completed requests map containing a single entry
def single[E, A](request: Request[E, A], exit: Exit[E, A]): CompletedRequestMap =
new Immutable(immutable.HashMap((request, exit)))
* Unsafe API for constructing completed request maps.
* Constructing a [[CompletedRequestMap]] via these methods can improve
* performance in some cases as they allow skipping the creation of
* intermediate `Iterable[ Tuple2[_, _] ]`.
* NOTE: These methods are marked as unsafe because they do not check that the
* requests and responses are of the same size. It is the responsibility of
* the caller to ensure that the provided requests maps elements 1-to-1 to the
* responses.
val unsafe: UnsafeApi = new UnsafeApi {}
trait UnsafeApi {
def fromExits[E, A](requests: Chunk[Request[E, A]], responses: Chunk[Exit[E, A]]): CompletedRequestMap =
fromWith(requests, responses)(identity, identity)
def fromSuccesses[E, A](requests: Chunk[Request[E, A]], responses: Chunk[A]): CompletedRequestMap =
fromWith(requests, responses)(identity, Exit.succeed)
def fromWith[E, A1, A2, B](requests: Chunk[A1], responses: Chunk[A2])(
f1: A1 => Request[E, B],
f2: A2 => Exit[E, B]
): CompletedRequestMap = {
val size = requests.size min responses.size
val map = Mutable.empty(size)
val reqs = requests.chunkIterator
val resps = responses.chunkIterator
var i = 0
while (i < size) {
map.update(f1(reqs.nextAt(i)), f2(resps.nextAt(i)))
i += 1
final private class Immutable(override protected val map: immutable.HashMap[Any, Exit[Any, Any]])
extends CompletedRequestMap
final private[query] class Mutable private (
override protected val map: mutable.HashMap[Any, Exit[Any, Any]]
) extends CompletedRequestMap { self =>
import UtilsVersionSpecific._
def addAll(that: CompletedRequestMap): Unit =
if (!that.isEmpty)
def update[E, A](request: Request[E, A], exit: Exit[E, A]): Unit =
map.update(request, exit)
private[query] object Mutable {
def apply(map: mutable.HashMap[Any, Exit[Any, Any]]): CompletedRequestMap.Mutable =
new Mutable(map)
def empty(size: Int): CompletedRequestMap.Mutable =
new Mutable(UtilsVersionSpecific.newHashMap(size))